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Scarlet Hugh

Hass & Associates Online Reviews on Malware Poisons One-Third of World's Computers - 1 views

    Nearly one-third of the world's computers could be infected with malware, suggests a report released last week by the Anti-Phishing Working Group. Malicious apps invaded 32.77 percent of the world's computers, a more than 4 percent jump from the previous quarter's 28.39 percent, the report estimates. The increase in infected computers has come hand-in-hand with a jump in the appearance of malware samples, said Luis Corrons, technical director of PandaLabs, the research arm of Panda Security, one of the sponsors of the APWG report. "The creation of malware samples is skyrocketing," Corrons told TechNewsWorld. "It has doubled from the last quarter to the first quarter of this year." In the last quarter of 2013, some 80,000 malware samples a day were discovered by Panda researchers. In the first quarter of 2014, that number jumped to 160,000. Hiding in Numbers By far, most of the new malware strains (71.85 percent) and malware infections (79.70 percent) are Trojans. Less than a quarter of new malware strains (22.70 percent) and malware infections (12.77 percent) are viruses and worms. "At the end of the day, malware is created to steal information," Carrons explained. "Trojans are the most suitable malware to do that." The primary motivation behind creating so many new malware strains is to avoid detection by antivirus programs. Those programs use signatures to identify malicious software. Since each new bad app strain contains a new signature, constantly introducing new strains extends the time a malicious app can remain virulent.
Nathan Ken

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: What's new in identity theft protection? - 1 views

    With all the hundreds of quests from our survey, it's a Hass Associates pleasure to answer those today! As what we have observed, identity theft is on the top where individuals get so interested. In fact, identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America, affecting on the average of 500,000 new victims each year, for the past decade. And so, we are glad to discuss this for you to be well- informed and have preventive measures, such as reducing and reporting scams and prosecuting scammers. These topics are followed by: -online security and hardware concerns; -earning money from legitimate work-at-home programs and work-at-home scams; -credit cards and consumer issues; -Nigerian and lottery scams; -viruses and spyware; -phishing scams; -investment scams; and -urban legends. Obviously, many subscribers are interested in knowing out about new scams in these areas. This seems quite related to what we have been writing about. With all your exciting and terrific questions, Scam Busters will become even better. Today, we'll answer five of your biggest questions about identity theft: Answers to Our Subscribers' 5 Biggest Identity Theft Protection Questions 1) How big of a problem is identity theft and how long does it typically take to recover it? With victims' losses amounting to about $1.1 billion a year, identity theft reached the top of FCS's yearly list of consumer complaints for seven years in a row. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates more than the average victims that devote 170 to 300 hours trying to recover his or her identity and to resolve theft-relates issues. More than 110 million people in the US reported since January 2007 that have been packed letters from the different government branches, universities, corporations, banks, medical professionals, credit unions, no non-profit organizations and others notifying them that their personal information had either been stolen or lost. (Check out more statistics at our Identity Theft In
Emma Scott

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: FBI Investigates Possible Breach of JPMorgan - 1 views reported on 27th August, 2014 stating that FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) of America is investigating a breach of data in JPMorgan and may be in many other banks. According to Forbe...

Hass & Associates Online Reviews FBI Investigates Possible Breach of JPMorgan

started by Emma Scott on 05 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Emma Scott liked it
kristine lim

Get Safe Online publishes online safety hints, tips and videos - 1 views

Experts say the government should get involved with tackling the challenge of social engineering scams Research just published claims to show that more than £21 million has been lost in the UK to ...

Get Safe publishes online safety hints tips and videos

started by kristine lim on 01 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Helgen tech lesing: Hong kong blog hass associates online - 1 views

    Skjebnen til AMD'S Sea-øyene skjult i tåke rapporter dukket opp sist helg som AMDS grafikk veikart for 2013 ville holde Radeon HD 7000 serie "stabil" hele året. Nyheten kom ut på en uvanlig måte, via et intervju med et japansk nettsted, og deretter flere tweets fra AMD ansatte og den offisielle Radeon Twitter feed. Naturligvis, vi hadde spørsmål om tingenes tilstand, så AMD holdt en telefonkonferanse for press i dag, i et forsøk på å avklare saker. Før sist helg ventet vi AMD å innføre en ny generasjon av grafikkortene innen de neste månedene. The Tech Report Den sanne kostnaden for en bringebær Pi er mer enn du tror som bringebær Pi mani feier Internett, du kunne har funnet deg selv ønsker å kjøpe liten datamaskinen for å se hva prosjekter du kan bruke den til. Du kan ha tenkt for deg selv som selv om du ikke kan tenke på en kjekk liten prosjektet, hvem bryr seg, fordi høyere-end modell B er bare $35. Imidlertid er det virkelig så billig når alt er sagt og gjort? Jeg har nylig bestilt min første bringebær Pi. Jeg kunne aldri finne ut hva de skal gjøre med det, men har ønsket en rett og slett fordi det er en billig, spennende liten datamaskin. ExtremeTech Låse de slemme gutta med asymmetrisk kryptering kryptering, transformasjonen av data i et skjema som hindrer noen uautorisert forståelse at data, er en grunnleggende teknologi som gjør det muliggjør for elektronisk handel, sikker kommunikasjon og beskyttelse av konfidensiell informasjon. Krypteringsalgoritmene er den matematiske formler for å utføre disse transformasjonene. Du angir en krypteringsalgoritme med en nøkkel og dataene du vil beskytte (ren tekst), og det produserer en kryptert utgang (chifferteksten). Ars Technica Hvordan Nests kontroll freaks gjenoppfunnet termostaten i 2007, Tony Fadell trodde han kunne se fremtiden. Han var Apple executive som hadde skapt iPod og ble en ledende figur på laget som hadde jobbet på iPhone, som selskapet var i ferd med å lansere.
Jackio Moo

Hass and Associates: Är Cyber det nya svarten? - 1 views

    46% av konsumenterna säger de kommer handla online på Cyber måndag. Källa lank: Medan många amerikanska detaljhandlare anser Black Friday inofficiella starten av den kritiska semester säljer säsong, indikerar bara släppt resultat från Nielsen's Holiday utgifterna Prognos studien att 85% av konsumenterna i år planerar hoppa över butikerna på svart fredag, en term som används för dagen efter Thanksgiving. Men säger nästan hälften av konsumenterna (46%) de kommer handla online här Cyber måndag. Cyber är måndag den allt vanligare benämning för måndagen efter Thanksgiving när många konsumenter gå tillbaka till jobbet och handla online. Det är från 30 procent under 2012. En annan bonus för webb-enda handlarna: för dem som planerar att handla på svart fredag, 51% planerar att åtminstone göra några av deras shopping online. 13% av de tillfrågade planerar att handla i fysiska butiker detta svart fredag, ner från 17% 2012, medan resterande 2% svarade "vet inte, säger Nielsen. Detta är fjärde året i rad att andelen shoppare som säger att de inte kommer att drabba butikerna på svart fredag antingen ökat eller förblivit densamma. I 2010 sa 80% av shoppare de skulle hoppa över butikerna dagen efter Thanksgiving; i både 2011 och 2012 sade 82%. och i år 85% säger att de inte besöker butiker på svart fredag. Läs mer relaterade ämnen: http://hassassocia
Nicole Garcia

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: House passes cybersecurity bill as privacy concerns... - 1 views

    The House of Representatives go for the second round of Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act as it passed legislation on Thursday. The newly granted powers are intended to stop computer security threats against a company's rights and property. But the definitions are broad and vague. The terms allow purposes such as guarding against "improper" information modification and ensuring "timely" access to information, functions that are not necessarily tied to attacks. Once handed over, the government is able to use this information for investigating crimes that are unrelated to the underlying security threat and, more broadly, for "national security" purposes, which is a poorly defined term that includes "threats to the United States, its people, property, or interests" and "any other matter bearing on United States national or homeland security." The bill's vague definitions like "cybersecurity purpose" and "cybersecurity system" also raise the frightening possibility of a company using aggressive countermeasures. If a company wants to combat a threat, it is empowered to use "cybersecurity systems" to identify and obtain "cyber threat information." But the bill does not define exactly how far a company can go, leaving it open to the possibility of abuse. The bill drew support from House Democrats, passing on a bipartisan vote of 288-127, although the White House repeated its veto threat on Tuesday if further civil liberties protections are not added. Some lawmakers and privacy activists worry that the legislation would allow the government to monitor citizens' private information and companies to misuse it. U.S. authorities have recently elevated the exposure to Internet hacks and theft of digital data to the list of top threats to national security and the economy. Though thousands of companies have long been losing data to hackers in China and elsewhere, the number of parties publicly admitting such loss has been
  • The House of Representatives go for the second round of Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act as it passed legislation on Thursday. The newly granted powers are intended to stop computer security threats against a company's rights and property. But the definitions are broad and vague. The terms allow purposes such as guarding against "improper" information modification and ensuring "timely" access to information, functions that are not necessarily tied to attacks. Once handed over, the government is able to use this information for investigating crimes that are unrelated to the underlying security threat and, more broadly, for "national security" purposes, which is a poorly defined term that includes "threats to the United States, its people, property, or interests" and "any other matter bearing on United States national or homeland security." The bill's vague definitions like "cybersecurity purpose" and "cybersecurity system" also raise the frightening possibility of a company using aggressive countermeasures. If a company wants to combat a threat, it is empowered to use "cybersecurity systems" to identify and obtain "cyber threat information." But the bill does not define exactly how far a company can go, leaving it open to the possibility of abuse. The bill drew support from House Democrats, passing on a bipartisan vote of 288-127, although the White House repeated its veto threat on Tuesday if further civil liberties protections are not added. Some lawmakers and privacy activists worry that the legislation would allow the government to monitor citizens' private information and companies to misuse it. U.S. authorities have recently elevated the exposure to Internet hacks and theft of digital data to the list of top threats to national security and the economy. Though thousands of companies have
Kevin Reed

Hass and Associates: Security on the Internet of Services - 1 views

    Book a flight online, perform an internet banking transaction or make an appointment with your doctor and, in the not-too-distant future, the 'Internet of Services' (IoS) will come into play. A paradigm shift in the way ICT systems and applications are designed, implemented, deployed and consumed, IoS promises many opportunities but also throws up big challenges - not least ensuring security and privacy, issues currently being tackled by EU-funded researchers. IoS is a vision of the future internet in which information, data and software applications - and the tools to develop them - are always accessible, whether locally stored on your own device, in the cloud, or arriving in real time from sensors. Whereas traditional software applications are designed largely to be used in isolation, IoS brings down the barriers, thereby lowering costs and stimulating innovation. Building on the success of cloud computing, IoS applications are built by composing services that are distributed over the network and aggregated and consumed at run-time in a demand-driven, flexible way. This new approach to software will make the development of applications and services easier - so that new and innovative services, not possible today, can be offered. It is likely to make a huge contribution to the EU's strategy to make Europe's software sector more competitive. You might want to read: IoS services can be designed and implemented by producers, deployed by providers, aggregated by intermediaries and used by consumers. Anybody who wants to develop applications can use the resources in the Internet of Services to develop them, with little upfront investment and the possibility to build upon other people's efforts. In many ways IoS solves the challenges of interoperability and inefficiency that can plague traditional software systems, but it can also create new vulnerabilities. Ho

Hass & Associates Online Reviews on the Evolution of Hacking - 1 views

Computer hacking was once the realm of curious teenagers. It's now the arena of government spies, professional thieves and soldiers of fortune. Today, it's all about the money. That's why Chinese ...

Hass & Associates Online Reviews The Evolution of Hacking

started by genuisman on 25 Mar 15 no follow-up yet

Hass and Associates Cyber News Review: NZ alttiita verkkohyökkäykset - asiant... - 2 views hass and associates cyber news review Uusi-Seelanti yritykset ovat alttiina hyökkäyksille r...

hass and associates cyber news review NZ alttiita verkkohyökkäykset - asiantuntija

started by anonymous on 10 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Technology Blog Hass and Associates Madrid News Articles - 1 views

    Windows 8, den nyeste versjonen av Microsofts operativsystem, er de mest ambisiøse og det merkeligste viktigste produktet noensinne utgitt av gigantiske. Utformet for å kjøre på smartphones, tavle-PCer, bærbare datamaskiner, servere og selv superdatamaskiner, presenterer Windows 8 sine brukere med samme grensesnitt, med bare mindre variasjoner, på enhver enhet. For å demonstrere for kunder og opprinnelige utstyrsfabrikanter (OEMer) mulighetene for det nye grensesnittet, som er radikalt forskjellig fra tidligere versjoner av Windows og optimalisert for berøring, var Microsoft tvunget til å utvikle sin første datamaskin, overflate tabletten. Responsen har vært blandet: noen kritikere guardedly velkommen 8 Windows, priste sin vakre grafisk design og dristig likegyldighet til Microsofts fortiden; andre var fortsatt forvirret av forsøket på å innføre en enkelt brukeropplevelse på alle typer datamaskiner (se vår egen anmeldelse, "Windows 8: Design over brukervennlighet," av Simson Garfinkel). Jason Pontin, MIT teknologi Review'seditor i chief, talte til Microsofts konsernsjef Steve Ballmer, om det nye operativsystemet og fremtiden av hans selskap. Read More: Technology Info:
creselda cabal

Don't Get 'Spoofed' by Rogue Callers - 1 views

    Source: When caller ID first arrived on the scene it seemed like a godsend to many people: Now you could easily identify who was on the line and ignore unwanted calls, whether from telemarketers, an ex-boyfriend or an unfriendly collection agency. But as often happens, unscrupulous individuals soon began manipulating the technology to defraud people by pretending to be someone else. Their scheme is called "caller ID spoofing" and disturbingly, it's perfectly legal in many cases. Here's how caller ID spoofing works and what precautions you should take to avoid being victimized: For a very low cost, businesses and individuals can use widely available caller ID spoofing software to generate calls which alter the telephone number and/or name that appear on the recipient's caller ID screen. Police, private investigators and collection agencies have used legal spoofing services for many years. Others who might have a legitimate reason to hide their identity when making a call include domestic violence victims and doctors returning patient calls who don't wish to release their private telephone numbers. Beyond that, the lines of legality begin to blur. The Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009 prohibits anyone from transmitting misleading or inaccurate caller ID information with the intent to defraud, cause harm or wrongfully obtain anything of value. Violators can be penalized up to $10,000 for each infraction. Unfortunately, such penalties haven't dissuaded many scammers. One common caller ID scam involves spoofers pretending to represent a bank, government agency, insurer, credit card company or other organization with which you do business. They count on you being reassured after recognizing the company's name on your screen. Related Articles: Under the pretext of warning about an urgent situation (breached account, late payment,
creselda cabal

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Identity Theft - 2 views

Identity theft has become one of the biggest concerns for Americans. However, it is also one of the most misunderstood subjects among consumers. We are always looking for ways to protect ourselves ...

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Identity Theft

started by creselda cabal on 18 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
Devi Soria

Amerikanska regeringen bästa IT-säkerhet genom Hass Associates - 1 views

    US regeringen använder sällan bästa cyber security steg: rådgivare Direkt lank: WASHINGTON: Den amerikanska regeringen själv sällan följer cyber security metodtips och måste släppa sin gamla operativsystem och osäkra webbläsare som den försöker driva den privata sektorn att skärpa sin praxis, teknik rådgivare till President Barack Obama. "Den federala regeringen följer sällan accepterade bästa praxis," sade presidentens rådet av rådgivare om vetenskap och teknik i en rapport som släpptes på fredagen. "Det måste föregå med gott exempel och påskynda ansträngningarna för att göra rutinmässiga cyberattacks svårare genom att implementera bästa praxis för sina egna system." PCAST är en grupp amerikanska forskare och ingenjörer som gör politiska rekommendationer till administrationen. William Press, professor i datavetenskap vid University of Texas i Austin, och Craig Mundie, senior rådgivare till VD på Microsoft Corp, bestod av en arbetsgrupp för cybersäkerhet. Obama-administrationen i år intensifierat sin push för kritiska till att stärka deras cyber försvar, och Obama i februari utfärdade en verkställande order för att motverka bristen på framsteg på cybersäkerhet lagstiftning i kongressen. Mer relaterade ämnen:

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: The Naked Truth About Internet Security - 3 views

At ProgrammableWeb's API conference next week in London (Sept 24-26), my keynote session will identify patterns in some of the recent cybersecurity transgressions, what could have been done to stop...

The Naked Truth About Internet Security Hass & Associates Online Reviews

started by muirennshevaun on 19 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: Ny teknik för att spåra konsumenter över en... - 1 views

Människor butik mestadels på sina stationära datorer – men de lever på deras smartphones. För marknadsförare kräver att effektivt nå sina målg...

Hass & Associates Online Reviews Ny teknik för att spåra konsumenter över enheter växer resultat

started by lisacotto95 on 15 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
josh mae cruz

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: Aaron Swartz Can't Fight the New Cybersecurity Bill, ... - 1 views

    In late 2011 and early 2012, activists, progressive politicians and Internet companies led in part by Internet freedom advocate Aaron Swartz came together to defeat the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). Advertised as measures against copyright infringement, the bills would have opened any website that contained copyrighted material it was not authorized to publish on any of its pages to a forced shutdown. A site that unknowingly held a copyrighted image in a comment section, for instance, would have been eligible as a violator. Virtually everyone was susceptible to closure. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) followed SOPA and PIPA in April 2012. CISPA was worse than its predecessors, proposing that private companies be allowed to share user information, a provision that would have violated many privacy protections of the Internet. Recognizing this, Swartz fought again. "It sort of lets the government run roughshod over privacy protections and share personal data about you," he said of the bill at the time. Again, he prevailed. Now, a year and a half after Swartz killed himself, there is the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. CISA is a lot like CISPA, but could end up being even worse. Privacy and civil rights groups including the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation are standing up to fight it. In an article about the bill, the ACLU's Sandra Fulton wrote: CISA "poses serious threats to our privacy, gives the government extraordinary powers to silence potential whistleblowers, and exempts these dangerous new powers from transparency laws."
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