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Barbara Fillip

Dare to share! - 34 views

I have 500+ resources tagged as "KM". I'd be happy to share them but I have two questions: 1. If I put them all at once, those who receive regular updates will be flooded with updates, no?...Should...

Stephen Dale

How To Compare e-Book Platforms - iLibrarian Series | iLibrarian - 0 views

    This is a roundup of the 3-part series I wrote on How To Compare e-Book Platforms. I've since had a lot of questions and comments on these articles, so I wanted to list them all in one place as well as provide my full presentation on the topic.

How To Get The Best Aeration In Your Fish Tank - 0 views

    How To Get The Best Aeration In Your Fish Tank
Child Therapy

Coaching Both Parent And Child - 1 views

I want to see my kid happy and grow to his full potential. That is why, when I see him having trouble opening up to me or to other people, I feel bad as a parent. I feel that I am not doing a good ...

started by Child Therapy on 28 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Todd Suomela

News Item - Employers squandering the talents of workers - 0 views

  • Too many employers are poorly equipped to weather the recession because they use workers’ skills and talents poorly, tie them up in rules and procedures, and give them little say over how they do their work, The Work Foundation says today.A major new survey of the work-lives of 2011 workers found that:• 40 per cent of employees have more skills than their jobs require.• 65 per cent of workers said the primary characteristic of the organisations they worked for was ‘rule and policy bound’ – though just five per cent said this was their preference. • 40 per cent said they had little or no flexibility over the hours they worked.• 20 per cent of graduates are in ‘low knowledge content’ jobs.
  • ‘So far in this recession employers have been reluctant to lose the skills, talents and experience of their workforces. Yet at the same time they seem to be failing to make the most of them. Many people could be doing more, but are denied the chance to do so.‘To keep job losses to a minimum, organisations should be taking full advantage of widespread opportunities to give people more responsibility, move away from rules and procedure-based workplace cultures, and re-organise work and use new technologies to give individuals more flexibility over hours. More autonomy for people and less intensive management should be the order of the day – in other words greater use of the principles of good work. Trapping so many workers in roles in which their skills and abilities are poorly matched with their jobs is a waste both of economic potential and human possibility.’
Maxwell Drain

Knowledge Management and the Academy - 0 views

    Universities and colleges generate extraordinary quantities of knowledge and innovation, but in many ways the academy struggles to keep pace with the digital revolution. Growing pressures are reshaping how universities must do business-students expecting enhanced access and support, administrators eager to make data-driven strategic decisions, researchers working in virtual global collaboratories, faculty looking for ways to assess learning outcomes, and computer hackers probing networks for vulnerabilities.
Vahid Masrour

How to Prepare Your College for an Uncertain Digital Future - Technology - The Chronicl... - 0 views

shared by Vahid Masrour on 07 Jan 10 - Cached
  • I think one of the big new roles for libraries in the future is going to be helping our local communities to publish and make accessible materials that they're creating locally here in ways that can be consumed by people out there in the world.
    about a university trying to keep its organizational memory together.

How to Track Changes in a Knowledge Base - 0 views

    Version control will help you track the changes when multiple users are working on the same document. The differences will be highlighted in red and green colors. (Red indicates content that has been removed; green shows the newly added content). The articles are prone to human error and versioning helps to bring back / recover the document to a healthy state.
Stephen Dale

How to kill innovation, in five easy steps | TechRepublic - 0 views

    Innovation is the life blood of most organizations in the 21st century, but most of them regularly do things to snuff out innovation wherever it rears its head. Here are five of the main culprits.
Stephen Dale

Learning Organization Survey - 0 views

    "Thank you for your interest in the Learning Organization Survey. This is a complete version of the survey described in our Harvard Business Review article "Is Yours a Learning Organization?" The survey is meant only for your personal benefit, and your answers will not be used or seen by anyone other than yourself. It is our hope the survey results will provide a starting point to help you assess how well your organization meets the criteria for being a learning organization, especially in comparison to the benchmarks we have established in previous research. The output you receive will show your own scores on every learning building block as well as the corresponding benchmark scores; the benchmark medians and quartiles you will see after completing this survey are the very same ones that appear in our article. Please note that because your results will be based solely on your own perceptions of your organization's learning environment, processes, and leadership, they may differ from the results of other employees within the organization."
Stephen Dale

weelearning - 0 views

    "Whether you work in the public, private or charity sectors. We all face similar challenges when we try to bring in new ideas and technology. Share your stories and find out how others have overcome the barriers"

Read - Reinventing Organizations - 2 views

    "The emergence of a  new organizational model You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

Buy Verified Cashapp Accounts by Francis Held on Dribbble - 0 views

    You can also set up a profile so that others can see what you're doing with your account. Once you have everything set up, all you need to do is start promoting your account. You can do this by sharing your link with friends and family or by posting it on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. When people click on your link and sign up for an account, they'll be able to use your referral code when they make their first purchase. And that's it! You'll earn cash back every time someone uses your referral code when they buy something from CashApp.
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