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Rethinking the relationship between pedagogy, technology and learning in health and phy... - 2 views

  • What we saw instead was that DigiTech enabled teachers and students to do the same things faster and more efficiently, albeit after some teachers had invested time and effort in learning how to use different technologies.
  • We conclude this paper by drawing on Veletsianos (2016 Veletsianos, G. (2016). Emergence and innovation in digital learning: Foundations and applications. Edmonton: AU Press, Athabasca University.) to suggest that a focus on ‘emerging technologies’ and ‘emerging practices’ in digital learning could be a useful way forward. As Veletsianos (2016 Veletsianos, G. (2016). Emergence and innovation in digital learning: Foundations and applications. Edmonton: AU Press, Athabasca University.) argues, ‘emerging technologies’ and ‘emerging practices’ transcend disciplines and, moreover, what makes practice and technology emerging is not the technology, but rather the environments in which technologies and practices operate. Emerging technologies and practices, therefore, are foregrounded in the belief that technologies and practices shape and are shaped by sociocultural environments.
  • As Veletsianos (2016 Veletsianos, G. (2016). Emergence and innovation in digital learning: Foundations and applications. Edmonton: AU Press, Athabasca University.) argues, DigiTech is not yet established in education.
    Journal paper seeking to address two questions (1) how could a pedagogically driven approach to the use of DigiTech in health and physical education (HPE) benefit young people's learning and (2) what steps are required to develop new DigiTech pedagogies?

No Clarity Around Growth Mindset…Yet | Slate Star Codex - 1 views

  • (if you’re not familiar with it, growth mindset is the belief that people who believe ability doesn’t matter and only effort determines success are more resilient, skillful, hard-working, perseverant in the face of failure, and better-in-a-bunch-of-other-ways than people who emphasize the importance of ability. Therefore, we can make everyone better off by telling them ability doesn’t matter and only hard work does
  • Good research shows that inborn ability (including but not limited to IQ) matters a lot, and that the popular prejudice that people who fail just weren’t trying hard enough is both wrong and harmful.
  • A rare point of agreement between hard biodeterminists and hard socialists is that telling kids that they’re failing because they just don’t have the right work ethic is a crappy thing to do. It’s usually false and it will make them feel terrible. Behavioral genetics studies show pretty clearly that at least 50% of success at academics and sports is genetic; various sociologists have put a lot of work into proving that your position in a biased society covers a pretty big portion of the remainder. If somebody who was born with the dice stacked against them works very hard, then they might find themselves at A2 above. To deny this in favor of a “everything is about how hard you work” is to offend the sensibilities of sensible people on the left and right alike
    • djplaner
      The point I take from this is that not "everything" is about how hard you work. There are other more important factors to be considered. And these factors mean that not everyone will be a genius in everything. But if you have to learn something (e.g. using ICTs to enhance/transform student learning) then spending the necessary time in an effective way to learn that skill is more likely to help you learn, than simply saying "I can't do it".
    Detailed blog post outlining some reservations and limitation around the research around Dweck's Growth Mindset. An idea used early in this course. Reinforcing the idea to keep a skeptical view of your theories.
Sarah Rixon

PKM and Reflection: Types of reflective writing - 1 views

    "Type Description Descriptive writing Not reflective. Description of events that occurred/report of literature. No attempt to provide reasons/justification for events. Descriptive reflection Reflective, not only a description of events but some attempt to provide reason/justification for events or actions but in a reportive or descriptive way. For example, "I chose this problem-solving activity because I believe that students should be active rather than passive learners". Recognition of alternate viewpoints in the research and literature which are reported. For example, Tyler (1949), because of the assumptions on which his approach rest suggests that the curriculum process should begin with objectives. Yinger (1979), on the other hand argues that the "task" is the starting point. Two forms: Reflection based generally on one perspective/factor as rationale. Reflection is based on the recognition of multiple factors and perspectives Dialogic reflection Demonstrates a "stepping back" from the events/actions leading to a different level of mulling about, discourse with self and exploring the experience, events, and actions using qualities of judgements and possible alternatives for explaining and hypothesising. Such reflection is analytics or/and integrative of factors and perspectives and may recognise inconsistencies in attempting to provide rationales and critique, for example. While I planned to use mainly written text materials I became aware very quickly that a number of students did not respond to these. Thinking about this now there may have been several reasons for this. A number of students, while reasonably proficient in English, even though they had been NESB learners, may still have lacked some confidence in handling the level of language in the text. Alternatively, a number of students may have been visual and tactile learners. In any case I found that I had to employ more concrete activities in my teaching. Critical reflection Demonstrates an aware
emma molkentin

Connectivism - 2 views

  • Connectivism is an hypothesis of learning which emphasizes the role of social and cultural context. Connectivism is often associated with and proposes a perspective similar to Vygotsky's 'zone of proximal development' (ZPD), an idea later transposed into Engeström's (2001) Activity theory.[1] The relationship between work experience, learning, and knowledge, as expressed in the concept of ‘connectivity, is central to connectivism, motivating the theory's name.[2] It is somewhat similar to Bandura's Social Learning Theory that proposes that people learn through contact. The phrase "a learning theory for the digital age"[3] indicates the emphasis that connectivism gives to technology's effect on how people live, communicate and learn.
    A quick reference to the theory of connectivism
Stephen Druery

Lesson plans and resources for your SMART Board - SMART Exchange - 5 views

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    Archive of lesson plans for Smart Boards
alice dinsdale

Teaching Guide: Writing Lesson Plans - 1 views

  • Your approach to writing lesson plans will depend on various factors: how well you know the material you're teaching, how long you've been teaching, the kinds of teaching you've done, and the students you expect to have in your class. There is no single formula for writing lesson plans, but this guide will help you think through some of the processes that other instructors have found valuable to their own lesson planning.
  • Consider Your Destination Sequence Your Objectives Know Your Time Frame Create Activities to Meet Your Objectives Check for Understanding Sample Lesson Plan Format
    What do i know about writing a lesson plan

Mr Robbo - The P.E Geek | Bridging the gap between Physical Education & ICT…Y... - 8 views

    One for the HPE folk.  A Victorian PE teacher who labels himself "The PE Geek".
  • ...2 more comments...
    The key word here is 'Physical' education. I can only condone activities that are of physical nature. If the ICT is restricted to hands controlling a remote then I would not execute them in my PE classroom. I can see how some of these games add excitement to teaching and learning but are they still teaching the kids the fundamentals? You cannot expect a child with no experience in the water to swim proficiently or with confidence no matter how much swimming gamification practise they've had. It is unrealistic and dangerous. Gamification has the ability to help correct techniques in elite athletes and create visuals for young children but is it really helping them with their stamina? Are they giving a 100% or just doing it half-heartedly, more for the fun? Physical education is just that ... physical. It helps your lungs develop and makes you stronger, fitter and healthier. I don't know whether I am for or against ICT in P.E.
    I didn't look very far in his blog, but it does appear that only the first post is talking about gamification. There are other post where he is exploring a range of resources associated with both the health theory side and also the physical movement. The rationale for sharing this was for the entire blog. To see a HPE teacher that is engaging with a whole range of ICTs, including some you may have problems with.
    He does discuss other reasons why ICTs should be used in classes, but unfortunately doesn't give enough practical examples. The gamification he talks about most specifically is a dance game on the wii. Now of course the students are taking part in a game, but their bodies are moving just like they would be if they were dancing without the use of the game, so it is definitely physical. Using these types of games in your teaching shouldn't outweigh the the students taking part in physical activity or sports and training, but it should supplement it. I think using ICTs in HPE will help to improve motivation and interest in students who are uninterested in sport, which is a big focus that teachers face, particularly with junior high school girls. Using these games to get them interested is better than forcing them to take part in an activity where they aren't going to put in much effort anyway. ICTs are also immensely beneficial to students studying PE in senior, as a lot more of the focus is on technique and improvement, so using videos to view performance and receive feedback is great for these students. Especially the apps and programs you can get nowadays that let you pause and rewind video, play in slow motion, and draw on the screen (to check if your body is creating the right angles in the movement etc). In primary they wouldn't be so concerned with technique improvement like this, but ICTs can be used to expose students to sports that they wouldn't normally see or experience. Primary students could research and create their own games and sports using the internet and computers. (It is harder for me to think about the primary context, because I haven't had much to do with it). I am sure there are many ways ICTs can be incorporated in the Primary HPE setting, you just need to think outside the box.
    Oops, I think I got PE Geek confused with a PE blog I was reading recently. After looking at the actual link, this PE geek offers so much more! It is actually great, the apps he talks about are great for primary and secondary.
Holly Hawkings

Assessment: Assignment 1 - 29 views

  • Average length of blog posts at least 100 words.
    • djplaner
      Average length = total length of all your blog posts for the 3 weeks / by the number of blog posts e.g. if you made 9 blog posts with a total word length of 1800 words. Then your average word length is     Avge = 1800 / 9     Avge = 200 200 is greater than 100, so this criteria is met.
    • djplaner
      There is no maximum word limit for your posts.  The length stated here is the minimum expected. Feel free to reflect and share as much as you like via your blog.
  • 60% or more of the blog posts contain links to online resources
    • djplaner
      If you've made 12 posts for weeks 1, 2 and 3.  Then 60% of 12 is            12 * .6 = 7.2 This means at least 7 of the 12 posts you made would be expected to include links to online resources. NOTE: we'll always round down (i.e. if 60% == 7.2, we'll round that down to 7, not up to 8 posts)
  • More than two posts contain links to posts from other EDC3100 students.
    • djplaner
      Let's assume you've posted 10 posts for weeks 1, 2 and 3. At least 2 of those posts should contain a link to a post of another EDC3100 student blog. The assumption is that you will also use that link as a basis for commenting on the other student's ideas.
    • Nicole Hargreaves
      So I did post on my blog last week and linked to some resources but didn't link to any other students. That is fine as long as I make it up in week 2 and 3, right?
    • djplaner
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Spelling, grammar and vocabulary of a satisfactory standard with few errors.
    • djplaner
      If your artefact doesn't use any text, then spelling probably won't be an issue. But the pronunciation, grammar etc may be.
  • he artefact is either too large or too small.
    • djplaner
      Maximum size is defined above. The minimum might be as short as 2 minutes, but you still have to provide sufficient information to meet the requirements of the Argument criterion below.
  • All resources appropriately attributed.
    • djplaner
      If you are using someone else's videos, audio etc. you must make sure that you are legally allowed to use the resource and you must attribute it appropriately.
  • All three components are present and effectively integrated and aligned
    • djplaner
      Your artefact should include - context, reasons and examples (see above for more detail) - there is no constraint on structure or location, but these should be readily recognisable.
  • There is significant misalignment between the three components.
    • djplaner
      e.g. your teaching context is a Year 1 class, but an example you use is from Year 5.
  • The reasons are supported through effective use of models, theories and literature (both academic and professional).
    • djplaner
      Professional literature includes the Australian Curriculum (and similar). You can draw on any literature that is relevant.
  • Examples of ICT integration are used to illustrate the reasons, but with some limitations
    • djplaner
      e.g. the example only illustrates one aspect of a reason, or it isn't entirely clear what support the example provides for the reason.
  • 30-60% of the blog posts contain links to online resources.
    • djplaner
      The links also have to be within the blog posts and not in your blog roll. The automated system only sees your blog posts, not your blog roll. As a rule of them, the reader of your post has to be able to access/use the resource from your post. i.e. a reference isn't enough.  It has to be a link that they can click on. The standard expectation is that the content of your blog post will contain links to other resources. This following blog post
  • Exceptional standard
    • djplaner
      An exceptional artefact will be an online resource that has been implemented without any errors, makes effective - even innovative - use of the online environment to capture the attention of the viewer/reader and show them a logically structured, well supported and illustrated set of reasons for using ICTs in **your** teaching. Emphasis on **your** teaching, not mine, not some textbooks, but yours.
  • At least 2 blog posts each week.
    • djplaner
      If you got off to a slow start (i.e. didn't post much to your blog in week 1 of semester), don't worry.  As long as you start posting regularly by the end of week 2 (or so) and reach an appropriate total (e.g. 3 weeks by 3 posts = 9 posts). Then you will get the appropriate mark. As semester progresses, however, there will be an expectation that posts will come more regularly. Also, if you write 9 posts 5 minutes before the end of week 3, some questions may be asked.
  • Use contextually appropriate example(s) to illustrate those reasons.
    • djplaner
      This thread on the discussion forum provides some more explanation of where/how you might find examples of ICT use that are linked to your context.
    • djplaner
      You should not be creating these examples. The examples should be existing examples you have found during this course or in previous courses. The examples should be as close to the context you are talking about and they should illustrate how the reasons you've provided can be fulfilled.
  • Clearly describe your teaching context.
    • djplaner
      If you don't know what your context is going to be. Make it up. Try to make it as realistic as possible, as close as possible to your likely Professional Experience placement for this course as possible. You may want to use a prior Professional Experience context, that's fine.
    • Holly Hawkings
      Hi, I was just wondering where we find this or when it will become available? Thanks, Holly 
    Thnaks for clarifying David. Is it expected that we end up with some comments on our own blogs? I have posted the link to my blog in the forum but havent had any comments yet :(

be you. | a quiet revolution - 5 views

    An example of a different approach for the assignment 1 artefact that came through my feeds today.  It's a Wordpress blog that has been used to create a "presentation through hypertext of an alternative vision for a school". Not only is this a good example of trying something different in a webs ite.  It is about re-thinking education influenced, in part, by some of the factors we're talking about in this course. FYI, the clickable image on the front page is implemented using what is called an "imagemap".  Google that term and you'll find some resources/tools that can help

Ms. Cassidy's Classroom Blog - 7 views

    Ms Cassidy's blog documents the interesting and valuable learning achievements of her students. Her blog offers a great variety of lesson ideas, including those which involve ICTs such as twitter to communicate with other learners from around the world and enhance the learning experience of all.
  • ...6 more comments...
    Upon researching a 'sharing teacher' - a teacher that is sharing what they do online, I stumbled aimlessly across a weblog entitled Ms. Cassidy's Classroom Blog. This weblog is from a class of 6 year olds in Canada and not only shares pictures and special activities going on within the classroom, i.e. Pancake Day, but also invaluable ICT resources such as Videos Just For Us and Learning with Twitter. The absolute BEST thing about this weblog though is that the 20 students in the class and actively involved within the ICT. They can comment and add any discussion to the page they like about their learning and the teacher provides an individual page for each student which they are solely responsible for keeping up to date, and posting evidence of their learnings. This is an exceptional idea of incorporating ICT into student learning as well as provide student parents and families an artefact in which they can see exactly their students learning and development.
    Kathy Cassidy is a teacher in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada. She is a first grade teacher who uses her blog to share the learning of her students with the world. Within her blog each child has a separate blog where they share heir activities and learning with videos pictures and posts. I have found this excellent as it allows the children to develop ICT skills early in their education and gives the parents and insight of why it is a great way to learn and allows them to see how there children are learning. her blog is always updated with will be great to follow for the rest of the semester and future. i was drawn to Kathy's blog as she teaches in the same context I do and reading her blog I felt like I knew her children and discovered more ideas to incorporate ICT'S into my pedagogy.
    This is a teacher's blog with examples of activities used in the classroom. It includes examples of how ICTs can be incorporated.
    It's fun to make the Playdoh balls, but even more fun to smash them with your fist! After working so diligently to help Emmy Barr with her business, the students wondered what she had won in the contest.
    Thank you for the link to this blog
    A wonderful blog celebrating the the learning of a grade 1 class. Learning Activity Ideas that incorporate ICT.
    This blog site is up to date and relevant, providing an inside look at the class practice with current photos and videos.
    I found this blog really interesting as it shows the children are engaged in using ICT in the classroom with their own blogs and videos of their work. It also shows the use of not using ICT with lots of hands on experiences. I think it shows the importance of using both in the classroom depending on what your learning. I will definitely keep a close eye on this blog.

A Primary School Teacher | A lifelong love of learning - 9 views

    Australian primary teacher who has lots of recent blogs, including one blog about integrating technology into the classroom.
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    This is a blog that I have recently found while completing the Week 2 Learning Path for EDC3100. It caught my attention because the blog is written by a qualified primary school teacher in Sydney. It is a blog where thoughts and reflections are shared as well as helpful advice and other resources for educators in training.
    Ashley is a primary teacher that is passionate about the teaching and wellbeing of her students and looks to implement technology into the classroom to allow students to construct their knowledge.
    This teacher is passionate about the wellbeing of her primary students, and has a great teaching philosophy.
    Thanks so much for sharing!

The Overselling of Ed Tech - Alfie Kohn - 2 views

  • y, my response to ed tech is “It depends.” And one key consideration on which it depends is the reason given for supporting it
    • djplaner
      'd sugest that "it depends" includes consideration of the "somewhere" in which it is being used. The class, the learners, the teacher(s), what is being learned..
  • But the rationale that I find most disturbing — despite, or perhaps because of, the fact that it’s rarely made explicit — is the idea that technology will increase our efficiency
    • djplaner
      And here's #2 of the "big three".
  • Other people, particularly politicians, defend technology on the grounds that it will keep our students “competitive in the global economy.”
    • djplaner
      The first of the "big three reason". As here, there are arguments aginst this particular reason, or at least for not having it drive the why (not) question
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • We can’t answer the question “Is tech useful in schools?” until we’ve grappled with a deeper question: “What kinds of learning should be taking place in those schools?”
    • djplaner
      The "theory" method from the Why (not) framework can help inform this, but you do need to question your deeper assumptions about this question. Of course, the problem you face is that the "way things are done" impacts this greatly and can limit what you can question
  • Some people seem to be drawn to technology for its own sake — because it’s cool
    • djplaner
      Why "goodish practice" can be a problem. Often it's what is "cool" that attracts attention.
  • Despite corporate-style declarations about the benefits of “innovation” and “disruption,” new forms of technology in the classroom mesh quite comfortably with an old-school model that consists of pouring a bunch o’ facts into empty receptacles
    • djplaner
      i.e. horsey horseless carriage thinking
  • Far more common, in any case, are examples of technology that take for granted, and ultimately help to perpetuate, traditional teacher-centered instruction that consists mostly of memorizing facts and practicing skills
    • djplaner
      This is where we can have some argument. There is some value in doing this type of stuff as long as there is amplification going on AND it's part of a broader move from traditional forms of learning to different types of learning. I'm also troubled by the "one size fits all" approach to this. "Nothing works everywhere".
  • According to an article in Education Week, “a host of national and regional surveys suggest that teachers are far more likely to use tech to make their own jobs easier and to supplement traditional instructional strategies than to put students in control of their own learning.
    • djplaner
      This is a danger
    • djplaner
      There's nothing wrong with using ICT to make your job easier, but it shouldn't be the only thing you do with it
    Post reflecting on questions of why (not) and how around ICT and Pedagogy. Critiques a lot of what is currently done. Some annotations added to explicitly link with the course.
    Post reflecting on questions of why (not) and how around ICT and Pedagogy. Critiques a lot of what is currently done. Some annotations added to explicitly link with the course.

The Electronic Digital Computer - How It Started, How It Works and What It Does - NYTim... - 7 views

  • Whether it is solving a differential equation on the motion of charged particles or keeping track of a nuts-and-bolts inventory, the digital computer functions fundamentally as a numerical transformer of coded information. It takes sets of numbers, processes them as directed and provides another number or set of numbers as a result
  • Among the characteristics that make it different are the flexibility with which it can be adapted generally to logical operations, the blinding speed with which it can execute instructions that are stored within its memory, and its built-in capacity to carry out these instructions in sequence automatically and to alter them according to a prescribed plan.
  • Despite its size and complexity, a computer achieves its results by doing a relatively few basic things. It can add two numbers, multiply them, subtract one from the other or divide one by the other. It also can move or rearrange numbers and, among other things, compare two values and then take some pre-determined action in accordance with what it finds.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • For all its transistor chips, magnetic cores, printed circuits, wires, lights and buttons, the computer must be told what to do and how
    • djplaner
      Increasingly there are algorithms that mean that the computer doesn't need to be told what to do. It is capable of learning. For example, in the past computers couldn't drive cars on the road. To do this the computer would have to be told how to do everything - accelerate, turn, how far to turn etc. The new algorithms are such that a computer (actually probably many computers) can drive a car without being told what to do (not a perfect analogy, but hopefully useful)
  • If the data put into the machine are wrong, the machine will give the wrong answer
  • Developing the software is a very expensive enterprise and frequently more troublesome than designing the actual "hardware
  • o specify 60,000 instructions
    • djplaner
      Facebook reportedly has at least 62 million lines of code (instructions) to make all of its features work.
  • This requires an input facility that converts any symbols used outside the machine (numerical, alphabetical or otherwise) into the proper internal code used by the machine to represent those symbols. Generally, the internal machine code is based on the two numerical elements 0 and 1
    • djplaner
      This applies to any data that an ICT uses - pictures, sound etc. It has to be converted into 0s and 1s (binary digits) that software can then manipulate
  • The 0's and 1's of binary notation represent the information processed by the computer, but they do not appear to the machine in that form. They are embodied in the ups and downs of electrical pulses and the settings of electronic switches inside the machine
  • The computational requirements are handled by the computer’s arithmetic-logic unit. Its physical parts include various registers, comparators, adders, and other "logic circuits."
    • djplaner
      This is the bit of the ICT that does the manipulation. Everything you do to manipulate data (e.g. apply Instagram filters) is reduced down to operations that an arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) - or similar - can perform
    An "ancient" (1967) explanation of how a digital computer works - including some history.
Anna Murphy

What is TPACK? | Teaching Teachers for the Future - 10 views

  • Expert teachers now are those who can bring together knowledge of subject matter, what is good for learning, and technology (ICT)
    • djplaner
      Perhaps the core of what this course is trying to achieve - develop and bring together knowledge of subject material, good learning and technology
    • Michelle Thompson
      I take it you mean the 'core of what this course is trying to achieve' :) and I agree.
    • anonymous
      We are lucky to be learning how to integrate technology into our pedagogy NOW. If I had done a teaching degree when I first left school I would probably be a very different teacher.
    • Kate Petty
      This statement links TPACK nicely for me.  
  • We have understood for a long time that expert teachers are those who can bring together their deep knowledge of subject matter with profound understanding of what is good for learning. The combination has been described as Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and is more than the simple addition of two parts. The fusion is what enabled expert 20th century teachers to transform subject content and represent it in ways that made it accessible to individual learners in their specific contexts.
    • Michelle Thompson
      I love the first sentence. I would class an expert teacher as one who covers all PCK in a way that engages students' full attention.
    • Holly Hawkings
      I love this first sentence too, it is so meaningful and fully grasps the importance of being a great teacher versus an ok teacher. 
    • Faeza ms
      Agreed, in addition I find the last part of the paragraph insightful. The expert teacher transforms subject content and makes it accessible to individual learners. The idea that the teacher uses their content knowledge and their pedagogic knowledge to integrate technology in such a manner that it transforms content so as to meet individual needs. I find this conceptual picture of an expert teacher very inspirational.
    • Kate Petty
      Faeza, your comment about transforming content to meet individual needs struck a cord with me.  Thanks.
  • We have understood for a long time that expert teachers are those who can bring together their deep knowledge of subject matter with profound understanding of what is good for learning. The combination has been described as Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and is more than the simple addition of two parts. The fusion is what enabled expert 20th century teachers to transform subject content and represent it in ways that made it accessible to individual learners in their specific contexts.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • In each case, the expert teacher needs to make creative links between what is being learned (content), how it is taught (pedagogy), and the appropriate tools (technology).
    • Michelle Thompson
      Absolutely, this is the crux of what we should be doing as educators - not just trying to make it fun, but fulfil the curricula requirements in such a way that it is engaging and meets standards.
    • Holly Hawkings
      I also think that this underpins exactly what we need to do as teacher, to be able to create engaging and interactive lessons that not only meet the criteria of the curricular but are interesting and useful for the students using methods that excite and engage. 
    • Sue Day
      The last part of this statement,to me, means constructing knowledge by building on learning that has already taken place- using engaging and age appropriate tools.
    • Faeza ms
      I find the idea of finding an appropriate tool for the task to be crucial. An appropriate tool will engage and enhance the learning experience, an inappropriate tool could lead to negative experiences and negative attitudes towards technology.
    • Vicky Heng
      Yes, this is exactly what educators today need to do! However, I think it's going to be a challenging one. It needs experiences and effort to make this happens in our teaching. 
    • Michelle Brown
      I think the Possum Magic Video demonstrates a creative use of technology that makes learning engaging and fun for students and teachers!
  • In each case, the expert teacher needs to make creative links between what is being learned (content), how it is taught (pedagogy), and the appropriate tools (technology)
  • ICT is also transforming pedagogy by providing new ways to engage learners.
    • Holly Hawkings
      I think this shows the importance of ICT in teacher and how all teachers should be looking and engaging in ways to integrate ICT into their teaching.
    • Candace Merriman
      To me, this suggests that while ICT continues to transform, the current teachers and up-coming teachers such as ourselves have to modify our teaching pedagogy to incorporate these ICT's to engage the students and get them excited to learn through integrating the 'new' technology devices
    • Amanda Stokes
      ICT I feel it the way of the future, technology is always evolving and change and we must do the same. If this means changing the way in which we educate the students then that is what we must do. I am learning so many new things with this course and feel that Im beginging to learn new ways in which I can enrich the students learning.
    • Kellie Quirk
      This is such a powerful statement and really cements the importance of integrating ICT's into our teaching and learning. It is the way forward for engaging students and enhancing their learning journeys
    • Kate Petty
      Engaging learners in new ways, and ways that suit their individual needs, is the heart of what using ITCs to transform teaching and learning is all about.
    • Margaret Johnson
      it has transformed pedagogy by enabling learning to be inclusive
  • deep knowledge of how ICT can be used to access and process subject matter (TCK) and understanding how ICT can support and enhance learning (TPK) in combination with PCK
  • hands-on learning
  • new ways to access and process knowledge
    Brief intro to TPACK that will be included in the week 3 material
  • ...1 more comment...
    Expert teachers/deep knowledge of subject/understanding of what is good learning all sums up what this course and the past courses I have been involved with for the past three years have shown me however there is still alot to learn.
    Brief intro to TPACK that will be included in the week 3 material
    "WHAT IS TPACK? Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)"

Free Technology for Teachers: gClassFolders Helps You Organize Google Drive Files Share... - 2 views

    A short description of a script that helps you manage multiple folders on Google drive. Google drive is one of many cloud/Internet-based shared drive features. It's a great way to share files with groups of people (e.g. the students in your class, parents, fellow teachers etc.)   It can also be useful for simply storing work for yourself independently of a particular computer.  DropBox is the name of a similar service. There are quite a few.

Could children one day sue parents for posting baby pics on Facebook? | Guardian Sustai... - 0 views

  • French authorities, which have warned parents in France they could face fines of up to €45,000 (£35,000) and a year in prison for publishing intimate photos of their children on social media without permission, as part of the country’s strict privacy laws.
  • A 2015 study by internet company Nominet found parents in the UK post nearly 200 photos of their under fives online every year, meaning a child will feature in around 1,000 online photos before their fifth birthday.
  • A recent University of Michigan study found that children aged 10 to 17 “were really concerned” about the ways parents shared their children’s lives online
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The recent Nominet study found 17% of parents had never checked their Facebook privacy settings.
  • Social sharing isn’t inherently bad for children; sharing pictures can benefit children, for example, by helping to maintain connections with family members such as far away grandparents and cousins abroad

Cool Cat Teacher Blog - Helping you be an excellent teacher every day. - 8 views

    With almost 70,000 followers Vicki Davis was named one of "Twitter's Top 10 Rockstar teachers" by Mashable. Vicki is a full time teacher and IT Director at a small school in Camilla, Georgia. In her words, "my mission is to help you be a better teacher. I'm passionate about helping all teachers reach every student so I write a lot about teaching, staying motivated, and how to connect with other teachers." 'Coolcatteacher' has also been consistently named one of the top 50 blogs in education worldwide. What piqued my interest is her belief in using technology effectively as a teacher.
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    Cool Cat Teacher is a blog by Vick Davis. She blogs about things such as how to improve your own teacher blogs and she also shares insights into her classroom.
    Kathy Cassidy is well known by Forbes, The Washington Post and by her radio station 'BAM'. Her range of enriching learning activities and advice for effective teaching assists by providing a 'teachers view' of education and various advice and 'how to' blogs to help teachers in providing an enriching learning experience for children.
    A really wonderful blog that not only helps teachers be excellent each day, but gives hope, support and encouragement to us as future teachers. Gives practical suggestions and valuable information in relation to students learning! A must see BLOG!
    This award winning teacher blog, The Cool Cat Teacher is an online blog created by Vicki Davis aiming to help educators teach with better results, lead with a positive impact and live with greater purpose.
    I especially love this blog - The Cool Cat Teacher. Vicki provides innovative, practical ideas backed by research. A great resource!
    Questions should ignite learning. Curious kids never get bored. But why do young kids ask more than 100 questions a day and by middle school, they've stopped asking?
    This teacher is preaching the "Teaching Gospel for Today"! Asking questions and promoting problem-based learning to students is how to teach students today. Thank-you for sharing this bernielou!

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses | Wired Busine... - 0 views

    Much of what is covered in EDC3100 assumes the status quo of the educational system. In fact, a large part of it focuses on how to fulfil the requirements of the Australian Curriculum. Here's a story (magazine article) about a different approach that has its origins in a number of sources (Piaget and Montessori amongst the more recognisable). A challenge.

A conversation - - 0 views

    "When teaching, do you generally adopt a 'traditional', direct, teacher-led approach, or do you go for a more 'progressive', discovery/inquiry-based, student-led approach? Perhaps you use a mixture of the two - but how do you decide?" A blog post (almost a literature review) exploring answers to this question - mostly from the perspective of teaching mathematics

Teachers: What's Your Motto in the Classroom? | Edutopia - 2 views

    The Week 2 activity in asked What's your pedagogy? got me thinking, I decided that building relationships with my students was extremely important to me. I agree with this article and Elena Aguilar shares a very similar pedagogy, her classroom is not just individual students, it's a community in which everyone belong
    Awesome question! I have a number of motto's but I think one stands tall amongst them all. We are all equal and put downs of course are not to be tolerated but I believe more focus on student fear of failure resulting in a lack of effort to succeed. There will be times in our career where we will witness students losing motivation due to ridicule from peers or even self-ridicule. More than once I have heard in a maths classroom a student admitting, "Oh I'm not good at maths", even when I can see that they are quite capable. Effectively the student is giving themself permission to fail. My moto is "THANKS FOR CORRECTING ME!" Too often students fear answering a questions in case they get it wrong, and some students will abuse others for their mistakes. It is a cultural attitude that is in the workplace as well as the classroom. If someone voices that they have discovered a mistake you have made, then that gives you the opportunity to correct yourself. If you cannot see the error, then it is an opportunity for them to teach you something new. It doesn't matter which way you look at it, mistakes should be celebrated as a collaborative learning opportunity, and as teachers we should encourage this. Olympic gold medal winner Adam Kreek talks about happy failure and emergence:
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