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Jenna Peterfeso

Newspaper Business Model: Unsustainable in Any Form | Adweek - 0 views

  • Most media gurus agree that the paper-and-ink newspaper is on the decline and will eventually become a relic.
  • If a market for news content still exists, it’s believed, newspaper organizations will just have to adapt their methods of delivery.
  • The rationale: people have to get their news from somewhere, right?
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  • The newspaper business model is simply not flexible enough to undergo such a dramatic transformation—especially given the increasingly competitive online news industry.
    An article by Jeff Mascot who believes there is no possible way for the newspaper industry to survive. 
Savanna Germain

Managing decline in the newspaper industry is a familiar story - 2 views

    "I'll probably read a print newspaper until I die. And that's a problem for the newspaper business; its most loyal customers are closer to death than to birth." This is another article about how the newspaper industry is currently doing. It provides statistics for the top newspapers around today.
    Talks about the business aspect of the newspaper industry
Samantha VanTassel

As Newspapers and Magazines Struggle, Companies in Other Industries Are Hiring Journali... - 0 views

    How the media business is being transformed and disruptive. How will this new change effect business' revenue and their way of advertisement?
Savanna Germain

This Is the Scariest Statistic About the Newspaper Business Today - 0 views

    Bunch of stats and graphs of the revenue decline.
Jenna Peterfeso

Making news pay: Reinventing the newspaper - 0 views

  • This model worked well for a long time. But it has come unstuck in the internet era as readers have shifted their attention to other media, quickly followed by advertisers.
  • It may be a business, but it also plays an important part in a democracy: holding those in power to account, giving voters the information they need to make choices and making markets more efficient.
  • Having long made content available free online, news providers are starting to restrict access to some or all of it to paying subscribers.
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  • A decade ago the idea of a paywall appeared to have been widely discredited.
  • Another option is the “metered paywall”, pioneered by the Financial Times, which lets visitors to its site read ten stories a month before asking them to pay.
    The future of newspapers and issuing a paywall. Also talks about a metered paywall. New business models. 
Jenna Peterfeso

Careers in the Newspaper Industry - 0 views

    Different jobs available in the newspaper industry. Advertising, business office,circulation, human resources, IT, market development, news, online, and production.
Jenna Peterfeso

Newspapers discover successful business models through innovation (Includes interview) - 0 views

    Newspapers discovering new successful business models using innovation, rebranding, web consulting, and generating new revenue channels. 
Jenna Peterfeso

Washington Post to be sold to Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon - Washington Post - 1 views

  • Bezos, whose entrepreneurship has made him one of the world’s richest men, will pay $250 million in cash for The Post and affiliated publications to The Washington Post Co., which owns the newspaper and other businesses.
  • The rise of the Internet and the epochal change from print to digital technology have created a massive wave of competition for traditional news companies, scattering readers and advertisers across a radically altered news and information landscape and triggering mergers, bankruptcies and consolidation among the owners of print and broadcasting properties.
  • will take the company private, meaning he will not have to report quarterly earnings to shareholders or be subjected to investors’ demands for ever-rising profits,
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  • Indeed, Bezos’s history of patient investment and long-term strategic thinking made him an attractive buyer, Weymouth said.
  • As such, he will be able to experiment with the paper without the pressure of showing an immediate return on any investment
  • “I don’t want to imply that I have a worked-out plan,” he said. “This will be uncharted terrain, and it will require experimentation.”
    Entrepreneur Jeff Bezos has agreed to buy The Washington post for $250 million cash. Includes the Grahm family's feelings toward the deal and what made Bezo's an attractive buyer.
Andrew VanNess

Precursor to Modern Media Hype: The 1830s Penny Press - 1 views

    This journal article is very descriptive of the turnaround from 6 cent papers to penny papers. It tells the story of Benjamin Day and how he changed past newspapers into the modern, mass media newspapers that we see today (whether print or web). Benjamin Day aimed at a cheaper newspaper with more content for New Yorker's alone, not just businessmen / politicians. In doing so, he also created a business model in which is still being used in some aspects today.
Samantha VanTassel

Can Group Buying Save the Newspaper Business? - 0 views

    group buying could be the problem solver in saving today's newspapers. What's needed to really turn around the segment is a new source of revenue growth. This includes Groupon and Livingsocial.
Jered Wilcox

What newspapers can learn from television - 0 views

    Television and newspapers seem to have little in common. The business of flickering screens is thriving while newspapers are shrinking. So Mr Darcey, who took charge in January, is pushing his titles, including the Sun, a populist tabloid, and the Times, a higher-brow paper, to learn lessons from his former industry.
Jenna Peterfeso

A New Model for Newspapers - 0 views

  • Newspapers are under-charging for the value they deliver.
  • Newspapers have a powerful business model for advertisers; they simply do not apply it to their subscribers and readers.
  • newspapers have something of value to sell: Intelligence.
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  • Specializing in intelligence dictates how stories are chosen, reported, written, and edited.
Jenna Peterfeso

A newspaper business model that's working - - 0 views

  • "Community newspapers certainly are not immune to the economic downturn that is affecting all businesses, but, as the primary and sometimes sole provider of local news in a community, they remain strong and viable," NNA president John Stevenson said in the article.
  • "Everybody Gets It. Everybody Reads It."
  • Ingenuity, creativity, and the entrepreneurial spirit always have been rewarded.
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  • The newspaper companies that have altered circulation methods and policies, have focused their content and developed news delivery methods to fit today's audience and advertisers are thriving.
  • They found new streams of revenue and ways to reduce costs that didn't eviscerate their core products.
Jered Wilcox

How Internet Affects the Newspaper Business - 0 views

    With the invention of the telegraph, radio and television, print newspapers have faced challenges over the decades, yet publishers have always adapted and persevered. However, the Internet is proving to be a far more dangerous foe to the traditional newspaper model. Faced with such an adversary, small and large newspapers alike may have no choice but to abandon their traditional methods for a more innovative approach.
Melinda Snell

Future of some major newspapers about to change - 0 views

    Facing declining ad revenue and readership, large newspaper companies are cutting costs, eliminating or selling assets and overhauling management. The outcomes of a few of these efforts are becoming clearer this week.
Jenna Peterfeso

How the Internet Can Save Journalism | Bruce Ackerman - 0 views

  • Enter the Internet news voucher. Under our proposal, each news article on the web will end by asking readers whether it contributed to their political understanding. If so, they can click the yes-box, and send the message to a National Endowment for Journalism -- which would obtain an annual appropriation from the government. This money would be distributed to news organizations on the basis of a strict mathematical formula: the more clicks, the bigger the check from the Endowment.
  • a news organization must have a group of editors and fact-checkers committed to journalistic integrity.
  • Although the Internet may have destroyed the newspaper's old business model, we can use it to create a new decentralized system that may generate an even more vibrant marketplace of ideas for the twenty-first century.
    Discusses the idea of a National Endowment for Journalism.
Melinda Snell

7 thoughts on a week that shook the newspaper industry - 0 views

    A short article with 7 major recent things that shook the newspaper industry.
Savanna Germain

Newspapers' last and best hope: the internet - 0 views

    This website talks about how the newspaper industry needs to start reinventing itself in order to stay in competition with other industries. It suggests that embracing the internet will be more beneficial rather than fighting it. It also talks about past industries that have contributed to the decline in newspapers (TV Broadcasting).
Jered Wilcox


    Can Jeff Bezos invent a new future for newspapers? By buying The Washington Post in his personal capacity, the Amazon founder and internet pioneer may just be looking to save an American institution
Andrew VanNess

The Past Can't Buy the Future for Newspapers - 0 views

    This article provides a very straightforward approach to what the newspaper industry must do to survive. In a nutshell, newspaper companies must transition their businesses over to be accessed digitally, otherwise they will die out.
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