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creselda cabal

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Identity Theft - 2 views

Identity theft has become one of the biggest concerns for Americans. However, it is also one of the most misunderstood subjects among consumers. We are always looking for ways to protect ourselves ...

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Identity Theft

started by creselda cabal on 18 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Don't Get 'Spoofed' by Rogue Callers - 1 views

    Source: When caller ID first arrived on the scene it seemed like a godsend to many people: Now you could easily identify who was on the line and ignore unwanted calls, whether from telemarketers, an ex-boyfriend or an unfriendly collection agency. But as often happens, unscrupulous individuals soon began manipulating the technology to defraud people by pretending to be someone else. Their scheme is called "caller ID spoofing" and disturbingly, it's perfectly legal in many cases. Here's how caller ID spoofing works and what precautions you should take to avoid being victimized: For a very low cost, businesses and individuals can use widely available caller ID spoofing software to generate calls which alter the telephone number and/or name that appear on the recipient's caller ID screen. Police, private investigators and collection agencies have used legal spoofing services for many years. Others who might have a legitimate reason to hide their identity when making a call include domestic violence victims and doctors returning patient calls who don't wish to release their private telephone numbers. Beyond that, the lines of legality begin to blur. The Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009 prohibits anyone from transmitting misleading or inaccurate caller ID information with the intent to defraud, cause harm or wrongfully obtain anything of value. Violators can be penalized up to $10,000 for each infraction. Unfortunately, such penalties haven't dissuaded many scammers. One common caller ID scam involves spoofers pretending to represent a bank, government agency, insurer, credit card company or other organization with which you do business. They count on you being reassured after recognizing the company's name on your screen. Related Articles: Under the pretext of warning about an urgent situation (breached account, late payment,
creselda cabal

Protect yourself from phishing attacks - 0 views

The term 'phishing' derives from the idea of fishing -- fishing for information. It refers to a type of internet fraud that attempts to collect sensitive financial information. Typically, a fraudul...

Protect yourself from phishing attacks

started by creselda cabal on 20 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

Hass & Associates Online Reviews on the Evolution of Hacking - 1 views

Computer hacking was once the realm of curious teenagers. It's now the arena of government spies, professional thieves and soldiers of fortune. Today, it's all about the money. That's why Chinese ...

Hass & Associates Online Reviews The Evolution of Hacking

started by genuisman on 25 Mar 15 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Hass and Associates: The Cyber-Risk of a Missile Attack on Syria - 1 views

    Hass and Associates: The Cyber-Risk of a Missile Attack on Syria The cyberattacks carried out by Syria last week were much more broad than initially reported, and they amounted to a warning shot of the retaliation the U.S. could expect if it should attack. Subsequent attacks would most likely go after U.S. infrastructure, and given how fragile it is and the likelihood Iran or North Korea would help out, the result could be massive. As I write this, the U.S. has deployed a battle group to Syria in preparation for a missile strike against the government there, and Russia has deployed what appears to be a counter force. What most seem not to be factoring in is that Syria has already fired its warning shot with attacks on Twitter and The New York Times, at least. I say "at least," because reporting of attacks isn't comprehensive, and other attempts may have failed, so Syria's first strike may have been far larger than initially reported. (Related cyber-attack updates: The U.S. has a tendency to overreact, and it is clear there's insufficient preparation for theinfrastructure collapse that could occur when Syria responds to a missile attack -- and Russia exists as a wild card that could cause the conflict to spread rapidly out of control. It's been common knowledge for some time that the U.S. infrastructure is vulnerable to outside attack and that governments like Syria and China have been probing it and probably know exactly where and how to do the most damage. There's a very real likelihood that this time the U.S. won't go unscathed, and it may be prudent to have a plan in place should things go very, very wrong. Details: Related article:
Abigail Jones

Hass and Associates: Missile Attack on Syria - 1 views

    The cyber-attacks carried out by Syria last week were much more broad than initially reported, and they amounted to a warning shot of the retaliation the U.S. could expect if it should attack. Subsequent attacks would most likely go after U.S. infrastructure, and given how fragile it is and the likelihood Iran or North Korea would help out, the result could be massive. As I write this, the U.S. has deployed a battle group to Syria in preparation for a missile strike against the government there, and Russia has deployed what appears to be a counter force. What most seem not to be factoring in is that Syria has already fired its warning shot with attacks on Twitter and The New York Times, at least. I say "at least," because reporting of attacks isn't comprehensive, and other attempts may have failed, so Syria's first strike may have been far larger than initially reported. The U.S. has a tendency to overreact, and it is clear there's insufficient preparation for the infrastructure collapse that could occur when Syria responds to a missile attack -- and Russia exists as a wild card that could cause the conflict to spread rapidly out of control. It's been common knowledge for some time that the U.S. infrastructure is vulnerable to outside attack and that governments like Syria and China have been probing it and probably know exactly where and how to do the most damage. There's a very real likelihood that this time the U.S. won't go unscathed, and it may be prudent to have a plan in place should things go very, very wrong. Details: More Info:
Nathan Ken

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: What's new in identity theft protection? - 1 views

    With all the hundreds of quests from our survey, it's a Hass Associates pleasure to answer those today! As what we have observed, identity theft is on the top where individuals get so interested. In fact, identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America, affecting on the average of 500,000 new victims each year, for the past decade. And so, we are glad to discuss this for you to be well- informed and have preventive measures, such as reducing and reporting scams and prosecuting scammers. These topics are followed by: -online security and hardware concerns; -earning money from legitimate work-at-home programs and work-at-home scams; -credit cards and consumer issues; -Nigerian and lottery scams; -viruses and spyware; -phishing scams; -investment scams; and -urban legends. Obviously, many subscribers are interested in knowing out about new scams in these areas. This seems quite related to what we have been writing about. With all your exciting and terrific questions, Scam Busters will become even better. Today, we'll answer five of your biggest questions about identity theft: Answers to Our Subscribers' 5 Biggest Identity Theft Protection Questions 1) How big of a problem is identity theft and how long does it typically take to recover it? With victims' losses amounting to about $1.1 billion a year, identity theft reached the top of FCS's yearly list of consumer complaints for seven years in a row. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates more than the average victims that devote 170 to 300 hours trying to recover his or her identity and to resolve theft-relates issues. More than 110 million people in the US reported since January 2007 that have been packed letters from the different government branches, universities, corporations, banks, medical professionals, credit unions, no non-profit organizations and others notifying them that their personal information had either been stolen or lost. (Check out more statistics at our Identity Theft In

Hass and Associates: How prepared are you for a cyberattack? - 1 views

    Former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano gave her farewell speech last week. She had quite a bit to say, but there was one thing that caught my attention: She warned that a major cyberattack is on the way. I believe it. Most major U.S. companies have been under siege from hackers over the last 18 months. In fact, two days after Napolitano's speech, a hacker group called the Syrian Electronic Army hacked the New York Times' website and Twitter feed - for the second time this year. Of course, Napolitano wasn't just talking about American business. She was talking about America's infrastructure: power grid, communications, banking and so forth. Every one of these services relies on computers. A well-placed virus could do a lot of damage, especially if an insider planted it. The Northeast blackout of 2003 started at a single power center. A computer bug disabled an important alarm. The operators couldn't react in time to a downed power line and it blacked out 55 million people for several days. Imagine waking up one morning with no power. Cellphones can't connect, banks are closed, the Internet is down and credit cards don't work. In localized emergencies, workers from other areas help to restore services quickly. A cyberattack could affect wide regions of the country, overwhelming the available manpower. It could take days, weeks or months for basic services to be fully restored. Not a pretty picture. Now, a cyberattack might not take down everything, but it could make basic services unreliable. You won't be able to trust technology to always work. Further Information: Related Article:
Lorenzo Blauch

hass associates article code 85258083266-HA: Hundreds of South African Facebook Profiles - 1 views

  • Computer forensics expert Bennie Labuschagne said scammers used programs designed to "deep mine" online accounts to bypass security features."Cloning is very common and it is now like the 419 scams, only on social networks," he said. One of the South African Facebook victims, Dinesh Ramrathan, said yesterday: "A Facebook friend called me to find out why I had sent her a message asking for money online. I then discovered that my page had been duplicated. "My friends were caught off guard and accepted friend requests from the hacker, who then started sending requests for money." The impostor claimed that Ramrathan was in trouble and needed money urgently."I am lucky because all my Facebook friends know me personally outside of the social network so they knew that I was not in trouble," he said. Debby Bonnin's husband received a friend request from her even though they were already Facebook friends. One of sixmillion local users of Facebook, Bonnin said: "My major concern is identity theft and all the possible ramifications of that. On Facebook the prime issue is reputation. But the person behind the false profile could use your identity to access confidential information from your friends and then there could be security or financial problems that arise." Another Facebook user, Josh Delport, said his stored scores and tokens on game applications on the site had disappeared. University of KwaZulu-Natal associate professor of information systems Manoj Maharaj said that, though Facebook could not be hacked because of its hi-tech security features, the affected users might have put themselves at risk by clicking on links to external games, applications and shopping sites. "Users are clicking on these links without realising that their information is being passed on. If one of those sites is hacked, their information, such as credit card details, is easily a

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: The Naked Truth About Internet Security - 3 views

At ProgrammableWeb's API conference next week in London (Sept 24-26), my keynote session will identify patterns in some of the recent cybersecurity transgressions, what could have been done to stop...

The Naked Truth About Internet Security Hass & Associates Online Reviews

started by muirennshevaun on 19 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: How to Avoid Phishing Scams - 1 views

Phishing scams have been around for quite some time now. But not many people are aware of what it is and what it can do to them. It is simply a ploy used by fraudsters to lead you to divulge person...

Hass and Associates Cyber Security How to Avoid Phishing Scams

started by creselda cabal on 03 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Lorenzo Blauch

Phishing Scam Ensnares Almost 2,000 Justice Department Staff - 2 views

OTTAWA - Many of the Justice Department's finest legal minds are falling prey to a garden-variety Internet scam. An internal survey shows almost 2,000 staff were conned into clicking on a phoney "...

Phishing Scam Ensnares Almost 2 000 Justice Department Staff

started by Lorenzo Blauch on 26 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
Emma Scott liked it
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