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Mina Gharibi

My E-Book - 0 views

    This is a great source, I believe. Teachers can use this as a on-going project throughout the semester to catalog the work of their students throughout the year. There are several ideas I can come up with to how this would be useful: 1. In a math classroom, students can catalog the important knowledge they aquire and would like to remember after the year is complete. Throughout the semester, students create pages/files to be uploaded to their e-book, or go in and manually add information that they find important in their lessons. They can use their e-books as a source of reference throughout the year, and in future years. As a teacher, you can also use this source to upload important assignments to the reference, so students can reflect back on them at a later date. 2. Science teachers can use this to create a class-create book covering the information that they have covered in class, as well as to document research students have come across on their own. This could be compiled of student assignments/projects/research/etc that students complete through their unit. And then the teacher can publish the e-book allowing students to have access to their work. This is a great resource because it motivates students to do better, knowing that their work is available for view by not only the teachers, but their peers, and others online.
Ashley Woodall

"Unfriending" students on Facebook - 1 views

    Is "friending" students inappropriate?
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    This article is in regards to a school district in Florida which made it part of teacher protocol to not interact with their students on any social-networking website.
    In my opinion, I think that it is inappropriate for teachers to "friend" their students. Inappropriate seems a little harsh to say but I do think that its better safe than sorry. Maybe once the student has moved on to high school and college it is okay to accept a friend request from them but even still whatever you post on the internet, you do it at your own risk.
    I agree with Ashley, only I still think that even in high school I feel that teachers and students should not interact with one another unless it is school related. It seems that more often today teachers are getting fired or in major trouble by having some sort of relationships with there students. I know it doesnt just happen because they might be friends with them on facebook or something like that, but like Ashley said, "its better safe than sorry" and just stay away from temptations.
Mina Gharibi

Live Writer - From Microsoft Office - 0 views

    This is a great source for teachers to use whether middle school, high school, or college level. This could be used for group assignments or individual assignments. Teachers can send out assignments via Live Writer to students. And students can submit assigments via Live Writer as well. This takes out the extra step of sending it either as an e-mail, or having to print the assignment all together. A great way to go green, and move away from printing. It is also a great way to integrate technology into the everyday classroom. This tool can also be used by teachers when assigning group assignments. Similar to our 6 facets assignment with Google Docs, student can share a document with the others in their group. Once they have collaboratively worked together to complete the assignment, they may then share it with the teacher to turn it in.
Andrew Clanton - Student Teacher Book - 1 views

    this website talks about a book that James Gaudio wrote to help substitues and student that are going through student teaching.
Mina Gharibi

Forensics in the Classroom - 2 views

    A site that is in collaboration with the National Science Teachers Association. A great way to get students involved in the classroom using forensics to solve cases.This website provides lessons for the teachers as well as the activity sheets for students and labs to be completed in the ordinary classroom. Very creative source to enhance students learning experience in the science classroom (for all grades)
Blair Howard

Teaching Math: A Video Library, 5-8 - 0 views

    See real middle school teachers incorporating the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards into their lessons, while learning as much about teaching as their students do about math. The programs demonstrate how teachers guide and assess student understanding, and offer strategies for keeping students motivated and engaged at this critical age.
Leah Smith

Sharendipity - Create Rich Internet Applications without writing a single line of code - 0 views

    This is a neat website because it allows students and teachers to communicate and build and develope ideas virtually. It is fun because students and teachers can build games that apply to their curriculum and students can help in that process without wasting classroom time.
Katherine Furr

Math Play - 0 views

    This site could be used as an extra help for students. There are many different types of games such as jeopardy and basketball to help students have fun while still working on math problems. Each section of games deal with certain concepts covered in the classroom.
Donna Baker

Power to Learn - Cablevision's commitment to learning in our communities. - 0 views

    online learning community for teachers, students, and parents. Offers resources for teachers to incorporate technology into the class also offers advise to parents abd students about using technology.
Katherine Furr

Math Websites for Teachers and Students - 1 views

    this page gives ideas for math lesson plans and also fun classroom activities for teachers to use.
    This website offers links to many websites that are helpful to teachers and students.
Lynnette Antwi

Math League - 0 views

    Math help site for students to use if they are struggling with a specific topic. Helpful for students in 4th to 8th grade.
Emily Panebianco

BuddySchool - - 0 views

    This is a great website for students and teachers who are interested in being tutored or doing tutoring. Students will find a lot of subject related help on this page while teachers may use it to learn more on their topic.
    Good resource for students if they are having problems with a subject.
Emily Panebianco

ThinkQuest : Projects - 0 views

    This is an online project website where students can create projects online and compete with other students
Mina Gharibi

NCTM - 1 views

    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Middle School Resources. Provides focal points, math problems, student activity sheets, weekly problems, tips for teachers, and lessons and activities. This is a great source for Middle Grades Mathematics Teachers (or any level Mathematics teachers.). It can be used to find supplemental instruction such as activity sheets, daily problems and tips on different issues with your students.
Raven Hayes

Can teachers be students' Facebook friends? | Technology News | - Houston Chr... - 0 views

    article that describes good ways to communicate and use facebook when it comes to being friends with students.
Leah Smith | German-English dictionary - 0 views

    The great thing about this online dictionary is that it has an amazing amount of information. Most the newest slang terms in German can be translated using this dictionary. Another thing is that it specializes in German to English or English to German translations instead of mixing other languages in it. It also only translates basically word for word, so students can't try to cheat and get their grammer fixed on it. They still have to rely on their own skills. Useful if I want to students to read a modern German novel and they can't find a lot of words in their every day dictionaries.
Leah Smith - 0 views

    brainhoney is another onlince community specifically for teachers and their students and the parents of their students. It's a way for everyone to communicate and a wa for teachers to organize things, get tips and so on.
Andrew Clanton

Best Websites for Teaching English Abroad - 0 views

    this is a great website if you ever want to teach out of the country. It helps teachers come up with ideas to teach foreign students or students of different cultures
Donna Baker

Tikatok - Kids Activities: Publish a Children's Book with Tikatok - 0 views

    Free teacher account. Can be used in class to help students with writing. Students can writing a book and publish.
Donna Baker

nasa for educators and students - 0 views

    offers teachers ideas about lesson plans based on NASA articles different science topics for students
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