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The Australian Curriculum v4.2 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capabilit... - 3 views

    • Kirstie Willadsen
      This concept map in an example of what the teacher can use to create resources for students as well as a way students can demonstrate creatively their ideas and understanding of ICT.  This links directly to what foundation year students should be able to achieve by the end of the year found under the creating with ICT heading.  
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using tables, photos and sketches in planning documents English (ACELY1682) Science (ACSIS054) History (ACHHK078) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes Show examples Examples: editing text, images, audio, and video for presentations and story-telling; transforming data between numerical and graphical digital representation; applying editing strategies Mathematics (ACMMG091) English (ACELY1685) History (ACHHS071) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT effectively to record ideas, represent thinking and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using timeline software to plan processes; using concept mapping and brainstorming software to generate key ideas; using graphic and audio visual software to record ideas Mathematics (ACMNA123) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS086) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks independently or collaboratively create and modify digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: manipulating and combining images, text, video and sound for presentations; creating podcasts; applying purposeful editing and refining processes Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELT1798) Science (ACSIS090) History (ACHHS106) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans Show examples Examples: sharing documents including text, graphics and numbers Mathematics (ACMNA189) English (ACELY1720) Science (ACSIS144) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks design and modify simple digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for particular audiences and purposes following recognised conventions Show examples Examples: creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using spread sheets; managing and editing original source materials Mathematics (ACMNA187) English (ACELY1728) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS214) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions Show examples Examples: using software to create hyperlinks, tables and charts; using design and project planning software English (ACELY1751) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Design, modify and manage complex digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for a range of audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: modelling solutions in spread sheets, creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using databases; creating web pages for visually impaired users; using advanced functions to manage and edit digital products for desired effects Mathematics (ACMNA229) English (ACELT1773) Science (ACSIS203) History (ACHHS193)
  • or data representation/transformation for particular purposes
  • use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes
  • Define and plan information searches
  • Examples: explaining why a source of digital information was used or trusted in preference to another Mathematics (ACMNA057) English (ACELA1793) History (ACHHS068) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Define and plan information searches use a range of ICT to identify and represent patterns in sets of information and to pose questions to guide searching for, or generating, further information Show examples Examples: using tables, charts and graphic organisers such as concept maps Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELY1704) History (ACHHS120) Science (ACSIS086) Locate, generate and access data and information locate, retrieve or generate information using search engines and simple search functions and classify information in meaningful ways Show examples Examples: searching and locating files within school directory; searching across web or within site; organising in folders, tables or databases, using simulations to generate and organise information on real world problems Mathematics (ACMSP145) English (ACELY1712) Science (ACSIS104) History (ACHHS101) Select and evaluate data and information assess the suitability of data or information using a range of appropriate given criteria Show examples Examples: selecting the most useful/reliable/relevant digital resource from a set of three or four alternatives Mathematics (ACMNA128) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS087) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Define and plan information searches use a range of ICT to analyse information in terms of implicit patterns and structures as a basis to plan an information search or generation Show examples Examples: using graphic organisers to plan a search with links to sources Mathematics (ACMNA174) English (ACELY1723) Science (ACSIS125) History (ACHHS208) Locate, generate and access data and information locate, retrieve or generate information using search facilities and organise information in meaningful ways Show examples Examples: searching within document – find/search/buttons/tabs; using search strings; accessing primary data through online or local equipment; using simulation tools to test hypotheses to problems Mathematics (ACMSP284) English (ACELY1723) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS208) Select and evaluate data and information assess the suitability of data or information using appropriate own criteria Show examples Examples: applying criteria developed for an enquiry or project; considering the adequacy of source of information English (ACELY1734) Science (ACSIS125) History (ACDSEH030) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Define and plan information searches select and use a range of ICT independently and collaboratively, analyse information to frame questions and plan search strategies or data generation Show examples Examples: using wikis or other shared documents; searching databases Science (ACSIS165) History (ACHHS168) Locate, generate and access data and information use advanced search tools and techniques or simulations and digital models to locate or generate precise data and information that supports the development of new understandings Show examples Examples: using logical statements such as true/false; searching within fields or for data type; using data logger equipment, digital microscope; using digital models to test and adjust hypotheses to problems Mathematics (ACMSP227) Science (ACSIS199) History (ACHHS186) Select and evaluate data and information <DIV class=elmark
  • use ICT to plan an information search or generation of information, recognising some pattern within the information,
  • locate, retrieve or generate information from a range of digital sources
  • Examples: editing text, images, audio, and video for presentations and story-telling; transforming data between numerical and graphical digital representation; applying editing strategies Mathematics (ACMMG091) English (ACELY1685) History (ACHHS071) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT effectively to record ideas, represent thinking and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using timeline software to plan processes; using concept mapping and brainstorming software to generate key ideas; using graphic and audio visual software to record ideas Mathematics (ACMNA123) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS086) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks independently or collaboratively create and modify digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: manipulating and combining images, text, video and sound for presentations; creating podcasts; applying purposeful editing and refining processes Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELT1798) Science (ACSIS090) History (ACHHS106) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans Show examples Examples: sharing documents including text, graphics and numbers Mathematics (ACMNA189) English (ACELY1720) Science (ACSIS144) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks design and modify simple digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for particular audiences and purposes following recognised conventions Show examples Examples: creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using spread sheets; managing and editing original source materials Mathematics (ACMNA187) English (ACELY1728) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS214) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions Show examples Examples: using software to create hyperlinks, tables and charts; using design and project planning software English (ACELY1751) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Design, modify and manage complex digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for a range of audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: modelling solutions in spread sheets, creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using databases; creating web pages for visually impaired users; using advanced functions to manage and edit digital products for desired effects Mathematics (ACMNA229) English (ACELT1773) Science (ACSIS203) History (ACHHS193)
  • create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes
  • use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions
  • use appropriate ICT tools safely to share and exchange information with appropriate known audiences
  • understand that computer mediated communications are directed to an audience for a purpose

Klein Project Blog | Connecting mathematical worlds - 0 views

    Blog publishing "vignettes" designed to help teachers of Senior Mathematics make connections with contemporary mathematics research.

Technology for positive: Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction - 1 views

    "One of the major benefits of using technology in the classroom is the ability to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of every student in every lesson. Just as every student grows and develops at different rates, they learn in different ways and at different speeds. Technology makes it possible to pace lessons appropriately for each student's learning level and can be used to promote learning in the multiple intelligences. Below you will find website suggestions that address the different learning styles in your classroom with the help of technology: Verbal-Linguistic These learners enjoy learning through speaking, writing, reading, and listening. In the classroom setting these students shine when given tasks such as taking notes, researching, listening, reading for information, and writing. Websites to encourage learning for Verbal-Linguistic students: 1. Allow students to express themselves creatively with words 2. Capture student voices with audio, text, pictures , and video 3. A free online word processor, and presentation tool 4. Students can podcast (voice recording) online. 5. - Students can create stories or mini- movies 6. Students create animated stories 7. Students can create stories and turn them into a book 8. A world where words come alive 9. 52 interactive activities related to reading, writing, and speaking 10. Students can read stories online, record their own story and play literacy games Logical-Mathematical These learners love numbers, reasoning, and problem solving. These students enjoy measuring, calculating, and organizing data. In the classroom students will shine when given tasks such as collecting data, conducting experiments, solving proble

Great Maths Teaching Ideas | Sharing great ideas and resources with maths teachers arou... - 2 views

    Blog from a secondary mathematics teacher in England focusing on sharing great teaching ideas for mathematics.

Integrating ICT into Mathematics - Effective Curriculum Ideas - 1 views

  • Infographics
  • infographics instead of tables of data or simple graphs.
    ideas for integrating ICT into mathematics
    some useful info

Developing Classroom Practice : ICT in Mathematics : Useful Documents - 1 views

    supporting the teaching and learning of mathematics with ICT

Laser 3.14: Your Disconnection | Flickr - Photo Sharing! - 2 views

    The first, of hopefully many, images bookmarked as part of an activity in the ramble for week 4 of EDC3100. When observing and teaching high school mathematics classes while on professional experience, one of the strongest impressions I had was the sense of disconnection felt by the students. A strong disconnection between their current and future lives and what they were learning in mathematics.

Does the Khan Academy know how to teach? - The Washington Post - 5 views

  • Gates has called Khan, "the best teacher I've ever seen.
    • djplaner
      An example of some of the large claims being made about Khan Academy that seem to suggest limited understanding of what makes a good teacher?
    • anonymous
      This is an interesting one - how can a teacher be hailed as such, when there is no real interaction (questioning from the student's point of view)? The Khan Academy does have its advantages as a very useful prop to specific lessons and concepts, yet the questions posed by any learner should be equally important if effective learning is to take place.
    • Margaret Johnson
      I agree Doreen, furthermore, the Khan Academy cannot be used as a stand alone to teaching, yet as a tool to extend understanding or to reteach concepts
    • Deb Mac
      It is a useful tool I agree. Students need to have an understand of a variety of ways/strategies/methods to draw upon in order to gain a full understand of the concepts.
    • Lisa Rose
      Interesting to see Bill Gates making a reference to teaching skills. Last I checked he wasn't an expert in education?!
    • robbie1282
      I don't get why they are making reference to Bill Gates I don't believe he has an understanding of teaching. Although these online library can help with understanding but is it really the way we want education to go online teaching??
    • djplaner
      I belive that the reference to Gates arises from the fact that he's spending a lot of his money attempting to improve schools and universities. That money means that his views on what is good teaching carry significant weight. More so than his qualifications and experience might otherwise warrant.
  • What is more, his videos reveal an ignorance of how we know students learn mathematics.
    • djplaner
      The Khan Academy videos suffer from the poor PCK of the people developing the videos. The core of the argument here.
    • Colleen Lenehan
      The videos were started to help students who were already learning through the school system and needed more help without having to pay for it. A lot of people are complaining about the videos as alternatives to explicit teaching in the classroom, but aren't they great for what they were originally designed for.
    • Kate Dugdale
      I don't think the Khan videos are doing any damage...They shouldn't be used as a stand alone, but instead as a supplement for learning, perhaps.
    • Louise Hoggett
      I think the videos are great as a supplementary activity, it provides a different way to explain something. Good on him for attempting it.
    • Lisa Rose
      I like David's comment: videos aren't actually evidence of the Khan academy, just "the poor PCK of the people developing the videos.".
  • Pedagogical content knowledge is an important foundation for planning lessons and for decision making during a lesson.
    • djplaner
      Building your PCK is essential to improving your ability to create effective learning experiences.
    • Lisa Rose
      I'm banging on the same drum here, but "building" to me is important - it's not the be all and end all.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • All teachers make mistakes, after all, and Khan should not, the reasoning goes, be called out for making the same mistakes we all make.
  • There certainly are broken models in education, but there is absolutely no evidence that competent knowledge of student learning and thinking is one that teachers can afford to jettison.
  • researchers are finding evidence that particular kinds of PCK are associated with greater gains in student learning in elementary mathematics.
  • revolutionize
  • The equal sign (=) i
  • Many mathematics educators stress another kind of knowledge necessary to design and deliver quality instruction: pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). PCK refers to knowledge of content as it relates to teaching.
    • Stephen Druery
      Design and deliver quality instruction.
    • sandra2812
      knowing the students and how they learn 
    • franerbacher
      and catering for all students
  • content knowledge alone is inadequate
    • Fran Gemmell
      How true, but how often do we see this and the reverse situation where teachers are teaching in areas where their content knowledge is lacking.
    • Lisa Rose
      Content is certainly the starting point and this is crucial.
    • Olivia Wirihana
      I agree content knowledge is crucial but there are so many more aspects needed to make it great.
    • sandra2812
      Content knowledge is important, but it doesn't matter how much knowledge a teacher has if s/he cannot teach that content in a way that the students will actually understand it and be able to apply it in future
    • traceydavis1968
      I agree that content knowledge is important but it is just as important to know your students and how best they learn
  • The standard American curricular treatment, in which students are instructed to append zeroes to the shorter decimal to equalize the number of digits helps students to perform this task correctly, but fosters its own misconceptions.
  • he exercises offer no intellectual rigor and do not address our central concern.
  • PCK knows from both educational research and professional experience
  • I think frankly, the best way to do it is you put stuff out there and you see how people react to it; and we have exercises on our site too, so we see whether they’re able to see how they react to it anecdotally.
    • Olivia Wirihana
      I think this comment is interesting as provocation has many benefits.
  • the examples Khan chooses appear selected at random and thus are, perhaps unsurprisingly, often quite poor.
    • sandra2812
      A teacher must be prepared before entering the classroom
  • If Khan’s videos occasionally popped up in a Google search, we would be content to have him carry on. There is lots of worse information available on the web. But Khan is hailed as “unbelievable” ( Bill Gates) and his work as “sparking a revolution in education
    • sandra2812
      It is up to the teacher to assess whether or not the videos are suitable for his/her students. If the teacher chooses to use the video, then s/her can refer to the teacher information and see which questions the students answered correctly / incorrectly and identify any misconceptions. These misconceptions can then be addressed by the teacher in the classroom
  • Whether small steps or large, we urge Sal Khan and his funders to put their time, effort and dollars to the best possible ends, particularly when it comes to making decisions grounded in accurate, carefully considered pedagogical content knowledge
  • discuss the meaning of the equal sign frequently and explicitly, and (2) model correct use of the equal sign.
    • Angela Woodward
      To quote a fellow student, Lucas Naughton states, 'ICT must be used to enhance and amplify the learning rather then becoming the point of the learning'. I get that there are holes in the Khan videos however if we are using them to enhance learning then why cant the teacher design an entire lesson around one video. They can discuss the missing misconceptions. They can provide other methods/concepts and they can create practice activities all around a Khan video. Remember-enhance and amplify the learning using these ICT's. Cheers Angela Woodward
    • djplaner
      Exactly. They can be a useful tool if used appropriately.
  • Khan will put the video out there and see how people react to it.
    • Kacey Howard
      There's no actual looking for student ability/interest - it seems as if he's more interested in teaching what he want to talk about.
  • Newsweek
    • Kacey Howard
      How does Newsweek become a credible source? Surely people know better than to blindly accept a newpaper's arbitary titles?
    A critique of some of the Khan Academy videos from a PCK perspective.
  • ...6 more comments...
    A critique of some of the Khan Academy videos from a PCK perspective.
    A critique of some of the Khan Academy videos from a PCK perspective.
    A critique of some of the Khan Academy videos from a PCK perspective.
    A critique of some of the Khan Academy videos from a PCK perspective.
    A critique of some of the Khan Academy videos from a PCK perspective.
    Wikipedia mentions Khan's education: "Khan attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduating with a BS in mathematics, a BS in electrical engineering and computer science, and an MS in electrical engineering and computer science in 1998. Khan also holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School" I can't see a Bachelor of Education in there. I would have thought that this would be essential, and the first stepping-stone, to acquire an understanding of PCK and how students learn. Danielson and Goldenburg state that "content knowledge alone is inadequate for quality instruction" and that many videos are prone to creating further confusion for students. They also go on to say that Khan's explanations are frequently off target in addressing likely student questions that experienced teachers would anticipate and elicit. Maybe a four-year stint at USQ might be in order? .
    A critique of some of the Khan Academy videos from a PCK perspective.
    A critique of some of the Khan Academy videos from a PCK perspective.

MT|SM - High School Mathematics Teachers' Blog - 0 views

    A blog from a High School Mathematics teacher in Minnesota. He doesn't exclusively talk about ICTs but has made a few posts about his struggles with particular software. He has also written an interesting post that looks at wireless routers' range in comparison to its price from a mathematical perspective.

MATHAGOGY | two minute mathematics education - 1 views

    A bank of two minute mathematics videos

5-Year-Olds Can Learn Calculus - Luba Vangelova - The Atlantic - 4 views

  • This is hard to do—it requires both pedagogical and math concept knowledge, but it can be learned
    • djplaner
      Empahsis on the importance of PCK which we'll extend to TPACK
  • Droujkova says one of the biggest challenges has been the mindsets of the grown-ups. Parents are tempted to replay their "bad old days" of math instruction with their kids, she says.
    • djplaner
      Echoing the impact of past experience with math (and ICTs) that create schema, which then limit vision of what can be.
  • Unfortunately a lot of what little children are offered is simple but hard—primitive ideas that are hard for humans to implement,” because they readily tax the limits of working memory, attention, precision and other cognitive functions
    Article talking about a different perspective (and examples) of how to teach mathematics. Not directly related to ICTs, but will likely be used in the Week 2 learning path and later to make a number of important points.
    ''They also miss the essential point-that mathematics is fundamentally about patterns and structures, rather than "little manipulations of numbers,"....'' How true this is! I had to go to uni in order to be exposed to the beauty of numers and maths, learn about Fibonacci and see the world differently! If anyone is interested here is a very nice video about the simplicity and beauty of our world and I am sure that ICT has its place in it:

Welcome to the Mathematics Assessment Project - 1 views

    American project looking at developing mathematic assessments that move beyond traditional methods.

Designing ICT rich lessons TIP model - 3 views

started by Shari Kath on 07 Jun 13 no follow-up yet

File Cabinet - Act 1 - 101qs - 1 views

    One of the examples from the 101 questions website. All of the examples are based on the use of ICTs to pose a mathematical question to students that will perplex them, that will get them to ask questions. Uses a three act model for the lesson where Act 1 is the "perplexor".

The Department of Education - Steps Resources - First Steps Mathematics - 2 views

    Love pre-made worksheets and assessment tasks! Thanks Western Australia!!

About EDUC115-S | Stanford Online - 9 views

    A free course from Stanford University focused on how to learn mathematics as a student. The ICT connection is how they use ICTs to teach this Massive Online Open Course (MOOC). But beyond this, the course might be useful for those of you slightly phobic of maths and beyond that I'm sure there will be some interesting pedagogical suggestions you could pick up for your own teaching.

Early childhood teachers' misconceptions about mathematics education for young children... - 5 views

    Early childhood teachers' misconceptions about mathematics education for young children in the United States From page 39.

Mathalicious - 4 views

    Making mathematics interesting with good lesson plans

Five Principles of Extraordinary Math Teaching - 0 views

    A TEDx talk that offers 5 principles for teaching mathematics. 5 principles that act as a simple framework for designing a lesson, unit etc. How might ICT be used with each of these questions.
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