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Jenna Peterfeso

A New Model for Newspapers - 0 views

  • Newspapers are under-charging for the value they deliver.
  • Newspapers have a powerful business model for advertisers; they simply do not apply it to their subscribers and readers.
  • newspapers have something of value to sell: Intelligence.
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  • Specializing in intelligence dictates how stories are chosen, reported, written, and edited.
Jenna Peterfeso

A newspaper business model that's working - - 0 views

  • "Community newspapers certainly are not immune to the economic downturn that is affecting all businesses, but, as the primary and sometimes sole provider of local news in a community, they remain strong and viable," NNA president John Stevenson said in the article.
  • "Everybody Gets It. Everybody Reads It."
  • Ingenuity, creativity, and the entrepreneurial spirit always have been rewarded.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The newspaper companies that have altered circulation methods and policies, have focused their content and developed news delivery methods to fit today's audience and advertisers are thriving.
  • They found new streams of revenue and ways to reduce costs that didn't eviscerate their core products.
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