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Book Review - The Net Delusion - By Evgeny Morozov - - 3 views

  • the ­asocial pursuit of profit is what drives social media
  • more capricious technology” than radio or television
  • capricious technology” than radio or television. Neither radio nor TV has “keyword-based filtering,” which allows regimes to use URLs and text to identify and suppress dangerous Web sites, or, like marketers, to collect information on the people who visit them
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • “Technology changes all the time,” he writes, “human nature hardly ever.”
  • Mass journalism and democracy are inextricably entwined
  • The Net Delusion
  • Against the Machine: How the Web Is Reshaping Culture and Commerce — and Why It Matters
  • For more on “The Net Delusion,”
    Feb 22 Does the Net allow more freedom or does is it a tool for governments and business to control us? Jenny
    1.7_surveillance 2.6_pol_gov 3.4_internet
    Does the Net allow more freedom or is it a tool for governments and businesses to control us? The Net allows both. The users can roam freely to their discretion where and what they want to put onto the web. It is just a matter of a country censoring the content, or the user self-censoring what is to be put on the web. Also, the governments and businesses both can use the Net to their advantage. The government can learn and find out various information of various individuals and trends of the public through the Net's social networking websites and other portal that have discussion between citizens themselves. Business are able to keep track of trends to see what is happening, such as the stock prices to what people like to eat, listen to, what they like to use. Thus the businesses are able to stay in business a little easier through knowing the information from the web. The businesses can also advertise themselves through the net, and that way, it is actually faster than having actual offline campaigns and advertisement. Therefore, the net can allow us both. We are free to use it more than let it control us. It's just a matter of fact that higher class society, social ranking, or economic status-ed has more chances to controlling the net due to their connections with the higher ups. Yet, censorship and surveillance is everywhere, and thus doesn't allow absolute freedom.

BBC News - Robotic prison wardens to patrol South Korean prison - 8 views

    Explain the function of the robots in prisons. all dec 1 soo
    The robots in prisons will act as a helper in monitoring behavior of inmates in prison and to alert the human prison guards if any dangerous or suspicious behavior is detected. The robot is 5 feet high, moving with four wheels, and includes cameras and sensors to detect the risky behavior.

Great Debate: Should any Internet freedom ever be sacrificed to fight piracy? | ZDNet - 10 views

    Agree or disagree? all feb 10 soobin
    Agree Agree to some extent. Internet freedom can be sacrificed only to a certain extent to fight piracy. Getting rid of internet freedom is basically the same thing as shutting out the communication lines of the world. The source of the reason why piracy is done is mainly due to the fact that people can't afford the items that they wish to use, or need to use, because they are ridiculously overpriced. These industries don't think that way because they want profit, however, if piracy was stopped, then no one will buy their products anyways because they still can't afford it. Popularity of the product will decrease, and the marketing of the product basically just failed. We need to compromise something so that piracy is decreased until there is no more. But suddenly stopping everything in one shot with something like SOPA isn't the way to go. Disagree I disagree. The internet should be free and open. We need to educate people not to download pirated software, movies and music. Doing so is the same as stealing from a shop, which most people would not do. Most people would be prepared to pay small amount for the right to download these things. If governments try to remove websites, it is the same as censorship which sometimes happens in dictatorships but should not happen in free societies. We really need freedom for the internet, so that we can easily share our own ideas, and thoughts. Unlike China, where people can't even talk gossip about governments, which is a basic human right. But China is still very famous for internet piracy. The United States should not have the power to prevent freedom of internet because they are not the world's police force. They should not have the power to dictate what happens in the rest of the world. That's why internet freedom should not be sacrificed.

US Report Blasts China, Russia for Cybercrime - ABC News - 15 views

    Identify the issue and scenario. Describe 3 incidents of cyberattacks by China. List some of the most desired data. Describe how the US is responding to these cyberthreats. all nov 10 kuni
    Identify the issue and scenario. China and Russia have been accused of cyber espionage, stealing technological and commercial information from The USA and its Allies. Describe 3 incidents of cyberattacks by China. 1. Google allege that intellectual property was stolen in a computer attack that also targeted at least 20 other large companies. And earlier this year Mountain View, Calif.-based Google said it believes hackers in China broke into the Gmail accounts of several hundred people, including senior U.S. government officials, military personnel and political activists. 2. Mandiant reported that data was stolen from a Fortune 500 manufacturing company during business negotiations when the company was trying to buy a Chinese company. 3. McAfee traced an intrusion to an Internet protocol address in China and said intruders took data from global oil, energy and petrochemical companies. List some of the most desired data. Data from global oil, energy and petrochemical companies, Fortune 500 manufacturing company, U.S. Government officials, and military's gmail accounts. Describe how the US is responding to these cyberthreats. The Pentagon has begun a pilot program that is working with a group of defense contractors to help detect and block cyberattacks. They have called for greater communication about cyberthreats among the government, intelligence agencies and the private sector.

BBC News - EU and US cybersecurity experts stress-test defences - 9 views

    How did they test their response to a cyber attack? all nov 10 alec
    They intentionally sent a Trojan virus in to try and steel information from chemical and defense firms. They also used a Duqu malware attacks against organizations in at least eight countries.

Electronic Security a Worry in an Age of Digital Espionage - - 10 views

    List the precautions Mr. Lieberthal takes when visiting China. Define digital espionage. Why is it easy to steal information remotely? How was the US Chamber of Commerce hacked? Explain the reason for thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets. all feb 16 soo paulo
    List the precautions Mr. Lieberthal takes when visiting China. * He leaves his cellphone and laptop at home. * He brings "loaner" devices. * He erases information before and after the trip. * He disables Bluetooth and Wifi. * He turns off his phone, and takes the battery out. * He only connects to the internet through an encrypted password protected channel. * He copies and pastes his password from a USB. Define digital espionage. Digital Espionage - The spying on digital information including corporate secrets and government secrets. These secrets are stored as digital data, and can be spied on and stolen. Why is it easy to steal information remotely? Because digital devices today are mostly connected to an internet network, and through this network, information can be stolen remotely if the hacker is able to hack into the system. Smart phones and digital personal devices are very common today. These devices are connected into workplace networks and carry information around. Hackers are able to hack into these devices and get onto the corporate network and steal information. How was the US Chamber of Commerce hacked? The US Chamber of Commerce was hacked through four of their employees, Asia policy experts' devices who travelled frequently to China. The Chamber's office digital devices including its printer and thermostat had a connection to an internet address in China. Through these remote connections to the digital devices, China could penetrate the inside information of the Chamber. Explain the reason for thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets. Thwarting the cybertheft of trade secrets is to the benefit of the owner of those trade secrets. If cybertheft of trade secrets is not prevented, then other corporations would be able to use stolen trade information to their benefit, and possibly come out with the same product with slight modifications in order to gain more profit from other companies' ideas. This would also ruin the product
anonymous - 9 views

    brief dec 9 cream
    WikiLeaks Hit with DoS Attack Before Documents Leaked 1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Politics and Employment 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. WikiLeaks, Government, users 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article Privacy 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Wikileaks is simply a website that spread the hidden news to the public so it is like a non-profit website. They spread the news throughout the Internet. WikiLeaks knew and predicted such DoS attacks, they have been switching various IP address in order to keep running the website. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Users need to use encryption for preventing hackers. Using secure private network in order to protect your private network or make it even more authorized. Using firewall to protect your computer form unauthorized access
    1.3 Privacy and anonymity 2.6 Politics and government 3.5 Personal and public communications

WikiLeaks Julian Assange Arrested in London: Is it a Conspiracy? - 4 views

    High cholesterol milk Feb 8 Who is Julian? What is wikileaks? Describe cyber attacks. How did politics impact wikileaks? How did wikileaks fight back?
     Who is Julian? - Julian Paul Assange is an Australian publisher, journalist, software developer and internet activist. He is the founder, spokesperson, and editor in chief of WikiLeaks, a whistleblower website and conduit for worldwide news leaks, with the stated purpose of creating open government.  What is WikiLeaks? - WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organization that publishes submission of private, secret and classified media from anonymous news sources and news leaks.  Describe cyber attacks - A cyber attack is an attempt to undermine or compromise the function of a computer based system or attempt to track the online movements of individuals without their permission. Attacks of this type may be undetectable to the end user or network administrator, or lead to such a total disruption of the network that none of the users can perform even the most rudimentary of tasks.  How did politics impact WikiLeaks? - Protect citizens from knowing the secrets about politics - They keep find track on information -  How did WikiLeaks fight back? - Protesting way back Julian being treated (Letting attacks to each other)
    1.5 Intellectual property 1.9 Policies 2.6 Politics and government 3.5 Personal and public communications

BBC News - Turkish net hijack hits big name websites - 12 views

    M12 analysis M13 brief sept 12-13 jen max
  • ...1 more comment...
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Security 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The hacking group which is called 'Turkguvenligi' and seven victims (Sites) 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Privacy and anonymity 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. URL- A URL is an address that shows where a particular page can be found on the World Wide Web. URL is an abbreviation for `Uniform Resource Locator'. Meaning, it is an address to access to web. DNS- DNS stands for Domain name system. It is a network service that is converting or interpreting domain or host name to IP address. In this case, it is easy to convert domain to IP address so, hackers could easily access to the webs. NBT- It stands for NetBIOS over TCP and IP. It is kind of rule for communicating that exists to run NetBIOS application in TCP and IP. NetBIOS application is an application or program interface that has been used in PC-LAN. TCP stands for transmission control protocol. It is a core protocol of the Internet Protocol Suite. SQL injection- It is a basic skill to hack information. Its ways to do is too easy so, most web sites are blocked for this. Hackers put special elements such as ' or ] between ID and password to call server to DB. They changed SQL sequence. Suppose, SELECT count(user_id) from USER_TB where user_id='test' and pw='1234' (Example) That sequence allows to login, and people can login if the result is over than 1. So, we put ' 'or 1=1 ' the space between ID and password and change it through injection attack. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Since the seven web sites are hacked behind the scenes, security has to be reinforced than before. Also, they need to update the web site to check any 'debris' from attack. Although it has been announced that there are no lost, they might not confirmed for certain so, users better make sure the information is fine a
    1. Identify the scenario. Business 2. Describe a social/ethical concern and the relationship of one primary stakeholder to the IT system in the article. Security is a social/ethical concern because it regards the security of the Database Servers that are used to store the Domain Names and IP addresses. With insufficient security, the database security can be breached by outsiders and be altered. The primary stakeholder is Group NBT, and is the domain name management firm of NetNames and Ascio whose DNS Databases were compromised in this attack. Their SQL commands were infiltrated by the hackers, so that the information stored on their DNS Database was altered, that made website visitors be re-directed to spam websites. 3. Describe the IT concepts and processes. Domain Name System (DNS) - The address book for the website that links the URL of websites to IP address numbers that computers use to visit a website. IP Address - The numbers that are separated by period dots that make up a website's numerical address of its location. (DNS) Database - A database is a massive spreadsheet with numerous data types and forms used to store large amounts of data (in this case, websites' domain names URL and their respective IP addresses.) SQL Injection - SQL stands for Structured Query Language, used for database manipulation. This is a hacking method by using the various layers present in SQL commands, by 'injecting' a hidden command that enables to create a loop hole for access and change the database information. This includes changing strings of commands in the original SQL command into malicious commands, that are executed when the altered SQL command is executed.
    4. Explain the relationship between the IT system referred to in the article and the concern presented above. The security of the DNS Databases run by NetNames and Ascio (two subsidiaries of domain name management firm Group NBT) is a concern. Their SQL commands were being altered and compromised, which resulted in the altered domain names and IP address links. Their relationship is that the concern is the IT system's (in this case the Database's) security. The IT system, Group NBT's Database, has a concern over it's security. The DNS Database system has a security concern because the hackers were able to alter the paths of redirecting certain websites to scam websites instead through a SQL Injection attack that manipulates the SQL command used to manipulate the domain name database. 5. Describe and evaluate the impact of a social/ethical issue on the stakeholders The social/ethical issue is security. The stakeholders are Vodafone, the Daily Telegraph, UPS, and four other websites, Turkish hackers (Turkguvenligi), and internet users who visited those seven websites within the hacking duration. This has an impact on their security issue because their database has already been compromised once, and unless they create a new system of security to prevent SQL injections, they will never be able to know when someone is changing their SQL command strings. They need to have someone constantly monitoring their SQL to see if there are any changes. The security issue impacts Group NBT because it makes their customers that use their services doubt the secure service because hackers were able to alter the redirection of customers to scam websites instead of their respective website. Therefore security, to a large extent, has an impact on Group NBT. 6. Explain and evaluate one solution to the issue identified. A solution to the issue identified by NBT was to further review their Database system to ensure customers of a more secure service, since it is impossible for a

BBC News - Rise in UK requests for Google content removal - 8 views

    Describe 3 examples of legitamate cases for removal. all oct 31 kuni
    i. Critical Politician movement: Google remove 236 communities and profiles from social network in India after the government complained that they were critical of a local politician. ii. Privacy violation: The users in Turkey were restricted from being able to see material about the private lives of political officials. iii. Local law violation: There was a problem that in Thailand, where someone uploads the video that insulted Thailand's monarchy, which was illegal under local laws. This caused the user in Thailand to ban YouTube site for a year.

Google Declines To Remove Police Brutality Videos, Still Complies With 63% Of Gov't Tak... - 10 views

  • lethal to the YouTube brand
  • legitimate takedown requests
  • Transparency Report
    Explain the meaning of the following: -lethal to the YouTube brand -legitimate takedown requests -Transparency Report all oct 31 soo
    Q1. Explain the meaning of the following: - Lethal to the YouTube brand The Lethal to the YouTube brand means that making less valuable of YouTube site. They are forcing YouTube to erase videos, which makes brand YouTube will feel shameful of. - Legitimate takedown requests The Legitimate takedown requests are from government. The government asks to erase all the post that are illegal in YouTube. - Transparency report The Transparency report is showing that why government and other agencies are requesting YouTube to remove all the reports that are inappropriate.
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