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Pavlína Hublová

Free Technology for Teachers: How to Automatically Close Google Forms at Specified Times - 10 views

    "FormLimiter is a script that you can install in the Google Spreadsheet in which you are collecting responses from a Google Form. The script allows you to limit the number of responses to a form, limit the number of characters in a response, and set a time at which the form will automatically stop accepting responses."
sean beaverson

DIRECTIONS Create Limited Response Forms - Add Enrollment Cap to a Form - Google Docs - 25 views

    Create a capped form for enrollment using Google Forms
Maryann Angeroth

Free Technology for Teachers: 22 Useful Google Forms for Teachers and Principals - 35 views

    "Recently, Kern Tweeted out a list of the forms that he has developed for teachers and principals. You can make a copy of all of these forms by clicking on the titles and opening them in your Google Drive account. "
jodi tompkins

EduDemic » 41 New Ways Google Docs Makes Your Life Easier - 38 views

  • New version of Google documents
  • The new version has chat, character-by-character real time co-editing, and makes imports and exports much better
  • Over the next couple of weeks, they’re rolling out the ability to upload, store, and share any file in Google Docs
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Shared folders
  • Bulk upload
  • Forms: Add pages and allow navigation to a specific page within a form
  • Forms improvements
  • They’ve added a new question type (grid), support for right-to-left languages in forms, and a new color scheme for the forms summary. Also, you can now pre-populate form fields with URL parameters, and if you use Google Apps, you can create forms which require sign-in to access
    "Google has been hard at work this summer making your document editing, sharing, and creation experience much better. "
    Google Docs newest features
Maryann Angeroth

Awesome Tutorials on how Teachers can Use Google Forms - 47 views

    Tutorials on how teachers can use Google Forms and Flubaroo. 
Fred Delventhal

Google Forms - Kern Kelley - 38 views

Raul Babolea

FormEmailer - 21 views

    FormEmailer is a Google Apps Script for Google Forms and Spreadsheets. With it you're able to easily set up flexible e-mail merge in your spreadsheets and automatic emailing to your Forms. The best part is that you need NO javascript knowledge, and everything is set up in a simple interface.
Gail Braddock

Welcome to Bank Jr! - 0 views

    educational banking website designed for elementary school students. I discovered Bank Jr. through Donna Murray's excellent blog. Bank Jr. is an interactive website on which students can learn the in's and out's of banking. Bank Jr. has a glossary of terms, a help center, and savings wizards. Bank Jr. also provides students with a history of money and a look at how different countries use money. The teachers section of Bank Jr. provides an extensive glossary of terms and some lesson ideas. Bank Jr. does not provide full-length, detailed lesson plans, but it does provide PDF's of worksheets and handouts that teachers may find useful for teaching banking lessons. Yesterday, Common Craft released a new video that explains borrowing money in plain English. As always, Common Craft does an excellent job of explaining what can be a complex topic in a very easy to understand form. The video is embedded below in Dot Sub form. Applications for Education Bank Jr. could be a good place for students to learn about saving money and commonly used banking terms. In the teacher section of Bank Jr. teachers can find PDF forms for teaching banking basics like keeping an accurate ledger. The Common Craft video should be required viewing for high school and college students. Too many students get to college and get into debt in part because of ignorance about the pitfalls of borrowing more than you can afford to repay. Here are a couple of other resources for teaching about banking and economics. The History of Credit Cards in the United States Saving Money in Plain English
Fred Delventhal

Google Docs: Forms List Gadget - 1 views

    When you add this to iGoogle it lets you see your most recent form. When someone new fills out the form you see the number of new entries since you last looked at it in BOLD.
    Easily access your most recently active forms on Google Docs

74 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom | - 40 views

    74 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom
Maryann Angeroth

Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners: Back to School With Google Docs - 34 views

    "1. Encourage Teachers to Create an In Box with a Google Form One of the challenges of using Google Docs with a class full of students is in managing all those Google Docs. While it's fairly easy for students to learn to share their work with you, the clutter that ends up in your email box can be overwhelming. Last year I was thrilled to discover an awesome idea from John Miller that utilizes a Google Form as an Assignment Tracker. "
Sherri Librarian

10 Google Forms for the Classroom | - 47 views

    Using Google Forms and Twitter Aaargh Too Many Google Forms! My Proposal to use...
Chris Betcher

How to Get Google Docs Form Data in an Email Message - 43 views

    Here's how you can add email capabilities to your Google Forms step by step:
stanerson4 blog: Using Google Forms FormEmailer Script - 28 views

    How to install a google script that emails results from a google form
Janice Stearns

Steve Hargadon: Embedding Google Forms in Wikispaces - 0 views

    Steve Hargadon shares how to embed a Google form on a web page, wiki, blog, maybe even Moodle, when the supplied code doesn't work.
Jeff Johnson

Creating forms - Google Docs Help Center - 1 views

    You can create a form from the Docs list or from any spreadsheet.
Elana Leoni

70+ Google Forms for the Classroom | - 68 views

    70+ Google Forms for the Classroom
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