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AEP-ARTS - 0 views

    The purpose of this site is to get the word out there about art education and to try and secure it for every young person in America. There are a number of resources stating the importance of the arts in schools as well as events that are happening to get the word out. The intended audience seems to be anyone and everyone that can help make a difference. My overall impression is that this is a good resource for someone looking to help the cause as well as get educated about how important the arts are. The design of the site helps to get the message across clearly and effectively.

Learn Spanish - 0 views

    Cody The purpose of this website is to teach Spanish from a beginning level up to an advanced level. Different stuff that you need to learn and know about Spanish is available on this site such as: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, verbs, and daily words. It's intended audience for every student that takes a Spanish class from either beginning to advanced students. My overall impression is that it is a very informative internet site for kids to learn and advance their learning of Spanish. From what I have seen, it is a very friendly internet site to help kids learn more Spanish. Most of it is in English for you to understand what is going on. The advertisements on the right side of the internet site aren't very big or distracting. The content is very good, and for me, it outlines and encourages students to learn more about the language of Spanish. The purpose of this site is clear because it is entertaining and informative. It makes you laugh and smile and just enjoy everything that has to do with a Spanish speaking country. It teaches you what you need to be taught about Spanish. It doesn't cover everything, obviously, but it does outline the basic things you need to know about Spanish. The content of this internet site is also well-organized. It's a very easy way of learning another language. The design of this internet site is very appealing because of the colors and designs it has in the site. It's also easy to navigate in this site because you can move around and just explore everything that this internet site entails. Also I like the graphics of everything on this site. To me, it's a very easy and appealing way of introducing a student to the language of Spanish.

Teaching Resources for Spanish Class, - 0 views

    Cody The purpose of this site is to teach Spanish to students in many different ways. It has different forms of relaying the information to students such as PowerPoint, handouts, listening activities, quizzes and vocabulary. The intended audience for this site is that of Spanish teachers. Overall I feel that the site is pretty friendly, but needs work to make the site more appealing. A large majority of the site is in English and makes it easier to navigate. There are advertisements on the right side of the site, but not too distracting or problematic. The content of the site is pretty useful. It gives you many options to teach students. They have a variety so that it can appeal to different kinds of students. It is easy to find on the front page and access. They give you suggestions on how to present different kinds of information like grammar, spelling and reading comprehension. It doesn't cover every single aspect but it does a great job of helping teach students at a high school level. They give you the opportunity to look at their culture as well. It is pretty effective for helping kids learn a language. There are many resources you can use to be an effective teacher.

Preschool Kindergarten Lesson Plans, Activities and Worksheets - 0 views

    Morgan Jenkins October 13, 2014 The author of this website wanted to help teachers find resources and lesson plans more easily. This website provides many different resources for preschool and kindergarten planning. It has lesson plans, activities, worksheets, math, and crafts. I personally feel that this site is helpful in many ways because it has a large variety of ideas and lessons. You can find specific lessons for holidays or seasons, but it still has generic lesson plans that can be modified for a specific class. The author of this website, Elaine Engerdahl, is a credible author because she taught Kindergarten for 31 years, therefore an expert by experience. The last copyright was in 2013. I would consider the materials up to date because the lessons all follow common core standards and include up to date technology and methods. There was a contact section that included the email and mailing address of the author along with a phone number. The content is clear and effective because the purpose was to help provide teachers with resources and the site effectively does that. My overall impression of this website was professional and helpful. This website was easy to navigate and had a clean design. There were buttons for lesson plans, activities, crafts and more. When you would click on the links to other websites they seemed to all work. The design of the simple but fun. There were graphics but not too many. The text was easy to read, and the font was not too big or small. Clearly the website was set up well and is easy to use.

Math Games: Fractions Tutorial - 0 views

    Tyler Igo The purpose of this resource is to aid students in learning fractions. There are games available for grades 1-4. The intended audience is students in grades 1-4. This site looks pretty fun and interactive. I would use this site to help teach my students fractions. Content of my website. The user easily identifies the content. The sponsor of the site is clearly presented. The content achieves its purpose pretty well. There are links to other math games. Design of my website. The homepage downloads very quickly and is covered in color and big icons to click on. The title is large and right in the middle of the page so it is easy to see where you are at. There are some links to other games which are not relevant to my purpose. The interactive portions of the game are easy to follow and complete. The content is presented with the same layout each time and is easy to move along. The material cannot really be outdated considering it is teaching fractions. The presentation of the game does seem up to date.

Ideas for Teaching Fractions - 0 views

    Tyler Igo This sites purpose is to give teachers ideas and worksheets on teaching fractions. There is plenty of content available on the site. The intended audience is teachers. This is a site that I would use in the future. Content of my website. User can easily identify content. There is not a single author, this is a specific group. There is a "what's new" tab so there is new content added. The content does seem to accomplish the goal of presenting teachers with ideas and worksheets. Design of my website. The homepage loads very quickly and is very bright and fun. There are plenty of tabs on the side of the webpage to easily navigate. The information is easily accessible and titled well. There is not a clear date of revision.

Elementary Math Problem-Solving Educational Videos | WatchKnowLearn - 0 views

    Overview: This website is a great way for an elementary teacher teaching math. Videos are the main point for this website. There are multiple videos that show elementary kids how to do the math that the teacher is presenting. This helps the kids because they get to see how to do the math in another way. But in addition it can help the teacher in finding new ways to teach the math in which they are trying to present.
    Overview: This website is a great way for an elementary teacher teaching math. Videos are the main point for this website. There are multiple videos that show elementary kids how to do the math that the teacher is presenting. This helps the kids because they get to see how to do the math in another way. But in addition it can help the teacher in finding new ways to teach the math in which they are trying to present.

Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English - 1 views

    Hannah Clucas October 10, 2012. Overview: neoK12 is an educational video website. The whole site is basically a giant database to help teachers with their lesson plans. The main purpose of the website is to offer educational videos that teachers can use in their class. But there are also quizzes on topics of choice, diagrams, pictures on topics of choice, and even an option to create a school presentation. The site is simple but useful, though it is probably more useful for science and history teachers rather than language arts or math teachers. Content: As I said above, neoK12 is a website that allows teachers to find videos to help with their lesson as well as quizzes, pictures, and diagrams. All of the videos are from Youtube and cover a wide variety of age groups. The content was amazing in some areas and not so great in other areas. In regards to the history and science sections for videos, they are amazing. Several of the science videos are from National Geographic and the history videos are well done and cover a wide variety of eras and cultures. Several of the language arts videos were not made very well. They would probably be more useful to teach with if a teacher cannot come to class. It is the same for the math videos. The quizzes are useful and relevant. The ability to create a school presentation is a great tool for students to write about what they have learned or for creating study guides. All of the videos and other functions of the website are relevant and useful. Design: The site is extremely easy to navigate and is well organized. The home page is the list of the main categories of videos and their subcategories. The design is very simple, nothing flashy or amazing. The site does not bombard you with ads or other websites, which is nice and helps insure that students will stay on the website.
    This website shows many different links to science videos, games and lessons. This helps the teacher and the student in many ways. It gives the teacher a way to look at other lessons and other perspectives to help them teach the class in different ways. The students also get to look at other ways to learn something, and they get to play games and watch videos to learn content instead of reading. Content: The website has multiple different links that relate to sciences from earth and space science to physical science. Each link that is clicked then shows different activities for different grade levels.
    This website shows many different links to science videos, games and lessons. This helps the teacher and the student in many ways. It gives the teacher a way to look at other lessons and other perspectives to help them teach the class in different ways. The students also get to look at other ways to learn something, and they get to play games and watch videos to learn content instead of reading. Content: The website has multiple different links that relate to sciences from earth and space science to physical science. Each link that is clicked then shows different activities for different grade levels.

National Council of Teachers of English - Homepage - 0 views

shared by jande136 on 13 Oct 14 - Cached
    Jay Anderson Another website I used was the National Council of Teachers of English. The URL for this website is The purpose of this website is a collaborative website for English teachers across the nation. This website can be used to find resources to help students with their English studies. There is not one specific author because it is a collaborative website, but there are several obvious areas where you can get in contact with the members. The website has deals with current issues and since it is nationally recognized, undoubtedly reliable. The website fulfills the purpose it is intended for because of how many resources it use that are very reliable. The design of this website is well planned. The website is very clearly laid out so that it is navigationally easy to use. The website is also very aesthetically pleasing as well. The website is overall a great source for an English teacher.
    Another website I used was the National Council of Teachers of English. The URL for this website is The purpose of this website is a collaborative website for English teachers across the nation. This website can be used to find resources to help students with their English studies. There is not one specific author because it is a collaborative website, but there are several obvious areas where you can get in contact with the members. The website has deals with current issues and since it is nationally recognized, undoubtedly reliable. The website fulfills the purpose it is intended for because of how many resources it use that are very reliable. The design of this website is well planned. The website is very clearly laid out so that it is navigationally easy to use. The website is also very aesthetically pleasing as well. The website is overall a great source for an English teacher.

Supporting English Language Learners - Benchmark Education Storefront - 0 views

    This is about English Language Learners. It defines what English language learners are and things to target in the lessons that can be most useful to these students. I like this site because it asks questions that can help a person identify what it is they are looking for and then it answers them thoroughly. This website is created by Benchmark Education Company. This site is extremely thorough and devoted to English Language Learners and teaching strategies that will help them. It goes into detail about some differences these learners have compared to other and also how to help them. The design of this website is very different from the last one. It is more formal but it still very easy to navigate. At the top of the page it states all the questions for easy searching. When you click on these questions it takes you to a very in depth answer. I really enjoy this page because it has a lot of important information. Amanda Harrenga

Second-language Teaching Methods | Mora Modules - 0 views

    This website is for teachers who are teaching second or foreign languages. It consists of multiple approaches to teaching this subject. I really like the layout of this website. It has a list of all the approaches and when you scroll down it goes into detail about all of them. It also explains why each approach was selected and how it would work. I think that this website would be a great tool when one approach is not working. It would allow the teacher to look into various ways to teach and give them reasons as to why it might work. It also tells you how to approach each lesson and various do's and don'ts of the approach as well. This website is aesthetically pleasing. It has an approachable feeling and appears very helpful. It isn't negative and is rather encouraging. It also has links to other news in their bulletin section. I will definitely use this website in the future. Amanda Harrenga

Fun Science Lesson Plans - Activities for Kids, Ideas for Teachers, Free Online Resources - 0 views

    The intended purpose of this website is to provide teachers with fun science lesson plans and activities for grades K-12. Lesson plans with the needed materials is provided, videos, images, quizzes, games and facts are also provided. The author is provided, along with how to contact him and a background information. Although the latest revision is not provided, the material that is shown seems accurate and up to date, based upon my knowledge. The content on this site is well organized, grammatically correct, and easy to understand. There are links that are on the website that are current and fit for the intended audience (teachers).

No Fear Shakespeare: Shakespeare's plays plus a modern translation you can understand - 0 views

shared by jande136 on 13 Oct 14 - Cached
    One resource I chose to evaluate is No Fear Shakespeare. The URL for this website is The purpose of this website is for students to understand Shakespearian plays. Understanding older English can be very difficult, and the purpose of this website is to use language that is more relatable to today. The author of the plays is obviously Shakespeare, and the site shows other information about the contributors at the bottom of the page. Copyright information and contact information is provided for those who need it. This website is current, and seems reliable. The website effectively fulfills its purpose. I used this as a source while studying Shakespeare, and I would use it for teaching it as well. The design of this website is very functional. This was easy to use as well as aesthetically pleasing. The website is easily navigated and presents information well. The design is very modern, so it is fun to be on this website.

Homepage - ReadWriteThink - 1 views

    Jennifer Durn January 24, 2010 ReadWriteThink - OVERVIEW The ReadWriteThink site is a partnership between the International Reading Association, National Council for Teachers of English, and the Verizon Foundation. The site contains several sections such as classroom resources, professional development, and parent/afterschool resources. The purpose of the site is to provide a collaborative tool to share free resources in reading and language arts instruction. This site would be a great resource for both the prospective and experienced educator. CONTENT Information on the site is up-to-date and clearly attributed to each author. Each of the sections is organized logically and contains links to various educational and reading websites. Cutting edge teaching methods are featured on the site and include teaching with podcasts and online safety for students. I was impressed with the relevance of the information on the site to today's student and current issues in education. DESIGN The ReadWriteThink site is of high quality with many pictures and multimedia graphics. The site also contains interactive exercises for students from K-12, lesson plans available for download, projects, and games. These various tools present information in ways which are useful for a variety of learning styles. This site is also well organized with logical placement of links and toolbars.
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    Overview This is a catchall site for educators accumulating classroom resources, professional development guides, and parent and afterschool resources and learning objective resources. Content The content is up to date and informative. I enjoy how resources are broken down by grade specific needs and how all inclusive the information is. It is a great site to start at when stuck or encountering an educational problem. The authors are clear and legit. This site is very useful for my information needs and worth bookmarking for future reference. Design The design is attractive and easy to use. All the links appear to work in multiple browsers. The graphics are professionally and effectively employed. Overall: It is very well designed and easy to use.
    Overview: Read Write Think is a website designed for teachers to assist them with lesson plans, classroom resources and overall classroom ideas. The website is unique in that you can search a subject, and it will give you several different lesson plan ideas for grades K-12. Beyond that, the lesson plan ideas tell you the required materials such as internet or textbook resources, and they also tell you the state standards the lesson will meet. This website is great for generating ideas about different subjects, and creating lessons you might never have thought of on your own. Content: The overall content of the site is very reliable; it was created by the International Reading Association and the National Council for Teachers of English. The ideas, standards, and recommended resources are also highly reliable. All the links on the site also bring you to highly relevant information to the topic you have searched. Design: The design of the site is very professional and easy to navigate. The content is all easy to access, and displayed in a way where you automatically know the intended, professional purpose of the site. All the links to other websites are relevant and fully functioning. There aren't many advertisements to distract you; however, there is hardly any use of multimedia. There are occasional pictures, but in general it is a strictly traditional, informational site.
    Meghan Frank The purpose of this website is to help teachers not only be able to teach how to read, write, and think but to also provide resources and help to be able to teach these subjects effectively to their students. This is definitely a website that is more centered on teachers and maybe even parents. This website provides lesson plans, different student interactions and activities, professional development, and videos to help teachers in their classroom. When looking over the content evaluation this website proves to be very useful. It is easy to identify the content of these site as well the intended audience, which is teachers. You can easily locate who the author is, their information, that they are creditable, and they provide information to contact them if you need too. It lists that the latest date that it was revised was in 2014, and that it is updated frequently. All links are also working properly. This website also has high quality information. It achieves its intended purpose for the audience, and it is very well organized and easy to understand. The information appears to be accurate and up to date, and the information is consistent around the site and with the other links. This website also has an efficient design, according to cyberguide ratings. The homepage opens fast and you immediately know where you are and what information this website will give you. There is a table of contents, and you can identify the sponsor of the website and how to contact them. The copyright date is also listed. This site is easy to navigate and has pretty straight forward directions on how to navigate through it. All the links are working and relevant to the content of the site. All the multimedia aspects of the website have a purpose and contribute to the site. The information on this website is very relevant to teachers and would make it worth visiting. It is easy to navigate and is formatted the same throughout the site. Over all this would be a resourceful

News Room | Americans for the Arts - 0 views

    Alyssa Maurer ITEC-2360 Prof. Craig E. Shepherd Web Resources Evaluation The website, Americans for the Arts ( is an interactive resource website that specifically dedicated to promoting, sustaining, and supporting all art education within the United States. The main intended audience of this website is educators, professors, students, and individuals interested in supporting the arts within their communities. The website includes the local, state, and advocacy for art education to precisely portray their purpose to their audience. The research for supporting the arts is included along with forums to connect to resources and alliances within communities across the nation. The website seems to be full of valuable information and ways to connect with others within your community to share and explore ways to support the arts. The content of the website is specific and to the point. The mission of the organization is easily found and the creators of the organization can be contacted directly through email. They have a newsletter section along with blogs that keeps the viewer up to date and able to comment and discuss topics online. Their research studies and publications are all uploaded to the website showing that they have dedicated research to proving the importance of the arts. There is a lot of content within this website which is almost overwhelming though when first visiting the site. It would take a lot of time to explore the entirety of this website. The design of the website is modern and nicely organized. The drop down menus allow for the design elements of the website to be consistent throughout the entire website. Important links to different parts of the website are shown in bold blocks that are in yellow and red, demanding attention. The images shown are usually of individuals allowing you to visualize the author and or the subject from a lecture that is summarized. Ways to connect to the website is shown through soci

Annual International Human Rights Summit 2012 - 0 views

shared by sydneyjfc on 13 Oct 14 - Cached
    The purpose of this site is to inform visitors of what they can do to promote human rights around the world. The audience is "youth" so children of a wide range of ages and even teachers who want to introduce this resource to them. The website offers a multitude of information such as what this group is and what they do and what human rights are. The website is spread out and information is designated to different tabs. I like that if I want to scroll down I can see "Human Rights News" as well as a definition of human rights. This makes me feel as though if I were bringing a class to this site they would be drawn into the subject just by the front page and then use the tabs to research more. The page appears busy but in a well laid out way. It draws a viewer in with the color scheme and the over all layout.

Cold War - Vietnam (1954-1968) - YouTube - 0 views

shared by haus619 on 13 Oct 14 - No Cached
    Cold War- Wikipedia Site Evaluated October 13, 2014
    The purpose of this Wiki site is to give a general overview of the Cold War. It is designed for educational and casual learners. This page goes into great depth on many aspects to the Cold War. Although I wouldn't rely on it for specific factual information to base research on, the page is well referenced and gives factual information as well as many other sources to further the readers' knowledge. The overview begins with what the Cold War is and moves into historical significance as well as a timeline of events. There are many aspects of the Cold War and many of the topics are covered including historical significance, social aspects and historical people, events and documents that were important to the Cold War. Because it is very engaging to the reader, it is a great place to gain interest in the subject and show how large the topic is. The design of the page follows standard Wiki format. It shows a brief overview of the Cold War and moves into more specifics. Because of the stigma that comes with how much you can "trust" a Wiki site, there nearly 300 supporting resources attached to the bottom of the Wiki. From personal research on the subject, I have read many of the documents that are used to support the information throughout.

Energy Education and Workforce Development: K-12 Lesson Plans and Activities - 0 views

    The intended purpose of this website is to provide teachers with background information and resources when teaching about energy resources to all different age levels. On the website there are different lesson plans and activities to incorporate into the classroom for all grades. The website overall is easy to navigate and understandable. The purpose of this site is clear: to inform. The author is not clearly identified, but the website is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and the information is consistent with similar information and appears to be accurate based on my prior knowledge. It gives many facts not only just about energy and lesson plans/activities, but information specifically about the federal government energy department. Links to other sites are current and working properly. Overall, the website is friendly. The author and when it was recently updated is not provided, but the information appears to be accurate. It is easy to navigate and offers sufficient information. Also, the links are up to date on the website.

Cold War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by haus619 on 13 Oct 14 - Cached
    Cold War- YouTube Documentary Evaluated October 13, 2014
    The purpose of this site is to give a 45 minute video tutorial of the Cold War. It is designed for upper level students, presumably high school and college. Based on the information in the video, it is a great overview and or complementary source for learning about the Cold War. The documentary was published on Oct 11, 2014. This overview begins with the United States' entry into Vietnam and goes through the fall of the Berlin Wall. Using interviews with historical experts and leaders from this period of time, the author put together an informative and engaging piece. The design of the video is put together as a standard documentary. Because we are looking at historical events, it is best to do so in chronological order. The author of the video puts it together so the students will understand how the chronological events take place and affect each other.

The Grapes of Wrath - Character Census and Descriptions | Steinbeck in the Schools | Sa... - 0 views

    Basic content of this site is easily accessible. The intended audience of this site is for students reading the material. The author for this site is clearly listed on the bottom of the page, he is a professor at the university of San Jose state. The website has contact information in order to reach the author. The last update on this website was late September of 2014. This site seems really consistent with all other sites as well as the book. This site is aesthetically pleasing and easy to work around. There isn't any other links on this page, but everything else seems frequent. The content achieves intended purpose of giving an overview of the main characters of the book. The content on this page is accurate consistent and free of bias remarks. Previous knowledge of the subject is apparent. There is no spelling or grammar mistakes and everything on site is working. This site offers sufficient information related to my topic. This page is easily accessible, when the url is clicked on the website pops up. The pages are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Images, title, and description make it easy to tell exactly where you are. There is a table of contents in order to know exactly what you are going to look at. This site is easy to navigate around, and fun to use. There is limited external links on this page and there is no where you can get lost in the site. One basic format is used throughout the site, the information is labeled and organized. This site is up to date and any other information that is not to date has been removed. There is much useful information on this site, which makes it worth while for me to visit in class.
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