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Gregory Culpin

L'Entreprise 2.0 pour préparer la reprise (part II) - Whitepaper à télécharger - 0 views

    Dans un monde des affaires en perpétuelle mutation, la connaissance devient un capital essentiel pour toute organisation. Leur survie et croissance passe par la mise en place de solutions optimisant la collaboration et la gestion des connaissances. Forts de ce constat, nous avons récemment travaillé à l'écriture de notre premier livre blanc (disponible en anglais uniquement). Il se veut être une analyse des avantages liés à l'introduction d'outils de l'Entreprise 2.0, et positionne la gestion collaborative des connaissances comme une solution stable et durable, plus particulièrement en ces périodes de tumulte économique.
Gregory Culpin

Using Enterprise 2.0 to prepare for recovery (part II) - Whitepaper to download - 0 views

    In a business world where change is constant, knowledge becomes an essential asset for any organization. Survival and growth require the development of solutions that will optimize collaboration and knowledge management.\n\nFocussing on this topic we recently produced our first whitepaper. It analyses the benefits associated with the introduction of Enterprise 2.0 solutions, and positions the collaborative management of knowledge as a stable and lasting solution, especially in these times of economic tumult.
Stephen Dale

Enterprise Social Networking, Online Collaboration & Social Intranet - 0 views

    "MangoApps is a great way to share files, thoughts, and collaborate with people both inside and outside our organization. It is like the merger of facebook and LinkedIn, but without all the garbage and distractions.""
Stephen Dale

Twyfords - Specialists in Collaboration #pkm - 0 views

    Creating enduring solutions through collaboration.
Stephen Dale

Free Online Collaboration Tool | Samepage - 2 views

    Samepage helps your team do a lot more than communicate. It ties your team's conversations together with images, tasks, maps, files, videos, calendars, and more - all on one beautifully simple and easy-to-use page. Create and share pages with the public, the whole company, or just your team. Enterprise-level security keeps your data safe.
Vahid Masrour

Beth's Blog: More on Collaborative Knowledge Capture for Conferences Using Social Media... - 0 views

    Collaborative Knowledge Capture for Conferences Using Social Media Tools
Vahid Masrour

How 3M Encourages Collaboration - BusinessWeek - 1 views

    Classical Knowledge Management in action. Cool stuff.
Barbara Fillip

Federal Knowledge Management Wiki - 0 views

    Interesting that it seems to have been set up by NASA even though it looks like a tool for collaborating around KM across federal government agencies.
Vahid Masrour

A Better Way to Manage Knowledge - John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison -... - 2 views

  • most knowledge managers lost sight of the fact that the real value is in creating new knowledge
  • the last thing the world needs is another knowledge management scheme focusing on capturing knowledge that already exists
    • Vahid Masrour
      i beg to differ. It might not be the LAST thing. Learning from past mistakes is still useful, as is avoiding to rebuild the wheel. 
  • What we need are new approaches to creating knowledge, ones that take advantage of the new digital infrastructure's ability to lower the interaction costs among us all — ones that mobilize big, diverse groups of participants to innovate and create new value.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • new knowledge comes into being when people who share passions for a given endeavor interact and collaborate around difficult performance challenges.
    • Vahid Masrour
      the need for mission driven group/team interaction
  • creation spaces, heavily relying on shared network platforms, provide tools and forums for knowledge creation while at the same time capturing the discussion, analysis, and actions in ways that make it easier to share across a broader range of participants.
  • This focus on knowledge creation shifts the motivations of participants. Knowledge management systems desperately try to persuade participants to invest time and effort to contribute existing knowledge with the vague and long-term promise that they themselves might eventually derive value from the contributions of others. In contrast, creation spaces focus on providing immediate value to participants in terms of helping them tackle difficult performance challenges while at the same time reducing the effort required to capture and disseminate the knowledge created.
Stephen Dale

A Collection of 50+ Enterprise 2.0 Case Studies and Examples - 0 views

    Case study library of KM and Collaboration projects.
Michael Nezet

Invention Machine Goldfire : The Innovation Software Company - 0 views

    An innovation software that combines proven innovation workflows and collaboration capabilities with precise access to corporate and external knowledge.
Peter J. Bury

GISWatch |Where are we watching? - 0 views

    GISWatch is a collaborative community committed to building an open, inclusive and sustainable information society
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