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Jenna Peterfeso

Newspaper Types and Formats - 0 views

  • number
  • Aside from being particular print formats, some formats seem to have been used by newspapers with particular kinds of content, leading to the formats being associated with the seriousness of the publication.
  • Broadsheets are generally thought to be the purview of high-quality journalism,
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  • UK Newspapers on a News Stand There are a wide number of newspaper types and formats, but three in particular tend to be used above all other in the UK. These are broadsheet, Berliner and tabloid.
  • The Berliner format fits between broadsheets and tabloids. Without any particular association with the quality of news reporting in the format, some broadsheet newspapers in the UK have looked to the Berliner format as a happy medium that allows for the portability of a tabloid format newspaper without the negative connotations.
  • The Tabloid format is the smallest newspaper format and also the one with the reputation for the worst journalism.
    Different newspaper types and formats, including broadsheets, berliner format, tabloids, etc. 
Jenna Peterfeso

The Dire State of the Newspaper Industry [STATS] - 0 views

  • In 2008, newspapers made $37.848 billion. Yes, they made a full $10 billion more last year than they did this year, a staggering drop of 27.2%. Nearly all of that loss was from print:
  • In 2000, newspapers peaked at $48.67 billion in revenue. This came entirely from print
  • The old newspaper model is simply not going to be market-viable as we head deeper in the digital age
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  • News blogs (such as Mashable) and online reporting are the future of journalism.
  • The ones that embrace the online space faster and more effectively have the best chance for survival.
    Statistics on the present state of newspapers. A chart from the Newspaper Association of America showing advertising expenditures.  "Journalism is not dead, it is just evolving."
    Statistics on the present state of newspapers. A chart from the Newspaper Association of America showing advertising expenditures.  "Journalism is not dead, it is just evolving."
Jenna Peterfeso

A Bright Future for Newspapers  | American Journalism Review - 0 views

  • If present readership trends continue indefinitely, says the University of North Carolina professor, the last daily newspaper reader will check out in 2044. October 2044, to be exact.
  • Compared with the rest of the media industry, newspapers are doing no worse, and in some respects quite a bit better, than the competition, including the Internet.
  • The major fear in the newspaper industry is that today's young people won't grow into the next generation of readers.
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  • Newsgathering power.
  • Monopoly status.
  • So how do newspapers fit into this dynamic cosmos? Nicely, I'd say. Consider just a few unique competitive advantages that newspapers (still) enjoy:
  • Localism.
  • The best customers.
  • Lots of attention.
  • Brand-name recognition.
  • Historic profitability.
    An optimistic article about the future of newspapers, including a list of competitive advantages that the newspaper industry still has. 
Jenna Peterfeso

CNN: The Newspaper Industry in Decline - YouTube - 0 views

    A CNN newscast about the decline of newspapers. The idea of a bailout, making newspapers nonprofit or tax free. 
    A CNN newscast about the decline of newspapers. The idea of a bailout, making newspapers nonprofit or tax free. 
Savanna Germain

Newspapers Can Finally Burn The Paper, Leaving Only News - Forbes - 0 views

    Talks about what the problem is newspapers are facing. Also talks about what the newspaper is like today and argues that amozon and Jeff Bezos is helping the newspapers.
Savanna Germain

Managing decline in the newspaper industry is a familiar story - 2 views

    "I'll probably read a print newspaper until I die. And that's a problem for the newspaper business; its most loyal customers are closer to death than to birth." This is another article about how the newspaper industry is currently doing. It provides statistics for the top newspapers around today.
    Talks about the business aspect of the newspaper industry
Jenna Peterfeso

Newspaper Business Model: Unsustainable in Any Form | Adweek - 0 views

  • Most media gurus agree that the paper-and-ink newspaper is on the decline and will eventually become a relic.
  • If a market for news content still exists, it’s believed, newspaper organizations will just have to adapt their methods of delivery.
  • The rationale: people have to get their news from somewhere, right?
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  • The newspaper business model is simply not flexible enough to undergo such a dramatic transformation—especially given the increasingly competitive online news industry.
    An article by Jeff Mascot who believes there is no possible way for the newspaper industry to survive. 
Savanna Germain

5 Reasons Print Newspapers Will Survive - 0 views

    This site gives five reasons why the newspaper will survive. For example they argue that smaller newspapers especially will survive because small town, local news won't be printed into bigger papers or on the internet. They also list off what the newspaper industry is doing in order to survive.
Savanna Germain

Newspapers' last and best hope: the internet - 0 views

    This website talks about how the newspaper industry needs to start reinventing itself in order to stay in competition with other industries. It suggests that embracing the internet will be more beneficial rather than fighting it. It also talks about past industries that have contributed to the decline in newspapers (TV Broadcasting).
Savanna Germain

Newspaper Preservation Law & Legal Definition - 0 views

    This website talks about the Newspaper Prevention Act of 1970. It defines what the act entails and goes a little in depth as to how it works. Also indirectly talks about the joining of newspapers/ Joint Operating Agreement.
Melinda Snell

The state of the news media in 2013 - 0 views

    The ups and the downs of the present day newspaper industry are shown within this article. Statistics are provided to show the decrease in size, and the transition into the digital era is also explained.
    Newspapers: Stabilizing, but Still Threatened By Rick Edmonds of the Poynter Institute and Emily Guskin, Amy Mitchell and Mark Jurkowitz of the Pew Research Center Updated July 18, 2013 If the newspaper industry had theme music in 2013, it might use "Been down so long it looks like up to me," the much-recycled line from a 1920s blues song.
    An aritcle writen by the pew research center, on how newspapers are changing and what they are doing to try to save the newspapers in the future. Includes many graphs and statistics also.
Savanna Germain

How newspapers can survive - - 0 views

    This article from CNN provides input about what can be done to improve the newspaper industry and bring in more business. The idea involves changing the quality of the "app" versions of newspapers to fit more to the consumer and other similarities to website versions as well.
    good article explaining how and why the n.i is the fasted industry that is declining
    John Barth from CNN gives his point of view on whether the newspaper will survive. Talks some about the internet and the effects on the industry.
Savanna Germain

Accepting the Challenge: Using the Web to Help Newspapers Survive - 0 views

    This site talks about how the newspaper will need to use the internet ant the web to survive. They have to figure out a way to keep readers interested. They also talk about people entering the newspaper industry who grew up with the internet. By hiring these people the industry will have a greater chance of survival.
Savanna Germain

Newspaper Preservation Act : SAGE Knowledge - 0 views

  • In theory, these agreements permit competition in a newspaper market by saving the weaker paper.
    This is another website that talks a little bit more about the Newspaper Preservation Act and its purpose. It also talks about how it promotes competition and keeps failing newspapers alive.
Savanna Germain

Local news crisis: why newspapers remain so important to the public - 0 views

    This article talks about why the newspaper industry is important. It also talks about the reasons why the newspaper is valuable.
Jenna Peterfeso

History of Newspaper Comics | eHow - 0 views

  • A Swiss writer and illustrator named Rodolphe Toepffer is considered to be the father of modern comic strips
  • William Randolph Hearst.
  • Joseph Pulitzer
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  • "The Katzenjammer Kids" was the first comic strip to use panels and speech balloons like modern strips do.
  • Today, comics continue to appear in newspapers all over the world; in the United States on Sundays alone, an estimated 113 million people read the comics, according to King Features Syndicate.
    The history of newspaper comics, which is left out in our class textbook. Includes genres, types, 
Melinda Snell

The future of newspapers - 0 views

    An article about the negatives of reading news online and on mobile devices, including social network commentary, poor digital content experiences, broken mobile links, etc. 
    An article written by forbes about the future of newspapers. Talks about the content and communication of the newspaper industry and also the newspapers as a product.
Melinda Snell

Top 10 reasons the newspaper is dying - 0 views

    This website is a glimpse into the future of newspapers. The website suggest 10 factors that are aiding the decline of the newspaper such as; internet, cost, aging audience, etc.
    Article listing 1 through 10 the main reasons the newspaper industry is dying. Includes brief descriptions of each
Samantha VanTassel

linotype printing - 0 views

    Yet another view of the history and development of the newspaper. While brief, this page shows very important key events that took place in advancing the newspaper to the newspapers of today.
    Article on the history of newspapers, where they began and how they quickly came to progress over the years.
    bried history of the newspaper and how it got to where it is today
Savanna Germain

The "New" Newspaper - 0 views

    This is a cool websites that talks about how technology will impact our newspapers. It describes what sort of things this new digital newspaper will be able to do. For example it will tell you what's going on where you live, but also automatically know where you are.
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