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Competence of Prospective Science Teachers in Reflecting on Science Teaching and Learni... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to reveal the competence of prospective science teachers in reflecting on science teaching and learning activities at SMP/MTs. Background Problems: The ability to reflect on students' behaviour, providing an overview of the knowledge of prospective teachers to prepare a series of activities, methods or learning models that help students get a pleasant learning experience. Novelty: Observations and reflections use observation and reflection sheets which include the following components: (1) Activities carried out by students in gaining knowledge; (2) the efforts of students to understand the learning material; (3) the activities of students in communicating the results of their thoughts; and (4) reflective thinking skills of students. Research Methods: The type of survey research with the subject is 21 prospective science teachers who take internship course two at the Tadris IPA study program IAIN Bengkulu. The activity design provides opportunities for future teachers to observe and reflect on learning activities at several schools in Bengkulu City. Finding/Results: The results of this reflection are given a quality score and categorized under conditions of (1) Very Good; (2) Good; (3) Fairly Good; and (4) Not Good. The results showed that the competence of prospective science teachers in reflecting on students' learning activities in science subjects was in the excellent category. Conclusion: The ability of future science teachers who are very good at remembering students' learning activities has implications for the ability to prepare appropriate learning activities for students so that they can provide a fun learning for students.
Jeff Johnson

Silencing the Students - 0 views

    For the first time since 1964, Democrats actually have a chance of winning Virginia's 13 electoral votes. Barack Obama is up 4.8% according to the Real Clear Politics average, and according to Nate Silver, Virginia could be one of this election's decisive swing states. And, in a state with 161 colleges and 483,159 students, the predominantly Democratic youth vote could play a huge role in tipping the election Obama's way. But there's a hold-up: Virginia's local laws make it exceedingly difficult for students to register in their college towns. Indeed, though other states like Idaho and Tennessee also make student registration so difficult as to border on disenfranchisement, the barriers to student voter registration in Virginia are, some experts say, some of the most problematic in the country.
Peggy George

Campaign 2004: Classroom Electorate - Social Studies Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activi... - 0 views

    Excellent lesson plan for gr. 9-12 where students take on role of political analyst. Designed for 2004 election but could easily be modified for 2008. Another great lesson plan from HotChalk.
    comprehensive lesson plan for gr. 9-12 including assessment, discussion questions, etc. Overview Students take on the role of a political analyst, forecasting the electoral vote count for the 2004 presidential election. In order to make a prediction, students are introduced to campaign issues, the Electoral College, the role of swing states, and the importance of political participation. The lesson plan includes a fun, interactive classroom competition where students make electoral predictions and compare with the actual results following the November 2nd voting deadline.
Jeff Johnson

Writing Our Future: Letters to the Next President - 0 views

    Letters to the Next President: Writing Our Future is an online writing and publishing project for students, ages 13 - 18, co-sponsored by Google and the National Writing Project. We invited young people to write about the issues and concerns that they feel are central to their future, issues they would hope our next president would act on. Topics were chosen by the students themselves to reflect their specific personal, regional, and age-related interests. Teachers and mentors guided students through the process of writing a persuasive letter or essay to the presidential candidates using Google Docs.
Jeff Johnson

Predict Electoral College Votes ( - 0 views

    Have students review the origin, purpose and function of the Electoral College. Ask students: What is the "winner take all" system? Are there any states that do not follow this system? If so, how do they determine their electoral vote allocation? How many electoral votes are needed to win the presidency? Next, divide students into small groups and assign each group a current swing state in the 2008 presidential race. Consult the CNN Electoral Map Calculator for a list of swing states. Then, refer groups to online resources, including CNN's Election Center 2008 on the CNN Politics site, to identify the following for their assigned swing state: * the number of electoral votes that are up for grabs * the state's key political issues * the U.S. presidential candidates' stances on these key issues * the state's demographic composition * the state's voting record in past presidential elections
Jeff Johnson

Education Week: Historic Election and New Tech Tools Yield Promising Vistas for Learning - 0 views

    Just as the candidates have learned to use novel technology tools to reach young people during this year's presidential campaign, teachers like Mr. Sherif are turning to electronic resources to capture students' interest in the election. At the same time, they want to help students decipher the barrage of related images and information and to engage them in lessons about the democratic process today and throughout American history. "The technology is fun and helpful, but it's also a tool you can use to get a better understanding of what the political and historical issues are," said Mr. Sherif, who teaches history and science at the Science Leadership Academy, a public high school in Philadelphia.
Anne Bubnic

Propaganda Techniques in Literature and Online Political Ads - 0 views

    In this lesson, students draw conclusions from an analysis of propaganda techniques used in a piece of literature-such as the novel Brave New World, the play The Crucible, or the movie Dr. Strangelove-and political advertisements posted on the Internet. Students also make connections to their own world by looking for examples of propaganda in other media, such as print ads and commercials.
Peggy George

Piggy Tale Election Social Studies Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activity, Worksheet, or ... - 0 views

    Nice basic lesson plan for K-2 students to help them understand the concept of voting on a ballot and having a reason for voting the way they did.
    Lesson plan for K-2 students from HotChalk lesson plans page. Uses 3 little pics and asks kids to vote on which version of the story they believe. Helps kids understand what happens when you vote on a ballot.
Jeff Johnson

Elections (ECB Surf Report) - 0 views

    As the November elections approach, here are some Web sites to help you get your students interested and involved. Elementary Middle and High School Election History
Peggy George

CongressLink: [Congressional Elections] Lesson Plan: Elect Me! Creating a Campaign Plat... - 0 views

    Another great lesson plan from the Dirksen Congressional Center's Congress in the Classroom workshop. Designed for students in grades 8-12.
    During The Dirksen Congressional Center's annual Congress in the Classroom® workshop participants are asked to introduce the lesson plans, resources, and techniques that have proven successful in teaching about Congress in their classrooms.A 2008 participant, Jan Loyd, Cabot Junior High South, Cabot, AR, presented a lesson entitled, "Elect Me! Creating a Campaign Platform and Advertisement." Students will be a candidate for an election as a United States Representative or Senator in the upcoming election. They will need to decide which party fits their political views best. Next, they will plan and present a 3-5 minute campaign commercial about them as a candidate, their platform, and why the voters should vote for them.

US Treasury Dept. Middle School Money Math Lessons - 22 views

The US Treasury Department has introduced Middle School Money Math Lessons to equip students with essential financial literacy skills. These lessons are structured to fit into classroom schedules e...

Math middle_school lessons

Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Sign In to Discussing Current Events - Discussing Current Events - 2 views

    High school students discuss current events
Anne Bubnic

Obama Works: Online Youth Activism Breeds Local Change [Video] - 0 views

    Obama Works is an independent grassroots organization that helps Obama supporters in neighborhoods across the country to organize community service events. The group was founded in early 2008 by a group of Yale students who were inspired by Barack Obama and felt that the energy surrounding his campaign could be channeled to do more than generate votes.
Emily Kornblut

talkin 'bout - Education for Liberation Network - 0 views

    upcoming online discussion for educators and students about the election as a teachable moment.
Lucy Gray

Urban Prep's "Little Obamas" Video Blog - 0 views

    Here's a blog from Urban Prep students; this school is part of the network of schools with which I work.
Peggy George

Education Week: Historic Election and New Tech Tools Yield Promising Vistas for Learning - 0 views

    An excellent article about ways technology is being used to learn about the election and participate in the conversation.
    Both major parties' historic tickets-a black man for president, a woman for vice president-as well as compelling economic and foreign-policy issues are converging with the campaigns' use of text-messaging, online networking, and nontraditional media venues to draw young people into the contest. Teachers have also seized on the opportunity to use the favored devices of today's students in teaching traditional civics lessons along with the 21st-century skills experts say people will need to thrive in the information age. "The idea is to teach kids as young as possible to be able to navigate this increasingly complicated media world by giving them some basic tools for analysis
Cheryl Davis

ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan: Comic Makeovers: Examining Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Gen... - 0 views

    Providing educators and students access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction.
Peggy George

Daily Lesson Plan-The Vice Voice-Gr. 6-12 - 0 views

    Investigating the Role of Vice President for the 2008 Election; Overview of Lesson Plan: In this lesson, students investigate the role and duties of the vice president of the United States; they then write persuasive essays in favor of one of this year's running mates using supporting evidence from The New York Times. (link for companion lesson for Gr. 3-5 with suggested modifications-PDF)
    Excellent lesson plan from the Learning Network/Teacher Connections on the New York Times site. Great resources, links and discussion questions.
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