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Barbara Fillip

Dare to share! - 34 views

I have 500+ resources tagged as "KM". I'd be happy to share them but I have two questions: 1. If I put them all at once, those who receive regular updates will be flooded with updates, no?...Should...


How To Get The Best Aeration In Your Fish Tank - 0 views

    How To Get The Best Aeration In Your Fish Tank
Vahid Masrour

Learning From Social Networks - Talent Management - 2 views

    potentially interesting take on using social networks to get KM and learning done. 
Joelle Nebbe-Mornod

Topicmarks: A Cool Web Tool To Help You Summarize Long Documents - 3 views

    Topicmarks is a web tool that will help you summarize English text. It will also store the summaries in its storage space under your account forever - for free, unless you decide to discard items. However, the developer does have a plan to charge "heavy users" in the future. With the help of Topicmarks' "summarizing engine", you can get the idea of a long article in a snap - without the trouble of going through the original text. There are several methods you can use to submit texts that you want the Topicmarks engine to summarize. The first one is by uploading the text file from your computer. Topicmarks can handle text from several different kinds of file format. These include Adobe Acrobat PDF (.pdf), Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), OpenOffice ODF text (.odt), Hypertext Markup Language (.htm, .html), and of course Plain text (.txt).
Stephen Mark

List of CBSE Helpline Numbers for Students outside India - 0 views

    Students come across mental stress and anxiety during the examination period. CBSE exam will start on 1st March 2012 and will end up in the month of April, 2012. The crucial period will bring challenges before students appearing for the exams. The dream to pull of good grades often gets distorted under extreme tension.
Stephen Mark

Students Expectation with CBSE 10th Results - 0 views

    Read students hope and expectation for 10th class result of CBSE board, along with expected marks, score in science, maths, social science and other subjects. Check Extraminds to get result news
Stephen Mark

CBSE Verification Forms for Rechecking Exam Papers - 0 views

    Get details about CBSE verification form for re-evaluation of exam papers, fees per subject, forms available in CBSE website.
Stephen Mark

CAT 2012 Dates Declared - 0 views

    Get CAT 2012 exam dates, syllabus of common admission test, CAT score accepting institues, vouchers for CAT exam, online CAT exam etc on Extraminds
Stephen Mark

School Textbooks to Include Stories of Moral Values - 0 views

    Upcoming NCERT textbooks include moral stories, latest media coverage, CBSE news, study guides and many more media reports. Get more news on textbooks for new academic sessions, sourcse and prices.
Stephen Mark

Verify Details and Collect Admit Card for AIEEE 2012 - 0 views

    Verify your AIEEE exam 2012 details from official AIEEE website, get information to collect Admit Card, check list of online and offline examination centers and other info on AIEEE exam.
Stephen Mark

CAT 2012 Registration Date - 0 views

    Get final registration date of CAT 2012, CAT voucher, details of CAT coaching centers and other information from official website of CAT.
Stephen Mark

CBSE Results to Be Announced Soon - 0 views

    Get CBSE results news of 12th result, 10th results, CBSE proficiency test 2012 and many more about Central Board of Secondary Education.
Vahid Masrour

2-5-1 Storytelling | Future Business - 0 views

  • 2 Who you are Summary of your experience 5 fingers Little finger – what parts of the effort did not get enough attention Ring finger – What relationships were formed, what you learned about relationship building Middle finger – what you disliked, what/who made you frustrated Pointer finger – what you would do better next time around, what you want to tell those who were “in charge” about what they could do better Thumb (up) – what went well.  What was good. 1 – the most important takeaway from the effort
Vahid Masrour

JSTOR: Organization Science: Vol. 7, No. 5 (Sep. - Oct., 1996), pp. 502-518 - 0 views

    this sounds really amazing. I need to get it!
Vahid Masrour

Barriers to Change in Organizations - 0 views

    types of personnalities that get in the way of organizational change
Vahid Masrour

ISLS International Society of the Learning Sciences - 0 views

    i don't exactly get what they do, just in case...
Vahid Masrour

Business Rule Solutions (BRS) | Business Rule Books | Business Rule Concepts: Getting t... - 0 views

    intriguing: combining BPM with KM.

Buy Verified Cashapp Accounts by Francis Held on Dribbble - 0 views

    You can also set up a profile so that others can see what you're doing with your account. Once you have everything set up, all you need to do is start promoting your account. You can do this by sharing your link with friends and family or by posting it on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. When people click on your link and sign up for an account, they'll be able to use your referral code when they make their first purchase. And that's it! You'll earn cash back every time someone uses your referral code when they buy something from CashApp.
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