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Andrew VanNess

Newspaper Advertising Vs. Radio Advertising - 0 views

    Another article describing the competition between the radio and the newspaper industries. This article shows how radio took on advertisement methods from the newspaper to further its industry.
Andrew VanNess

A Brief History of Advertising in America - 1 views

    This journal article describes how advertisement has changed over the years and how it first appeared in newspapers. Advertisement is an important part of the development of newspapers as it typically brings in a lot of the money for newspapers to continue and grow.
Jenna Peterfeso

The Dire State of the Newspaper Industry [STATS] - 0 views

  • In 2008, newspapers made $37.848 billion. Yes, they made a full $10 billion more last year than they did this year, a staggering drop of 27.2%. Nearly all of that loss was from print:
  • In 2000, newspapers peaked at $48.67 billion in revenue. This came entirely from print
  • The old newspaper model is simply not going to be market-viable as we head deeper in the digital age
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  • News blogs (such as Mashable) and online reporting are the future of journalism.
  • The ones that embrace the online space faster and more effectively have the best chance for survival.
    Statistics on the present state of newspapers. A chart from the Newspaper Association of America showing advertising expenditures.  "Journalism is not dead, it is just evolving."
    Statistics on the present state of newspapers. A chart from the Newspaper Association of America showing advertising expenditures.  "Journalism is not dead, it is just evolving."
Jenna Peterfeso

MSNBC: Finding a way to save the newspaper industry - 0 views

    A short video where Chairman Ratner discusses the state of the newspaper industry. Where people get their news, why did Jeff Bezos buy The Post, daily newspaper circulation, local news, advertising
Andrew VanNess

Online Video Pioneer: News Sites Will Bring Video Out from Paywalls - 0 views

    This article gives us a possible outlook on the future of online newspaper websites. Video journalism is an emerging trend, and it provides greater economical benefits from its advertisements than regular web based ads. This can help move some forms of online news from paywalls to being "free to the public", since they make up for profits with advertisements.
Andrew VanNess

Early American Newspaper Advertisements - 0 views

    This website shows a few pictures of early American newspaper advertisements. Its interesting to see how far newspapers and ads have come since colonial times. These pics could possibly be used in the past section of our pbworks page.
Jenna Peterfeso

The Sorry State of the Newspaper Industry - 0 views

  • The U.S. newspaper industry was already facing numerous challenges before the economy took a nosedive, but the latest data from the Newspaper Association of America shows that the current economic climate has only exacerbated the already dire state of the American newspaper industry.
  • Specifically, total newspaper advertising revenue fell 16.6% in 2008.
  • Classifieds advertising, which is under a lot of pressure from online ventures like Craigslist, fell almost 30%, and real estate classifieds fell 38%.
    A really good, short article with lots of current statistics. 
Jenna Peterfeso

Technology Industry Extends a Hand to Struggling Print Media - - 0 views

  • the tycoons who have led the digital revolution are giving traditional print outlets a hand.
  • Call it a sense of obligation. Or responsibility. Or maybe there is even a twinge of guilt. Helping print journalism adapt to a changed era is becoming a cause du jour among the technology elite.
  • Google, which has been criticized for profiting from news content created by others, began financing journalism fellowships for eight people this year.
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  • are supporting the press because they value it,
  • The founder of Craigslist, the free listing service that helped ruin newspapers’ classified advertising, helped finance a book on ethics for journalists.
  • has been crit
  • Many critics of the newspaper industry say its predicament is its own fault for allowing upstarts like Craigslist to outflank it with better methods for advertising automobiles, rental apartments and other merchandise.
  • Since then, the search giant has been cozying up to journalists in a growing variety of ways, financing reports on the impact of the Internet on journalism, sponsoring journalism conferences and donating to press advocacy groups.
  • But Esther Wojcicki, a teacher of high school journalism for several decades in Palo Alto, Calif., and the mother-in-law of Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google, said the motivations of the tech people supporting the press, many of whom she has spoken to, were more sincere.
Andrew VanNess

Newspapers: By the Numbers - 0 views

    This article from State of the Media gives many different statistics about how the newspaper industry is holding up nowadays. The majority of these statistics are graphs showing how advertisement revenue is increasing and decreasing based upon it being online / print. Most of this information is from 1990 to present day.
Jenna Peterfeso

Careers in the Newspaper Industry - 0 views

    Different jobs available in the newspaper industry. Advertising, business office,circulation, human resources, IT, market development, news, online, and production.
Jenna Peterfeso

HowStuffWorks "How Newspapers Work" - 0 views

    How a newspaper works. Reporter, editor, advertising, etc
Savanna Germain

National Newspaper Association - 0 views

    This website lists some facts and figures about newspapers: Readership, circulation, advertising, etc.
Jenna Peterfeso

Washington Post to be sold to Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon - Washington Post - 1 views

  • Bezos, whose entrepreneurship has made him one of the world’s richest men, will pay $250 million in cash for The Post and affiliated publications to The Washington Post Co., which owns the newspaper and other businesses.
  • The rise of the Internet and the epochal change from print to digital technology have created a massive wave of competition for traditional news companies, scattering readers and advertisers across a radically altered news and information landscape and triggering mergers, bankruptcies and consolidation among the owners of print and broadcasting properties.
  • will take the company private, meaning he will not have to report quarterly earnings to shareholders or be subjected to investors’ demands for ever-rising profits,
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  • Indeed, Bezos’s history of patient investment and long-term strategic thinking made him an attractive buyer, Weymouth said.
  • As such, he will be able to experiment with the paper without the pressure of showing an immediate return on any investment
  • “I don’t want to imply that I have a worked-out plan,” he said. “This will be uncharted terrain, and it will require experimentation.”
    Entrepreneur Jeff Bezos has agreed to buy The Washington post for $250 million cash. Includes the Grahm family's feelings toward the deal and what made Bezo's an attractive buyer.
Jenna Peterfeso

Newspaper Business Model: Unsustainable in Any Form | Adweek - 0 views

  • Most media gurus agree that the paper-and-ink newspaper is on the decline and will eventually become a relic.
  • If a market for news content still exists, it’s believed, newspaper organizations will just have to adapt their methods of delivery.
  • The rationale: people have to get their news from somewhere, right?
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  • The newspaper business model is simply not flexible enough to undergo such a dramatic transformation—especially given the increasingly competitive online news industry.
    An article by Jeff Mascot who believes there is no possible way for the newspaper industry to survive. 
Jenna Peterfeso

Making news pay: Reinventing the newspaper - 0 views

  • This model worked well for a long time. But it has come unstuck in the internet era as readers have shifted their attention to other media, quickly followed by advertisers.
  • It may be a business, but it also plays an important part in a democracy: holding those in power to account, giving voters the information they need to make choices and making markets more efficient.
  • Having long made content available free online, news providers are starting to restrict access to some or all of it to paying subscribers.
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  • A decade ago the idea of a paywall appeared to have been widely discredited.
  • Another option is the “metered paywall”, pioneered by the Financial Times, which lets visitors to its site read ten stories a month before asking them to pay.
    The future of newspapers and issuing a paywall. Also talks about a metered paywall. New business models. 
Samantha VanTassel

As Newspapers and Magazines Struggle, Companies in Other Industries Are Hiring Journali... - 0 views

    How the media business is being transformed and disruptive. How will this new change effect business' revenue and their way of advertisement?
Jenna Peterfeso

Goodbye to Newspapers? - 0 views

  • Its advertising and circulation are being drained away by the Internet, and its owners seem stricken by a failure of the entrepreneurial imagination needed to prosper in the electronic age.
  • Surveys showing that more and more young people get their news from television and computers
  • Rupert Murdoch
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  • but it was the disclosure in May that the Bancroft family, which controls The Wall Street Journal, might be ready to sell him their paper for five billion dollars that really struck at journalism’s soul.
  • . Still, it is on the ownership and management side that the gravest problems exis
    A long article about the present state of newspapers. Includes information about selling the Wall Street Journal to Rupert Murdoch. Includes names of many journalists that may be important. 
Jered Wilcox

The NYT's $150 million-a-year paywall - 0 views

    That's the second quarter in a row that the NYT has set new lows for digital-subs growth (it added 36,000 in the first quarter), signalling that the slowdown is real and circulation revenue growth is no longer quite enough to offset advertising declines. Revenue was down 1 percent from a year ago.
Jered Wilcox

Newspaper self-destruction: Providence Journal edition - 0 views

    If the digital revolution has done nothing else, it has exposed the extent to which American newspapers have relied on their quasi-monopolistic control over local advertising markets to fund news operations. CW Anderson, Emily Bell, and Clay Shirky, in their valuable report last year, called it a "subsidy," and that's a provocative way to put it.
Jered Wilcox

Google's Hal Varian On Newspaper Economics, Would You All Read A Little Longer At Work - 0 views

    The chief economist at Google , Hal Varian, has given an interesting little speech looking into the economics of the newspaper industry. No, they're not entirely doomed, as some think, but they do need some changes. Most importantly, it would be good if we all read them for a little longer while at work each day. The general points made are all entirely reasonable: most of us who have been reading about this subject will know many of them already. Newspaper circulation has been in decline for decades, it's not just the internet. News was never what made the money, it was the advertising in the other parts of the paper that did. The battle is really about, whether online or offline, gaining access to some fragment of our attention span. Gain that and the industry can still be profitable and so on. All good points. But the two that were new to me
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