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Teresa Pombo

BibMe: Fast & Easy Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian - Free - 0 views

    Welcome to BibMe! The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. It's the easiest way to build a works cited page. And it's free.
Jose Paulo Santos

How Disruptive Innovation Changes Education - HBS Working Knowledge - 0 views

  • How can schools around the world educate their students better? What does the future hold? Most researchers who study these questions in the field of education peer through the lenses of sociology and public policy. HBS professor Clayton M. Christensen and colleagues chose a different approach—the theory of disruptive innovation, often applied to a variety of other industries, such as technology and health care.
    Como poderão as escolas em todo o mundo educar melhor os seus alunos?
    How can schools around the world educate their students better? What does the future hold? Most researchers who study these questions in the field of education peer through the lenses of sociology and public policy. HBS professor Clayton M. Christensen and colleagues chose a different approach-the theory of disruptive innovation, often applied to a variety of other industries, such as technology and health care.
António Teixeira

100 Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of Learner | College@Home - 0 views

  • Mindomo: Premium versions of this mind mapping tool come at a cost, but you can get access to the basic version for free. It allows you to add links, pictures and text to mind maps and share them over the net.
    • António Teixeira
      Dos que conheço, este parece-me o melhor.
  • Moodle: Post and share podcasts with an interactive online community using Moodle. You can not only post your own podcasts but get access to those of others that could provide educational value to you.
    • António Teixeira
      ?!! O que faz o Moodle aqui?!
  • Put your notes or classroom information into an audio format with these handy apps.
    • António Teixeira
      Eu acrescentaria duas: Google Presenter e Soundslides.
    • António Teixeira
      E ainda outra (ainda em fase private beta, mas que promete...): Sliderocket.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Bookmarking
    • António Teixeira
      Falta, obviamente, a melhor de todas: Diigo!
  • JotSpot: Working in a group just became easier with this online wiki tool that allows students to share notes, project ideas and information in an easily accessible format.
    • António Teixeira
      Ridículo. Já nem sequer existe. Agora chama-se: Google Sites...
  • These chatting and networking tools can make it easy to interact with classmates and friends.
    • António Teixeira
      Ausência óbvia: Ning.
    Uma lista com interesse, embora me pareça que algumas das ferramentas não se encontram listadas com rigor...
    Uma lista de 100 ferramentas Web segundo os diversos "estilos de aprendizagem".
António Teixeira

How To Influence Your Co-workers - 0 views

  • One of the tasks which ed tech coordinators are landed with is cajoling other teachers to use the technology in their lessons. And not just in a one-off or a tokenistic way, either. No! You’re expect to persuade them, somehow, that this is the way of the future and that they should therefore cast aside all their old, non-techie teaching methods and step into this brave new world.
  • Fundamentally, what you need to have in order to succeed as an ed tech coordinator, is not so much a technical understanding of computers, but an intuitive understanding of people.
  • I reasoned that nobody in, say, the English department would listen to me telling them how they could improve their teaching of English if they used the right software or device. But they probably would listen to one of their co-workers in the same department.
    Artigo de Terry Freedman particularmente interessante para coordenadores pedagógicos de PTE's...
Carlos Vaz

100 top sites for the year ahead: our latest selection finds that location-based servic... - 0 views

    top100 sites de Internet 2008
Teresa Pombo

K12 Online Conference 2008 | Classroom 2.0 "Initiating and Sustaining Conversations: As... - 0 views

  • This presentation aims to address some of the challenges associated with assessment and evaluation in Web 2.0 classrooms. Specifically, it will address how to develop strategies and tools that engage students in the assessment and evaluation process, and help them stay in control of their learning and their progress. Consequently, a strong emphasis will be placed on developing assessment and evaluation procedures and habits that not only complement but also foster the interactive and learner-centric environments afforded by the interactive tools of the read/write web. The presenter will share strategies to assess and evaluate student work on blogs, wikis, and discussion forums.
Jose Paulo Santos

Turnitin - no plagiarism - 0 views

  • Used by thousands of institutions in over eighty countries, Turnitin’s comprehensive plagiarism prevention system lets you quickly and effectively check all of your students’ work in a fraction of the time necessary to scan a few suspect papers using a search engine.
Hugo Domingos

Overcoming the Technology Resistance Movement - Inside the School - 1 views

  • many professional educators and administrators remain hesitant, reluctant, and perhaps even highly resistant to try online learning and teaching with technology.
  • with accelerating demand for online learning, significantly reduced budgets, and the emergence of hundreds of free or relatively inexpensive Web technologies, that resistance is coming to a sudden halt.
  • 10 such ideas
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • show teachers examples of what actually works.
  • Consider having these stories developed by peers and colleagues whom they trust instead of by vendors or external consultants.
  • starting with a simple technology tool or resource that can be mastered and applied is more important than explaining the underlying instructional approach,
  • Support staff might be on call when needed for 1:1 help and advice. Technical support personnel and trainers should not dictate a single approach or instructional philosophy but rather they should listen to teacher needs and respond accordingly.
  • For instance, the final 5-10 minutes of a department, program, or unit meeting might be saved for a live presentation of an emerging technology or discussion of ideas related to how one is using technology or the Web in instruction
  • modeling the use of online technologies and courses by one’s colleagues and superiors is highly valuable.
  • or instance, someone savvy with technology or knowledgeable about online teaching and learning might be asked to support one or more novice teachers or assistants.
António Teixeira

Creating Computer Games Teaches Critical Skills - 1 views

    • António Teixeira
      Quem me indica bons programas para a criação de jogos?...
  • creating computer games, rather than just playing them, could boost students' critical and creative thinking skills
  • The team adds that teaching people how to use off-the-shelf tools to quickly build a computer game might allow anyone to learn new thinking and computing skills. After all, they explain, the process involves storytelling, developing characters, evaluating plots, and working with digital images and music.
    Mais do que jogar, a criação de jogos permite desenvolver inúmeras capacidades.
António Teixeira

Barry Schwartz on our loss of wisdom | Video on - 0 views

    Apresentação de Barry Schwartz sobre "Sabedoria Prática", o excesso de regras e os efeitos perversos. A necessidade de retorno à importância da ética e do carácter.
António Teixeira

Creating a Learning Ecosystem - Why Blended Learning is Now Inadequate - 0 views

  • Unlike a traditional blended learning environment where those who learn are fed from one source, a learning ecosystem balances those organisms (people) with the environment (organization, culture, tools).
  • what is the difference between blended learning and creating a learning ecosystem?  Blended learning takes on the funnel mentality.  All knowledge must funnel through the learning department’s people, systems, processes, packages and must be measured in standard ways as it goes through.  If it does not route and measure in these ways it is out of our circle of influence. In a learning ecosystem the environment is created so that learning just happens.  It is a part of work rather than separate from it.  It includes traditional blended learning when appropriate (for each piece does not lose its significance) but the funnel, for the most part, is gone.  Formal learning intersects with social learning intersects with informal learning intersects with traditional learning…
  • Instead of, “I am going to learning” it is “I am always learning.”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • We must strategically create learning ecosystems within our organizations where formal courses of all kinds, social interactions using all mediums and all types of informal learning blend together.
  • It is a holistic approach to learning.
  • must watch
    Artigo interessante sobre como criar um "ecosistema" de aprendizagem.
Hugo Domingos

Hot Potatoes Home Page - 0 views

  • Beta of Java Hot Potatoes
  • The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.
  • Hot Potatoes is not freeware, but it is free of charge for those working for publicly-funded non-profit-making educational institutions, who make their pages available on the web. Other users must pay for a licence. Check out the Hot Potatoes licensing terms and pricing on the Half-Baked Software Website.
    • Hugo Domingos
      Licensiamento do software. Ler com atenção condições para licença livre!
    Versão mais actualizada do HotPotatoes
    Site oficial do HotPotatoes. Transformações de licenciamento e e descontinuidade do projecto provocaram perda de qualidade em comparação com outras soluções.
Hugo Domingos

100 Essential Web Tools for Any Side Business | Management Degree - 0 views

  • Marketing and Customers
  • Retaggr lets you set up a "definitive profile"
  • Time Tracking and To-Dos
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  • Website Tools
  • Productivity Get a handle on your productivity even as you juggle other jobs and responsibilities.
  • Business Tools This list of business tools will keep you organized and professional.
    WebTools para rentabilizar trabalho através da Web!
Hugo Domingos

Free Technology for Teachers: 30+ Alternatives to YouTube - 0 views

  • 5. How Stuff Works i
  • 10 Dot Sub
  • Kids Know It Network, The Futures Channel, Science Tube, and Math-A-Tube.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 21. Snag Films is a great place to watch full length documentaries
  • 4. Untamed Science is a collection of videos and podcasts about biology and Earth science topics.
    Excelente compilação de video sites para uso educativo!
Hugo Domingos

100 Excellent Open Access Journals for Educators | Online College Tips - Online Colleges - 4 views

  • Education Review.
  • Educational Researcher
  • Higher Education and Online Education
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Innovate.
  • Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration.
  • International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. This journal provides a place for teachers, students, and academics to work toward improving the quality of higher-education instruction.
    100 Excellent Open Access Journals for Educators
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