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Hilton Was Fined $700K for a Data Breach. Under GDPR It Would Be $420M | Digital Guardian - 0 views

    This article goes over the multiple lawsuits that Marriot had to face due to a massive cyberattack in 2015 where multiple credit card numbers were leaked. I think this is a perfect example of how cloud computing is not a bulletproof system at the moment and how it still has much room to grow. Similar cyberattacks happen all over the world some on a smaller scale and some on a larger one. I believe this is an article that everyone should read to truly understand the reproductions that a company can face if they don't have a strong cyber defense.

Hotels: Are Your Cyber Defenses Ready for 2021? | Hospitality Technology - 0 views

  • Two of the top five biggest data breaches made public in 2020 were at hotel chains. Attackers stole personal information including names, emails and addresses from 5.2 million guests at Marriott and 10.6 million guests of MGM Resorts.
  • To ensure a swift recovery from COVID-19, the hospitality industry must shore up its cybersecurity protections — or risk more headline-making breaches in the future.
  • Risk is especially high at hotels because attackers have multiple points of entry.
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  • Breaches undermine hospitality brands’ reputations and erode customer trust. Eighty-one percent of consumers will stop engaging with a brand after a breach, according to a 2019 study.
  • Guests may share their credit card numbers with the hotel in advance via a booking app or website, opening up the possibility of web-based attacks. Loyalty programs are another source of online vulnerability, with an estimated $1 billion a year lost to account fraud and related crimes.
  • However, one of the biggest vulnerabilities may be on the hotel grounds themselves.
  • hotels have multiple point of sale (POS) terminals across different locations, from the front desk to restaurants, all of which are connected to each other. If a POS device is not properly secured, attackers can use malware or other attack vectors to steal clear-text credit card numbers and other data.
  • POS attacks remain one of the most common causes of data breaches in accommodations and food services.
  • When it comes to cybersecurity, companies today have two options: Defend the fort or devalue the data. The former is the more traditional approach. By strengthening the digital “walls” around your data — via firewalls, intrusion detection, 24/7 monitoring and other security protections — the defend-the-fort approach works to keep attackers from accessing your systems at all.
  • One important and underutilized aspect of cyberdefense is employee training.
  • Make sure your employees use strong passwords and know how to spot fraud and spear phishing attacks. You may also want to limit employee access to confidential data, so if an account gets hacked, private guest information doesn’t go with it
  • You should also make sure your software is up to date with all security patches, as attackers often exploit known weaknesses in programs. Isolating POS devices from the rest of the network can also limit the damage from malware infections at that entry point.
  • it’s unlikely that even the strongest digital “walls'' will prevent all incursions. Defenses are important, but the ever-changing nature of technology means that new, hard-to-catch vulnerabilities will pop up all the time.
  • important to devalue your data, rendering it unusable to attackers who gain access to your systems. One way to do this is to implement point-to-point encryption (P2PE) by encrypting payment information from the moment it enters your network at the POS
  • Encrypted data is unintelligible to anyone who doesn’t have the right digital key. Implementing P2PE is the only way to ensure that clear-text payment data doesn’t fall into the hands of attackers targeting POS systems with malware.
  • Data that’s stored for the long term, like passport information or credit card numbers saved to a loyalty program, can also be devalued through tokenization. Data that’s tokenized gets replaced with an alphanumeric pseudonym, so the actual sensitive information isn’t stored on your servers. This method helps secure guest information beyond the initial transaction at the POS.
  • Hotels that reckon with their security vulnerabilities now will protect themselves from fines and other fallout from data breaches as business rebounds. They’ll also build deeper, more trusting relationships with customers by keeping their personal information secure. By strengthening security protections and devaluing their data, hotels can set themselves up for a brighter future. 
    This article describes the vulnerabilities in the security systems of the hotel Industry. The POS system was recognized as one of the most vulnerable areas that are more targeted by hackers. This is due to the multiple stations where the POS systems are located on the premises of the hotel. Likewise having POS systems independent of the hotels security system left the system open to hackers. Two options to defending the cyber-defense, are digital walls and employee training. Digital walls works by keeping hackers from accessing the systems. Although even with a strong firewall it is recommended to implement point-to-point encryption (P2PE), this encrypts payment information of guest. the other is tokenization. This uses alphanumeric pseudonym to protect data stored for long periods of time. Another way to prevent cyberattacks is employee training, encourage the use of strong passwords an dhow to detect fraud and phishing attacks.

Why cybersecurity matters | Hotel Management - 0 views

  • Cybersecurity is not just a buzzword. In today’s technology-abundant world, it has become a critical undertaking for companies across all industries—including hospitality.
  • Trustwave’s "2018 Global Security Report" lists hospitality as one of the top three industries most vulnerable to payment card breaches. Other estimates project that hotels are the unwelcome recipients of around 20 percent of all cyberattacks.
  • Additional anecdotal evidence supports these numbers. One need not look further than Marriott International’s Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide group, which recently disclosed the theft of more than 25 million passport numbers and 380 million unique guests’ personal information.
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  • After all, the industry has been and continues to be focused on cultivating a user-friendly atmosphere. Unfortunately, for hackers this combination is nothing short of a gold mine.
  • Since a businesses' hard-earned reputation relies heavily on instilling confidence in its customer base, a breach of trust is sure to compromise that relationship. If an attack affects millions and is publicized to millions more, the impact on brand equity can be difficult to recover. 
  • Marriott, for instance, was criticized not only for the breach, but also for responding inadequately and unprofessionally.
  • In short, as more and more consumers become aware of the importance of reliable cybersecurity, a hotel that neglects this pain point is compromising the strength of its product among its competitive set. 
  • Considering that the annual frequency and severity of cyberattacks are only rising, the time is now to establish organizationwide security operations, recovery plans and budget allocations.
  • a cohesive top-to-bottom strategy is required and often is best delegated to a trusted strategic advisor with depth of experience in cybersecurity breach prevention and resolution.
  • Next, the goal becomes full-scale protection. From the technical side, this includes setting up firewalls and securing weak points (such as point-of-sale terminals).
  • There needs to be an efficient method for detecting the attack and mitigating any damages. Lastly, to avoid the pitfalls noted above, a predetermined plan to address this worst-case scenario is vital. From reviewing insurance policies to preparing for impending litigation, recovery is a process best started with a go-to advisor before it is needed. 
  • The only way to avoid being another statistic in future Internet crime reports is by staying as ahead of the looming threats as possible.
    This article talks about how cyber security is very important to the safety of the personal information.
    Author, Lena Combs, discusses why hospitality has become vulnerable to cyber attack. Ranging from the failure to secure POS systems and credit card data. To hotels' inability to detect and effectively respond to potential cyber threats. Combs outlines the steps involved in implementing a cohesive top- to bottom strategy that will effectively address these dilemmas. More importantly, why doing so protects a hotel's bottom line and brand positioning.
    The following article highlights the importance of cybersecurity in general and why it is especially important in the hotel industry. This highlights many facets, one being the fact that the hotel industry is one of the most vulnerable to cyber-attacks, therefore, needing to have top-notch cybersecurity.

What Is Cybersecurity? - Cisco - 1 views

  • A successful cybersecurity approach has multiple layers of protection spread across the computers, networks, programs, or data that one intends to keep safe.
  • a cybersecurity attack can result in everything from identity theft, to extortion attempts, to the loss of important data like family photos.
    This article talks about what cybersecurity is and shows you how a cyberattack can unfold. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information, extorting money from users, or interrupting normal business processes. Technology is essential to giving organizations and individuals the computer security tools needed to protect themselves from cyber-attacks. Three main entities must be protected: endpoint devices like computers, smart devices, and routers; networks; and the cloud. In today's connected world, everyone benefits from advanced cyber defense programs. At an individual level, a cybersecurity attack can result in everything from identity theft, to extortion attempts, to the loss of essential data like family photos. Everyone relies on critical infrastructures like power plants, hospitals, and financial service companies. Securing these and other organizations is vital to keeping our society functioning
    This article explains what is cyber security and why it is essential. Not securing our important data can have negative outcomes such as loss of identity, financial damage, and potential lawsuits.

Data Security in the Hospitality Industry | CSU-Global Blog - 0 views

  • Restaurants, hotels, and other companies in the hospitality sector often have complex ownership structures in which there’s a franchisor, an individual owner or group of owners, and a management company that acts as the operator. Each of these groups may use different computer systems to store information, and the information can also frequently move across those systems.
  • Cybercriminals use this reliance on cards to infect point-of-sale (POS) systems with malware that steals credit and debit card information by scraping the data. In fact, it was reported in 2017 that out of 21 of the most high-profile hotel company data breaches that have occurred since 2010, 20 of them were a result of malware affecting POS systems.
  • Well-trained staff also know how to recognize social engineering attempts, and they understand an organization’s compliance requirements. The risk is that the hospitality industry involves a great deal of of seasonal work in which people might move on after only a few months, or they might be transferred.
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  • This type of data risk is more subtle, and it involves employees selling data to third parties without the knowledge of the organization that employs them
  • Data security risks in the hospitality industry extend far beyond the reputation hit that a hotel can take if guests’ data is compromised. Industry and political regulators are becoming stricter in governing how organizations process and store personal data.
  • the job turnover rate in hospitality is as high as 90 percent
  • High Staff Turnover
  • From the perspective of cyber criminals, hospitality appears to offer an ideal target for conducting crimes, such as identity theft and credit card fraud, due to the existence of multiple databases and devices containing both Payment Card Information (PCI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
  • Here are five of the biggest data security concerns in the hospitality industry:
  • Complex Ownership Structures
  • Reliance on Paying By Card
  • Information security is a pivotal aspect of many industries
  • Compliance
  • Insider Threats
  • Best data-protection practices for companies in the hospitality sector include… Always encrypting payment card information.Operating a continuous training program in cybersecurity to maintain a well-trained workforce.Always adhering to relevant regulations, such as PCI DSS.Use cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, network monitoring, anti-malware, and traffic filtering to protect against common threats.Conduct tests against your organization’s cybersecurity defenses in which you mirror the behavior of an actual hacker.Know where your data is and enforce the principle of least privileges to limit acce
  • ss to sensitive information.
  • organizations in the hospitality sector are better placed to implement a comprehensive information security strategy that entails the necessary procedures, processes, and people to improve cybersecurity within the hospitality industry.
    The article talks about cyber security threats in the hospitality industry. Threats range from high staff turn over so staff isn't trained thoroughly, to insider threats where employees can sell information to third parties, to Cyber-criminals who infect POS systems with credit cards.
    Data information security is very important to a business development.In my opinion, I think the relationship is inversely proportional. In other words, the more effective cyber security budget is invested, the less potential impact there is of customer information being stolen (being hacked). Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes.

Protecting the Hospitality Sector With Security Intelligence - 1 views

  • A decade ago in 2009, hospitality was — by some reports — the most widely attacked industry of all. And while other industries have now surpassed it, a 2019 report by Trustwave still ranks hospitality as the third most-breached industry, accounting for 10% of all breaches.
  • the average hospitality data breach costs $1.99 million to contain, at a cost per record of $123. These high costs are due in part to the time needed to adequately respond to a breach. On average, it takes 200 days to identify a hospitality data breach and a further 75 days to contain it
  • attacks targeting the hospitality industry are mostly aimed at stealing payment card data.
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  • Why Is Hospitality So Hard to Secure?
  • 1. They often have large, complex networks.
  • 2. Customers are onsite — and attackers could be too.
  • 3. Staff churn.
  • 4. Franchising.
  • 5. Third-party risk.
  • Protecting the hospitality industry from cyber threats isn’t an easy job. Security professionals in the industry are tasked with defending highly complex networks with many endpoints against a constant barrage of attacks and a constantly churning workforce. On top of all of that, they have limited security resources to work with.
  • Comprehensive security intelligence helps security teams identify unknown threats to the organization, and make informed decisions about how and where to allocate time and resources for maximum effect.
  • Threat intelligence provides the context analysts need to quickly distinguish between valuable alerts and false positives, drastically improving their ability to respond to genuine cyber threats.
  • Threat intelligence can help security teams drastically reduce the time needed to identify and contain a breach by alerting them the moment stolen assets (e.g., guest or passenger data) are made available for sale via the dark web.
    (1 of 2) "The hospitality sector has always been a popular target for cyberattacks." This is the first line of this Recorded Future article published in January. The article discusses breaches that happened for both Marriott and British Airways and how this is a regular occurrence in the industry as it is such a big target with so many possible points that can be attacked. While the statistics for the hospitality industry have improved greatly in the last decade, in 2019, they were still accounting for 10% of all breaches. Not only does a breach affect the way an organization operates, but also it also severely effects their bottom-line and takes quite a but of time for them to recover. "According to Ponemon's 2019 Cost of a Data Breach Report, the average hospitality data breach costs $1.99 million to contain, at a cost per record of $123. These high costs are due in part to the time needed to adequately respond to a breach. On average, it takes 200 days to identify a hospitality data breach and a further 75 days to contain it." The article continues by stating that hackers are typically seeking payment card data when compromising the hospitality industry.
    (2 of 2) The article then discusses the many reasons why it is so difficult for hospitality-oriented companies to secure their assets versus other organizations of similar stature. Some of these reasons include the large, complex networks which are typically publicly accessible and contain many customers in the databases, the fact that customers are always onsite and so are attackers, the high turnover leading to inconsistent training and sharing of credentials, franchisers owning the responsibility of security yet not knowing much about it, and the risk associated with all of the various third parties the hotels do business with. While intelligence has come a very long, "security professionals in the industry are tasked with defending highly complex networks with many endpoints against a constant barrage of attacks and a constantly churning workforce… [AND] they have limited security resources to work with." Comprehensive security intelligence systems are now capable of protecting many aspects of the organization. Some of these updated features include responding rapidly to security incidents, blocking online brand abuse and impersonation, managing third-party risk, reducing breach containment times, and better allocating security resources. Property data security is so important to the hospitality industry. If a business does not take the proper precautions to protect their systems and their customers, then it could lead to a devastating event for the business. While security intelligence has progressed within the last decade, a business needs to make sure that they have chosen a reliable agent to partner with who will produce consistent service. If the business keeps up with their system updates and protections, they should not have to worry about their security system failing.

Cyberattack hits world's largest meat supplier - 0 views

  • It might be days before production resumes after an “organized cybersecurity attack” affected IT systems in North America and Australia
  • The world's largest beef supplier has been hit with a ransomware attack, threatening some of the U.S. meat supply.
  • The hack came less than four weeks after a similar one by Russian criminals against Colonial Pipeline
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  • JBS, one of the world's largest international meat processors, was hacked
  • forcing the company to take systems offline and stop work
  • 11 beef processing facilities in Australia and 26 chicken processing plants in the U.S
  • The company told the White House on Sunday that it was a ransomware attack,
  • JBS notified the administration that the ransom demand came from a criminal organization, likely based in Russia.
  • Ransomware, an extremely lucrative type of cybercrime, is malicious software that lets hackers encrypt a victim's files and demand a ransom to make them functional again.
  • he hackers will steal and threaten to publish those files if their demands aren't met.
  • Ransomware attacks have grown rapidly in recent years.
  • Criminal hackers,
  • often based countries like Russia where they are largely protected from U.S. law enforcement
  • have targeted practically every major industry to shake down victims for payment.
  • about 40 food and beverage companies around the world have had confirmed ransomware attacks since May 2020.
  • Colonial's hackers, an established ransomware gang called DarkSide, shut down its website amid international attention from that attack, but not before receiving a $4.4 million payment from Colonial.
  • regularly hit manufacturers, school systems and city governments.
  • ransomware attack had already affected the cattle market.
  • If this goes beyond a week, you start to really worry about these animals building up on farm sites where they just don't have the capacity to hold them
    An example of a cyber attack or ransomware, in a manufacturer. Shows some effects of a ransomware and what a consumer may experience.

Suspected Ransomware Attack on InterContinental Hotels Affected Over 4,000 Guests | Spi... - 0 views

  • Ransomware generally entails infiltration and compromise, exfiltration of data, and the encryption of data/systems/networks. Hospitality was the eighth most targeted sector by ransomware groups between March 2021 and April 2022.
  • 4,053 ICH users and 15 of its 325,000 employees were compromised in the attack whose perpetrator remains unknown.
  • The company was unable to accept online bookings
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • determine whether the latest cyberattack is more significant than the 2016 breach of the ICH systems. Initially thought to have been a minor breach that affected 12
  • Between September 29 to December 29, 2016, 1,175 properties were infected by malware designed to steal credit card data
  • Marriott International has been breached thrice, resulting in the compromise of the personally identifiable information of up to 338 million guests
  • Marriott was also fined £18.4 million ($23.8 million) by the U.K’s data regulator Information Commissioner’s Office for failing to protect the data of the 338 million guests
  • This is yet another reminder of the damaging impacts of cybercrime. Not only is IHG potentially getting held to ransom for its data access, but it is also losing out on customer bookings
  • Organizations should use this as a warning to never gamble with their cyber defenses. After all, the cost of preparing and preventing an attack is far less than the cost of recovering from one
  • Data breaches, on average, cost organizations $4.25 million in 2022, according to IBM’s 2022 Cost of Data Breach report.
    This article discusses a recent cyber-attack on ICH that is believed to have been a ransomware attack. It's stated that hospitality is the 8th most targeted sector for ransomware as of recently. The recent attack on ICH 4,053 users and 15 employees were compromised, which is actually far less than their last attack in 2016 that effected 1,175 properties. Hotels must take as much precaution as possible against cyber attacks because not only does it decrease their bookings, but they can also be charged millions in fines for information breaches.

10 Ways to Reduce Cybersecurity Risk for Your Organization | UpGuard - 0 views

  • ‍Cybersecurity breaches have been on the rise, and it's expected that by 2023, they'll have grown to 15.4 million
  • Make sure all your sensitive data is encrypted
  • Saving your data in normal-text format only makes it easy for hackers to access
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  • Some data encryption software even lets you know when other people try to alter or tamper with the information
  • You should also conduct regular backups for your important information
  • statistics show that over 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent globally
  • a hacker may send an email impersonating leaders in the organization asking for personal details
  • make sure you use a patch management system to automatically manage all updates and uphold information security
  • over 80% of organizational data breaches result from weak passwords
  • Chances are that your cyber security is highly dependent on third-party vendors, which is why you can’t afford to ignore vendor risk management
  • Conduct a security assessment and determine whether your critical infrastructure is safe from security breaches.
  • have your IT security teams analyze all server logs frequently and conduct cybersecurity framework audits to make sure their integrity is intact.
  • you should defend your networks from cyber attacks by installing firewalls
    In this article, the author discusses many different ways to help a business reduce their risk for cyber attacks. The article touches on a statistic about cybersecurity, stating "During the first half of 2021 alone, over 118 million people were impacted by data breaches". There is quick talk about how the policies that a business implements is the make or break of the cybersecurity for your business. For example, one of the main tips to reduce cyber attacks in your business is to make sure your data is encrypted. "Saving your data in normal-text format only makes it easy for hackers to access. Data encryption, on the other hand, limits data access to parties that have the encryption key". Another tip to prevent cyberattacks highlighted in the article is to keep all your employees educated and informed about malicious emails. Conducting regular employee trainings about the dangers of these types of emails could save your business. These types of emails are known to send links that could hack the system, as well as pretend to be higher-up employees in the company asking for personal data or financial information. The article is extremely educational to every business, as well as just the everyday consumer. Keeping your confidential information as confidential as physically possible is very much doable, as long as you make sure you follow these 10 simple tips.

Ransomware attack on chip supplier causes delays for semiconductor groups | Financial T... - 0 views

  • Disruption from a ransomware attack on a little-known supplier to the world’s largest semiconductor equipment manufacturers will continue into March, in a new setback to chip production after years of coronavirus-related delays.
  • first identified on February 3,
  • MKS’s customers include many of the largest companies that produce semiconductors and the specialised equipment necessary to manufacture them, including TSMC, Intel, Samsung and ASML.
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  • The company had revealed on Monday that it could still take “weeks” more to restore operations and would cost hundreds of millions of dollars in lost or delayed sales. Most ransomware victims are able to recover in about three weeks, according to industry estimates.
  • The attack affected “production-related systems
  • , the company has now told the US stock market regulator that it is unable to file its annual report on time
  • the final impact on quarterly sales could total as much as $500mn — more than half what Wall Street had previously predicted
  • The semiconductor supply chain, which in many places relies on components made by only one provider, has faced repeated shortages over the past two to three years due to production and logistics delays.
  • However, demand for smartphones and other consumer electronics has waned in recent months as coronavirus lockdowns eased and consumer spending has been squeezed by inflation.
  • , it is unclear if MKS will be encouraged by US law enforcement to resolve the issue by paying a ransom.
  • Shares in MKS fell by about 15 per cent between February 3,
    The article "Ransomware attack on chip supplier causes delays for semiconductor groups," discusses the affects on a company due to a cyberattack that occurred February 3rd. The company is believed to have setbacks into March and that it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars in lost or delayed sales. The company also believes they will be unable to file its annual report on time and possibly have to resolve the issue by paying a ransom. This also cost a 15% decrease of shares for the Company.

Cyber Attack - What Are Common Cyberthreats? - Cisco - 0 views

    This post talks about all of the common cyberthreats and what we can do to try and avoid these cyber threats. This post is extremely relevant to what we learned throughout the week in this module.

Cybersecurity and the hospitality industry - Las Vegas Review-Journal - 0 views

  • 42 million visitors last year
  • nearly half of cyberattacks worldwide in 2015 were against small businesses with fewer than 250 workers.
  • the average consolidated total cost of a data breach is now $3.8 billion
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A study by Verizon stated that 99 percent of breaches in 2014 were caused by known vulnerabilities with fixable patches.
  • all working together in an atmosphere that prioritizes data security
  • PCI and our partners are working together to educate our members, find solutions to prevent cybercrime and ensure our work-force and our patrons’ data remains secure.
    This article highlights a meeting that will be held to gather the world's cyber security experts to discuss and troubleshoot potential threats. Las Vegas specifically is at high risk for intrusion with the high amount of room and restaurant reservations made in this location. The hospitality industry in general is at high risk for cybercriminals to invade their data. Especially small business, the article stated that half of the cyber attacks made in 2015 were against businesses with 250 employees. The data being breached has reached the outrageous total of $3.8 billion. The main point is that most of these issues are preventable, it's all about knowing what can and can't protect you. Investing in the proper technology and dedicated staff can make all the difference. Las Vegas' efforts to prevent these intrusions should set an example for others.

Routier joins forces with Cybint to protect user data | Hotel Management - 1 views

  • Routier has partnered with Cybint, a cybersecurity education company, for integrated cybersecurity into the Routier interface and hospitality management software. The partnership was formed in the wake of an increased cyberattacks on user data in the travel and hotel industries.
  • Our partnership with Cybint and the addition of its cybersecurity educational programming will help secure and protect end users in the wake of the Marriott [International] hacking scandal,
    This recent article talks about the partnership which was formed due to the recent Marriott International hacking scandal. Cybint, military trained cybersecurity experts, and Routier, a service which provides hotels with engagement, operational and marketing products, have joined forces to prevent such future attacks. Routier co-founder and CEO Gal Bareket states "Our partnership with Cybint and the addition of its cybersecurity educational programming will help secure and protect end users in the wake of the Marriott [International] hacking scandal,". The article further highlights other benefits of this union between Cybint and Routier such as cyber literacy courses and hands on simulator labs for cybersecurity professionals. The article also highlights the prime features and services provided by both Cybint and Routier.

Cyber Security In The Hotel Industry | protel - 4 views

  • And phishing isn’t the only strategy these computer thugs use, either. Just about every hotel in the world could be vulnerable to malware, ransomware, spam, hacking and social engineering. 
  • The argument for educating staff on cybersecurity is a simple one: if staff don’t know how to recognize a security threat, how can they be expected to avoid it, report it, or remove it?
  • the 2019 State of IT Security Survey found that email security and staff training were listed as the top problems faced by IT security professionals.
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  • Yet, more than 30% of staff surveyed by Wombat Security Technologies didn’t even know what phishing or malware was. This is probably why scams like the Business Email Compromise (BEC) result in whopping losses of over $3 billion (according to the FBI).
  • But as humans, hoteliers make mistakes, they’re trusting of fake identities, tempted by clickbait, and vulnerable to other sneaky tactics used by criminals to gain access to company information.
  • Staff need cybersecurity training to protect themselves and the hotel against cyberattacks.
  • By making employees aware of security threats, the impact they might have on your business, and what procedures to follow when a threat has been identified, you’re strengthening the most vulnerable links in the chain.
  • The World Economic Forum in their latest report, The Global Risks 2019, puts cyber-attacks and data theft into the higher-than-average likelihood bracket during 2019.
  • To achieve these record levels of data breaches and cyber-threats, cybercriminals are focusing their attention on the manipulation of human behavior.
  • So how do we counter these threats? Education, education, education. 
  • Security awareness training is not a point event or solution, it is a process. Security awareness comes out of a series of ideas, thoughts, and preparations that are used to develop a holistic security awareness training program.
  • Identify the Specific Cybersecurity Needs of the Hotel/Property   
  • Include Cybersecurity Awareness Training During Onboarding
  • Cover Relevant Topics
  • Make Staff Cybersecurity Training An Ongoing Process
  • We all make mistakes and occasionally slip up. It is really important that staff know that they can come to you and that they are free to report problems without there being a risk of them losing their jobs. This will come from your personal management style. 
  • Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility, whether you are C-level, management, accounting, housekeeping, maintenance, or reception, it does not matter. Everyone needs to be made aware of the hotel’s individual cybersecurity policies, attitude, and culture. 
  • Continuously send reminders via email, Slack, or any other messenger your hotel may be using with reminders to change passwords, to update anti-virus programs, and with information about the latest phishing techniques.
  • If you create a culture of cybersecurity awareness within your organization, then the chances of your organization becoming a victim are greatly reduced.
    This article stresses the importance of providing cybersecurity training to staff in the hospitality industry.

What is Network Redundancy and Why Does It Matter? - 0 views

  • Network redundancy is the process of adding additional instances of network devices and lines of communication to help ensure network availability and decrease the risk of failure along the critical data path.
    • jalilahst
      Defines Network Redundancy.
  • Redundancy in networks helps to eliminate single points of failure to ensure better network stability and uptime in the face of events that would otherwise take th
  • e network offline
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • A fault-tolerant redundant system provides full hardware redundancy, mirroring applications across two or more identical systems that run in tandem
    • jalilahst
      1 form of redundancy that data centers use.
  • fault-tolerance redundant systems are complex and often expensive to implement.
    • jalilahst
      Disadvantage to fault tolerant redundant systems.
  • If something goes wrong with one server, the backup servers take over and restart applications that were running on the failed server.
    • jalilahst
      How high availability works, the 2nd form of redundancy that data centers use.
  • it does tolerate a certain amount of downtime in that there is a brief loss of service while the backup servers boot up applications.
    • jalilahst
      Disadvantage to high availability software based redundant system.
  • create a network strategy that reviews existing infrastructure.
    • jalilahst
      First steps of network redundancy plan.
  •  Well-maintained UPS systems can ensure that servers can switch over from electrical power to backup generator power without losing any data or applications.
  • the best places to replicate and store data so it can be easily accessed in the event that other redundant systems fail and the main network goes down. By using more than one data center, companies can ensure that even if some disaster occurs, they will be able to carry on with minimal disruption.
    • jalilahst
      The importance of backing up data offsite.
  • They can test different connections by physically disconnecting hardware to make sure failover occurs as anticipated. If things do not go as planned during testing, data center managers then create an after-action report that lists the items they need to fix as a result of the testing.
  • creating incident response plans that can counter them is crucial for ensuring network resiliency in the face of modern cyber threats. Network redundancy can be a crucial aspect of many cyber incident response plans.
  • attacks are a type of cyberattack where the goal of the attacker is to render a target network or service unusable
    • jalilahst
      DDoS definition
  • By blending a variety of ISPs, data centers can leverage their connectivity to help reroute network services when a DDoS attack is underway. vXchnge’s vX\defend, for instance, uses diverse traffic routing options to identify and bypass volumetric attacks without compromising bandwidth or increasing network latency.
    • jalilahst
      prevent DDoS attacks by implementing redundant networks with flexible internet access.
    Network redundancy is the process of enhancing network devices and lines of communication to help safeguard network availability and decrease the risk of failure along the critical data path. Redundancy in networks purpose is to help eliminate specific areas of failure to guarantee better network stability and availability when the network would otherwise be offline. Optimize network redundancy by backing up data offsite and conductions frequent test to measure its durability and maintain it. Protect the network from malicious attacks is also important. By creating plans for when attacks occur by rerouting network services.

Attacked by Ransomware, Many Companies Opt to Pay Up - CFO - 1 views

    • emmajeenie
      The demanded ransom is often a moderate amount that would pale in comparison to the recovery and reputational costs for a company that refuses to pay.
  • Hospitals, for instance, are frequent targets of these kinds of attacks, in part because people’s lives are on the line so they have to make quick decisions.
  • It’s like the plot of a James Bond movie: Hackers take control of a global organization’s computer systems and threaten to destroy its records, steal its intellectual property, and drain its bank accounts unless a hefty ransom is deposited into an untraceable offshore bank account by the end of the day.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • y rose 41% from 2018 to 2019 to more than 205,000 globally, according to newly published data.
  • the security firm Coveware estimates the average payout for those that did was about $85,000 during last year’s fourth quarter, and more than $190,000 in December.
  • its leaders give in — and pay the ransom.
  • Organizations have more to lose financially from the inability to conduct business than they do from just paying the ransom
  • , in a ransomware attack the data isn’t released or leaked or sold. On the contrary, in most cases, data and infrastructure aren’t compromised at all; its owner just can’t access them.
  • ” the ransom is likely a significantly smaller amount than what it may cost to address a threatening public issue or the time and money necessary to rebuild the confidence in a brand or company.
  • Experts suspect that the actual number of ransomware attacks is much higher than the reported number, citing reasons ranging from fear of job loss, investor withdrawal, and reputational damage
  • Moreover, while public companies are required to report cyberattacks to regulators, private organizations are under no such mandate. Reporting attacks to law enforcement often may cause lengthy investigations
  • A hacker can keep repeating a ransomware attack until the security flaw is fixed or they are caught or reported.
  • Organizations can undertake a few basic defensive actions to mitigate the impact of a ransomware attack. Frequently backing up data and storing it on different networks is one way,
  • reducing the number of outside apps the system uses, fixing software vulnerabilities immediately, and properly training and educating employees on what to look for and whom to alert if something appears suspicious.

Hotels, Technology, & the Cybersecurity that Protects Them - Armor - 0 views

  • Hotels, Technology, & the Cybersecurity that Protects Them
  • introduction of virtual assistants like Alexa in hotel rooms
  • biometrics for guest access into their rooms instead of the standard room keys
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • The 2018 Trustwave Global Security Report listed the hospitality industry as one of the top five industries subjected to network breaches each year. The more technology added to help guests also means the industry needs to think harder about how they store and protect their guests’ data. If a hacker compromises the technology or infrastructure environment where guest data resides, guests could have their personal data compromised.
  • mobile keys
  • hat’s most worrisome is the amount of information collected and stored by Internet of Things (IoT) devices, like these virtual assistants and the mobile keys solution. After all, personal data has always been a prized target of cybercriminals.
  • register your fingerprint at the front desk
  • the balance between usability and security for their apps and software is critical.
  • Consumers, who are most likely to be victims, have their share of responsibilities.
  • osting on social media about how fun a vacation is could notify attackers that your valuables are sitting at home unprotected
  • it’s the hotel’s IT infrastructure that’s usually the targe
  • Unfortunately, most hotels do not have a dedicated on-site cybersecurity staff (or even IT staff for that matter).

Cybersecurity and the hospitality industry - Cyber Security Review - 0 views

  • The hospitality and restaurant industries in particular, are high-value targets for cybercriminals.
  • In addition to larger brands, cybercriminals are now finding it easier to target multiple small restaurants.
  • In fact, nearly half of cyberattacks worldwide in 2015 were against small businesses with fewer than 250 workers.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Restaurateurs are not technology experts.
  • The cost of cybercrime is on the rise around the globe.
  • Stealing our personal and payment information is something cybercriminals do over breakfast.
  • For the global economy, cybercrime is one of the greatest collective threats of our time.
  • It might come as a surprise to many that almost all of the headline-grabbing payment card data breaches we’ve seen over the past few years were entirely preventable.
  • Most breaches involving credit card data have been neither sophisticated nor “new.”
  • A study by Verizon stated that 99 percent of breaches in 2014 were caused by known vulnerabilities with fixable patches.
  • Strong security protection principles that involve people, process and technology all working together in an atmosphere that prioritizes data security are vital for all of us to protect ourselves, our families and our companies.
  • So what actions can we take today to protect ourselves and our customers? For starters, many companies need to change the way they view security and make it a 24/7 priority. Data security must be deeply ingrained into an organization’s culture, not layered like frosting on a cake but baked in from the start.
    This article discusses cybersecurity in the hospitality industry. It presents the question of what actions can we take to protect ourselves and our customers which is exactly what we are talking about in this module. It states facts related to security breaches in the hospitality industry in the year 2015.

Eventbrite sued over Ticketfly data breach | IQ Magazine - 0 views

  • Eventbrite is facing a class-action lawsuit over allegations Ticketfly’s “lax cybersecurity procedures” allowed hackers to gain access to 27 million customers’ personal data in May’s cyberattack
  • names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers was stolen
  • uding
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Personal information incl
  • hich led to a week-long shutdown of all Ticketfly services, as well as a number of venue websites, and forced several promoter partners to push back onsales or migrate to parent company Eventbrite’s platfor
  • in the data breach, w
  • consumer fraud, deceptive practices, breach of contract and negligence for its supposedly poor web security
  • Ticketfly failed to notify her that her data had been compromised, instead limiting its immediate response to a “passive support page” on the Ticketfly website and a “single tweet on social media”. Consequently, she says, she did not learn about the hack until September, months after her personal data was accessed
    This article discusses a data breach that Ticketfly, a ticket booking online service, suffered due to hackers breaking in. Ticketfly is owned by major event booking company Eventbrite, and according to the article, Eventbrite failed to have adequate cybersecurity to prevent the breach, causing over 27 million customer information to be disclosed to the hackers. This just highlights the horrors that can happen when booking through a event registration software.

Casino Gets Hacked Through Its Internet-Connected Fish Tank Thermometer - 0 views

  • Internet-connected technology, also known as the Internet of Things (IoT), is now part of daily life, with smart assistants like Siri and Alexa
  • But of much greater concern, enterprises are unable to secure each and every device on their network, giving cybercriminals hold on their network hostage with just one insecure device.
  • There's no better example than Mirai, the botnet malware that knocked the world's biggest and most popular websites offline for few hours over a year ago.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Nicole Eagan, the CEO of cybersecurity company Darktrace, told attendees at an event in London on Thursday how cybercriminals hacked an unnamed casino through its Internet-connected thermometer in an aquarium in the lobby of the casino.
  • he hackers exploited a vulnerability in the thermostat to get a foothold in the network. Once there, they managed to access the high-roller database of gamblers and "then pulled it back across the network, out the thermostat, and up to the cloud."
  • compelling reminder that the IoT devices are theoretically vulnerable to being hacked or compromised.
  • Manufacturers majorly focus on performance and usability of IoT devices but ignore security measures and encryption mechanisms, which is why they are routinely being hacked.
  • Therefore, people can hardly do anything to protect themselves against these kinds of threats, until IoT device manufacturers timely secure and patch every security flaws or loopholes that might be present in their devices.
  • The best way you can protect is to connect only necessary devices to the network and place them behind a firewall.
  • educate yourself about IoT products.
    I found this article fascinating. It shows that no matter how much security we think we have, there will always be someone who is smart enough to hack you. We bring Smart devices into our homes and businesses to make our lives easier, yet these devices make us vulnerable to cyberattacks. In this article it details how a hacker(s) used a Smart thermostat located inside a fish tank to access and pull sensitive data out of a casino. I'll never look at the fancy aquariums in resorts/restaurants the same.
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