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rebecca Bonet

HeBS Digital (Hospitality eBusiness Strategies) - 3 views

  • As travelers increasingly turn to the Internet and mobile devices to research and book travel, successful online marketing in hospitality has become increasingly critical to the industry’s success. Adept keyword selection, website designs, and social media campaigns can turn general online travel bookers into loyal repeat customers that book directly on hotel websites.
  • Profitable online strategies can be difficult to come by in hospitality, a dynamic industry where opportunities abound and many complex factors affect success. The cost of keywords has increased, yet many hotel budgets have reached a plateau.
  • hoteliers must compete with mammoth online travel agencies possessing multi-million-dollar budgets.
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  • For HeBS Digital, Adobe solutions provide insights into the market and a driving force to differentiate itself from competitors.
  • HeBS Digital keeps clients ahead of the curve and ahead of the competition in building direct online revenue channels.
  • Driving multichannel marketing success Improving return on ad spend for clients Making more informed online marketing decisions
    • Xu Wang
      Nowadays, as travelers turn to the internet and mobile devices to research and book their travel online increasingly, the online marketing in hospitality has become a important sign for success. At the same time, the hospitality industry tries best to enhance their online booking service, hoping to turn general online travelers into loyal repeat customers that book directly on hotel websites. However, there are still are challenges as the industry has many complex factors. And this article gives solutions and results by introduce Adobe products.
  • Additionally, the explosion in social media and smartphones has added new dimensions for marketers that require new skills.
  • “By using Adobe products at HeBS Digital, we are able to generate big returns for clients by employing highly engaging, locally targeted strategies,” says Jason Price, executive vice president for HeBS Digital.
  • In another instance, the HeBS Digital SEM team used bid rules created with the Adobe solution to automate the bidding for some keyword campaigns
  • With Adobe Solutions, HeBS is able to create award winning hotel website design, pioneer best practices in
  • marketing, and build leading-edge technologies for the hospitality industry
    Nowadays, as travelers turn to the internet and mobile devices to research and book their travel online increasingly, the online marketing in hospitality has become a important sign for success. At the same time, the hospitality industry tries best to enhance their online booking service, hoping to turn general online travelers into loyal repeat customers that book directly on hotel websites. However, there are still are challenges as the industry has many complex factors. And this article gives solutions and results by introduce Adobe products.
    In this article it talks about e business strategies. One of them being mobile device because research and booking travel have been so critical for people on the go. The HeBS is a big digital marketing firm for the hospitality industry. There are profitable online strategies to come by in the hospitality industry. These opportunities do not come easy many time it very complex but also very successful if it done right .Hotel budget have come to a plateau. Hotel need to step up the plate because online travel agencies have taken over the industry. In addition social media and smart phone have added new dimension for market that require new skills with their ideas. HeBS face a challenge by multichannel marketing success, improving return on ad spend, and making more online marketing to be able to come back by doing this they would have the solution and the result. The solution being, keeping clients of the curve of the competition by building direct online revenue. The result for that is providing insights. The market and the driving force for the differentiate competitors. The benefits will build a leading- edge for the hospitality industry

InteSolv's Web Event Management Services for Adobe Connect and PGi Audio is a Game Changer - 0 views

  • Today InteSolv, a leading online business solution firm, Adobe Connect Gold partner, and Premiere Global Services (PGi) audio partner, announced their new custom Web Event Management services for customers who use PGi audio with their Adobe Connect solution.
  • “Online events are all about winning the hearts and minds of your attendees. Having a partner that can eliminate the bumps in the road while adding value to the content delivery approach is critical,” explains Frank Rogers, SVP of Business Development at InteSolv.
    InteSolv, a provider for high-impact technology consulting strategies and customized business solutions, announced their new custom Web Event Management service for existing PGi Adobe Connect customers. Customers are able to choose from a variety of services to best fit their needs: event planning, seminar room set-up, audio provisioning, presenter training and coaching, campaign reporting, etc. In order to maximize conversion, the InteSolv solution allows customers to customize their message while InteSolv manages the administrative/technical traits. 
Yoshihiro Kanno

Hotel Website Analytics: Is There Such Thing as Free Lunch? | By Adam Hammock and Linds... - 0 views

  • There is no medium that allows tracking like the Internet does,
  • Website and campaign conversions, ROIs, pathing and behavioral metrics have become standard, and many hoteliers are turning to more sophisticated tools to measure these essential metrics.
  • SiteCatalyst, though a paid website analytics application, proves to be worth the expense.
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  • It offers far more custom metrics and variables than Google Analytics, along with a higher quantity and customization of reports and dashboards for our HeBS Digital client base.
    This article showed how online marketing analytic tools have become sophisticated and help hoteliers to develop more effective marketing strategy. For example, Adobe Site Catalyst has developed its segmentation capabilities that allow users to quickly dissect a slew of visitors to unveil special characteristics otherwise you would not be able to notice. This is a revolutionary way of data mining which was not in our marketing text book. As opposed to that Google Analytics is free, you have to pay to use this SiteCatalyst. Whether it is worth your dollar is depending on your size of business and branding strategy. 

Arguments Against the Cloud - What Is Cloud Computing? | - 1 views

  • n part, that comes from the potential for crashes. When there are problems at a company like Amazon, which provides cloud storage services to big name companies like Netflix and Pinterest, it can take out all those services (as happened in the summer of 2012). Last year in 2014, outages afflicted Dropbox, Gmail, Basecamp, Adobe, Evernote, iCloud, and Microsoft. Usually for just hours.
  • After all, there's no central body governing use of the cloud for storage and services. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is trying. It created an IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative in 2011 to establish standards for use, especially for the business sector. Last year's Supreme Court ruling against Aereo could have told us a lot about copyright of files in the cloud... but the court side-stepped the issue to keep cloud computing status quo. Cloud computing—like so much about the Internet—is a little bit like the Wild West, where the rules are made up as you go, and you hope for the best.
    This article explains the basics of Cloud Computing and how more companies are converting to the "Cloud." The article will also detail the pros and cons of Cloud Computing and highlight current issues concerning this growing technology.

HNN - Sustainability, tech top 2020 hospitality predictions - 0 views

  • this column looks at trends hoteliers should be preparing for in 2020, which include sustainable accommodations and technology innovations that work seamlessly alongside hotel staff.
  • Experts predict the next wave of guests will largely engage via mobile, anticipate personalization, expect less human interaction and hope to book at the last second.
  •  55% of global travelers say they are more determined than ever to choose sustainable accommodations
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  • alternatives to single-use plastics, including bathroom toiletries, reusable or biodegradable coffee stirrers, plastic straws and water bottles.
  • Adobe discovered that 72% of travel and hospitality businesses see a mature digital foundation as very important in the coming years for ensuring personalized guest experiences. However, when it comes to integrating technology in a hotel, it is important to find a balance between human and non-human interaction.
  • the guest can take an active role and see the brands eco efforts first-hand.
  • Hotels need to offer user-friendly and up-to-date technology from the online booking process to the personalization of a room.
  • Consider the guest’s carbon footprint when determining where to start on sustainability.
  • integrating technology that guests already use in their day-to-day
  • No matter the technology, strong wireless internet connection while on property is a must for guests today and into the future.
    • anonymous
      All above are perfect examples of ways to easily integrate technology
  • Guests are becoming more interested in unique packages that allow them to live like a local,
  • bundles that offer incentives to visit local restaurants and attractions, and personalize these experiences
  • CBRE Hotels Americas Research forecasts consecutive growth for the U.S. hotel industry throughout 2022.
    This article briefly went over a few technology trends, sustainability practices and unique possibilities for future trends. While reading I was able to come to a conclusion on what types of experiences travelers like to have in 2020.

Welcome: The Comparison Between General Purpose Application Software and Function-Speci... - 0 views

  • Application software are designed to help us to perform a singular or multiple related specific tasks. They're also often called software applications, applications or apps
  • There are two types of application software which is the General Purpose Application Software and the Function-Specific application software.
  • 1) The General Purpose Application SoftwareGeneral purpose application software packages are generally tools that provide specific capabilities, but not in support of a specific purpose.
    • kburn039
      General purpose application software is the most common used. A good example of this would Microsoft Office.
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  • Word-Processing Software
  • Spreadsheet Software
  • 2) Function-Specific Application Software
    • kburn039
      Function-Specific Application Software is a software where it has only one use. The use will be very specific and will not have multiple uses. A good example of this software would be Adobe Photoshop.
  • Computer-Aided Design Software
  • Supply Chain Management Software
  • Enterprise Resource Planning Software
    This article outlines the differences between General Purpose Application Software and Function-Specific Application Software.

E-marketing in the hospitality industry - Digital Doughnut - 1 views

  • The online marketing is doubtless one of nowadays most powerful advertising methods. All companies, and notably in the Tourism and Hospitality industry, are fiercely competing to lead and overwhelm the online space in order to shift market shares from competition, increase their online traffic and make more profits. In addition, International hotel chains are considerably reducing their offline marketing budgets year on year for the benefit of the online ones.
  • Social Media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,… possess the advantage that they can spread any information or update posted rapidly to a very wide audience. Furthermore, sharable videos (i.e. choosing an engaging storyline and telling it with compelling visuals) constitute an amazing tool that keeps users’ attention and subtly persuade them along the way words can’t.
  • Content optimization for Search Engine: While the website’s content should match the guests’ search criteria, many hoteliers fail in making their websites a dumping ground for content to end up with websites that generate very poor value to guests and very low business opportunities.
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  • However, as emails and/or e-newsletters might be unsolicited, senders should either offer recipients an opt-out option or get their prior consent (opt-in). In fact, experience shows that permission-based email marketing is one of the most cost-effective and efficient marketing tools available.  
  • Interface design:Adjustment of the web content for screen sizeso that users can comfortably access content in an intuitive way on a smaller screen and benefit from all functionalities on a mobile device (hotel search, access to reviews, bookings, payments, etc.).
  • This makes search engines one of the most effective tools in driving targeted traffic to a hotel’s or destination’s website. In the hospitality sector, hoteliers have two options with regard to SEM: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or sponsored search:
  • A successful e-marketing strategy should comprise a set of specific e-actions that help hoteliers reach their planned objectives. These e-actions can be grouped into the following five main sections (A to E):
  • E-marketing is also known as Internet marketing, web marketing, online marketing or digital marketing. It is growing at a dramatic pace in the hospitality industry and is significantly impacting the business behaviors since it drives more revenue than traditional marketing.  
    • ryanrodgers2014
      The hospitality industry is constantly evolving. A recent report by Adobe Digital Insights showed that 61% of leisure arrangements are made online. These statistics go on to show that in order for your hotel business to thrive, you need to put emphasis on digital marketing.
    This article is meant to show the different types or e-marketing for the hospitality industry. It also goes on to explain how they can be used in the industry. I also enjoyed the most popular ways to use these tools. With technology moving at a fast pace, e-marketing is the next best way to market and to attract customers.
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    This article talks about how the E-marketing has grown drastically in the hospitality industry. It says how the E-marketing is having a huge impact in the business behavior because it is bringing way more revenue to the business. One of the e-action that help hoteliers reach their planned objectives is search engine marketing. Most pf the people that goes on the internet uses search engine to find information about hotels online. Mobile advertising is growing very fast since the connectivity speeds have improved and screen resolutions have advanced. Email advertising is also a great powerful e-marketing tool that companies use to put their business out there. This just help creates direct revenue for all type of guest. If a company want to succeed In e-marketing, they have to make sure that their online space is well managed and that everything is under control.
    E-marketing is also known as Internet marketing, web marketing, online marketing or digital marketing. It is growing at a dramatic pace in the hospitality industry and is significantly impacting the business behaviors since it drives more revenue than traditional marketing.
    E - Marketing will eventually take over any other type of marketing in the future. As we all know its a big trend and businesses need to keep up.
    This article explains the importance of emarketing. It is explained in detail the important factors and uses of emarketing. There are many forms emarketing can take, and having knowledge of each form is helpful for many in the hospitality industry and other industries that can benefit from emarketing.
    "A successful e-marketing strategy should comprise a set of specific e-actions that help hoteliers reach their planned objectives. These e-actions can be grouped into the following five main sections"
    This article not only recognizes the important role of e-marketing in the hospitality industry but also explains the different categories that allow hoteliers to reach their goals. Each of these categories has its own particular way to promote the firm and each of them is equally important to fully reach the potential of the e-marketing. We are witnessing a new marketing era and the hospitality business can benefit from it immensely.
    The article titled " E-Marketing in the hospitality industry" emphasizes that the Internet Marketing is growing in the Hotel industry and it it has contributed in generating more revenue than other traditional marketing strategies. There are several actions Hotel owners can take to achieve their marketing objectives, this includes Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Sponsored search, Social Media marketing, Mobile advertising, Email advertising, and Display advertising. According to the author this actions will allow companies to compete and gain market share, increasing their online traffic and ensuring that their online space is under control and properly managed. Moreover, I believe as it is mentioned in the article that the fact that most hotels had implemented Web 2.0 services had allowed them to transform their websites content becoming a social platform where customers share their photos and content. This together with Mobile and Social media marketing are powerful tools in Hotel marketing.
    Throughout this article Mohamed Derouiche, discussed how there are six main sections/ "e-actions" to a successful e-marketing strategy. 1. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): "SEO attempt to improve a website's organic (i.e. non-sponsored) search rankings in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) by increasing the content's relevance to search terms." 2. Sponsored search: "Sponsored search corresponds to search ads that allow a hotel /chain to be included in the sponsored results of a search for selected keywords." I am sure everyone has noticed a sponsored or an ad link once you search something on Google. 3. Social Media Marketing: "Social Media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,… possess the advantage that they can spread any information or update posted rapidly to a very wide audience. " 4. Mobile Advertising with this you can- "Study of people's behavior: This aims at the examination of "when", "where" and "why" people use Smartphones and tablets to better understand their booking trend, needs and expectations." 5. Email Advertising: "Email advertising, also known as email marketing, is considered as a powerful e-marketing tool for hoteliers since it creates direct revenue opportunities for past, present and future guests." I'd consider this one of the most effective ways to advertise because everyone has an email that they check often and with an email online a text message you can include a lot more information and pictures on popular destinations. 6. Display advertising: "Display advertising conveys its advertising message visually using text, logos, animations, videos, photographs or other graphics." This is another popular method in my opinion because people like to see things not just read about it. Nothing makes you want to go on a trip more than seeing a picture of a beautiful beach while you are in the cold weather or rainy season.
    This article describes the various ways in which the hospitality industry uses e-marketing. This article begins by offering other terms used to refer to e-marketing. The hospitality industry is significantly adopting the use of e-marketing, which is influencing business behavior and earning more revenue than the traditional marketing. The article states that a successful e-marketing strategy should comprise a set of specific electronic actions that have the potential to help the industry reach its planned objectives. The article describes these actions into five sections that include search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, and display advertising. Search engine marketing is being used in the industry because a large number of internet users use search engines to find information about tourist destinations making search engines as an effective tool for driving traffic to a hotel's website. Social media marketing involves the use of social media websites helps in spreading information to a large audience and interacting with them online. Mobile advertising is also part of e-marketing, and has been significantly adopted by the industry as the use of mobile devices is high in the industry and most people use them to access online content. The industry highly uses email marketing as it helps in creating direct revenue opportunities for the past, present, and potential clients. Display marketing is used in the industry to send adverting message to target clients using text, videos, animations, and logos.
    E-marketing is a tool used by nearly all businesses nowadays. It is through this form of marketing that we are able to spread our word across the globe. When E-marketing, it is important to invest in search engines so that your products, in our case our restaurants and resorts, appear first. Our marketing can appear in the form of ads and pop ups, but also in emails. A big one is using social media platforms such as twitter, youtube and instagram.
    Interestingly this article is back from 2014 and back then there was a different perspective on the capabilities of e-marketing as it was rather new to the world of hospitality. Comparing this article to the present just shows how much the experience has brought us and how much e-marketing truly benefits and expands our industry. Through e-marketing we can reach customers we never thought or even imagined of reaching out to.

What is SaaS (Software as a Service)? Everything You Need to Know - 0 views

  • Software as a service (SaaS) is a software distribution model in which a cloud provider hosts applications and makes them available to end users over the internet. In this model, an independent software vendor (ISV) may contract a third-party cloud provider to host the application.
  • Products range from personal entertainment, such as Netflix, to advanced IT tools.
    • kmill139
      Applications such as Netflix, Spotify, or Apple Music are all examples of cloud computing methods that we have available to us in the 21st century. Many of us use these applications or services without knowing how they truly work.
  • As a result, companies using SaaS applications are not tasked with the setup and maintenance of the software. Users simply pay a subscription fee to gain access to the software, which is a ready-made solution.
    • kmill139
      Many companies will benefit from this as they do not have to worry about the hardware necessary to run the servers and applications.
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  • A software provider will either host the application and related data using its own servers, databases, networking and computing resources, or it may be an ISV that contracts a cloud provider to host the application in the provider's data center.
  • The application will be accessible to any device with a network connection. SaaS applications are typically accessed via web browsers.
  • SaaS removes the need for organizations to install and run applications on their own computers or in their own data centers. This eliminates the expense of hardware acquisition, provisioning and maintenance, as well as software licensing, installation and support. Other benefits of the SaaS model include:
    • kmill139
      All the examples down below make the SAAS system desirable for a company.
  • Depending on the service-level agreement (SLA), the customer's data for each model may be stored locally, in the cloud or both locally and in the cloud.
  • According to a recent McKinsey & Company report, technology industry analysts predict further growth in the software as a service market, and expect to see the market for SaaS products near $200 billion by 2024. 
    • kmill139
      I see this happening most definitely when looking at the way we are moving forward as a population. We use technology on a day-to-day basis. Just look at your personal life and see how often you use and are around technology.
  • The typical multi-tenant architecture of SaaS applications means the cloud service provider can manage maintenance, updates and bug fixes faster, easier and more efficiently. Rather than having to implement changes in multiple instances, engineers can make necessary changes for all customers by maintaining the one, shared instance.
    • kmill139
      This is great to prevent any inconveniences to the customer.
  • SaaS applications and services typically use a multi-tenant approach, which means a single instance of the SaaS application will be running on the host servers, and that single instance will serve each subscribing customer or cloud tenant.
  • SaaS also poses some potential risks and challenges, as businesses must rely on outside vendors to provide the software, keep that software up and running, track and report accurate billing and facilitate a secure environment for the business's data.
    • kmill139
      The disadvantages down below might lead a company to stay with traditional hardware methods.
  • As a result, security is more the responsibility of the independent software vendor and third-party cloud provider.
  • SaaS is one of the three major cloud service models, along with IaaS and PaaS. All three models involve cloud providers that deliver their own hosted data center resources to customers over the internet.
    • kmill139
      We're focusing on SAAS but it's good to know the difference between the three.
  • Salesforce Google Workspace apps Microsoft 36
    • kmill139
      All of these are very common in today's world and I see many on this list that I use in my personal life.
  • HubSpot Trello Netflix Zoom Zendesk DocuSign Slack Adobe Creative Cloud Shopify Mailchimp
    A great in-depth article about the service SAAS. This article talks about how it works, and how the host provide their services to their clients. In the article it also talks about the three types of cloud based services.

How the travel industry can fight back against cyberthreats | SmartBrief - 1 views

  • Travel and hospitality businesses have become lucrative targets in recent years for cybercriminals who have stolen from the industries in attacks that often take more than half a year to identify.
  • In the past three years alone, the hotel industry has faced 13 serious attacks, according to an IntSights study.
  • The travel and leisure sectors suffered a 155.9% year-over-year rise in suspected online fraud attempts worldwide in the second quarter, according to a TransUnion study, compared with a 16.5% increase in overall alleged intrusions.
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  • The hotel industry attracts cybercriminals because it handles so many financial transactions in so many countries.
  • The top threat to hotels is phishing, a scam in which hotel guests may receive fake phone calls claiming to be from the front desk. The caller could claim that there is an issue with the credit card on file and that they need to re-verify the payment method. 
  • DarkHotel hacks are another significant threat. These target travelers via hotel Wi-Fi. Digital certificates are sent to guests, like a familiar adobe update, which will retrieve sensitive information. Hotel chains are combating these hacks by suggesting that guests use a virtual private network.
  • Malware (malicious software) is something criminals email employees, under the guise of the attachment or link looking innocent or legitimate. But when the user opens the file or clicks on the link, their system (and more) can be hacked into by the criminal.
  • IT department should routinely update operating systems and back up data and files, and every employee should double-check sources when asked for software administrative permissions. Also, strong firewalls can limit bad traffic and provide security. 
  • Software and hardware can help prevent breaches, but employee training is also an essential part of any hotel’s cybersecurity.
  • only around 35% of airlines and 30% of airports are prepared for cyberattacks.
  • “Guests can enroll in a service called WebWatcher, which monitors the sites where personal information may be shared and alerts guests if evidence of their personal data is found,”
  • Hotels are not alone in being targeted by cybercriminals: The airline industry has faced serious cyberattacks as well, and many airlines still aren’t equipped to handle them.
  • In 2018, a Marriott reservation system was hacked. More than 500 million customer records, including credit card information and passport numbers, were stolen. The company said the hack went back four years prior to the discovery and, when it was noticed, the company started using computer and mobile device monitoring software.
  • "The proliferated effect of the attack on SITA is yet another example of how vulnerable organizations can be solely on the basis of their connections to third-party vendors,"
  • The aviation industry faces dangers such as ransomware and distributed-denial-of-service attacks. Following the SITA attack, HackerOne solutions architect Shlomie Liberow stressed that airlines need to prepare for the worst. 
  • traditional enterprises like airlines have always been an attractive target since few are digital-first businesses, and therefore have relied on legacy software, which is more likely to be out-of-date or have existing vulnerabilities that can be exploited."
  • The airline industry needs to keep third-party vendors in check when it comes to protecting information. Given the high stakes involved, experts suggest that blind trust is not an option. 
  • “You simply cannot know whether your third parties meet your company’s security controls and risk appetite until you’ve completed a full vendor security assessment on them,
  • It’s important to note that the best practice is not a ‘one-and-done’ activity, but through real-time, continuous monitoring.”
  • In 2015, hackers targeted Polish airline LOT’s ground operations system, affecting 1,400 passengers. The hackers made it impossible to create flight plans and flights. It was the first attack of its kind, and it caused concern about cyberattacks one day remotely taking control of planes.
  • To address the threat, the standard advice is to back up and store data in multiple places, including off your physical premises, and have one copy of it be offline
  • Multifactor authentication and long, complicated passwords will take longer to crack. Updating and patching systems regularly helps companies avoid being victimized when a new exploit is discovered.
  • Treating cybersecurity as a companywide concern, not an IT concern, encourages each employee to take ownership of their actions and knowledge and to seek help proactively instead of making an “innocent” mistake that costs the company millions of dollars.
  • Finally, companies should avoid simply throwing money at the problem: Not all cybersecurity solutions work together, which wastes money and increases the risk of a breach.
    This article discusses ways that the travel industry can combat cyberthreats. The main cyber concern for hotels' is phishing, which is a scam that collects credit card information by pretending to be apart of a hotel's front desk staff. The article mentions that IT departments should do routinely updates to operating systems and back up data and files. Employees should also be trained to help prevent data breaches. The author briefly touched on what to do when your hotel system is hacked and even dives into how the airline industry is still very unequipped to handle cyberattacks and threats. This is a great read to learn how to keep up with best security practices in the hospitality and tourism industry.
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