Did you know that you can publish a spreadsheet and embed it in your website or blog? An embedded spreadsheet is a perfect way to display an event calendar, team checklist, or your favorite list of things.
Pictures are chosen letter-by-letter to spell the word you type.
Click each letter separately and get the exact "look" you are going for.
You are given the RSS feed for the letters, Javascript and html to embed.
Google Image Chart Creator is a free web tool provided to you by Google. It lets you create a variety of graphs by entering data points. In addition to plotting the data, it lets you customize various aspects of the graphs such as colors and margins. When you first visit the site you view thumbnails of different types of graphs that you can select from.
* Register & use it anywhere, anytime
No download. Compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.
* Capture videos of onscreen action in one click
Record screencasts, tutorials, demos, training, lectures and more.
* Share and stream videos online in Flash
Embed them on blogs and webpages or send them by email.
Google said that it has opened to third-party developers the programming interfaces to Google Earth, the company’s 3-D visualization software. That will allow developers to embed Google Earth on their Web sites, much like they already can do with Google Maps.