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Irina Uk

How Digital Learning Contributes to Deeper Learning - Vander Ark on Innovation - Educat... - 1 views

    This blog entry is about a paper written on how digital learning enhances deeper learning.
Susan Smiley

Technology Changing How Students Learn, Teachers Say - 1 views

    Interesting article with cons and pros of effects of technology on students attention. I know good teachers are competing more and more for kids attention. But I also wonder if students waning abilities to think deeply and critically have as much to do with flaws in our education system/schooling as use of tech.
    Susan, I agree with your comment that waning attention have as much to do with flaws in our education system/schooling as use of tech. There's no reason to assume that kids 30 years ago were any more attentive during class or lecture. They simply had far fewer options on where to place their attention. I wonder if traditional classroom where equipped with as many distractions as one can find online how it would effect children's behavior and attention span?
Erin Connors

How Social Gaming is Improving Education - 3 views

    Interesting article - highlights the growth of virtual training tools and their capacity to improve real world tasks. Example: "The amazing results of the training and simulation program have led to significantly improved grades on students' critical skills tests, taking scores from a 56% success in 2007, to 95% at the end of 2008 after the simulation was instituted."
Diego Vallejos

Virtual schools are multiplying, but some question their educational value - 1 views

    "A Virginia company leading a national movement to replace classrooms with computers - in which children as young as 5 can learn at home at taxpayer expense - is facing a backlash from critics who are questioning its funding, quality and oversight."
Maung Nyeu

Board approves Idaho online class requirement - - 3 views

    Online education for high school students is not an option, it is mandatory. Idaho Education Board approved that at least two credits of online class is required to graduate from high school. Idaho is first in the nation to mandate online class. We have read articles and discussed in class pros and cons of online learning. However, should online learning be mandatory for high school students? Do you think it is a good idea?
    Having online education for the sake of online education does not seem like a good idea to me. If it saves them enough money that they can improve classroom education, that might be worth it, but I'm not convinced that this is worth doing.
    Agree with Ayelet. Idaho board of education went through this despite heavy criticism from public. Instead of making it an option, Idaho makes it mandatory. Online education may not work for some students. They may feel that it has been pushed down their throat.
Sunanda V

Minecraft Developer and UN Collaborate to Get Youth Involved with Urban Planning - 0 views

    This game encourages students to use Minecraft to build their own cities and engage in critical thinking about urban planning. The partnership with the UN will mean that students' engagement in the project will have real world application and consequences as urban planners consider their ideas and plans. Quote: "The first pilot project is already in the planning phase: Kibera, one of Nairobi's slums, is already being translated into Minecraft by builder group FyreUK"

The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet | Magazine - 2 views

  • a good metaphor for the Web itself, broad not deep, dependent on the connections between sites rather than any one, autonomous property.
  • According to Compete, a Web analytics company, the top 10 Web sites accounted for 31 percent of US pageviews in 2001, 40 percent in 2006, and about 75 percent in 2010. “Big sucks the traffic out of small,” Milner says. “In theory you can have a few very successful individuals controlling hundreds of millions of people. You can become big fast, and that favors the domination of strong people.”
  • Google was the endpoint of this process: It may represent open systems and leveled architecture, but with superb irony and strategic brilliance it came to almost completely control that openness. It’s difficult to imagine another industry so thoroughly subservient to one player. In the Google model, there is one distributor of movies, which also owns all the theaters. Google, by managing both traffic and sales (advertising), created a condition in which it was impossible for anyone else doing business in the traditional Web to be bigger than or even competitive with Google. It was the imperial master over the world’s most distributed systems. A kind of Rome.
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  • This was all inevitable. It is the cycle of capitalism. The story of industrial revolutions, after all, is a story of battles over control. A technology is invented, it spreads, a thousand flowers bloom, and then someone finds a way to own it, locking out others. It happens every time.
  • Enter Facebook. The site began as a free but closed system. It required not just registration but an acceptable email address (from a university, or later, from any school). Google was forbidden to search through its servers. By the time it opened to the general public in 2006, its clublike, ritualistic, highly regulated foundation was already in place. Its very attraction was that it was a closed system. Indeed, Facebook’s organization of information and relationships became, in a remarkably short period of time, a redoubt from the Web — a simpler, more habit-forming place. The company invited developers to create games and applications specifically for use on Facebook, turning the site into a full-fledged platform. And then, at some critical-mass point, not just in terms of registration numbers but of sheer time spent, of habituation and loyalty, Facebook became a parallel world to the Web, an experience that was vastly different and arguably more fulfilling and compelling and that consumed the time previously spent idly drifting from site to site. Even more to the point, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg possessed a clear vision of empire: one in which the developers who built applications on top of the platform that his company owned and controlled would always be subservient to the platform itself. It was, all of a sudden, not just a radical displacement but also an extraordinary concentration of power. The Web of countless entrepreneurs was being overshadowed by the single entrepreneur-mogul-visionary model, a ruthless paragon of everything the Web was not: rigid standards, high design, centralized control.
  • Blame human nature. As much as we intellectually appreciate openness, at the end of the day we favor the easiest path. We’ll pay for convenience and reliability, which is why iTunes can sell songs for 99 cents despite the fact that they are out there, somewhere, in some form, for free. When you are young, you have more time than money, and LimeWire is worth the hassle. As you get older, you have more money than time. The iTunes toll is a small price to pay for the simplicity of just getting what you want. The more Facebook becomes part of your life, the more locked in you become. Artificial scarcity is the natural goal of the profit-seeking.
  • Web audiences have grown ever larger even as the quality of those audiences has shriveled, leading advertisers to pay less and less to reach them. That, in turn, has meant the rise of junk-shop content providers — like Demand Media — which have determined that the only way to make money online is to spend even less on content than advertisers are willing to pay to advertise against it. This further cheapens online content, makes visitors even less valuable, and continues to diminish the credibility of the medium.
amy hoffmaster

A Web 2.0 Class: Students Learn 21st Century Skills, Collaboration, and Digital Citizen... - 1 views

  • "I have been able to virtually meet the people that can help me get the answers I need for what I am searching for in school and one day, in my career."
  • These students are learning how to be critical readers and thinkers, while opening up rich, academic conversations via blogs, Twitter, and Skype.
    Students realize that with Web 2.0 lots of resources are available.
Cameron Paterson

Will technology kill the academic semester? - 1 views

  • online program that lets students start class any day they want and finish at their own speed
  • The open format of Jefferson's program, called Learn Anytime, means students don't move through classes in groups. None of Mr. Smith's 400 online students will have a discussion or do a group project with classmates
  • "It doesn't allow students to get a deep understanding of the content."
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  • Regardless of criticism like that, the model is spreading.
  • ther than programs like Learn Anytime, online education generally mimics the familiar face-to-face template. A group of students moves through course work at a set pace and discusses the lessons, typically in a course forum. Jefferson's effort to break that mold grew out of a dual-credit project with a local public-school system. Since 2007, Learn Anytime has exploded from a couple of hundred students to nearly 1,300
  • Mr. Johnson's classroom isn't just virtual. It's also largely automated.
  • "The next frontier in online learning," says Mr. Anderson, "is to merge the social stuff with the self-paced stuff."
    Ford T. Smith is helping to bulldoze one of the most durable pillars of academic life: the semester.
Garron Hillaire

What we can learn from procrastination : The New Yorker - 2 views

  • even Nobel-winning economists procrastinate!
  • “each morning for over eight months I woke up and decided that the next morning would be the day to send the Stiglitz box.”
  • Academics, who work for long periods in a self-directed fashion, may be especially prone to putting things off: surveys suggest that the vast majority of college students procrastinate
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  • dragging our heels is “as fundamental as the shape of time and could well be called the basic impulse.”
  • Most of the contributors to the new book agree that this peculiar irrationality stems from our relationship to time—in particular, from a tendency that economists call “hyperbolic discounting.”
  • Viewed this way, procrastination starts to look less like a question of mere ignorance than like a complex mixture of weakness, ambition, and inner conflict.
  • instead of trusting themselves, the students relied on an outside tool to make themselves do what they actually wanted to do.
    an interesting article on procrastination. Perhaps worth reading to better understand our own behavior and the behavior of future students we attempt to engage. There is a not a direct technology angle here, but it would be important to think about this topic when looking at technologies for the classroom.
Garron Hillaire

Transformative Education Technologies in Asia 2010 | Articles | FutureGov - Transformin... - 0 views

  • A new study on the role of transformative technologies in Asian tertiary education reveals the critical technologies being prioritised by campus administrators – as well as why. Surprise findings demonstrate that conventional e-learning systems are being superseded by newer technologies aimed to deliver “pedagogical transformation”.
    I did not buy the article to get the details, but this paper seems pertinent to this course.
Garron Hillaire

Education Technology News: M State Utilizes EON Reality Software - 0 views

  • M State will be using EON Reality, Inc., software to commence its instructional program with a three dimensional interactive content.
  • EON Reality, Inc., provides interactive three dimensional software
  • It is critical in instructional content development to have the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) design the instructional component alongside a 3D developer who can then create and integrate the interactive digital content within a wide range of learning applications
    Online college M State is offering 3D interactive instructional content
Mydhili Bayyapunedi

Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers | Video on - 2 views

  • From rockets to stock markets, many of humanity's most thrilling creations are powered by math. So why do kids lose interest in it? Conrad Wolfram says the part of math we teach -- calculation by hand -- isn't just tedious, it's mostly irrelevant to real mathematics and the real world. He presents his radical idea: teaching kids math through computer programming.
    Very similar to the idea of teaching computer programming via storytelling/animation (Scratch)
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    Hey, he stole my idea (about teaching math through teaching computer programming) ! ;-) Thanks for this post.
    I just watched this video and it's actually billed INCORRECTLY on that description! The guy is *not* saying to teach math through teaching computer programming at'all!! He is simply advocating to use the power of the computer to teach math - i.e. using programs such as Mathematica. His slide says "Computer-based math: critical reform" -- so, he is saying that students should use the computer for the computing (which is for sure true) and teachers should teach with the students using this computing power asap (which I agree with) ... but he is *not* actually saying to teach computer programming ... p.s. This video is sweeping through the math teacher twitter streams and blogs right now (yes, there is such a community out there!) But, in my opinion, his idea is no big leap ...
    Absolutely agree... the idea presented here is no big leap at all, especially to us who are following these advances pretty closely. I saw the parallels with scratch in terms of engaging the learner.
Kasthuri Gopalaratnam

WIND - Networking for Connected Professionals Group News | LinkedIn - 3 views

    Interesting comments on Sherry Turkle's new book "Alone Together", a criticism on the pervasiveness of social media
Chris McEnroe

More Schools Embrace the iPad as a Learning Tool - - 2 views

    • Chris McEnroe
      "It's not about a cool application," Dr. Brenner said. "We are talking about changing the way we do business in the classroom." This is a useful sound bite but this article is a quagmire of the issues facing education. Advocates who would rather spend the money on teachers are speaking into the wind politically but they are also not speaking to the point being raised by the event the ipad purchase or the opportunity to advance learning. Good teaching rests on good, personalized relationships as well excellent management. ipads help with both but the danger in not articulating that more clearly is the fear that ipads (or some such thing) will replace teachers. There are those who love the idea of ipads not as an enhancement to learning but as a way to drive up teacher production. That idea and the fear of it distracts from matter of using technolofy to enhance learning.
    • Stephen Bresnick
      Really well said, Chris. I was reading the article and couldn't help but chuckle at the quote, "this is this could very well be the biggest thing to hit school technology since the overhead projector," said by the teacher Mr. Wolfe. The quote communicated volumes about Mr. Wolfe's underlying assumption that good teaching rests on good gadgetry, as if the overhead projector was once a panacea for all that ailed education in the 1970s, but that now there is a new panacea, the iPad. I have heard an interesting criticism of use of the iPad in the classroom that I would like to share. Namely, that it is a device designed almost exclusively for the consumption of media, but that it provides little if any opportunity for collaboration. Yes, there are a ton of cool apps in the App Store and the number will continue to grow, and yes, some of them will be pretty darn neat. But without the ability for students to collaborate and create, there is little evidence that this is, in itself, a transformative educational technology, just a faster and more colorful way for students to do the same things they have been doing. I get a bit uncomfortable when I see teachers get really excited about the tools of technology and all of their cool capabilities without thinking about which problems these technologies might be able to solve. So many people are fixated on technology as an end, as if dropping this new gadget in the classroom will, by itself, solve all problems. iPads are really great, but this might just be a case of the tail wagging the dog.
James Glanville

Learning: Engage and Empower | U.S. Department of Education - 4 views

  • more flexible set of "educators," including teachers, parents, experts, and mentors outside the classroom.
    • Chris McEnroe
      This is an example of the promise of Tech in Teaching. It promotes the Psycho/Social pedogogical reality of the learner's sphere of influences into the vital center of our concept of school. To me, it transforms academic discourse into intentional design. Because school experience is so culturally endemic, this is a change in cultural self-concept.
  • The opportunity to harness this interest and access in the service of learning is huge.
    • Chris McEnroe
      This sentence makes me think of an explorer who has discovered a vast mineral deposit and is looking for capital investment. To persuade teachers, parents, and school boards the explorer will need to show tangible evidence that ". . . our education system [can leverage] technology to create learning experiences that mirror students' daily lives and the reality of their futures." The sixth grade teacher will need to be able to demonstrate to the parent of a student the tangible benefits of a technology infused paradigm.
  • The challenge for our education system is to leverage technology to create relevant learning experiences that mirror students' daily lives and the reality of their futures.
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  • large groups, small groups, and activities tailored to individual goals, needs, and interests.
  • What's worth knowing and being able to do?
  • English language arts, mathematics, sciences, social studies, history, art, or music, 21st-century competencies and expertise such as critical thinking, complex problem solving, collaboration, and multimedia communication should be woven into all content areas.
  • expert learners
  • "digital exclusion"
    • Chris McEnroe
      Isn't this just another iteration of the general disparity in all kinds of resource allocation? This could just as well be articulated by debilitating student/teacher rations, or text book availability, or the availability of paper, or breakfast, or heat in the he building?
  • School of One uses technology to develop a unique learning path for each student and to provide a significant portion of the instruction that is both individualized and differentiated
  • Advances in the learning sciences, including cognitive science, neuroscience, education, and social sciences, give us greater understanding of three connected types of human learning—factual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and motivational engagement.
    • James Glanville
      I'm interested in how our current understanding of how learning works can inform best practices for teaching, curriculum design, and supports for learning afforded by technology.
    • Erin Sisk
      I found the neuroscience discussion to be the most interesting part of the Learning section. It seems to me that the 21st century learner needs more emphasis on the "learning how" and the "learning why" and less focus on the "learning that." I think teaching information literacy (as described in the Learning section) is one of the most important kinds of procedural knowledge (learning how) students should master so they can access facts as they need them, and worry less about memorizing them.
    "School of One uses technology to develop a unique learning path for each student and to provide a significant portion of the instruction that is both individualized and differentiated." I liked the definitions of individualized (pacing), differentiated (learning preferences/methods), and personalized (pacing, preferences, and content/objectives).
James Glanville

MassCue - The Power of A Student Response System - 2 views

    MassCue article about the effectiveness of Student Response Systems by a tech consultant / researcher for vendor Turning Response Systems (who sells the clickers that HGSE uses). I'm interested in comparing these systems with the FREE adhoc web-based system offered by, co-founded by HGSE TIE grad Ben Berté.
    James- very interesting article about Student Response Systems. The clickers are a great tool to facilitate student participation in a teacher-centered classroom, and many of us have seen the Turning Point clickers in action. And they really do help with engaging everyone in the audience. Remember that diversity seminar during orientation week? The rich discussion that ensued in a crowd of 650 was really made possible because of the opening survey questions, the clicker interactivity, and the discussions that sprung up at each individual table which then mushroomed out to the rest of the crowd. I never thought a diversity seminar could be that engaging, and the clickers were definitely a key part of that. My only criticism of the article is that it seems to be pushing hardware capabilities over sound pedagogy, which is always a danger in learning about emerging technologies. Question though: is Socrative not entirely free? it seems like a great tool with many interactive capabilities, ideal for many classroom settings and activities.
    Steve I agree the article did have a strong sense of hardware pushing. It was written by a research on the the vendor's payroll. I've changed "free" to FREE; I intended the quotes to be for emphasis, not skepticism. Socrative is indeed free.
Niko Cunningham

Students, Teachers Need To Be Transculturally Literate, Expert Says - 2 views

    "From the point-of-view of teacher education, I think it's absolutely critical that we teach our teachers how to think and communicate from a global perspective, so they can teach students how to look at the problems the world faces through a different prism."
Xavier Rozas

Online churches draw believers, critics - - 0 views

    Webconfessionals probably don't have the same cleansing powers as the standard booths, but if you are in a pinch... But how is this different than the 700 Club
Chris Dede

Education Week: States, Districts Move to Require Virtual Classes - 2 views

    Is the online experience important enough to warrant this?
    This strikes me as a case where technology is being implemented without enough thought as to how the technology actually furthers the learning goals. "Having an online learning experience" doesn't seem to me like a good enough reason to require students to take a course online, especially for students who do not have easy access to the internet. While I think it's important for students to get experience with an online learning platform, I hope that they are learning more than just how to use the technology -- what is more important is that they learn how to be part of a collaborative Community of Inquiry (I am borrowing the phrase Community of Inquiry from Garrison's "E-learning in the 21st Century"). This requires them to think and write critically and collaborate effectively with their peers.
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