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Daniel Benoni

The Am Law Pro Bono 100 - The American Lawyer - 0 views

  • Our first Am Law Pro Bono 100 project takes an in depth look at firms’ pro bono matters.
Daniel Benoni

TUGG | Technology Underwriting Greater Good - 0 views

  • TUGG Is Open Source Philanthropy Funding social innovation that supports entrepreneurship, education and life experiences for young people
    TUGG Is Open Source Philanthropy Funding social innovation that supports entrepreneurship, education and life experiences for young people in New England.
Aude-Olivia Dufour

Philanthropy Initiatives - 0 views

    great potential customers
Aude-Olivia Dufour

Zoetica Media » Services - 0 views

    possible partner to do the marketing research behind connecting our clients with the right charities, they use social media 
Daniel Benoni

How to Increase Internal Corporate Community Engagement - 7Summits Blog - 0 views

  • Internal communication and collaboration within intranets has documented solid ROI’s encouraging companies to look to it more and more for increased innovation and decreased costs.
  • Q. So how do you activate your internal community to reach a positive ROI? A. Facilitate Employee Engagement within the platform. A successful company and a thriving corporate culture doesn’t come from an org chart and people identified by numbers it comes from HUMANS, community, and allowing other users to benefit from each other’s expertise. Successful internal community participation directly and indirectly helps users across divisions and regions achieve their goals, find experts, and collaborate efficiently.
  • Successful internal community participation directly and indirectly helps users across divisions and regions achieve their goals, find experts, and collaborate efficiently.
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  • Internal communication and collaboration within intranets has documented solid ROI’s encouraging companies to look to it more and more for increased innovation and decreased costs. While many organizations have achieved these positive ROI’s, the process to realizing them is often challenged. Activating the community, and getting users to interact with each other becomes a difficult behavioral change, but one that is invaluable to the company as a whole and its employees
  • No one is participating because companies are simply using a different communication medium for the same old message. The voice of a community should reign relevant to the workers, not the executives, a common mistake we see with many failed internal community and intranet projects.  The fastest way to make a community relevant and to gain participation is to make it human and to upgrade the messaging to fit the distribution tool.
  • Identify ambassadors/ Experts: Don’t ignore those able to deliver genuine knowledge, identify them, embrace them, and give them room to speak in a HUMAN voice. Engagement breeds engagement. People who are most likely to contribute include natural leaders, employee’s active on other social networks, and members who had a say in the initial community planning stages,
  • Recognize these experts: Thank users who do participate. Many companies build communities prompting “Find an Expert” “Ask a Question” but the true value of the question and answer feature is getting people to answer those questions.
  • Invest in Information Architecture and User Experience: We’ve seen several communities that are lacking engagement because it is unclear to users HOW to engage.  Investments in information architecture are often over looked, even though they are vitally important. 
    great article to support the need of an internal collaborative tool facilitating community engagement!!!
Daniel Benoni

MyTimeScore - 0 views

    Competitor, they offer tracking features, but they have a crappy website...
Aude-Olivia Dufour

Orange launch 'Do Some Good' mobile based volunteering | Tech on the Go - News and Revi... - 0 views

    first mobile app in uk to do volunteering
Daniel Benoni

Why Top Brands Are Investing So Much Time In a Social Media Leaderboard - 0 views

  • Why Top Brands Are Investing So Much Time In a Social Media Leaderboard
  • Massive brands like Intel, Audi, Microsoft, Ford Motor Company, Toyota and AT&T have also invested in EA and are quickly rising up EA’s business leaderboard. The real-life success of a company seems to directly correspond with EA’s scoring algorithm. The Fortune 500 ranks public companies by the most after-tax revenue for the year, but how does EA determine its scoring? “We really look at the following: Activity (how much and what you do), audience (who’s listening) and engagement/interaction (how are people engaging you),” Dups said. “So if you can break down any network in that way, you can figure out what we listen to.”
  • Getting In Early
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  • So if brands aren’t necessarily going by their EA network score to judge their return on investment, how do they know if their time is well spent? Robert Scoble thinks it’s too early to say whether brands will see a major return on their EA investment. “It’s something fun to play around with, but that’s all I’d be doing right now if I were a company,” Scoble said. “That said, you could get a lot of PR by playing around with services in early stages of the game. Everyone remembers [the companies that were early to] blogging and Twitter. No one cares about the 3,000th one there.”
  • Intel is seeing results from being an early adopter. “As one of the first Fortune 50 brands on EA, we got first-mover credit,” explained Rhoads. “People noticed we were participating and were able to interact directly through the game with a very active, pre-existing community. It’s very satisfying to invest in that community and I think gratifying and perhaps surprising when a brand re-invests back in you. As far as results are concerned, it’s hard to tell.”
  • While larger companies are always among first adopters for new social networking sites because they have more resources and staff, the true test will be if smaller companies will flock to EA as they have to Facebook and Twitter. Most companies will likely need harder evidence of return on investment in order to justify getting into the game
    Potential partner, they could use our score in their algorithm, we could ask them some question about their algorithm, we offer them a social value in their score and they drive us really interesting traffic and brands! To check soon!
Daniel Benoni

Pro Bono Standards & Valuation - Pro Bono 101 - Resources - Lead Pro Bono - Taproot Fou... - 0 views

  • Pro Bono Standards & Valuation In partnership with the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy (CECP), Taproot Foundation has developed standards for pro bono service to professionalize the field and ensure the consistent quality of services delivered to recipient organizations
  • Examples of Pro Bono Service HR team audits the HR systems of a nonprofit Finance team develops managerial accounting systems for a nonprofit Property development team helps a nonprofit secure and design office space Creative team develops a nonprofit's annual report Working as part of her company's pro bono commitment to a nonprofit, a professional tax accountant provides tax consulting to needy individuals in the community
  • Examples of Other Skills-Based Service (Not Pro Bono) Executive serves on a nonprofit board and gives informal advice Manager coaches high school student on a business plan competition An accountant independently provides free tax services to an individual in the community who can't afford tax advice Engineer designs a technology curriculum for an after school program Working as part of her company's pro bono commitment to a nonprofit, a software designer sets up staff computers (setting up computers is not within the core description of a software designer's professional expertise)
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Current Dollar Fair Market Valuation Pro bono work should be valued at Fair Market Value (FMV) and recorded as non-cash giving in CECP Survey Question 9.  FMV is the hourly or project cost that a paying client would incur for the same service. Companies are encouraged to use the three scenarios below to assist in determining the FMV of services rendered.  The dollar values in the scenarios below are based upon current U.S. salary data adjusted to account for geographic differences and typical fee-discounting practices.  CECP is currently unable to provide dollar-value assistance for non-U.S. pro bono service. Paid-release-time service that does not meet the pro bono criteria should be recorded at a dollar value that is appropriate to the skills involved in CECP Survey Question 22 (do not include pro bono hours in Question 22, as that would be double counting hours recorded in Question 9). When in doubt, the current Independent Sector rate is appropriate.
  • For companies with minimal pro bono tracking capabilities In the absence of employee skill area data and internal billing rates, CECP recommends using an estimate of $120 per hour for pro bono service projects. This is based on a rounded average billing rate for mid-level employees across disciplines, highlighted below. For companies with moderate pro bono tracking capabilities Companies that track the seniority level or skills deployed in pro bono projects should use the following chart to value pro bono hours if internal rates are not available.
  • For companies with robust pro bono tracking capabilities Companies should use their best internal billing information to determine the FMV of services rendered. These valuations should be adjusted to reflect billing differences by: geography, seniority level, rate discounting, employee skill area, etc. To do this, companies must track project metrics that affect billing rates so that an accurate, defensible valuation for pro bono contributions can be recorded. CECP strongly encourages companies to track pro bono to this level of specificity whenever possible.
    GREAT INFORMATION. To read! - Use cases leads - "What to track in pro-bono" - References, etc. 
Aude-Olivia Dufour

Interactions Corporation Raises $12M More to Ease the Pains of Automated Customer Servi... - 0 views

    Hum, yeah customer service needs to be improved. 
Aude-Olivia Dufour

Search | Atlantic Philanthropies - 0 views

    really interesting articles, parlent de volunteermatch notamment
Daniel Benoni

Companies See Volunteering As a Benefit | Atlantic Philanthropies - 0 views

  • She's been to Sri Lanka and South Africa as a participant in Accenture Development Partnerships, a program that sends employees to work on nonprofit projects in developing countries.
  • As more employees see volunteer work as a way to learn new skills or move their careers forward, volunteering has become a sort of corporate benefit.
  • For an annual fee between $5,000 and $50,000, companies can give their employees access to a VolunteerMatch list of 55,300 nonprofits seeking help. Nonprofits join for free.
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  • Field said one major attraction for companies is the chance to align their employee volunteer programs with the objective of their business.
  • Volunteer programs are tied efforts to retain two major employee groups, younger workers looking for work-life balance and ready-to-retire older workers who want to serve their communities,
  • Bramhall, 29 agreed the Development Partnerships program is a retention tool for Accenture.
  • Workers who are part of Gen Y say they want a job that lets them also exercise their personal values and beliefs, according to a study by Deloitte & Touche USA LLC. The study shows 62 percent of Gen Y respondents between the ages of 18 and 26 want to work for companies that give them a chance to use their skills to help a nonprofit.
  • Lupe Garcia, associate general counsel in the legal department at Gap, Inc. said her supervisors have recognized the fundraising and communication skills she developed in her volunteer work have increased her skills
  • Employees at Gap can spend up to five hours of paid time each month on a volunteer activity. If they spend 15 hours of their own time volunteering, Gap will give $150 to the organization, as well as matching any employee donations.
  • "An important driver in wanting to do this was really a desire to do something with my skills that had a broader impact, that had a deeply social impact," Coghlan said.
Aude-Olivia Dufour

WE Volunteer - WE tv - 0 views

    volunteer tv
Rachel Chaikof

TBD - 0 views

    "TBD is a free newsletter that delivers one world-shaking idea and one collective action to improve our future."
Rachel Chaikof

Superman, Batman, Other DC Entertainment Superheroes Fight Famine In Horn Of Africa - 0 views

    Very interesting article on how DC Entertainment is taking a role in CSR
Rachel Chaikof

Featured Philanthropist: Jordan Mellul - 0 views

    Just a great example of an interview for when we do some...
Rachel Chaikof

Pinterest's First Investor Explains the Secret to the Startup's Success - 0 views

    Some good tips for a startup...
Rachel Chaikof

The Dirty Little Secret Of Overnight Successes - 0 views

    Here are some encouragement for you guys :)
Rachel Chaikof

Seth's Blog: Is everyone entitled to their opinion? - 0 views

    Don't like negative opinions stop you from doing great work. :)
Rachel Chaikof | When the Bran... - 0 views

    They use branding based on services
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