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Aaron Davis

2015 Prep-8 iPad App Lists | iPads 4 Learning @ MLP12C - 0 views

    A great list of apps for primary education from Corrie Barclay
Aaron Davis

Rich schools become even richer | The Education Reformer - 0 views

  • Contrast Scotch with Brookside College, a public P-9 school in Caroline Springs west of Melbourne. According to the MySchool web page, Brookside has an enrolment of 940 – half the number at Scotch but, unlike that elite school, it draws its students from a wide range of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds with more than half from non-English speaking homes where 88% are in the lower and middle socioeconomic quartiles. Brookside has 68 teachers and 24 non-teaching staff while Scotch has 191 teachers and 106 assistants. Last year, Brookside had a net-recurrent income of $9 million  – equivalent to nearly $10,000 per student and a total capital expenditure of $137,000. In contrast, Scotch’s recurrent income was $45.5 million – equal to $24,400 per student – and its capital spending came to nearly $4 million.
    Interesting analysis of education setup in Victoria from Geoff Maslen, including a comparison between Scotch College and Brookside P-9 College
Aaron Davis

Photos For Class - The World's Easiest Way to Download Properly Attributed, Creative Co... - 0 views

    A fantastic site which not only helps finds creative commons images, but provides a reference for them as well.
Aaron Davis

The Sky's the Limit: 16 Must-Read Quotes from Michael Fullan's Stratosphere - Vander Ar... - 0 views

  • We should do less of spending money on assessment detached from designing learning and more of creating learning experiences that are irresistibly engaging."
  • "The integration of technology and pedagogy to maximize learning must meet four criteria. It must be irresistibly engaging; elegantly efficient (challenging but easy to use); technologically ubiquitous; and steeped in real-life problem solving."
  • "I hold out four criteria for integrating technology and pedagogy to produce exciting, innovative learning experiences for all students --something desperately needed to bring education into the 21st century. These new developments must be i) irresistibly engaging (for students and for teachers); ii) elegantly efficient and easy to use; iii) technologically ubiquitous 24/7; and iv) steeped in real-life problem solving."
Aaron Davis

Resources from Miami Device - Learning in Hand - 0 views

    A fantastic collection of resources associated with technology from Miami Device
Aaron Davis

Creative Commons Licences and how to find OER - 0 views

    A great Slideshare presentation on Creative Commons
Aaron Davis

Why We Need A "Why?" - YouTube - 0 views

    Fantastic video from Mike Wesch on why we need a why. Well worth a watch.
Aaron Davis

10 Quick Ways to Give Students A Voice | Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension - 0 views

  • 1.  Give them a blog.  
  • 2.  Give them time.
  • 3.  Give them post-its.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • 4.  Model constructive feedback.
  • 5.  Give them whiteboards.
  • 6.  Give them a chance.
  • 7.  Give them an audience.
  • 8.  Give them a starting point.
  • 9.  Give them a purpose.
  • 10.  Give them trust.
Aaron Davis

Safer Schools with Creative Commons |  IPAD 4 SCHOOLS - 0 views

  • Who owns the material and it’s components when it’s published?
  • How can schools not only inform but encourage the school community to start using licensing and working safely to avoid being prosecuted?
  • Understanding what is and isn;t ok is a crucial skill for all to learn and I hope this information helps schools get more confident with publishing material online.
Aaron Davis

And they said I was too adventurous? | Miss Spink on Tech - 0 views

    An investigation into iPads and Book Creator in Prep
Aaron Davis

50+Ways to Tell a Story - 0 views

    "It was not long ago that producing multimedia digital content required expensive equipment and deep levels of technical expertise. We are at the point now where anyone can create and publish very compelling content with nothing more complex than a web browser. The point is not that these are professional level production tools, but that the barrier of entry to content creation can be drastically low. And you should find a new mode of creativity when the tool have some limits as to what they can do-- and find that the core of the story is much more important than a widget."
Aaron Davis

10 ways to make meetings (and lessons) meaningful… | What Ed Said - 0 views

  • Does every meeting in your school relate to or result in learning?
  • Does every lesson in your classroom contribute to meaningful learning, rather than completion of work?
  • ‘Have you ever had to sit through a whole hour when you felt like the substance of the meeting could have been handled in five minutes?’
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • 3 Have we incorporated feedback from previous meetings?
  • 1. Have we identified clear and important meeting objectives that contribute to the goal of improving learning?
  • 2. Have we established the connection between the work of this and other meetings in the series?
  • 8. Have we put time allocations to each activity on the agenda?
  • ‘Have you planned a thoughtful meeting only to have it derailed by a couple of rogues participants who have their own agendas?’
  • 5. Have we built in time to identify and commit to next steps?
  • 6. Have we built in time for assessment of what worked and what didn’t in the meeting?
  • 7. Have we gathered or developed materials that will help to focus and advance the meeting objectives?
  • 4. Have we chosen challenging activities that advance the meeting objectives and engage all participants?
  • 9. Have we ensured that we will address the primary objective early in the meeting? 
  • 10. Is it realistic that we could get through our agenda in the time allocated?
    A great post from Edna Sackson about the possibilities and potentials associated with improving meetings (and lessons)
Aaron Davis

Questions to Ask Oneself While Designing Learning Activities | User Generated Education - 0 views

  • Here are some questions I ask myself as I go through this process: Will the learning activities provide learners with opportunities to tap into their own personal interests and passions? Will the learning activities offer the learners the chance to put them “selves” into their work? Will the learning activities provide learners with opportunities to express themselves using their own authentic voices? Will the learners find the learning activities engaging? interesting? relevant? useful? What “cool” technologies can be used to help meet both the instructional and the learners’ goals? Will the learning activities provide learners with opportunities to have fun and to play? Will learners be able to do at least some of the work independently? Will the learning activities give all of the learners opportunities to shine? Will the learners get the chance to share their work with other learners, with a more global audience?
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