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The Australian Curriculum v4.2 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capabilit... - 3 views

    • Kirstie Willadsen
      This concept map in an example of what the teacher can use to create resources for students as well as a way students can demonstrate creatively their ideas and understanding of ICT.  This links directly to what foundation year students should be able to achieve by the end of the year found under the creating with ICT heading.  
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using tables, photos and sketches in planning documents English (ACELY1682) Science (ACSIS054) History (ACHHK078) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes Show examples Examples: editing text, images, audio, and video for presentations and story-telling; transforming data between numerical and graphical digital representation; applying editing strategies Mathematics (ACMMG091) English (ACELY1685) History (ACHHS071) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT effectively to record ideas, represent thinking and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using timeline software to plan processes; using concept mapping and brainstorming software to generate key ideas; using graphic and audio visual software to record ideas Mathematics (ACMNA123) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS086) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks independently or collaboratively create and modify digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: manipulating and combining images, text, video and sound for presentations; creating podcasts; applying purposeful editing and refining processes Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELT1798) Science (ACSIS090) History (ACHHS106) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans Show examples Examples: sharing documents including text, graphics and numbers Mathematics (ACMNA189) English (ACELY1720) Science (ACSIS144) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks design and modify simple digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for particular audiences and purposes following recognised conventions Show examples Examples: creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using spread sheets; managing and editing original source materials Mathematics (ACMNA187) English (ACELY1728) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS214) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions Show examples Examples: using software to create hyperlinks, tables and charts; using design and project planning software English (ACELY1751) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Design, modify and manage complex digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for a range of audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: modelling solutions in spread sheets, creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using databases; creating web pages for visually impaired users; using advanced functions to manage and edit digital products for desired effects Mathematics (ACMNA229) English (ACELT1773) Science (ACSIS203) History (ACHHS193)
  • or data representation/transformation for particular purposes
  • use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes
  • Define and plan information searches
  • Examples: explaining why a source of digital information was used or trusted in preference to another Mathematics (ACMNA057) English (ACELA1793) History (ACHHS068) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Define and plan information searches use a range of ICT to identify and represent patterns in sets of information and to pose questions to guide searching for, or generating, further information Show examples Examples: using tables, charts and graphic organisers such as concept maps Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELY1704) History (ACHHS120) Science (ACSIS086) Locate, generate and access data and information locate, retrieve or generate information using search engines and simple search functions and classify information in meaningful ways Show examples Examples: searching and locating files within school directory; searching across web or within site; organising in folders, tables or databases, using simulations to generate and organise information on real world problems Mathematics (ACMSP145) English (ACELY1712) Science (ACSIS104) History (ACHHS101) Select and evaluate data and information assess the suitability of data or information using a range of appropriate given criteria Show examples Examples: selecting the most useful/reliable/relevant digital resource from a set of three or four alternatives Mathematics (ACMNA128) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS087) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Define and plan information searches use a range of ICT to analyse information in terms of implicit patterns and structures as a basis to plan an information search or generation Show examples Examples: using graphic organisers to plan a search with links to sources Mathematics (ACMNA174) English (ACELY1723) Science (ACSIS125) History (ACHHS208) Locate, generate and access data and information locate, retrieve or generate information using search facilities and organise information in meaningful ways Show examples Examples: searching within document – find/search/buttons/tabs; using search strings; accessing primary data through online or local equipment; using simulation tools to test hypotheses to problems Mathematics (ACMSP284) English (ACELY1723) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS208) Select and evaluate data and information assess the suitability of data or information using appropriate own criteria Show examples Examples: applying criteria developed for an enquiry or project; considering the adequacy of source of information English (ACELY1734) Science (ACSIS125) History (ACDSEH030) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Define and plan information searches select and use a range of ICT independently and collaboratively, analyse information to frame questions and plan search strategies or data generation Show examples Examples: using wikis or other shared documents; searching databases Science (ACSIS165) History (ACHHS168) Locate, generate and access data and information use advanced search tools and techniques or simulations and digital models to locate or generate precise data and information that supports the development of new understandings Show examples Examples: using logical statements such as true/false; searching within fields or for data type; using data logger equipment, digital microscope; using digital models to test and adjust hypotheses to problems Mathematics (ACMSP227) Science (ACSIS199) History (ACHHS186) Select and evaluate data and information <DIV class=elmark
  • use ICT to plan an information search or generation of information, recognising some pattern within the information,
  • locate, retrieve or generate information from a range of digital sources
  • Examples: editing text, images, audio, and video for presentations and story-telling; transforming data between numerical and graphical digital representation; applying editing strategies Mathematics (ACMMG091) English (ACELY1685) History (ACHHS071) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT effectively to record ideas, represent thinking and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using timeline software to plan processes; using concept mapping and brainstorming software to generate key ideas; using graphic and audio visual software to record ideas Mathematics (ACMNA123) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS086) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks independently or collaboratively create and modify digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: manipulating and combining images, text, video and sound for presentations; creating podcasts; applying purposeful editing and refining processes Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELT1798) Science (ACSIS090) History (ACHHS106) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans Show examples Examples: sharing documents including text, graphics and numbers Mathematics (ACMNA189) English (ACELY1720) Science (ACSIS144) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks design and modify simple digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for particular audiences and purposes following recognised conventions Show examples Examples: creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using spread sheets; managing and editing original source materials Mathematics (ACMNA187) English (ACELY1728) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS214) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions Show examples Examples: using software to create hyperlinks, tables and charts; using design and project planning software English (ACELY1751) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Design, modify and manage complex digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for a range of audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: modelling solutions in spread sheets, creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using databases; creating web pages for visually impaired users; using advanced functions to manage and edit digital products for desired effects Mathematics (ACMNA229) English (ACELT1773) Science (ACSIS203) History (ACHHS193)
  • create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes
  • use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions
  • use appropriate ICT tools safely to share and exchange information with appropriate known audiences
  • understand that computer mediated communications are directed to an audience for a purpose

Toronto students write, publish their own books | Toronto Star - 6 views

  • “Every student in the school had a voice — whether it was an ESL student who can’t speak the language, or someone who has a learning disability — everybody has a page or a book that’s their own,”
    • Jenny Entsch-Keith
      Inclusive practice that caters for diverse learning needs. Why? "Evaluate and revise school learning and teaching programs, using expert and community knowledge and experience, to meet the needs of students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds." - #1 Know students and how they learn. Retrieved from
    • ruddsword
      It is important that different platforms are found so that each individual can have a voice.
    • beclowe87
      Differentiating for all students so the activity is inclusive.
  • “It made writing meaningful and purposeful.”
    • Louise Hoggett
      It's not just about writing a paragraph of text "just because the teacher said so". There is a genuine physical goal at the end.
    • Stephen Druery
      This is what learning is supposed to be about.
    • Tracey Wiggins
      meaningful for students, not purposeless
    • Edna Strange
      authentic learning
    • Tayla Le
      Yes, this way of learning is fun, personal and intentional.
    • Mike Parker
      Accessing this website and book publishing tool provided a way to engage all students to the level they desired or could manage.
  • “writing came alive during this process,”
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • Why not now?
    • Richard Gerrand
      The teacher thinking in a way that is new and exciting, and initiates further thinking and possibilities.
    • Karren Hoare
      It also seems very exciting that this teacher is supporting learning that is relevant & shows students that learning is not just for the future but opens up opportunities for them now.
    • ruddsword
      This also creates a relevance between the student and their world both in the educational sense and the personal sense.
  • Kids brainstormed ideas, wrote rough drafts, edited with classmates and teachers and created their own illustrations. Some handwrote the final draft, while others chose to type up pages.
    • Richard Gerrand
      Students and teachers became motivated and engaged in literacy. Students were able to have a choice between typing their stories or writing them by hand. This task was also inclusive in regards to students who might have had learning difficulties. It provided a platform for these students to express themselves creatively through the use of colours, images, written text or a variety of materials such as button, beads, different fabrics that they could cut out and paste, etc.
    • emmajay
      Collaboration between students and teachers promotes positive learning experiences and ensures all learners are involved and able to participate. Providing students with options to create illustrations, type or write their story by hand enables all students to construct their story in a way that suits them.
  • Parents were calling in
    • Richard Gerrand
      Something to work on and talk about at home, and spend quality family time together. Parents become interested in their child's education - brings them into the school environment.
    • ruddsword
      An interesting way to get parents involved in their children's education.
  • I got so excited because I love writing stories with my friends — I love reading and writing,” said 8-year-old Zaria Gibbons
    • Stephen Druery
      Sounds of a student who loves to read, create and share.
    • Mike Parker
      This writing platform encouraged collaboration and participation.
  • When she shared her find at a staff meeting, fellow teachers at the Scarborough school loved the idea and they all got on board.
    • Jenny Entsch-Keith
      Positive sharing of 'finds' not only builds resources but creates a positive, inclusive and productive professional learning environment and builds moral.
    • Ann Bond
      by sharing the idea it became a whole school activity involving the entire school community including the parents
    • Olivia Wirihana
      Teacher was able to network with others. Created a holistic and inclusive approach to the idea. Ultimately a higher chance for success as more support is there.
    • ruddsword
      Having an open minded and innovative staff helps, so does having the opportunity to try something different. Not all schools would have been so on board with the idea.
    • saraantcliff
      Teacher provided an extension to other teachers professional learning and used networking with other peers
  • students were given a kit with instructions and pages.
    • Jenny Entsch-Keith
      Self-paced, somewhat self directed learning. Building confidence and indepence. Minimal imput from teacher mean students are free to express their ideas.
  • There was a sense of awe when the books arrived and they’d seen what they’d done.”
    • Jenny Entsch-Keith
      Positive effective and timely feedback that fosters positive self esteem and grows the desire to learn.
    • Ann Bond
      producing a physical item, something tangible the student can share with others
  • holding an authors’ night for parents, grandparents, siblings — even aunts and uncles — to check out the books.
    • Jenny Entsch-Keith
      Engaging the students social learning network enhancing learning and building a positive view of learning.
    • Olivia Wirihana
      Positive relationships between all stakeholders. Community involvement and enhancement of student learning.
  • ents were asked to write about world issues, so Pauline Manuel wrote “Courageous Ezra,” which she dedicated “to all children affected by war.” We value respectful and thoughtful discussion. Readers are encouraged to flag comments that fail to meet the standards outlined in our Community Code of Conduct. For further information, including our legal guidelines, please see our full website Terms and Conditions. Commenting is now closed. Login | Signup 0 Comments powered by: Follow Newest Oldest Most Liked Editor's Pick Most Active Most Replies ← View all comments Show More document.write(''); no
  • lder students were asked to write about world issues, so Pauline Manuel wrote “Courageous Ezra,” which she dedicated “to all children affected by war.” We value respectful and thoughtful discussion. Readers are encouraged to flag comments that fail to meet the standards outlined in our Community Code of Conduct. For further information, including our legal guidelines, please see our full website Terms and Conditions. Commenting is now closed. document.write(''); document.write(''); <div c
  • Older students were asked to write about world issue
    • Jenny Entsch-Keith
      This activity challenges student to investigate and reflect on 'real world' events promoting a deeper understanding of what happen around them and international and how they feel about what they discover.
    • chrismurphy3872
      Personally I would prefer students be given choice of topic, as dictating the topic seems to contradict the impetus for the project which was to foster a student driven passion for writing.
  • -year-old Zaria Gibbon
  • e reading and
  • 1I got so excited because I love writing stories with my friends — I love reading and
    • Stephen Druery
      Sounds of a child who loves to read, create and share.
  • “My family was really proud of m
    • Stephen Druery
      Looks like the student is receiving support at home for their efforts at school.
    • Natasha Taylor
      I love how this seems to have involved the families too. I feel parents are becoming increasing less involved in the classroo, for various reasons, so it's fantastic that this has sparked their enthusiasm as well as the student's.
  • My Amazing Book of Poems.”
    • Stephen Druery
      Self belief.
  • “It wasn’t just something they did and handed in to the teacher.”
    • Stephen Druery
      This is what I would love to say!
    • sharonbatchelor
      Yep, that's 'authentic learning'.
  • The school made a big deal of the young writers
    • Stephen Druery
      School wide support, how exciting and uplifting for the students to be recognised in front of their peers.
  • ‘Have you finished your draft yet?’ ” said principal Denise Canning.
    • Stephen Druery
      The students must think it is awesome that the principal is interested in their work.
  • 1“It made writing meaningful and purposeful.”
  • even those in kindergarten — contributed a page to a class book.
    • Stephen Druery
      Shows how it is possible for all age groups to contribute and participate in learning.
    • chrismurphy3872
      Hopefully those students with a passion for writing in the "younger" grades were given the opportunity to create their own book if they wanted to.
  • It also got the school buzzing
    • Amber Nottage
      Having the whole school talking about something as positive and exciting as literacy is a great reason to do something like this! It shows how excited the students are about creating their own work - love it.
    • Edna Strange
      Great collaboration
    • corinnawest
      great idea to get the students to feel good about learning and they get to take something away from it that they can be proud off. Great concept and great on the school part to adjust their teaching and assessments
    • Olivia Wirihana
      This provocation from the students allowed the teacher to use the interests of the children to make learning more engaging and meaningful.
    • jramage3
      The teacher showed respect for her students and let them have a voice, therefore allowing them to be apart of the learning process.
  • students could read aloud.
    • Olivia Wirihana
      Children took ownership of their work and shared it with others.
  • While searching
    • staceymkruse
      The dog wagging the tail - the teacher didn't just use ICT based literacy programs because the existed. She searched for one that met the needs and goals of her students. Even better then she shared with her colleagues.
  • students of mine for the past three years,
    • digordon
      Wonderful that this teacher has been able to follow her students for that length of time. The benefits this must have for special needs students are immense
  • she said.
    • digordon
      This reminds me of a student with ASD at a school I am aware of that wrote his own book about the struggles of making friends. It was an amazing experience for this boy, his twin sister illustrated it for him and his best friend assisted. He performed readings of the book for all the classrooms. Such an amazing experience for the child and the school.
    • Natasha Taylor
      Upon having a look atthis site it seems to be limited to the USA. Does anyone know of a similar site in Australia?
    • Angela Woodward
      How cool would it be to organise this at a school we work at in the future. I would love to do this- especially an author night.
    • debgran
      A great resource to use to encourage writers. Many children seem to struggle with the writing aspect of literacy.
    • debgran
      A great resource to use to encourage writing. Many students struggle with this aspect of literacy.
  • kids would get off the bus carrying their package of materials and talking about it
    • Suzanne Usher
      Another awesome result of this activity is that it makes literacy possible and enjoyable for all  students. Not all students enjoy or succeed in reading, but show far more engagement with writing, especially when given freedom of expression, and encouraged to write about something relevant and enjoyable to them. 
    • u1033821
      School on board with expanding the programme so that others may benefit. This also show that the teachers are in support of the programme. Domino affect.
    What happens when teachers from across a school encourage their students to write and publish their own books. Can you identify some of the educational reasons why this was a successful project? This is a week 5 activity.
  • ...2 more comments...
    Reasons as to why I thought this was a good idea: - students and parents are involved - everyone in the class, all learning abilities, got involved - it gave writing a sense of purpose for the class - students could relate it to interests and real life concepts. - students took charge of what they are going to write
    Kids brainstormed ideas, wrote rough drafts, edited with classmates and teachers and created their own illustrations. Some handwrote the final draft, while others chose to type up pages. 1 "Every student in the school had a voice - whether it was an ESL student who can't speak the language, or someone who has a learning disability - everybody has a page or a book that's their own," said Remedios. 6 "It made writing meaningful and purposeful." 2 It also got the school buzzing.
    A great resource to keep in mind to encourage writers.
    An awesome way to get kids involved with books - by creating thier own. Come to think of it, it worked for Kai too back in Yr 2.

Science Foundation to Year 10 Curriculum by rows - The Australian Curriculum v7.3 - 0 views

  • ommunicate ideas, findings and solutions to problems using scientific language and representations using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS148) View additional details about Literacy
  • ord data (ACSIS166) View additional details about Literacy View additional details about Numeracy
  • Select and use appropriate equipment, including digital technologies, to systematically and accurately collect and
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Select and use appropriate equipment, including digital technologies, to systematically and accurately collect and record data (ACSIS200)
    For assignment 1. 

Hash Marks Displayed Instead of Cell Contents (Microsoft Excel) - 1 views

  • What is happening is that Excel is displaying a series of # signs instead of the text.
    • djplaner
      This is the problem reported by a EDC3100 student
  • First things first: Excel can store about 32,000 text characters in a cell, but it can only display up to 255 characters if the cell is formatted as text. If the cell contains more than 255 characters and the cell is formatted as text, then the hash marks are displayed.
    • djplaner
      This is the cause of the problem
  • The solution is to change the format of the cell to general; then the text will display as you expect.
    • djplaner
      This is the solution I've implemented by updating the checklist.

Technology for positive: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction - 1 views

    "One of the major benefits of using technology in the classroom is the ability to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of every student in every lesson. Just as every student grows and develops at different rates, they learn in different ways and at different speeds. Technology makes it possible to pace lessons appropriately for each student's learning level and can be used to promote learning in the multiple intelligences. Below you will find website suggestions that address the different learning styles in your classroom with the help of technology: Verbal-Linguistic These learners enjoy learning through speaking, writing, reading, and listening. In the classroom setting these students shine when given tasks such as taking notes, researching, listening, reading for information, and writing. Websites to encourage learning for Verbal-Linguistic students: 1. Allow students to express themselves creatively with words 2. Capture student voices with audio, text, pictures , and video 3. A free online word processor, and presentation tool 4. Students can podcast (voice recording) online. 5. - Students can create stories or mini- movies 6. Students create animated stories 7. Students can create stories and turn them into a book 8. A world where words come alive 9. 52 interactive activities related to reading, writing, and speaking 10. Students can read stories online, record their own story and play literacy games Logical-Mathematical These learners love numbers, reasoning, and problem solving. These students enjoy measuring, calculating, and organizing data. In the classroom students will shine when given tasks such as collecting data, conducting experiments, solving proble

Google Code Playground - 2 views

    A bit more technical, but the Dynamic Feed Control is the tool used on the Study Desk to display updates to the EDC3100 Diigo group and eventually student blogs and the twitter feed.

Hash Marks Displayed Instead of Cell Contents (Microsoft Excel) - 0 views

  • What is happening is that Excel is displaying a series of # signs instead of the text
    Describes a problem experienced with the Assignment 1 checklist, it's cause and the solution I've implemented. i.e. I've updated the version of the checklist available via the Study Desk. You only need to update if you find yourself having this problem.

Classroom Chit Chat - 0 views

    This is an Australian blog by a prep (kindergarten, foundation, transition) teacher. I like it because she shares different ideas, products she has brought, classroom displays and teaching tips.

May Interactive Flipchart Calendar by Mrs Hanson's Interactive Classroom | Teachers Pay... - 15 views

  • May Interactive Flipchart Calendar
    This will be a great resource for early childhood teachers to use. It is a very bright, colourful visual display of the days of the week that the children are expected to learn. Great opportunity to collaborate as a whole class.
Jessica Cunningham

Graphic of 21st Century Pedagogy - 1 views

    Great concept map displaying, in simplified form, concepts included in 21st century pedagogy
Michelle Thompson

Sparklebox - 1 views

    1000s of free resources that most of the teachers at my work use. It is great as based in UK so has similar spelling to us. Some interactive but mostly printed resources. Invaluable.
    I have used this site for years within my daycare class. I love it to bits, awesome resources. I have also seen my son's current teacher use resources from this site too. Great free printable resources. Every teachers dream.
Amy McKay

Down Under Teacher: Aussie Blogs - 10 views

    Hi all - this blog has been created by an Australian teacher, she has compiled a list of other Aussie teachers and some of the creativity that these guys have is amazing. While a lot is to do with the younger years and not a lot of ICTs, it's a great way to share creative ideas to keep children engaged. I thought it was worth the mention!
  • ...6 more comments...
    An Aussie teacher's blog as well as links to other great teacher bloggers!
    A blog created by an Australian Teacher that has the buttons of many other Australian teachers. Contains info on early childhood to high school.
    This blog is by a fellow Queenslander who teaches the 4th grade currently so I find this blog to be super relevant. It also contain a few freebie resources for activities in the classroom and also little posters to display around primary school classrooms.
    I thought this one was good because it is an Australian perspective rather than an international perspective. 
    Awesome Primary School Teacher with plenty of resources
    Aussie Teachers blog. Heaps of resources and links to other teachers blog pages.
    I often get emails asking if I know of other Aussie blogs. I know how hard it can be to find them - when I started my blog, I couldn't really find any other Aussies at all! I called my blog Down Under Teacher in the hope that I would connect with other Aussies.
    A blog set up to link and share ideas for Australian teachers.
katrina carpenter

action verbs for showing knowledge - 4 views

    this might provide some ideas when thinking of fun and alternative ways for students to display their knowledge
Melissa Messenger

Geographical Association - Why use ICT to enhance learning and teaching at Key Stage 4? - 1 views

  • The effective use of ICT allows for the development of highly creative and inspirational learning and teaching resources and activity programmes.
  • It is a dynamic medium which, when used appropriately by students and teachers, can significantly reinforce and deepen geographical knowledge and understanding.
  • Allows students to collect, display, communicate and evaluate findings in a highly creative and personal fashion. Supportive of independent learning.

Application of the SAMR model | isupport - 4 views

  • These processes are ingrained and simple. The devices we use are all around us, they are ubiquitous and the outcomes obtainable.
    • djplaner
      In other words, the technology has become mythic (in the sense suggested by Postman's 5 things to know about technological change)
    • Leigh Campbell
      Does this imply that there will be a time where the subject ICT and pedagogy won't be necessary?
    • djplaner
      That Leigh, is a very good question. One we'll pick up on in coming weeks (if not before)
    • Teagan Childs
      Very good question Leigh!
    • djplaner
      In short, I think there will be a time when a course like ICT and Pedagogy won't be needed.
  • Dr Puentedura displayed this brilliant slide introducing the SAMR Ladder, and offered the following advice.
    • djplaner
      Click on the image below and read the "SAMR ladder".  These will be useful questions to ask yourself over the coming weeks.
  • What is it that you have always wanted to accomplish in terms of educational goals that you couldn’t accomplish before?
    • djplaner
      A reason to use ICTs in learning and teaching?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Technology is used a lot but only in low level uses (ie Facebook, and Google search). If asked to perform a “complex” task such as creating a presentation or editing a photograph most teachers would come unstuck.
    • djplaner
      Does this apply to you? Has your studies given you an opportunity to move beyond?
    • Nicole Hunter
      I have used new software and packages during my uni course that I wouldn't have otherwise experienced. It is great to be pushed into that uncomfortable stage while learning a new program but the achievement feeling when you have worked it out is great and very rewarding. There is so much out there that could be used in the classroom but you need to seek it out!
    • Ali Meadows
      Until I started EDC3100 I wouldn't have considered myself a 'low level user'. I am however making progress. It is challenging at times since there are so many resources that can be applied. Without this course I would have been in the dark about the possibilities.
  • We know when we have achieved successful technology integration: it is when we use technology without even thinking about it.
    • Kate Dugdale
      I love this.  Successful technology integration is when it is just part of what we do.  Like postman's ecological thinking. 
  • as technology evolves we must evolve too
    A new reading for the week 3 learning path. Introduces the SAMR model and has some broader comments.
  • ...1 more comment...
    A new reading for the week 3 learning path. Introduces the SAMR model and has some broader comments.
    A new reading for the week 3 learning path. Introduces the SAMR model and has some broader comments.
    A new reading for the week 3 learning path. Introduces the SAMR model and has some broader comments.

How Apple Watch changed Molly's life - 0 views

  • titan.requestAd.push("adspot-728x90-pos1"); The Age Digital Life Latest news Wearables Cameras Mobiles Computers Apps Consumer Security Games Tablets Blog Social Radar Other Tech IT Pro You are here: Home Digital Life Wearables Search age: Search in: Digital Life Web Digital Life
  • The Apple Watch's new feature is called the "taptic engine", which produces what Apple calls "haptic feedback". Haptics, derived from the Greek&nbsp;haptikos, refers to any form of interaction or communication by touch. The watch's engine allows wearers&nbsp;to set vibrations for various alerts and at adjustable intensity - or to send messages by taps&nbsp;to other users.
  • Ms Watt says the integration&nbsp;of haptics with the watch's map function is its most useful feature and is "definitely awesome for me as a deafblind person". It allows her to be directed around London's complex web of&nbsp;streets and alleys without hearing or sight
    Newspaper article about how the new Apple Watch is opening up a range of new possibilities, in particular for a deaf and blind woman. Mentions the Apple Watch's haptic capability - the ability for the device to give feedback via touch. Likely to be the first widely used example of haptics.

ICT tools for the classroom - 3 views

    This link displays ideas and strategies on how to use ICT in classroom and in the general schooling environment. And also shows how materials provide approaches to ICT curriculum integration with practical, step-by-step examples of technology use across a range of areas and year levels and more. Take a look.

Frog Spot - 6 views

    A early childhood blog that share photos and stories about teaching, learning, creating, document design. This blog has great ideas for different teaching resources.
    I came across this page today while searching for some teachers. They also have a store on the "Teachers pay teachers" website/store and i love all the displays and other things they have.. will definitly be looking at their store when I'm doing up my resources
    I founds this blog that seems really interesting with loads of great resources for early childhood educators!

Terms of Use | Scholastic Inc. - 1 views

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let the children play: 14 top Australian Teacher Blogs - 3 views

    This is a great blog site with links to loads of other blogs from early childhood teachers. It also provides links to resources...
  • ...1 more comment...
    What an interesting blog. For fellow early childhood educators this teacher blogs about daily experiences in regards to play!! She also blogs about  things that kids do for example display self regulation when new to the learning context.  
    This blog has the links to numerous teachers blogs
    Some great ideas for play-based learning. Includes some interesting articles on Montessori Method, Reggio Emilia approach.
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