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dr tech

How do you deal with a problem like "fake news?" - 0 views

    "Facebook will rely on users to report fake news despite evidence that suggests users have a difficult time assessing or identifying fake news. Teens seem to be especially vulnerable to fake news. A recent study by researchers at Stanford found that middle and high school students have a difficult time detecting fake news from real news, or detecting bias in tweets and Facebook statuses."
dr tech

Could 'fake text' be the next global political threat? | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "he foresees fake text being used "for the production of [literal] 'fake news', or to potentially impersonate people who had produced a lot of text online, or simply to generate troll-grade propaganda for social n"
dr tech

Russia propaganda group behind fake Kamala Harris hit-and-run story, says Microsoft | U... - 0 views

    "Russia propaganda group behind fake Kamala Harris hit-and-run story, says Microsoft Microsoft researchers found that the group created a video, paid an actor to appear as the alleged victim, and spread the claim through a fake website"
dr tech

Germany investigating unprecedented spread of fake news online | World news | The Guardian - 0 views

    "German government officials have said they are investigating an unprecedented proliferation of fake news items amid reports of Russian efforts to influence the country's election later this year."
dr tech

Humour over rumour? The world can learn a lot from Taiwan's approach to fake news | Arw... - 0 views

    "Inoculating people from misinformation and tackling the "infodemic" are key to fighting the coronavirus. Tang, Taiwan's first transgender government minister and a self-described "civic hacker", has done this by fostering digital democracy: using technology to encourage civic participation and build consensus. Tang has also quashed faked news by implementing a 2-2-2 "humour over rumour" strategy. A response to misinformation is provided within 20 minutes, in 200 words or fewer, alongside two fun images. Early in the pandemic, for example, people were panic-buying toilet paper because of a rumour that it was being used to manufacture face masks; supplies were running out. So, the Taiwanese premier, Su Tseng-chang, released a cartoon of him wiggling his bum, with a caption saying: "We only have one pair of buttocks." It sounds silly, but it went viral. Humour can be far more effective than serious fact-checking."
dr tech

Rival disinformation campaigns targeted African users, Facebook says | Technology | The... - 0 views

    "Rival French and Russian disinformation campaigns have sought to deceive and influence internet users in the Central African Republic ahead of an election later this month, Facebook said on Tuesday. Facebook said it was the first time it had seen foreign influence operations directly engage on its platforms, with fake accounts denouncing each other as "fake news"."
dr tech

These incredibly realistic fake faces show how algorithms can now mess with us - MIT Te... - 0 views

    "The researchers, Tero Karras, Samuli Laine, and Timo Aila, came up with a new way of constructing a generative adversarial network, or GAN. GANs employ two dueling neural networks to train a computer to learn the nature of a data set well enough to generate convincing fakes. When applied to images, this provides a way to generate often highly realistic fakery. The same Nvidia researchers have previously used the technique to create artificial celebrities (read our profile of the inventor of GANs, Ian Goodfellow)."
dr tech

BBC warns of fake video claiming Ukraine carried out Kramatorsk attack | Ukraine | The ... - 0 views

    "The BBC has warned that a video carrying its branding in which it is claimed that a missile attack on a railway station that killed dozens of people was carried out by Ukraine is fake."
dr tech

Uber used Greyball fake app to evade police across Europe, leak reveals | Uber | The Gu... - 0 views

    "It was a trick as audacious as it was ingenious. When police or regulators opened the Uber app, they would see exactly what the public saw: dozens of cars crawling around the city, waiting to be summoned. But there was one crucial difference: these cars were fake. Uber had built a dummy version of its own app, a secret tool known as Greyball, designed to throw regulators off the scent and help its unlicensed cab drivers evade the law."
dr tech

Targeted ads are one of the world's most destructive trends. Here's why | Arwa Mahdawi ... - 0 views

    "It has led to a proliferation of fake news and clickbait. It has fuelled surveillance capitalism and normalised pervasive tracking and data-mining. If we want to do something about the proliferation of misinformation and erosion of trust in traditional institutions, it is not enough to regulate or factcheck political adverts. We need to crack down on the use of personal information for all targeted advertising. Otherwise democracy will continue to erode, one highly optimised click at a time."
dr tech

AI call quiz: see if you can spot the sham audio of Trump and Biden | US elections 2024... - 0 views

    "Deepfakes have arrived to US elections, with a faked audio call purporting to be Joe Biden reaching voters in New Hampshire earlier this year. Artificial intelligence tools allow people to create spoofed audio easily and cheaply - so easily and cheaply that a journalist can do it! We created some fake audio clips of both Biden and Donald Trump using Parrot AI, an app with audio renditions of public figures that users can input words into. You can make audio of what sounds like Biden, Trump or a host of other high-profile speaking, and it sounds real-ish."
dr tech

Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier - revie... - 0 views

    " If your consumption of content is tailored by near limitless observations harvested about people like you, how could your universe not collapse into the partial depiction of reality that people like you also enjoy? How could empathy and respect for difference thrive in this environment? Where's the incentive to stamp out fake accounts, fake news, paid troll armies, dyspeptic bots?"

Those first ever up-close NASA images of Pluto are fake, say conspiracy theorists | Met... - 0 views

    You see these awesome, first ever up-close images of Pluto and its moon? Yeah, they're all fake. Every last one of them. According to conspiracy theorists, that is.
dr tech

AI image of Pope Francis in a puffer jacket fooled the internet and experts fear there'... - 0 views

    "A fake, AI-generated image of Pope Francis stepping out in a stylish white puffer jacket and bejewelled crucifix racked up millions of views over the weekend - with many mistaking it for a real image. Experts fear the rapidly developing technology behind the image could soon undermine our ability to distinguish fake photos, which can be generated in seconds, from reality."
dr tech

'It looks so real': amid rise in financial sextortion, Childline is helping teenagers f... - 0 views

    ""It's an attack where someone has sent an AI generated image or a fake image and they have said if you don't send me money or don't send me another nude, I will then share this with other people," he said. In one case heard by a Childline counsellor, a 15-year-old girl said a stranger had made a "really convincing" fake nude of her that used her face and bedroom, having been apparently taken from their Instagram account. Childline said the "nude" images were typically made of the victim's face transposed on to someone else's body. In another apparent AI case, a 14-year-old boy sent some pictures of his face to a girl he had met online and they were used to make a deepfake pornography video. "This person has used some sort of deepfake AI thing to make a porn video with my face on it. Now they're demanding money from me, and they said if I don't pay my life will be over. I know it's not me in the video, but it looks so real," the boy told Childline."

'Disinformation on steroids': is the US prepared for AI's influence on the election? | ... - 0 views

  • Already this year, a robocall generated using artificial intelligence targeted New Hampshire voters in the January primary, purporting to be President Joe Biden and telling them to stay home in what officials said could be the first attempt at using AI to interfere with a US election. The “deepfake” calls were linked to two Texas companies, Life Corporation and Lingo Telecom.
  • It’s not clear if the deepfake calls actually prevented voters from turning out, but that doesn’t really matter, said Lisa Gilbert, executive vice-president of Public Citizen, a group that’s been pushing for federal and state regulation of AI’s use in politics.
  • Examples of what could be ahead for the US are happening all over the world. In Slovakia, fake audio recordings may have swayed an election in what serves as a “frightening harbinger of the sort of interference the United States will likely experience during the 2024 presidential election”, CNN reported. In Indonesia, an AI-generated avatar of a military commander helped rebrand the country’s defense minister as a “chubby-cheeked” man who “makes Korean-style finger hearts and cradles his beloved cat, Bobby, to the delight of Gen Z voters”, Reuters reported. In India, AI versions of dead politicians have been brought back to compliment elected officials, according to Al Jazeera.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • she said, “what if AI could do all this? Then maybe I shouldn’t be trusting everything that I’m seeing.”
dr tech

The future of fake news: don't believe everything you read, see or hear | Technology | ... - 0 views

    "However, there's a new breed of video and audio manipulation tools, made possible by advances in artificial intelligence and computer graphics, that will allow for the creation of realistic looking footage of public figures appearing to say, well, anything. Trump declaring his proclivity for water sports. Hillary Clinton describing the stolen children she keeps locked in her wine cellar. Tom Cruise finally admitting what we suspected all along … that he's a Brony."
dr tech

Overconfident of spotting fake news? If so, you may be more likely to fall victim | Dig... - 0 views

    "When researchers looked at data measuring respondents' online behaviour, those with inflated perceptions of their abilities more frequently visited websites linked to the spread of false or misleading news. The overconfident participants were also less able to distinguish between true and false claims about current events and reported higher willingness to share false content, especially when it aligned with their political predispositions, the authors found."
dr tech

The Wikipedia War Over Kamala Harris's Race - The Atlantic - 0 views

    "Zvikorn, whose bio on the site describes an Israeli teen into sports history, has made more than 2,300 edits to Wikipedia articles over the past few years. "The main reason I edit Wikipedia is a strong belief that every person on the planet has the right to access the accumulated knowledge of humanity," he wrote. "Today it is only getting more important for mankind to find out the truth and not be exposed to believe fake news." But after his breaking-news edit, Kamala Harris's page on "the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit" quickly became a battleground-first over a sexist slur and then over racial identity-offering a grim preview of the attacks Harris is already facing as the presumptive Democratic nominee for vice president."
dr tech

In Sri Lanka, Facebook's dominance has cost lives | John Harris | Opinion | The Guardian - 0 views

    "But there is another set of Facebook stories that shines even more glaring light on the company's mismatch of power and responsibility. A good place to start is Sri Lanka: one of many countries where "fake news" is not the slightly jokey notion regularly played up by Trump, but sometimes a matter of life and death."
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