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Jenna Peterfeso

The Sorry State of the Newspaper Industry - 0 views

  • The U.S. newspaper industry was already facing numerous challenges before the economy took a nosedive, but the latest data from the Newspaper Association of America shows that the current economic climate has only exacerbated the already dire state of the American newspaper industry.
  • Specifically, total newspaper advertising revenue fell 16.6% in 2008.
  • Classifieds advertising, which is under a lot of pressure from online ventures like Craigslist, fell almost 30%, and real estate classifieds fell 38%.
    A really good, short article with lots of current statistics. 
Jenna Peterfeso

NAA March 2013 Study - 0 views

    Data on how young adults are currently accessing news. 
Andrew VanNess

Radio Vs. Newspaper: Different Boats-Different Fates - 1 views

    This is an article describing the competition between the newspaper and radio industries in current times. Basically, the author believes that newspaper doesn't stand a chance with other industries with the rise of the internet and the digital era.
Andrew VanNess

Digitalization of Books and Newspapers - 0 views

    Some more current information about the struggles that the newspaper and the book industry face with the rise of the digital era and the internet.
Andrew VanNess

New Report Names Newspapers as the Fastest Shrinking Industry in America - 0 views

    This is a short article involving the statistics of the newspaper industry. It is the fastest shrinking industry in America, even with the development of online sites and apps for tablets / smart phones.
Andrew VanNess

India's Booming Newspaper Industry - 0 views

    This video describes that while the rest of the world has a major decline in newspaper revenue, India's newspaper industry is actually growing. The youth of India prefer to purchase newspapers, instead of switching over to their digital versions.
Jered Wilcox

Chicago Sun-Times will train reporters on 'iPhone photography basics - 0 views

    After letting go of its entire photo staff Thursday, the Chicago Sun-Times plans to begin mandatory training on "iPhone photography basics." Media writer Robert Feder referred to the training in a Facebook post, and quotes a memo from Editor Craig Newman: "In the coming days and weeks, we'll be working with all editorial employees to train and outfit you as much as possible to produce the content we need."
Jered Wilcox

The Washington Post closes sale to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos - 0 views

  • founder and chief executive Jeffrey P. Bezos formally took over as the owner of The Washington Post on Tuesday, officially ending 80 years of local control of the newspaper by the Graham family.
Jered Wilcox

Jeff Bezos is both right and wrong about why newspapers are like horses - 0 views

    Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says he sees a future in which newspapers are like horses - a luxury item for a small group of people, not a mainstream transportation method - but his analogy is both right and wrong.
Jered Wilcox

Oregonian Ends Daily Home Newspaper Delivery - 0 views

    On Tuesday, most Oregonian subscribers will not find newspapers on their doorsteps. Oct. 1 brings what the Oregonian Media Group calls a "new era of digital journalism."
Jered Wilcox

Google's Hal Varian On Newspaper Economics, Would You All Read A Little Longer At Work - 0 views

    The chief economist at Google , Hal Varian, has given an interesting little speech looking into the economics of the newspaper industry. No, they're not entirely doomed, as some think, but they do need some changes. Most importantly, it would be good if we all read them for a little longer while at work each day. The general points made are all entirely reasonable: most of us who have been reading about this subject will know many of them already. Newspaper circulation has been in decline for decades, it's not just the internet. News was never what made the money, it was the advertising in the other parts of the paper that did. The battle is really about, whether online or offline, gaining access to some fragment of our attention span. Gain that and the industry can still be profitable and so on. All good points. But the two that were new to me
Jered Wilcox

Why Newspaper Stocks are up Big this Year - 0 views

    What do newspaper companies like The Washington Post Company (NYSE: WPO ) , New York Times (NYSE: NYT ) and Gannett (NYSE: GCI ) have in common? Although they are said to be in a dying industry, so far this year all of them have beaten the Standard & Poor's 500 index performance by a wide margin. What is behind the return of newspaper stocks?
Andrew VanNess

How Did the Invention of the Radio Effect the Profitability or Circulation of Newspapers? - 2 views

    This is an article that describes how radio first effected the newspaper, as well as how it has still made an impact on it.
Andrew VanNess

Newspaper Advertising Vs. Radio Advertising - 0 views

    Another article describing the competition between the radio and the newspaper industries. This article shows how radio took on advertisement methods from the newspaper to further its industry.
Andrew VanNess

Rieder: Rich Guys Replace Chains as Newspaper Owners - 0 views

    This is a little article about newspaper chains and how they were run in the past and how they are being dealt with today.
Savanna Germain

Newspapers Currently Received in Print - Resources by Subject - University at Buffalo L... - 0 views

    Website that gives a list of major newspapers that are still printing versus just posting online.
Savanna Germain

Managing decline in the newspaper industry is a familiar story - 2 views

    "I'll probably read a print newspaper until I die. And that's a problem for the newspaper business; its most loyal customers are closer to death than to birth." This is another article about how the newspaper industry is currently doing. It provides statistics for the top newspapers around today.
    Talks about the business aspect of the newspaper industry
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