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The Power of Geo-Targeting | Boston Hospitality Review - 0 views

  • companies using digital marketing techniques had, have, and will have to adapt the targeting methods to reach their audience. 
  • companies must target audiences efficiently with appropriate messages, not just demographically, but also geographically.
  • Geo-targeting means marketing to a set of specific users based on their location.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Geofencing creates a radius or boundary where ads are posted, whereas geo-targeting regards a more general location.
  • Electronic word-of-mouth communication refers to any positive or negative statement made by potential, actual or former customers about a product or company which is made available to multiples of people and/or institutions and is spread over the internet (Cheung et al, 2010).
  • understanding their guests on a more granular level (Cheung et al, 2010).
  • “Hotels can no longer take a blanketed approach towards their consumers; they must understand where guests are coming from and the impact of a hotel’s digital footprint.”
  • Hotels prioritizing direct business capture approximately 95% more revenue versus the 80% revenue from indirect channels (
  • According to, “72% of mobile bookings happen within 48 hours of last-minute Google searches that include the words ‘tonight’ and ‘today,’ and 70% of all customers conduct their research on a smartphone” (Steve Deane, 2021).
  • How does a hotel measure the success of geo-targeting? Simply put, revenue. 
  • . According to SmartBugMedia, 71% of consumers prefer a personalized ad experience, and three of four consumers complete an action after receiving a message when approaching a specific location (Amber Kemmis, SmartBugMedia, Jan 2020).
  • VPN allows the user to locate the device in a location other than the actual one. Thus, it could prevent appropriately targeting a user.
  • Existing and past guests are “far more precious” to a property (Starkov) since the CAC (customer acquisition cost) is far less than acquiring new guests.
  • Where are the hotel guests coming from? Are the incoming guests here for leisure, business, or are they group travelers?
  • Use of CRM technology such as Cendyn, Revinate, and SHR, allows the property to create 360-degree guest profiles.
  • Denny’s implemented a geo-targeting strategy that sent specific promotions to existing customers that were within a location which resulted in an 11.6% increase to in-store visits.
  • geo-targeting is an asset for hoteliers to stay relevant.
    Geo-targeting is a step above geo-fencing and like that of Proximity marketing is a digital marketing technique meant to geographically target consumers within a set of parameters. The purpose of this is that while digital marketing has been around, is being used and the future of it is quite relevant it requires companies to adapt using various methods of marketing to reach the consumer. And geography is an area that is highly required. And unlike geo-fencing, geo-targeting is more generalized in the locale. It is asserted that companies need to have a better understanding of their guests at a basic level than before. "Hotels can no longer take a blanketed approach---understanding where a guest is coming from and the impact of a hotel's digital footprint" is just as important. A reason hotels might want to use geo-targeting is that direct business captures "95% more revenue than that of indirect channels". Interested enough many guests book last minute and that accounts for 72% off mobile bookings. Geo-targeting relies on revenue to determine its success. One issue noted is the use of VPNs can create miss-targeting when users are receiving messages from a location they are not in. Several things to note are prioritizing a focus on existing and prior guests because they cost less than advertising to new guests. Secondly, using CRM can create personalization through guest profiles and add an extra special factor to their experience. One example shown was Denny's and it showed an increase in visits. Geo-targeting is a marketing strategy that can help companies stay relevant.
    This take on proximity marketing is interesting in that it requires a little more thought in implementation because you aren't just narrowing it down to a specific locale, you are creating a wider net to catch people in. That means you have to have a broader understanding of who you are catching which would be multiple targets that may not be alike, but have similar needs. They used the pandemic as an example of how it benefited them to use geo-location, While not marketing to a whole section of the US they targeted a more localized net ( a state away) but not too narrow as to leave out a specific target. It showed some success in that they were able to save money and help bring brand awareness to a different type of consumer. They not only target those locally but "neighbors" and I know that I as a new guest appreciate seeing local people utilizing a product or service and come back for more because it gives me an idea that the product or service or both is appealing to guests. This also helps hinge on the word of mouth of the customer. That is an additional positive aspect of this type of marketing. Seeking local rather than national or global customer-created brand devotion.

Proximity marketing app | Using beacons to reach customers | Location based marketingYo... - 0 views

  • iBeacons or Beacons are small BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices - small wireless sensors that communicate with Bluetooth-enabled smart devices such as iPhones, Android phones by continuously emitting messages/advertisements or small packets of data through its' BLE transmitter while allowing you to collect information on each smart device. Our in-app features enable you to reach the right customer and push the right message at the right time and at the right location BLE iBeacons for accurate mobile proximity marketing. Analyse customer patterns, dwell times, measure performance, promotions, track conversions and customer retention & loyalty better understand your customers & increase your foot traffic, sales and revenue. Push the right message to the right audience at the right time
    Note: my above post is comprised of highlighted excerpts and intended to be in quotes but the editing tab is not working accordingly. No plagiarism is intended and credit goes to the authors of the posted web page. Nelson AS DESCRIBED ; this is the fundamental problem with the proximity marketing process. The fact that this is some sort of "subliminal" type of messaging through push marketing, that not only send out ads but collectively gathers personal data, should be an area of concern for everyone utilizing a smart device. "Our in-app features enable you to reach the right customer and push the right message at the right time and at the right location BLE iBeacons for accurate mobile proximity marketing. Analyze customer patterns, dwell times, measure performance, promotions, track conversions and customer retention & loyalty better understand your customers & increase your foot traffic, sales and revenue."

Proximity Marketing and How Does It Work - 1 views

  • Bluetooth proximity marketing involves setting up a bluetooth enabled mobile device at a particular spot within the range of the beacon and passing information in the form of text, images, or video via the respective mobile app. There are a number of must-haves required to employ this marketing strategy. They are:  The consumer should be using a Bluetooth-enabled mobile device at the location where the proximity marketing technology is being applied.A beacon must be deployed in the area where the consumer is currently located, in order to send out and receive marketing messages or other information.The targeted consumer should have downloaded the relevant mobile application and installed it on his or her phone that is capable of receiving push notifications. This can  be your own brand app or the larger building app (For example a mall’s map or a specific brand within the malls app)
  • T
  • he notable patterns in buying behavior help complete the picture for brands that use them. 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Proximity marketing is all about marketing to your ideal consumer at the right time and at the right place, with highly relevant and personalized notifications. It provides great results for businesses in combination with the right advertising strategies and tools. 
  • Customers got mobile coupons, via the app, which enticed them to purchase a coffee and receive a beverage from the new drink line for free.
  • . The notifications would give out the time of the event and directions to the event happening on the day when a consumer is present at the store.
    The ability of proximity marketing will be able to reach markets based on location.
    Proximity marketing is an exceptional way to target particular customers. Many companies have seen success by launching these marketing techniques.
    I appreciate you sharing this article on "What is Proximity Marketing?" This article explains in details how "proximity-based marketing" or "mobile proximity marketing" use customers devices to entice them to make purchases whenever they are near locations that practices this type of marketing. Moreover, I understand why Proximity Marketing will gain momentum in the future. This is because a wealth of customer data is gathered through the type of technology used and the result of the same is beneficial to both the business and customers.

Why and How to Use Proximity Marketing for Restaurants? - 0 views

  • More than 80% of the world’s population now own a smartphone, and a huge chunk of these smartphone owners are constantly sharing their location for different reasons.
  • This marketing strategy is all about marketing to your customers at the right time and place
  • How Can Proximity Marketing be Used in Restaurants? Proximity marketing allows you to target a specific location. Unlike broad-based marketing tools, you can focus on a particular customer group that is easier to convert based on their proximity to your business. 
  • ...38 more annotations...
  • Proximity ma
  • Therefore, it is essential to ensure your restaurant is visible on Google Maps, Bing, and Yelp searches. 
  • Geomarketing is the practice of serving customers with specific ads when near your restaurants.
  • Beacons are small Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices that you set up in particular spots in your restaurant. You can then use them to pass information as text or images/videos to consumers within its range.
  • Customers can scan or tap the QR code using their mobile devices to reveal the marketing campaign. These QR codes are easy to create and customize with QR code generators.
  • . You can use discounts or offer some free items to attract these new customers to your restaurant and make sure they have a wonderful experience, so they become regular customers.
  • This can include exclusive discounts and events such as free food sampling to incentivize loyalty program members to remain loyal.
  • You can use beacons to determine the number of people in the restaurant and use this to inform other customers whether the restaurant is crowded. 
  • It will allow you to create combo deals that can help you refer customers to each other to increase sales.
  • Proximity Marketing for Restaurants will not only allow you to send personalized messages to your customers but can also alert your staff when a loyal customer walks in. 
  • If your restaurant has a loyalty reward program, proximity marketing can be beneficial for its promotion.
  • you can promote your restaurant and the unique benefits it offers in a way the customers will find most relevant and appreciate.
  • The marketing technique makes it easy to deliver the offers straight to the customer’s mobile phones, ensuring they do not miss out on the offer.
  • This can be very useful for individuals walking around trying to figure out where and what to eat.
  • You can then use this information to create a tailored menu for them that you are sure they will love every time they visit your restaurant. 
  • , proximity marketing can also help you develop custom prices for different customers.
  • The real-time connection will give your business a better opportunity to engage the customers and build stronger relationships.
  • 1. Make your Restaurant More Visible
  • Proximity Marketing for Restaurants has become a popular tool
  • easy to pass the information on the latest deals, special offers, and discounts. 
  • is to entice customers to make a decision to buy from your business in the immediate or near future.
  • The ads can be advertising discounts, new offers, or specials for the day. The main aim is to get more people within your restaurant’s locality to give it a try.
  • You should check your restaurant’s online presence on these platforms often and make sure important information such as the name of your restaurant and the exact location is correct and up-to-date.
  • 2. Use Beacons for Geomarketing Ads
  • It was only a matter of time before businesses utilized this to develop innovative marketing solutions like proximity marketing.
  • 3. Market to New Customers
  • 4. Promoting Loyalty Reward Programs
  • Proximity Marketing Can Improve Customer Experience
  • 1. Personalized Experience
  • 2. Real-time Connection
  • 3. In-depth Customer Data
  • , you can get crucial insights from their buying behaviors to how much time they spend in your restaurant.
  • 4. Easy Delivery of Time-Sensitive Offers
  • 5. Laser-focused Targeting
  • A message popping up on their phone with your deal of the day can effectively influence them to try out your restaurant and help them decide what to eat.
  • Proximity marketing for restaurants allows you to know your loyal customers better
  • This further enhances customer loyalty and ensures they have the best experience in your eatery
  • 4. You Can Let Customers Know if the Restaurant is Crowded or Not
    This article talked about how and why to use proximity marketing for your restaurant. They started off by talking about how many people have smart phones and how restaurants can use this to their benefit. There were a couple benefits of proximity marketing this article brought up that i thought were great ideas. The first being partnering with other business and restaurants to create combo deals. The other being just hoe in-depth you can personalize the experience using proximity marketing.
    Proximity marketing can be used in many different ways in the hospitality business. For restaurants specificially it can help enhance the customer experience, increase customers, maintain loyal customers, boost sales, make customers want to keep coming and more. Proximity marketing allows restaurants and all the hospitality industry to focus more on their clientele and who they want to reach in many ways and can be a great tools for sales.

Cyberattacks are surging. CT's workforce isn't keeping up - 0 views

  • A growing wave of cyberattacks is threatening governments, businesses and everyday residents. Across the globe, there is a critical shortage of skilled professionals to guard against these criminals.
  • The state’s cybersecurity workforce increased by only 1 percent between 2015 and 2020, which was the seventh slowest rate in the nation, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By comparison, the ranks of these key professionals more than doubled in a dozen states over that timeframe.
  • Globally, cybersecurity experts are in extraordinarily high demand. An analysis from Cyberseek, a public-private partnership that measures cybersecurity workforce shortages in the United States, notes the talent gap is severe in every state besides Maine.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Nationally, the number of unfilled cybersecurity jobs is estimated to be 464,000, including 3,800 in Connecticut, according to Cyberseek, which is backed by a subdivision of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
    Cyber-attacks has become an increasing problem within the US and the lack of unfulfilled jobs regarding cyber security poses just as big, if not bigger, of a problem. All states, besides Maine, are in dire need to fulfill jobs across the private business sector and government related positions. At this point, many companies, including the government, offer free training (acquiring proper certifications) in hopes of gaining more employees to help with the fight against cyber war.

Chili's Has Installed More Than 45,000 Tablets in Its Restaurants - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • Have you ever felt that, for making these decisions, your server was sort of judging you? 
  • wants to remove any friction that might separate you from your whims
  • without the pesky interference of a human.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • That doesn't necessarily herald the end of human-centered food service
  •  The Chili's version of the Ziosk menus is programmed to have images of dessert (a molten chocolate cake, say) pop up while customers are still eating their main courses. This has led, Chili's says, to a 20-percent increase in dessert sales. (Ziosk claims a 30-percent dessert-sale bump for its clients overall.)
  • de-humanizing the restaurant is, it turns out, good busines
  • That's in part because the tablets set defaults for tip amounts. The machines automatically suggest a tip of 20 percent
  • active attempt to minimize the interaction Chili's customers have with human
  • Chili's recently made a big change to its in-store ordering system. The chain partnered with Ziosk, the restaurant-targeted tablet-maker, to develop a series of tabletop devices that allow customers to order their meals
  • The tablets let your order your meal—and pay for it—through a screen, as you would with online ordering.
  • Chili's still requires people, of course, to do the actual delivery of the food customers order. There are still servers doing the serving at Chili's.
  • Ziosk claims to have found a 20-percent increase in appetizer sales, as compared with standard, server-based ordering strategies.
    I love this article because it presents such a positive view of the unattended POS system in a restaurant setting. It poses human interaction as a nuisance which prevents customers from ordering more food. The way that it is explained is that the device will not judge someone for asking for too much or customizing their order too much, so customers feel more powerful in ordering exactly what they want. The article also provides several statistics showing how Chili's has increased their appetizer and dessert sales by using these tablets. The advertisements that are displayed on the machines lure customers into ordering more of these items.
    It's really a definite one. It implied so much about reality. This is very factual, but there's still in need of traditional human interaction. It is a great marketing strategy and they can upsell their product and show what they offer which most customers will give it a try out of curiosity. Looks can be deceiving but yet it is in human mentality to try.
    Chili's has installed 45,000 tablets across 823 Chili's restaurants. These tablets let you order your meal, drinks, refills, etc and lets you pay our bill at the end. Chili says the presence of the tablet increases the size of the average check.

Optimising digital marketing and social media strategy: from push to pull to performance - 1 views

This article demonstrates the effects of a push-and-pull marketing strategy on the grocery industry. The authors focused on recent information technology developments, such as mobile services marke...

technology mobile

started by chicao27 on 12 Apr 23 no follow-up yet

WiFi Proximity Marketing: Strategies and how they work | Purple - 3 views

  • time comm
  • QR (Quick Response) codesWiFi (Wireless Fidelity)NFC (Near Field Communication)RFID (Radio-frequency identification)GeofencingBLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) beacons
  • Besides the end-users mobile device, a collection of location-based technologies (LBS) is needed to successfully utilize proximity marketing.
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  • The downside to using the QR code strategy is getting users to make the initial interaction and additional print material may be necessary. 
  • Businesses can utilize their free WiFi offering as a new channel for marketing directly to customers.
  • NFC tag uses don’t stop at the point of sale system, in fact, the knowledge gained from each purchase and interaction further improves the insights businesses have, meaning over time, customer segmentation and messaging become more focussed.
  • The definition of geofencing in proximity marketing is defined as the ability of a company to micro-target people based on the places they go.
  • For example, a sportswear brand may want to target those at a sports event and so will draw their geometric radius around the venue of the event. Patrons that attend with their devices ‘location-enabled sensors’ settings turned on are allowing their GPS to share their location data with their service provider (SP).
  • The convenience store chain attached BLE beacons to trolleys, and baskets to track customer movements when entering, leaving, and moving around its stores. With the movable and planted roof beacons in place, Nisa was able to accurately collect a large pool of geometric insights that fed into one central cloud for further analysis. From these gatherings, Nisa will have been able to understand customer dwell times and see which product aisles were most popular.
  • Geo-loyalty is a method of utilizing proximity marketing methods to boost customer loyalty and drive app usage for higher conversion and engagement rates.
    This article is about Proximity Marketing and the many different specific ways it may be applied. These applications include: QR Codes, WiFi, NFC, RFID, Geofencing, and BLE Beacons. In all of these cases, it is vital to proximity marketing that there be an end-user mobile device (such as an iPhone or Android) as well as location-based technologies. We are all fairly familiar with QR codes as those have become widely used during the pandemic. What we may not have considered though, is how logging into a WiFi gives a lot of information about you to the business, as well as a future means of communicating with you (assuming you made an account and/or gave them important information such as an email address). Geofencing is also really cool because it allows companies to set up a virtual boundary that collects data from mobile devices that pass through that boundary. This allows a business to truly know what kinds of consumers go in and out of whatever establishment the geofence outlines.
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