Key words=Common Craft, Videos, Social Studies, Middle School, 19th Century History, Fu... - 11 views
Shane Freeman on 31 Dec 10The final videos can all be found here. I hesitate to embed any in the post because I know I would be prone to pick the "best" one. Please click on the link and randomly select one to watch! There are two pages of videos-and hey-leave a comment or a thumbs up! I have to say, that after watching the kids make these, the final products just don't reflect the amount of work that is needed. What I mean is that you shouldn't watch them and say "My kids could do that in a couple of days." It took 360 minutes of class time to produce those 1-2 minute videos!! One thing I wished we had done is to write transitions so that the different videos linked together better. I inadvertently led them to make videos on topics that come across as standing alone in time instead of being influenced and apart of other events and movements. Other good resources: Art Titzel Eric Langhorst John Fladd Karen McMillan Greg Kulowiec Mr. Canton Mr. Fogel Mr. Canton Authors write for different purposes.* The writing process is consistent across disciplines.* Technology is a tool for collecting, organizing, creating, and presenting informatio Tags: 6 COMMENTS SO FAR ↓ aimee // Dec 27, 2010 at 8:56 pm These videos really are terrific! I was able to pop in briefly and watch them being created (on Ustream)- such an amazing process! They are so deceptively simple and enchanting, yet require a myriad of skills. Well done! And, I've learned so much Reply Tweets that mention New Post: Key words=Common Craft, Videos, Social Studies, Middle School, 19th Century History, Fu... by -- // Dec 27, 2010 at 10:59 pm [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mrsdi, Edtech Feeds. Edtech Feeds said: New Post: Key words=Common Craft, Videos, Social Studies, Middle School, 19th Century History, Fu… by @paulbogush [...] Reply Sally // Dec 28, 2010 at 10:39 am This is great! When we get back to school the students are finishing up t