My E-Book - 0 views
Mina Gharibi on 03 Nov 10This is a great source, I believe. Teachers can use this as a on-going project throughout the semester to catalog the work of their students throughout the year. There are several ideas I can come up with to how this would be useful: 1. In a math classroom, students can catalog the important knowledge they aquire and would like to remember after the year is complete. Throughout the semester, students create pages/files to be uploaded to their e-book, or go in and manually add information that they find important in their lessons. They can use their e-books as a source of reference throughout the year, and in future years. As a teacher, you can also use this source to upload important assignments to the reference, so students can reflect back on them at a later date. 2. Science teachers can use this to create a class-create book covering the information that they have covered in class, as well as to document research students have come across on their own. This could be compiled of student assignments/projects/research/etc that students complete through their unit. And then the teacher can publish the e-book allowing students to have access to their work. This is a great resource because it motivates students to do better, knowing that their work is available for view by not only the teachers, but their peers, and others online.