Reader: Reader is a Web-based news aggregator
iGoogle (TRENDS IN TECHNOLOGY) - 0 views
Twitter / Changes to Chrome's New Tab Page - 11 views
Google Labs - Explore Google's New Ideas - 26 views
Google Labs is a playground where our more adventurous users can play around with prototypes of some of our wild and crazy ideas and offer feedback directly to the engineers who developed them. Please note that Labs is the first phase in a lengthy product development process and none of this stuff is guaranteed to make it onto While some of our crazy ideas might grow into the next Gmail or iGoogle, others might turn out to be, well, just plain crazy.
Google Docs: Forms List Gadget - 1 views
57 Useful Google Tools You've Never Heard Of | College@Home - 2 views
iGoogle: Create a custom designed home page with iGoogle.
Picasa: This Google program makes it easy to manage your photos online and off.
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Start sharing your favorite Google links! - 111 views
I have been using iGoogle and bookmarks with my students. However, Google Gadgets are becoming increasingly inappropriate for students. I am not sure how long our filtering device on our district s...
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