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Christine Smith

World first cyber security training centre opens in Bristol: Hass & Associates Online R... - 1 views

From left, Brian Lord OBE, managing director for cyber at PGI, Karen Bradley, Minister for Modern Slavery and Organised Crime, and Vice Admiral Sir Tim McClement, chairman of PGI, during the live h...

World first cyber security training centre opens in Bristol Hass & Associates Online Reviews

started by Christine Smith on 24 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Martina Samson

Microsoft öppnar IT-Center by Hass and Associates - 1 views

    Microsoft öppnar IT-Center för att bekämpa skadlig kod och cyber crime Källa lank: Microsoft har förklarat krig mot cyberbrottslighet genom att öppna en ny specialist cyberbrott Center på dess Redmond campus dedikerad enbart för att upptäcka och motverka blackhat hackare. Cyberbrott centrum kommer att erbjuda sin juridisk och teknisk expertis till brottsbekämpande myndigheter som Interpol. Det kommer att särskilt fokusera på att bekämpa brott som är associerade med skadlig kod, botnät, immateriella stöld och utnyttjande av teknik-underlättas barn. Centrum kommer också vara öppet för säkerhetsexperter från tredje-part-partners och universitet. Microsoft lovat det kommer att ha avancerad malware och hot-upptäckt teknik som kommer att låta experter och brottsbekämpning identifiera utveckla digitala hot i realtid. Dessa inkluderar SitePrint, PhotoDNA och cyber-forensics tjänster. SitePrint är en teknik som utformats för att spåra och kartlägga online organiserade brottsligheten, PhotoDNA är en anti-child-pornografi-teknik som syftar till att utrota och ta bort olagliga bilder av minderåriga och cyber forensics upptäcker global brottslighet som bedrägerier och stöld onlinebedrägerier. Centrum kommer också att dela cyber hot intelligens från Microsofts botnet takedown verksamhet. Relaterade ämnen:
creselda cabal

IT-relaterad brottslighet förvärvar en ny vinkel - 2 views

Cyber crime är på uppgång i Visakhapatnam. Staden har fått tvivelaktiga skillnaden av att vara rankad som den andra staden efter Bangalore i landet, i IT-relaterad brottslighet. Hittills har har b...

IT-relaterad brottslighet förvärvar en ny vinkel

started by creselda cabal on 02 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
Emma Scott liked it

Hass and Associates: FBI som IT-relaterad brottslighet Sleuth - 1 views

    FBI som cyber crime detektiv: är det någon match för dator skurkarna? FBI: s utveckling till en cyber-brottsbekämpning byrå, ett decennium i verk, gjort presidiet "en av bästa i världen" på att knäcka databrott. Cyberhot är redo att rivaliserande terrorism som den primära faran till USA, säger FBI: s direktör. Federal Bureau of Investigation, vilka efter 9/11 skiftat fokus nästan över en natt från bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten att kampen mot terrorism, hastigt försöker igen remake själv ska placeras för att motverka ett stigande hot: cyber angriparna. Dess utveckling till en IT-brottslighet-fighting byrå inte lika plötsliga eller som dramatisk, men med tiden förändringen kommer att vara precis lika djupa, säger experter. Omvandlingen är faktiskt redan väl, med 1 000 IT-specialister - speciellt utbildade agenter, analytiker och digitala kriminaltekniska examinatorer som kör komplexa undercover operationer och samla digitala bevis - distribuerats till alla 56 av FBI: s kontor över hela landet. Brådskan att övergången var underströks förra veckan byFBI direktören James Comey, som berättade ett kongressutskott att cyberhot förväntas snart konkurrera terrorism som den främsta faran inför Förenta staterna. Läs hela artikeln: Relaterad artikel:

Hass & Associates Online Reviews on the Evolution of Hacking - 1 views

Computer hacking was once the realm of curious teenagers. It's now the arena of government spies, professional thieves and soldiers of fortune. Today, it's all about the money. That's why Chinese ...

Hass & Associates Online Reviews The Evolution of Hacking

started by genuisman on 25 Mar 15 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Online Warning Hass and Associates Cyber Fighters - 1 views

  • Tradisjonelle undersøkelse teknikker kommer til kort når overfor cyber-kriminelle fra bankranere for pedofile... og så er det kampen for å forklare sakene til dommere Hvis politiet har en hard tid holde opp med kriminelle i den "virkelige verden", har de virkelig fått hendene fullstendige, elektroniske, ifølge Israel politiet Superintendent Meir Hayoun av Cyber-kriminalitet politienhet. Håndteringen av cyber-kriminalitet har vært et spill av catch-up- og som cyber kriminelle utvikle nye og innovative måter å rive av mennesker, sa han, det er en konstant kamp for å holde tritt med dem. Hayoun var tale på den årlige begivenheten i Israel Internett Association (ISOC-IL), hvor datamaskin og Internett industriledere samlet denne uken for å diskutere alt fra fremtidige trender i søkemotor-teknologi til fremtidens TV, Internett markedsføring, gaming og merkevarebygging- og cyber-kriminalitet, som fortsetter å bli verre som gjerningsmennene av svindel, planer og dristig dagslys ran blir stadig mer sofistikerte i deres metoder. Cyber-livet har forårsaket ingen ende av hodepine for politiet, sa Hayoun. "En gang, det var en klar differensiering mellom telekommunikasjon forbrytelser og datamaskinen forbrytelser. Telefonsamtaler var en ting, og Internett surfing var noe annet. Men i dag, takket være konvergens av enheter, og ubiquitousness av tjenester, alt har fusjonert." Be Updated:
Nicole Garcia

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: House passes cybersecurity bill as privacy concerns... - 1 views

    The House of Representatives go for the second round of Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act as it passed legislation on Thursday. The newly granted powers are intended to stop computer security threats against a company's rights and property. But the definitions are broad and vague. The terms allow purposes such as guarding against "improper" information modification and ensuring "timely" access to information, functions that are not necessarily tied to attacks. Once handed over, the government is able to use this information for investigating crimes that are unrelated to the underlying security threat and, more broadly, for "national security" purposes, which is a poorly defined term that includes "threats to the United States, its people, property, or interests" and "any other matter bearing on United States national or homeland security." The bill's vague definitions like "cybersecurity purpose" and "cybersecurity system" also raise the frightening possibility of a company using aggressive countermeasures. If a company wants to combat a threat, it is empowered to use "cybersecurity systems" to identify and obtain "cyber threat information." But the bill does not define exactly how far a company can go, leaving it open to the possibility of abuse. The bill drew support from House Democrats, passing on a bipartisan vote of 288-127, although the White House repeated its veto threat on Tuesday if further civil liberties protections are not added. Some lawmakers and privacy activists worry that the legislation would allow the government to monitor citizens' private information and companies to misuse it. U.S. authorities have recently elevated the exposure to Internet hacks and theft of digital data to the list of top threats to national security and the economy. Though thousands of companies have long been losing data to hackers in China and elsewhere, the number of parties publicly admitting such loss has been
  • The House of Representatives go for the second round of Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act as it passed legislation on Thursday. The newly granted powers are intended to stop computer security threats against a company's rights and property. But the definitions are broad and vague. The terms allow purposes such as guarding against "improper" information modification and ensuring "timely" access to information, functions that are not necessarily tied to attacks. Once handed over, the government is able to use this information for investigating crimes that are unrelated to the underlying security threat and, more broadly, for "national security" purposes, which is a poorly defined term that includes "threats to the United States, its people, property, or interests" and "any other matter bearing on United States national or homeland security." The bill's vague definitions like "cybersecurity purpose" and "cybersecurity system" also raise the frightening possibility of a company using aggressive countermeasures. If a company wants to combat a threat, it is empowered to use "cybersecurity systems" to identify and obtain "cyber threat information." But the bill does not define exactly how far a company can go, leaving it open to the possibility of abuse. The bill drew support from House Democrats, passing on a bipartisan vote of 288-127, although the White House repeated its veto threat on Tuesday if further civil liberties protections are not added. Some lawmakers and privacy activists worry that the legislation would allow the government to monitor citizens' private information and companies to misuse it. U.S. authorities have recently elevated the exposure to Internet hacks and theft of digital data to the list of top threats to national security and the economy. Though thousands of companies have
kristine lim

Get Safe Online publishes online safety hints, tips and videos - 1 views

Experts say the government should get involved with tackling the challenge of social engineering scams Research just published claims to show that more than £21 million has been lost in the UK to ...

Get Safe publishes online safety hints tips and videos

started by kristine lim on 01 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: Protect Your Identity at All Costs - 1 views

Durban - Identity theft is rising in South Africa with thieves costing the economy more than R1 billion every year - and KwaZulu-Natal is providing rich pickings for them. According to a recent st...

Protect your identity at all costs Hass & Associates Online Reviews

started by giffordhass on 18 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
Nathan Ken

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: What's new in identity theft protection? - 1 views

    With all the hundreds of quests from our survey, it's a Hass Associates pleasure to answer those today! As what we have observed, identity theft is on the top where individuals get so interested. In fact, identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America, affecting on the average of 500,000 new victims each year, for the past decade. And so, we are glad to discuss this for you to be well- informed and have preventive measures, such as reducing and reporting scams and prosecuting scammers. These topics are followed by: -online security and hardware concerns; -earning money from legitimate work-at-home programs and work-at-home scams; -credit cards and consumer issues; -Nigerian and lottery scams; -viruses and spyware; -phishing scams; -investment scams; and -urban legends. Obviously, many subscribers are interested in knowing out about new scams in these areas. This seems quite related to what we have been writing about. With all your exciting and terrific questions, Scam Busters will become even better. Today, we'll answer five of your biggest questions about identity theft: Answers to Our Subscribers' 5 Biggest Identity Theft Protection Questions 1) How big of a problem is identity theft and how long does it typically take to recover it? With victims' losses amounting to about $1.1 billion a year, identity theft reached the top of FCS's yearly list of consumer complaints for seven years in a row. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates more than the average victims that devote 170 to 300 hours trying to recover his or her identity and to resolve theft-relates issues. More than 110 million people in the US reported since January 2007 that have been packed letters from the different government branches, universities, corporations, banks, medical professionals, credit unions, no non-profit organizations and others notifying them that their personal information had either been stolen or lost. (Check out more statistics at our Identity Theft In
Abegaile Brown

Hass and Associates: Dynor kraft om Internetrelaterad brottslighet - 1 views

    Träffade dynor kraft för krig om skyhöga Internetrelaterad brottslighet Scotland Yard är att fyrdubbla antalet officerare att hantera IT-relaterad brottslighet över London, med senior polisen utarbetande i hundratals mer specialiserade utredarna att bekämpa vad de kallar "branschens tillväxt av den kriminella undre världen". Den nya cyber enheten - på grund av öppna tidigt 2014 - förväntas vara 400-stark, samma storlek som Trident, polisens anti gänget kommando. Utbyggnaden är svar på en 60 procent ökning i IT-relaterad brottslighet under det senaste året, kostar den brittiska ekonomin en uppskattningsvis £81bn. Scotland Yard budget för att bekämpa Internetrelaterad brottslighet kommer att tredubbla till mer än 15 miljoner pund per år. Officerare har dock gjort klart de kommer också att söka medel från den privata sektorn-banker, försäkringsbolag och återförsäljare är ofta riktade av online bedragare. Commander Steve Rodhouse, chef för organiserad brottslighet på Met, sade syftet var att göra London en "fientligt territorium" för cyberbrottslingar. Han sade att polisen har sett kriminella gäng "flytta från vad de historiskt sett har gjort", oavsett om det var rån eller andra våldsamma konfrontationer, till mer lukrativa och potentiellt mindre riskfyllda online brott. Läs mer: Relaterat Innehåll:
Lorenzo Blauch

hass associates article code 85258083266-HA: Hundreds of South African Facebook Profiles - 1 views

  • Computer forensics expert Bennie Labuschagne said scammers used programs designed to "deep mine" online accounts to bypass security features."Cloning is very common and it is now like the 419 scams, only on social networks," he said. One of the South African Facebook victims, Dinesh Ramrathan, said yesterday: "A Facebook friend called me to find out why I had sent her a message asking for money online. I then discovered that my page had been duplicated. "My friends were caught off guard and accepted friend requests from the hacker, who then started sending requests for money." The impostor claimed that Ramrathan was in trouble and needed money urgently."I am lucky because all my Facebook friends know me personally outside of the social network so they knew that I was not in trouble," he said. Debby Bonnin's husband received a friend request from her even though they were already Facebook friends. One of sixmillion local users of Facebook, Bonnin said: "My major concern is identity theft and all the possible ramifications of that. On Facebook the prime issue is reputation. But the person behind the false profile could use your identity to access confidential information from your friends and then there could be security or financial problems that arise." Another Facebook user, Josh Delport, said his stored scores and tokens on game applications on the site had disappeared. University of KwaZulu-Natal associate professor of information systems Manoj Maharaj said that, though Facebook could not be hacked because of its hi-tech security features, the affected users might have put themselves at risk by clicking on links to external games, applications and shopping sites. "Users are clicking on these links without realising that their information is being passed on. If one of those sites is hacked, their information, such as credit card details, is easily a
Kathryn Conroy

Hass and Associates: Cyber brottsutredningar - 1 views

    Artikel Källa: "Är lag brottsbekämpande syfte i sin analys?" BIRMINGHAM, AL, den 21 November, 2013 /24-7PressRelease /--i över 17 år, Carl Carpenter var en inredda polistjänstemannen som specialiserat sig på IT-relaterad brottslighet. Han var en av de "goda" som utses av folket att tjäna allmänheten, skydda oskyldiga och upprätthålla lagen." Tyvärr, men snickaren hittade "sanningen" berodde på politik och han började inse att endast en viss mängd information var att göra sin väg in i rättssalen. I själva verket saknade många av åklagarna helt enkelt utbildning och erfarenhet som behövs för att hantera de mer tekniska aspekterna av elektroniska datainsamling. "Alltför ofta, brottsbekämpning följer lata, väl upptrampade vägen mot lösa ett fall bara för att finna mer sistnämnd de har nått en återvändsgränd på grund av dåligt anslutna kedja-av-bevis," säger snickare, nu chef för kriminalteknik för mobiltelefon dator Data Recovery i Birmingham, Alabama. Läs relaterat innehåll:
Imogen Miller

From the Cold War to the Code War: UK boosts spending on cyber warfare - 1 views

Hass & Associates Online Reviews - UK prime minister David Cameron said that £800m would be spent on intelligence and surveillance equipment. The UK is upping its spending on cyber defense as a re...

Hass & Associates Online Reviews

started by Imogen Miller on 28 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

Insurers Take on Cyber Risk Market by Hass & Associates Online Reviews - 1 views

    (EurActiv) - Insurers are eagerly eyeing exponential growth in the tiny cyber coverage market. But their lack of experience and skills handling hackers and data breaches may keep their ambitions in check. High profile cases of hackers seizing sensitive customer data from companies, such as US retailer Target Corp or e-commerce company eBay Inc, have executives checking their insurance policies. Increasingly, corporate risk managers are seeing insurance against cyber crime as necessary budget spending rather than just nice to have. The insurance brokerage arm of Marsh & McLennan Companies estimates that the US cyber insurance market was worth $1 billion (€0.73bn) last year in gross written premiums, and could reach as much as $2 billion (€1.4bn) this year. The European market is currently a fraction of that, at around $150 million (€110mn), but is growing by 50 to 100% annually, according to Marsh. Those numbers represent a sliver of the overall insurance market, which is growing at a far more sluggish rate. Premiums are set to grow only 2.8% this year in inflation-adjusted terms, according to Munich Re, the world's biggest reinsurer.
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