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Jenna Peterfeso

Goodbye to Newspapers? - 0 views

  • Its advertising and circulation are being drained away by the Internet, and its owners seem stricken by a failure of the entrepreneurial imagination needed to prosper in the electronic age.
  • Surveys showing that more and more young people get their news from television and computers
  • Rupert Murdoch
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • but it was the disclosure in May that the Bancroft family, which controls The Wall Street Journal, might be ready to sell him their paper for five billion dollars that really struck at journalism’s soul.
  • . Still, it is on the ownership and management side that the gravest problems exis
    A long article about the present state of newspapers. Includes information about selling the Wall Street Journal to Rupert Murdoch. Includes names of many journalists that may be important. 
Savanna Germain

Can old media survive the digital revolution? - YouTube - 0 views

    Walt Mossberg from the wall street journal talks about how he doesn't believe that journalism is dying out.
Melinda Snell

Author on the future of newspapers. - 0 views

    Short three minute video about how wall street contributes to the newspaper decline. An interview with the author of "deal from hell" a book written about the future of newspapers.
Jered Wilcox

Yet Another Newspaper Paywall Goes Bust: SF Chronicle Gives Up After Just Four Months - 0 views

    Paywall supporters love to point to the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal -- along with claims from various paywall companies that more and more newspapers are moving over to such a model. However, we've been hearing plenty of stories suggesting that for most every newspaper that isn't a major national or international brand, the paywalls are looking like dismal failures
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