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11 useful Android apps for time management and productivity - 2 views

    This is a slideshow of productivity apps for Android systems. It shows a few cloud storage and file sharing programs. It also has many note and list creation apps.
Chris Ruether

Cyberbullying: Should schools police students' social media accounts? (+video) - CSMoni... - 0 views

    This article talks about the trouble with to much social media and the use of "Cyberbullying". I think this is an important article for all incoming teachers to read and understand.
Chris Ruether

How Social Networking Helps Teaching (and Worries Some Professors) - Technology - The C... - 1 views

  • Ask students to do role-playing exercises on Facebook or Twitter. For instance, students in an American-history course could each be required to set up a Facebook page for a historical figure and periodically post "status updates" of things the famous people did. Similarly, Utah State University organized a Civil War re-enactment on Twitter.
  • Some attendees stressed that there is a danger that professors would use
  • new technologies just because they seemed cool, rather than for any specific learning goa
    This article gave specific examples of how social media was used in the class room. Being a History major I especially liked the idea of making pages for certain historical figures and posting status updates about things that person did
Rina Yu

Teaching students about online safety - 0 views

    Teachers can use this information to teach students to be safe on the internet
Chris Ruether

Education Week: Schools Are Using Social Networking to Involve Parents - 0 views

  • This school year, the 1.1 million-student New York City system launched a new text-subscription service that notifies parents in English or Spanish of school news and a series of webinars on topics of relevance to parents. The 640,000-student Los Angeles school district hired its first-ever director of social media this past spring, whose main charge is communicating and sharing district information with parents and students via tools such as YouTube, Twitter, and Tumblr.
  • In the 182,000-student Fairfax County school system in Virginia, 84,500 people have subscribed to the district's enhanced news and information email and text service, the district's Facebook page has 26,000 "likes," and its Twitter account has 8,100 followers
  • digital technologies to improve communication between the school and parents
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • has its teachers use Skype to run parent conferences and airs live and archived video of all parent and teacher association meetings for parents who are unable to attend. Recently, Mr. Mazza and some staff members even brought laptops into a local mosque that a number of the school's families attend, and streamed live footage there of one of the meetings
  • About 2,000 parents have already received training since the start of school this year, according to Kelly Cline, the senior manager of parent engagement for the Houston district.
    This article talks about teaching the parents about how to use social media properly in order for them to stay up to date about many things in their children's lives. one example is using Skype to do parent teacher conferences. Also using high-quality digital content in the homes is allowing parents to once again help their students with homework.
Chris Ruether

Why Schools Must Teach Social Networking | Network.Ed - 0 views

  • Students have discovered that learning is no longer bound to the confines of the school building and schools are beginning to realise that teaching students how to use these technologies effectively for academic purposes is essential if they want their students to engage in the use of social networking appropriately, less sporadically and more spectacularly.
  • The use of the internet is becoming an ever more integral part of young people’s lives and, as a result, they are communicating with each other on an unprecedented scale.
  • In my view, teaching and learning need to reflect these social changes and conform to the needs and expectations of today’s young people.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Your private life should remain private. Being friends with pupils on Facebook is not ok as it exposes you and your pupils to unacceptable risks.
  • Handling all this information has suddenly become one of the most precious skills we can hope to pass on to our students. How teachers and schools react and adapt to this new paradigm will bear direct consequences in the future success of their pupils, for remembering facts and figures may not be as important to them in their lives as being able to successfully acquire, manipulate and exploit information.
    This article argues that teachers should actually teach their students how to use these social media outlets successfully so they can use them in the class room. I think this is an important article to show how important it is to bridge that gap between student and teacher.
Chris Ruether

Social Media in Higher Education: A Literature Review and Research Directions | Charles... - 0 views

  • Given this insight
  • SMTs are reshaping theway students communicate
  • They utilize wall posts, event notifications, and tweets to inform students about upcoming
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • events and
  • activities, athletic games and competitions, deadlines, reminders, general college
  • announcements, school closings due to inclement weather or other reasons, alerts, and
  • emergencies. The use of social media in recruitment, marketing, or managing the college’s brand
  • image (mostly through one-way communication) was the next most frequent purpose listed.
  • These young media consumers are more connected than
  • any previous generation, and they have an expectation to remain that way in all aspects of their lives (Prensky, 2005).
    This article indicates the increased usage by universities and other higher education institutes of social media. It seems to imply that the more integrated a teacher is with social media such as Facebook and YouTube in the class room the better the students respond.
Chris Ruether

social media in higher education - Google Scholar - 0 views

    I couldn't bookmark the single article so I just bookmarked the webpage with all of them. The first article talks about the evolution of social media in the class room. It also talks about how the educators are attempting to adapt to the social media world their students live in.
John DiDonna

L.A. Unified takes back iPads as $1-billion plan hits hurdles - 0 views

    LA times article about LA school district that spend $1 billion on getting students ipads. The school district is now trying to get the ipads back, it has gotten 2/3 of the devices back.
Whitney Burton

- iPad Apps to meet IEP Goals - 0 views

    This article provides a list of iPad apps that meet IEP guidelines for children that are classified as autistic or that are developmentally disabled. It describes the goals that are met and even provides a short video of "How the iPad Meets IEP Goals."
Jessica Speasr

Debate on Use of Ipods and MP3 Devices in Class - 0 views

    A interesting debate to get a overall picture on the advantages and disadvantages of using ipods and mp3 players in the classroom.
Rachel Roeder

Effects of iPads in the Classroom on Elementary Education - 0 views

    An article about the effects iPads have in elementary classrooms. It lists some pro's and con's and some things teachers have to say about it. 
Jenna Stollberg

The Teacher's Guide to Facebook - 0 views

    This blog gives guidelines for teachers about how to present themselves on facebook and how to handle requests from students. It stresses that teachers are professionals and the way they present themselves on any type of social media should reflect that.

boston_parents_paper_puzzling_through.pdf - 0 views

    "Best practises" teaching strategies and tips for teaching children with an ASD.
George Sudbery

iPads in the Classroom - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 0 views

    This site includes a large variety of information and resources on the use of tablets in education. One of the most notable features of this space is that its creator has included a long list of tutorials that can aid teachers in bringing unfamiliar technology into their daily instruction.
Meredith Rapp

Flipping the Classroom - 1 views

    This website provides a basic overview of what classroom flipping is and how it is used in the current classroom. It presents recent research and key elements of classroom flipping.
Morgan Estep

Report: Online Learning Nearly Doubles Among High School Students -- THE Journal - 0 views

    Talks about a report of online education among high school students. States how the growth of this method is not enough to keep up with all the students that want to enroll.
Leah Johnson

"21 Ways to Integrate the SMART Board in the Elementary Classroom" - NJAET_Outline_SMAR... - 0 views

    This document describes many ways that the SMART board can be used in the classroom. It also provides links, shortcuts, and techniques.
Jeff Hanks

"6 Reasons why you should use 6 laptops in your classroom" - 1 views

    This is a persuasive essay detailing the positive effects of a controlled setting with laptop use in classes. Having a small number of laptops and placing the students in groups would allow the laptops to be used in a controlled setting with laptop time being much more valuable having to share with other students. Having one laptop per group would allow the laptop to be a tool of necessity rather than entertainment.
Abigail Hempton

Tablets vs. Textbooks - - 0 views

    This source breaks down some of the main pros and cons regarding the issue of promoting tablets in the classroom for grades K-12. Major points are addressed such as the health controversy, financial adjustments, distractibility, etc. Interesting statistics about number of e-books purchased and usage is presented, along with statistics about expenses of the electronic book options. I found this source by Googleing, "digital books vs textbooks, pros and cons".
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