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Carlos Vaz

Web 2.0: from Curious to Competent - 0 views

    Web 2.0 tools play an increasingly important role in everyday life. Not only are people more connected, but they have more opportunities to find information, share ideas and be creative than ever before. Most educators who use some of the new, free, online tools to accomplish tasks find rich rewards. Yet many others are curious about how the tools work, and even more, what exactly they can do with them in the classroom to help their students learn. This eBook is designed to explore the reasons for using the most popular Web 2.0 tools and guide you as you explore the read/write Web on your own.
António Teixeira

100 Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of Learner | College@Home - 0 views

  • Mindomo: Premium versions of this mind mapping tool come at a cost, but you can get access to the basic version for free. It allows you to add links, pictures and text to mind maps and share them over the net.
    • António Teixeira
      Dos que conheço, este parece-me o melhor.
  • Moodle: Post and share podcasts with an interactive online community using Moodle. You can not only post your own podcasts but get access to those of others that could provide educational value to you.
    • António Teixeira
      ?!! O que faz o Moodle aqui?!
  • Put your notes or classroom information into an audio format with these handy apps.
    • António Teixeira
      Eu acrescentaria duas: Google Presenter e Soundslides.
    • António Teixeira
      E ainda outra (ainda em fase private beta, mas que promete...): Sliderocket.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Bookmarking
    • António Teixeira
      Falta, obviamente, a melhor de todas: Diigo!
  • JotSpot: Working in a group just became easier with this online wiki tool that allows students to share notes, project ideas and information in an easily accessible format.
    • António Teixeira
      Ridículo. Já nem sequer existe. Agora chama-se: Google Sites...
  • These chatting and networking tools can make it easy to interact with classmates and friends.
    • António Teixeira
      Ausência óbvia: Ning.
    Uma lista com interesse, embora me pareça que algumas das ferramentas não se encontram listadas com rigor...
    Uma lista de 100 ferramentas Web segundo os diversos "estilos de aprendizagem".
Hugo Domingos

100 Essential Web Tools for Any Side Business | Management Degree - 0 views

  • Marketing and Customers
  • Retaggr lets you set up a "definitive profile"
  • Time Tracking and To-Dos
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Website Tools
  • Productivity Get a handle on your productivity even as you juggle other jobs and responsibilities.
  • Business Tools This list of business tools will keep you organized and professional.
    WebTools para rentabilizar trabalho através da Web!
Teresa Pombo

Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 1 - 0 views

  • With the start of the new school year, many teachers and students are seeking new products and technologies to help them through their upcoming academics. With the increase of teachers using blogs and wikis, and students networking and utilizing online tools, the demand for easier and more efficient ways of learning is on the rise.
    With the start of the new school year, many teachers and students are seeking new products and technologies to help them through their upcoming academics. With the increase of teachers using blogs and wikis, and students networking and utilizing online tools, the demand for easier and more efficient ways of learning is on the rise.
    Apresenta-se uma lista exaustiva de ferramentas web 2.0 para utilizar em contexto educativo, com uma breve descrição das mesmas. There are going to be three parts to the "Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0″ series: part one covering tools; part two covering office applications; and in part three, real cases of Web 2.0 used in classrooms around the world. I hope that this series becomes a valuable resource for students, teachers, and school administrators alike. On a last note, part two is almost complete and I expect to publish it within a day or two followed by part three shortly after.
Carlos Vaz

Grazing for Digital Natives » home - 0 views

    Contém uma série de workshops acerca da integração de funcionalidades web 2.0 na educação. Workshops Digital Natives Wikis Podcasting Blogging Ning Networks Social Bookmarking Blogging & Podcasting Digital Storytelling RSS in Education Web 2.0 Tools Google Tools PowerPoint Wikis as PLCs Copyright and Fair Use New CB Faculty CB Media Resources Professional Learning Networks
Teresa Pombo

Prezi Twitter Tools | SAP Web 2.0 - 2 views

    "Prezi Twitter Tools"
Teresa Pombo

Three Game Changing Tools That Will Transform Education | Fast Company - 2 views

    "Three Game Changing Tools That Will Transform Education "
Hugo Domingos

Wetoku, The Free Tool For Video Interviews - 4 views

    How to do video interviews that you can add to your web site or blog with the free tool Wetoku
    How to do video interviews that you can add to your web site or blog with the free tool Wetoku
Teresa Pombo

Educational Weblogs - 0 views

    Disruptive Technology Resource for Educators using Weblogs, Blogware, Collaborative tools, RSS & Podcasting, web services and digital tools at home, school, university and community.
António Teixeira

15 Free Tools for Web-based Collaboration - 0 views

    Ferramentas para trabalho colaborativo.
Teresa Pombo

Activstudio : Education : Products : Promethean UK - 0 views

  • Activstudio - Our Award Winning Software for Secondary Schools and Older Students.

    Conceived by a classroom teacher, imaginatively developed as a teaching tool, Activstudio has set the benchmark for interactive whiteboard software that others strive to emulate.  Designed to replicate in digital format what teachers do at the "chalkface", Activstudio enhances whole class interactivity.

    With the start of the new school year, many teachers and students are seeking new products and technologies to help them through their upcoming academics. With the increase of teachers using blogs and wikis, and students networking and utilizing online tools, the demand for easier and more efficient ways of learning is on the rise.
António Teixeira

50 Useful Blogging Tools for Teachers | Teaching Tips - 0 views

    • António Teixeira
      Falta o Diigo, obviamente...
    Ferramentas para blogging que podem ser úteis a educadores.
Teresa Pombo

Giving Children the Tools is Not Enough | - 0 views

  • Giving Children the Tools is Not Enough
  • Unless classroom technology is the same in every classroom, teachers are often left trying to develop and nurture a mindset, an open ethos of approprate use in a single year.
Carlos Vaz

Ninite Easy PC Setup - Download/Install Multiple Programs Fast - 1 views

    Criado por Pedro Pinto em 6 de Novembro de 2009 | 41 comentários Após a formatação do seu computador quantas vezes já pensou como seria bom ter uma aplicação que lhe instalasse todos aqueles programas favoritos que usa? Eu, por norma, costumo ter uma pasta com aquele software maravilha, e quando preciso de algum programa (quando não tenho Internet ou para emprestar aos amigos) já sei onde o encontrar. O Ninite, é um serviço online que permite ao utilizador criar um pacote com as últimas versões das aplicações que mais usa, em vez do utilizador andar site a site a obter o software. O Ninite encontra-se dividido em 12 categorias, possibilitando ao utilizador a escolha dos programas que mais usa de forma a incluir no pacote de software. * Web Browsers * Messaging * Media * Imaging * Documents * Anti-Virus * Runtimes * File Sharing * Other * Utilities * Compression * Developer Tools Depois de escolher os programas é só necessário carregar no botão Get Installer para obter o pacote de software. Feito isto, é só mandar executar a aplicação que será responsável por instalar todas as aplicações escolhidas.
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