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Contents contributed and discussions participated by unicorn16829149


Jaw-dropping Andromeda galaxy photo comprises 37 hours of exposure - CNET - 1 views

    " Space telescopes such as the Hubble and the Spitzer have spent a lot of time photographing it, and we've seen it in many forms: infrared, false-colour composite, even enormously high-resolution at 1.5 billion pixels."

The Next Revolution in Photography Is Coming | TIME - 0 views

    "That's right, two thirds of the digital image is interpolated by the processor in the conversion from RAW to JPG or TIF. It's reality but not as we know it. For obvious commercial reasons camera manufacturers are careful to reconstruct the digital image in a form that mimics the familiar old photograph and consumers barely noticed a difference in the resulting image, but there are very few limitations on how the RAW data could be handled and reality could be reconstructed in any number of ways."

How A Fixed Gear Bike Can Mess With Google's Self-Driving Cars | TIME - 0 views

    "Google's self-driving cars have driven over a million miles in autonomous mode. But when Google brought its testing program to Austin, Texas, one of the vehicles met its match: a cyclist doing a track stand - when a rider shifts very slightly forward and back to maintain balance while keeping feet on the pedals." This is very surprising that this self-driven car would detect a person not even moving and still keep stopped, it will be interesting to see if and how they fix this problem.

Qualcomm Brings Artificial Intelligence to Smartphone Security | TIME - 0 views

    "Upcoming cell phone chips from Qualcomm will use artificial intelligence to block malware before it infects your phone. The chip company said on Monday that the next-generation Snapdragon 820 processor used in a variety of Android smartphones will be the first chip that uses machine learning to detect threats and privacy issues thanks to an application called Snapdragon Smart Protect." Qualcomm is trying to use artificial intelligence in a chip for smart phones. The chip will learn to detect any privacy or security issues that would usually be hard to detect.

Thermal imaging camera gives your smartphone night vision (Wired UK) - 0 views

    "One such camera, the Seek Thermal has just gone on sale in the UK for the first time. WIRED took a look at it at IFA in Berlin." This is a cool new camera for your smartphone which could make your life a lot easier if you have lost a pet and many other uses.

Here's What We Know About the New Apple TV | TIME - 0 views

    "The Apple TV is not a full-blown television. Instead, it's a set-top box that connects to a TV and delivers content like movies and television shows from sources like iTunes and Netflix, similar to a Roku or Amazon Fire TV." The Apple TV will come out and it will be interesting to see how the public reacts to it.

Teen internet slang quiz: how much do you know? (Wired UK) - 0 views

    "The government-run website Parent Info published a guide to decrypting teenage slang for baffled parents amid concerns for children's safety online earlier this week. " This article explains how the "Digital Immigrants" are worried about this generation and technology and how it can effect teen's lives and safety.
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