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Paul Riccardi

Social-networking sites share breaking news - - 0 views

    We all know the power of social networking. And while the print news industry suffers, will social media affect online news as well?
Ryan Holman

Understanding Users of Social Networks - HBS Working Knowledge - 1 views

shared by Ryan Holman on 30 Sep 09 - Cached
  • "No one uses MySpace" To continue on the issue of online representation of offline societal trends, Piskorski also looked at usage patterns of MySpace. Today's perception is that Twitter has the buzz and Facebook has the users. MySpace? Dead; no one goes there anymore. Tell a marketer that she ought to have a MySpace strategy and she'll look at you like you have a third eye. But Piskorski points out that MySpace has 70 million U.S. users who log on every month, only somewhat fewer than Facebook's 90 million and still more than Twitter's 20 million in the U.S. Its user base is not really growing, but 70 million users is nothing to sneeze at. So why doesn't MySpace get the attention it deserves? The fascinating answer, acquired by studying a dataset of 100,000 MySpace users, is that they largely populate smaller cities and communities in the south and central parts of the country. Piskorski rattles off some MySpace hotspots: "Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Florida." They aren't in Dallas but they are in Fort Worth. Not in Miami but in Tampa. They're in California, but in cities like Fresno. In other words, not anywhere near the media hubs (except Atlanta) and far away from those elite opinion-makers in coastal urban areas. "You need to shift your mindset from social media to social strategy." "MySpace has a PR problem because its users are in places where they don't have much contact with people who create news that gets read by others. Other than that, there is really no difference between users of Facebook and MySpace, except they are poorer on MySpace." Piskorski recently blogged on his findings.
    • Ryan Holman
      This I find interesting: if I read this right, it would mean that if you had something that was of a more local interest and away from the major cities -- the biography of a local football player, a history of local landmarks, a self-published book by a local political figure, etc. -- it might be effective to have a MySpace strategy as well in the mix, which wouldn't necessarily be the first strategy to come to mind.
  • Women and men use these sites differently.
  • Piskorski has also found deep gender differences in the use of sites. The biggest usage categories are men looking at women they don't know, followed by men looking at women they do know. Women look at other women they know. Overall, women receive two-thirds of all page views.
    • Ryan Holman
      I'm not entirely sure I agree with their broad characterization of the gender differences in how social networking sites are used, but my evidence to the contrary is also anecdotal and the plural of "anecdote" is not "data." :-)
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • To continue the earlier analogy, "You should come to the table and say, 'Here is a product that I have designed for you that is going to make you all better friends.' To execute on this, firms will need to start making changes to the products themselves to make them more social, and leverage group dynamics, using technologies such as Facebook Connect. But I don't see a lot of that yet. I see (businesses) saying, 'Let's talk to people on Twitter or let's have a Facebook page or let's advertise.' And these are good first steps but they are nowhere close to a social strategy."
Ryan Holman

How Social Media Has Changed Us - 0 views

    Effects of social media on society at large.
Paul Riccardi

100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teaching Students About Social Media | Teaching - 0 views

    Snagged this from the Diigo homepage. With social media becoming a permanent part of online interaction, seems fitting to have some guidelines for educational purposes.
Amanda Litvinov

Why (Some of) the Wall Street Journal's Social Media Rules Are Right | BNET Media Blog | BNET - 0 views

    Interesting conversation cropping up regarding WSJ's guidelines for journalists using social media. Click on the link to Editor & Publisher to see the guidelines.

Making sense of social media - an ALPSP seminar « SAGE Connection - 0 views

    The SAGE Connection blog has a lot of useful info on publishing and associations. This one touches on social media and using QR codes.

Social Media Marketing Course | SMM Training Hyderabad - 0 views

    Basic Social Media Marketing Course - Class room training with expert trainers and customized corporate training for business Peoples.
Debbie Bezanson

Joe Wikert's Publishing 2020 Blog: Publishing in the Social World - 0 views

    Publishing in a Social World
Ryan Holman

MIT wins Defense Department balloon hunt, a test of social networking savvy - - 0 views

    Interesting uses of social networking...reminded me a bit of XKCD's geohashing. (
Derik Dupont

Get Ready for Google's New Wave Act - Advertising Age - DigitalNext - 1 views

    With Wave, Google is integrating email, instant messaging, media sharing, social networking, document creation, project management, and entertainment.
Kristen Reynolds

8 Simple Tools for Better Bookmarking - Webmonkey - 0 views

    An interesting comparison between various social bookmarking sites
    Diigo wins in this evaluation. I'll be interested in the group feedback at the end of the course
Amanda Litvinov

How Village Voice Media Uses Digg to Game Their Traffic Numbers | The Deets - 0 views

    A fascinating investigation that raises questions about Digg's ranking algorithm; revenue models based on page views; and the ethics of media outlets inflating their page hits using social bookmarking.
Rebecca Benner

New Builds on Its Community of Subscribers - Bits Blog - - 0 views

  • and social networking--new experiment (started Tuesday, September 16).
Derik Dupont

New Media, Old Media | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) - 1 views

    The Lead Teaser: The stories and issues that gain traction in social media differ substantially from those that lead in the mainstream press. But they also differ greatly from each other. Across a year-long study of blogs, Twitter and YouTube,
Michael Pogachar

Google readies social news magazine app - 0 views

    Google is working on a social news magazine for iPad and Android devices
Ryan Holman

FTC's blogger rules 'constitutionally dubious,' says IAB - The Hill's Hillicon Valley - 1 views

    The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) on Thursday called on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to withdraw its recent guidelines regarding the commentary of bloggers and other social media opinion leaders, saying the new rules unconstitutionally penalize online media for practices traditional media have had in place for decades. Randall Rothenberg, IAB's chief executive, sent a letter to FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz saying the new rules will "muzzle" bloggers.
Ryan Holman Is Facebook dying as it's thriving? - 0 views

    What comes after Facebook? Another social netowrkign site, or a whole new animal? How will we as publishers adjust our marketing?
Ryan Holman

Twitter to overhaul user list seen as partisan - - 0 views

    Social Media vs. Politics....what happens when the "suggested users to follow" list is perceived as partisan?
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