Electronic Waste Recycling: A Global Problem in Need of Solutions - 0 views
Cellphones, computers, and other technological products contain a number of valuable materials that must be mined. Rare earths, gold, palladium, copper, and more all reside within our cell phones, TVs, and more.
These valuable materials are acquired through intensive mining operations. The recycling of such materials from our old gadgets would allow us to reuse these valuable materials, ultimately requiring less mining and conserving our finite resources. According to the EPA, the recycling of one million cell phones yields 35,000 lbs. of
The toxic components in e-waste not only pose risks to workers in developing nations, but they also pose risks to the environment; where e-waste is either improperly handled or disposed of, there is risk of soil and groundwater contamination.
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Electronic waste is a growing problem which affects our soil, groundwater, and more due to improper disposal. This problem was considered a conflicting issue in developing countries in the past; however, that no longer holds truth. Many nations and various companies have become more and more of this issue and try to tackle it by implementing legislations and recycling centers, which allow for proper e-waste disposal. The problem at hand can be dealt with, but a world-wide team effort is needed in order to combat this dilemma.