A visão da empresa e a experiência no desenvolvimento de soluções para gestão de conteúdos digitais foi um factor decisivo para a aprovação do projecto.
O Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors por ocasião do Fórum Internacional «Encontro de Culturas: Ouvir para Integrar» irá lançar o mais recente número da revista «Europa: Novas Fronteiras», que tem por título «Ligando mundos».
O lançamento tem lugar no Dia Internacional da Diversidade para o Diálogo e o Desenvolvimento.
The eLearning initiative of the European Commission seeks to mobilise the educational and cultural communities, as well as the economic and social players in Europe, in order to speed up changes in the education and training systems for Europe's move to a knowledge-based society.
In this paper, we will try to elaborate, in the field of educational technology, the following hypothesis : students learn, teachers learn too and furthermore institutions learn.
Relativement au champ des technologies éducatives, nous souhaitons étayer l'hypothèse suivante : si généralement on attribue le fait d'apprendre aux étudiants, il est aussi vrai que les enseignants apprennent, que les sociétés apprennent.
Although learning resources are often considered as key intellectual property in a competitive higher education world, more and more institutions and individuals are sharing their digital learning resources over the Internet openly and for free, as Open Educational Resources. The OECD's OER project asks why this is happening, who is involved and what the most important implications are of this development."
Learning resources are often considered key intellectual property in a competitive higher education world. However, more and more institutions and individuals are sharing their digital learning resources over the Internet, openly and for free, as Open Educational Resources (OER). This study, building on previous OECD work on e-learning, asks why this is happening, who is involved and what the most important implications of this development are.
Depuis la seconde guerre mondiale, le développement de l'informatique et son utilisation dans un nombre croissant de secteurs d'activités a profondément modifié notre société. Conçus pour des applications strictement scientifiques à l'origine, les ordinateurs nous assistent dans toutes les dimensions, y compris les plus futiles, de notre vie quotidienne.
Welcome to the home page of Stephen Downes. I work for the National Research Council, Institute for Information Technology, in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. I specialize in online learning, content syndication, and new media.
L'éducation à la culture informationnelle pour répondre au défi de la société de la connaissance, la dynamique de production de savoirs et leur gestion pour un apprentissage tout au long de la vie sont désormais les moteurs de l'éducation du XXI° siècle. Cet extrait de la thèse de Jean-Pinte soutenue en décembre 2006 et ce blog sont dédiés aux enseignants, aux chercheurs, aux professionnels documentalistes s'intéressant à l'évolution de la culture informationnelle et aux habiletés nécessaires pour sortir du flux de la surcharge informationnelle.