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dr tech

Facebook v Apple: the looming showdown over data tracking and privacy | Technology | Th... - 0 views

    "Some time in the next few months, iPhone users will be greeted by a message - not from Facebook, but from Apple - asking them if they will allow the Facebook app to collect their data. If users refuse, Apple will prevent Facebook from doing so. Facebook's attempt to vilify Apple looks like sour grapes Read more A similar message from Apple will pop up, related to any app that collects data on users for advertising purposes. Facebook says it will preempt the change by rolling out a pop-up screen over the coming weeks and months, making a plea to users to stay opted in. "Agreeing to these prompts doesn't result in Facebook collecting new types of data; it just means that Facebook can continue to give people better experiences," a Facebook spokeswoman said."
dr tech

Apple says it will start selling replacement parts and provide repair guides for iPhone... - 2 views

    ""Creating greater access to Apple genuine parts gives our customers even more choice if a repair is needed," said Jeff Williams, Apple's chief operating officer. "In the past three years, Apple has nearly doubled the number of service locations with access to Apple genuine parts, tools, and training, and now we're providing an option for those who wish to complete their own repairs.""
dr tech

Apple won't let EFF release a DRM-free app - Boing Boing - 0 views

    "EFF has released its mobile app to help people join in important, timely struggles, but you can't get it for your Iphone or Ipad, because Apple insists that EFF use DRM, and this is contrary to everything it stands for. In a petition, EFF calls out Apple's incredibly abusive, one-sided developer "agreement" and calls on developers and Apple users to join a campaign to get Apple to give developers the freedom to release their creations on more liberal terms."
dr tech

How does Apple technology hold up against NSO spyware? | Apple | The Guardian - 0 views

    "The disclosure points to a problem security researchers have been warning about for years: that despite its reputation for building what is seen by millions of customers as a secure product, some believe Apple's closed culture and fear of negative press have harmed its ability to provide security for those targeted by governments and criminals. "Apple's self-assured hubris is just unparalleled," said Patrick Wardle, a former NSA employee and founder of the Mac security developer Objective-See. "They basically believe that their way is the best way. And to be fair … the iPhone has had incredible success. "But you talk to any external security researcher, they're probably not going to have a lot of great things to say about Apple. Whereas if you talk to security researchers in dealing with, say, Microsoft, they've said: 'We're gonna put our ego aside, and ultimately realise that the security researchers are reporting vulnerabilities that at the end of the day are benefiting our users, because we're able to patch them.' I don't think Apple has that same mindset.""

Apple: Technical issues holding up Vonage app | Apple - CNET News - 0 views

  • technical issue
      The issue with vonage not being realeased for the iphone has to do with reliablity.
  • Google Voice
      Google Voice is a app that was taken off because it was deemed unfit.
  • Apple
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Apple
  • Apple
  • Vonage
    A new Vonage app for the iPhone will be released late because of technical issues.
dr tech

Online scams 'target Apple customers for richer pickings' - BBC News - 0 views

    "Cybercriminals are targeting people using Apple products as they are more likely to have disposable income, a security expert has warned. Blogger Graham Cluley said that while malware was more common on Windows, Apple customers could not "afford to be lackadaisical" about security. On Monday, he reported a text message scam that tried to trick people into handing over account information. Apple's support site warns customers not to enter details on spoof sites."

Here's What We Know About the New Apple TV | TIME - 0 views

    "The Apple TV is not a full-blown television. Instead, it's a set-top box that connects to a TV and delivers content like movies and television shows from sources like iTunes and Netflix, similar to a Roku or Amazon Fire TV." The Apple TV will come out and it will be interesting to see how the public reacts to it.
Max van Mesdag

Why Apple Can't Sell Business Laptops - 1 views

    Apple is slowly becoming a dangerous competitor again Microsoft, but the Windows operating systems still dominate the business world. What does this mean for Apple?
    Be careful of articles like these as they are really dealing with business but not in terms of the technology or a social and ethical issue. Equality of access for these businesses is only a by product - unlike for something like the OLPC where it was the main issue...
dr tech

Documentary On The History Of Apple And Microsoft Show It Was All About Copying, Not Pa... - 0 views

    "There are two key themes that stand out incredibly strongly in this: both Microsoft and Apple did an awful lot of what they did by shamelessly copying the work of others, and the big companies floating around the space (mainly IBM and Xerox) clearly had no clue at all about what was going on."
dr tech

Apple and White House in new push for HTTPS connections | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "Both Apple and the White House have announced new policies aimed at boosting the use of encrypted connections on the internet, suggesting that the days of insecure internet connections could be numbered."
Mcdoogleh CDKEY

BBC News - Newsnight - iPhone faults to hurt Apple's core? - 0 views

    Apple is offering a free case to tackle the iPhone 4's antenna problem, but will the fault damage the technology giant's reputation?Apple called a press conference at which the case offer was made in response to ongoing speculation about the phone's problems, and boss Steve Jobs also offered a full refund for the handset.
dr tech

Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology - 0 views

    "Privacy, transparency, and consent are of utmost importance in this effort, and we look forward to building this functionality in consultation with interested stakeholders. We will openly publish information about our work for others to analyze. All of us at Apple and Google believe there has never been a more important moment to work together to solve one of the world's most pressing problems. Through close cooperation and collaboration with developers, governments and public health providers, we hope to harness the power of technology to help countries around the world slow the spread of COVID-19 and accelerate the return of everyday life."
dr tech

Apple removes Parler from App Store, after Google - 'we're toast,' says Parler | Boing ... - 0 views

    "Apple and Google's tougher enforcement could preclude such apps from becoming realistic alternatives to the mainstream social networks. They now face the choice of either stepping up their policing of posts - undercutting their main feature in the process - or losing their ability to reach a wide audience."

Apple partners with Singapore to encourage fitness with Apple Watch - 1 views

    "They can then sign up to earn one-time rewards of up to $380 Singapore Dollars - about U.S. $280 "
dr tech

Part human, part machine: is Apple turning us all into cyborgs? | Technology | The Guar... - 0 views

    "But whether we trust Apple might be beside the point, if we don't yet know whether we can trust ourselves. It took eight years from the launch of the iPhone for screen time controls to follow. What will human interaction look like eight years after smartglasses become ubiquitous? Our cyborg present sneaked up on us as our phones became glued to our hands. Are we going to sleepwalk into our cyborg future in the same way?"

Apple partnering with OpenAI to put ChatGPT in iPhones: report - 0 views

    "The tech giant is partnering with OpenAI to integrate its chatbot, ChatGPT, into the iPhone's operating system, Bloomberg reported. Apple is expected to announce the deal at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference which starts on June 10."
Max van Mesdag

Apple Boots 1000 Apps Over Developer Scam - 0 views

    Apple has found out that a Chinese iPhone App company are boosting their own ratings. Now they have been removed from the App Store.
dr tech

UK government plans to weaken encryption 'threatens way of life, privacy and economic s... - 0 views

    "Apple has warned the UK government that proposals in the draft Investigatory Powers Bill to demand technology firms weaken encryption would make the data of millions of law-abiding citizens less secure and make it easier for hackers to "cause chaos"."
dr tech

Harvard Study Proves Apple Slows Down old iPhones to Sell Millions of New Models - Anon... - 0 views

    "People have made the anecdotal observation that their Apple products become much slower right before the release of a new model. Now, a Harvard University study has done what any person with Google Trends could do, and pointed out that Google searches for "iPhone slow" spiked multiple times, just before the release of a new iPhone each time."
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