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Gary Colet

Ten demonstrable truths about the workplace you may not know - 1 views

    Given that innovation is rarely a solitary endeavour, this article dispels some commonly held perceptions about how physical space affects connections in the workplace.
Gary Colet

Systems Thinking primer animation - 1 views

    A great introduction to Systems Thinking. Uses healthcare interventions as an example.
Gary Colet

Building A Network To Solve Education | Digital Tonto - 0 views

    innovation is combination. The story of another KIN network in education.
Gary Colet

Is It Time To Rethink The Scientific Method? | Digital Tonto - 0 views

    Interesting article about how innovation is being democratised through wide accessibility to big/open data
Gary Colet

AI Is Inventing Languages Humans Can't Understand. Should We Stop It? - 0 views

    Should we be concerned about 'divergent AI language' that humans can't understand?
Gary Colet

Knowledge management failure factors - 0 views

    Interesting read, but misses the 2 key factors: Lack of 'embedding knowledge sharing in the day to day business process instead of separate from it and the 'KM' title itself . If you have to explain it to a manager or engineer etc, you have a problem.
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