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dr tech

Chatbot 'Eugene Goostman' passes Turing Test | KurzweilAI - 0 views

    "The Turing Test was passed for the first time by a chatbot called "Eugene Goostman" on Saturday by convincing 33% of the human judges that it was human, according to Professor Kevin Warwick, a Visiting Professor at the University of Reading and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research at Coventry University, in a statement."
dr tech

Artificial intelligence: how clever do we want our machines to be? | Technology | The G... - 0 views

    "No arguments there, but the term, which stands for "artificial intelligence", has a more storied history than Spielberg and Kubrick's 2001 film. The concept of artificial intelligence goes back to the birth of computing: in 1950, just 14 years after defining the concept of a general-purpose computer, Alan Turing asked "Can machines think?""
dr tech

How the internet found a better way than illegible squiggles to prove you're not a robo... - 0 views

    "The company has revealed the latest evolution of the Captcha (short, sort of, for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), which aims to do away with any interruption at all: the new, "invisible reCaptcha" aims to tell whether a given visitor is a robot or not purely by analysing their browsing behaviour. Barring a short wait while the system does its job, a typical human visitor shouldn't have to do anything else to prove they're not a robot."
dr tech

AI paintings of Chinese landscapes pass as human-made 55 per cent of the time, research... - 0 views

    "As part of her undergraduate research, Alice Xue studied whether a machine could pass a Visual Turing Test by producing images that people cannot tell were made by a machine. Xue trained an algorithm using 2,192 traditional Chinese landscape paintings collected from art museums. The resulting AI-generated paintings were mistaken for being made by humans 55 per cent of the time."
dr tech

Should an AI bot making $1mn really be the next Turing test? | Financial Times - 0 views

    "But it is also revealing of a tech culture that venerates profit above social usefulness - and which takes as implicit its right to innovate without limits, despite the consequences. AI that can find its own route to wealth is likely to displace jobs, change the nature of commerce, funnel power into the hands of the few and spread unrest among the many."
dr tech

Don't Let Them Steal Your Election - by Alberto Romero - 0 views

    "This election is the first time we face the danger of post-ChatGPT AI in a high-stakes sociopolitical scenario. That is new. Bots pass the Turing test (which means they write and speak indistinguishably from real people). They're also more persuasive. Image and video generators can make realistic faces, which people use mostly to make jokes but also to plant doubt. We will eventually adapt to perception-altering algorithms but for now, they're a big unsolved problem. Here are five ways the bad guys can weaponize AI to influence the US democratic election."
dr tech

Robot outwits "I am not a Robot" Captcha / Boing Boing - 0 views

    "And so it begins..."
dr tech

When Intelligent Machines Cause Accidents, Who Is Legally Responsible? - 0 views

    "Currently, the law treats machines as if they were all created equal, as simple consumer products. In most cases, when an accident occurs, standards of strict product liability law apply. In other words, unless a consumer uses a product in an outrageous way or grossly ignores safety warnings, the manufacturer is automatically considered at fault."
dr tech

Computer says: um, er... | Computers v humans | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    Great article - worth a read through...
dr tech

Google Grapples With `Horrifying' Reaction to Uncanny AI Tech - 0 views

    "Eck said machine learning, a powerful form of AI, will be integrated into how humans communicate with each other. He raised the idea of "assistive writing" in the future with Google Docs, the company's online word processing software. This may be based on Google's upcoming Smart Compose technology that suggests words and phrases based on what's being typed. Teachers used to worry about whether students used Wikipedia for their homework. Now they may wonder what part of the work the students wrote themselves, Eck said."
dr tech

Human-robot interactions take step forward with 'emotional' chatbot | Technology | The ... - 1 views

    "In the future, the team predict the software could also learn the appropriate emotion to express at a given time. "It could be mostly empathic," said Huang, adding that a challenge would be to avoid the chatbot reinforcing negative feelings such as rage."
dr tech

We invited an AI to debate its own ethics in the Oxford Union - what it said ... - 0 views

    "The data wars to come? Worryingly, there was one question where the AI simply couldn't come up with a counter argument. When arguing for the motion that "Data will become the most fought-over resource of the 21st century", the Megatron said: The ability to provide information, rather than the ability to provide goods and services, will be the defining feature of the economy of the 21st century. But when we asked it to oppose the motion - in other words, to argue that data wasn't going to be the most vital of resources, worth fighting a war over - it simply couldn't, or wouldn't, make the case. In fact, it undermined its own position: We will able to see everything about a person, everywhere they go, and it will be stored and used in ways that we cannot even imagine."
dr tech

How a Google Employee Fell for the Eliza Effect - The Atlantic - 0 views

    "A Google employee named Blake Lemoine was put on leave recently after claiming that one of Google's artificial-intelligence language models, called LaMDA (Language Models for Dialogue Applications), is sentient. He went public with his concerns, sharing his text conversations with LaMDA. At one point, Lemoine asks, "What does the word 'soul' mean to you?" LaMDA answers, "To me, the soul is a concept of the animating force behind consciousness and life itself." "I was inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt," Lemoine explained, citing his religious beliefs. "Who am I to tell God where he can and can't put souls?""
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