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Anthony Mirabile

Twitter to Add Photo Filters to Compete With Instagram - - 0 views

    This article mentions the fact that Twitter now plans to update its mobile applications to introduce filters for photos allowing people to share altered images without having to use another source such as Instagram. Since most phones come with high-resolution cameras and many of the Twitter users use their phones this will be an easy way for people to edit and upload their photos. Especially with people or famous celebrities that use Instagram then share them on Twitter where more people follow them it will be easier and faster to just use Twitter for it all. This new idea has been hastened when Facebook bought Instagram. Twitter was thinking of buying a different photo service or application but when weighing out the cost they decided to just build their own filters. Twitter is also exploring the ability to upload and edit videos without using a third-party application like YouTube. This article has a lot to do with economics and the battle between two companies trying to get people to use their site and apps and not the other. In this case Twitter is really trying to become the most popular and important social networking site where people will be able to do anything on and it will be instant. They are changing what they once were to try to morph into Facebook because of the increasing popularity of Instagram and the fact that Facebook bought it.  I think personally that Twitter is making a good decision about the filter but i don't think twitter should add their own video player because it would change twitter and its purpose of being instant statements and pictures. YouTube is good at what they do and twitter should stay out of it. However with the whole idea of adding filters to Twitter you get the benefits of Instagram with the benefits of Twitter which might just keep them on top of Instagram.
    Following Facebook's purchase of Instagram for almost $1 Billion in April 2012, it seems appropriate that Twitter would integrate something similar into their users' experience. 'Inside sources' say that Twitter is working on a photo-filter system that will be integrated directly in the site and mobile apps that hopes to bypass third-party services (such as Instagram.) While Instagram is a social network that focuses on social images with limited text, Twitter is renowned for its 140 character text-based updates with occasional images. An advantage of Twitter's supposed photo filtering system would be that there would most likely be a website equivalent to the mobile app, a problem that has plagued Instagram users who want a PC experience. As of now, there have been no official confirmations by Twitter, but the idea of a Twitter-exclusive photo sharing system seems interesting; although the market is currently saturated by Instagram, which can export images to other social networks, including Twitter. Legally, Facebook and Instagram may be able to take action against Twitter, depending on how similar their filtering system will be. This relates to eLifestyle and ICS20 because as social network users, we are always searching for ways to monetize our networks to one cohesive experience; another photo-sharing application seems arbitrary when there is already a capable system (Instagram.)
Daniel Le

Zuckerberg Predicts We'll All Be Sharing 1,000 Times as Much Crap 10 Years From Now - 0 views

    From the time social networking rose sharply in popularity, everyone has been sharing their lives to the Internet through pictures and statuses. Since then, users' news feed has been filled with things they really don't care about. Whether it be someone telling the world what kind of cereal they are eating or posting a celebrity's quote even though they have no idea what the quote means. Facebook's co-founder Mark Zuckerberg says that the amount of pointless garbage we see now will increase 1000 times more in the next 10 years. Yes that's right, more pictures of people making duck faces and statuses giving every detail of someone's life. This ties in with eLifestyle because even if we don't want to admit it, logging on to social networking sites to see what pointless information people are posting is a part of most of our daily lives. This daily ritual is good for giving us something to do to pass the time. However, our constant obsession is sometime placed before our education by people spending too much time checking on what their friends are doing therefore depriving them of the time to finish homework. I think Mark Zuckerberg's claim that the rate of sharing will increase dramatically is highly unlikely because once the amount of sharing reaches a certain point, social networking users might be fed up and quit using it because any posts that actually seem intelligent will be drowned out by other more dull posts. I personally don't like meaningless statuses like how someone just bought an apple at No Frills, which is part of the reason why I lost interest in social networking sites.
Justin Hernandez

Cross-site Scripting Attacks Up 69% - 0 views

    This articles talks about how a computer security attacking program called Cross-site Scripting (XSS) is being more popular among hackers. As we know, ISC2O which is us, spend our classes on the computers each day. This scripting partially relates to what we do since we have already learned basics of HTML and CSS programming languages. Not to mention, we're leading up to learning about Java Script which is one example of a scripting language such as XSS. There are probably a few of us that have had our own computers attacked(hacked) or put our own secretive information has been put onto the web. Many of us use social networks and sometimes, we display some personal information which can be retrieved by others through using this program. In addition, when we buy different products online, we put out some credit card details that can also be stolen and potentially be used. In addition, the number of cyber attacks can still rise as the holidays come by and eCommerce will increase and can cause more attacks. This relates to Privacy and Security this has to do with social networking as information that's displayed can be stolen and any other personal information can be taken.
Veronica Misko

How to Make Google Music Your Secondary Media Player (and Why You Should) - 0 views

    this is where your 100 word descriiption.  This is great!!!
    I find this article interesting, it shows how we could put music to your secondary media player. It's amazing how it can become your best way to back up and access your music from where ever. It's pretty cool that Google is trying their best to improve their site, and Google is taking time to improve their site. Since it's one of the best music web apps, i can get to sync my music library and it can connect to my mobile, and also it's for free.
    Google Music is states only for now, though. But an easy way to get around it is to either use a web proxy ( or something like hotspot shield, sign into your google account and go to Turns out you only need to sign into Google Music once with a US IP address to be let in forever. So once you do that you can close the proxy and you'll be able to use it normally.
Winnie Huang

YouTube ban: Running out of excuses - DAWN.COM - 0 views

    In September 2012, the Pakistani government passed an order to ban the access to YouTube because of a single video that slashed their control and decisions for their country. Although I'm pretty sure that there are far more offensive videos shared and posted on that site about other countries, their government has decided to to block everyone in their country from potentially seeing that video and went for drastic measures (surprise, surprise). It is not just YouTube that one country has boycotted, but others have requested content take down on Google as well with the threat of banning all of Google if they do not comply. The act of banning these sites may not be such a big deal, but I see it as placing filters, surveillance, censorship and controlling what people see.
Nicole Trezzi

Heartbleed: Why the Internet's Gaping Security Hole Is So Scary - 0 views

    For the longest time we have all felt very safe while on the internet. Even with feeling this security, we should be more cautious with what we put out on the internet because there has been a bug lurking around in the most important security measures for years. Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) has been keeping your browing page secure and safe for numerous years and is a huge part of the internet and thankfully it is still working as it should. The problem that we have been experiencing is a software library called OpenSSL has a hole in it that has been there for years called "HeartBleed". OpenSSL allows people to get the protection from TLS/SSL easy and fast and has worked fine just like TLS/SSL but because there has been a minor coding error, malicious people can abuse different versions of OpenSSL and grab information that should originally be secured by TLS/SSL. The main problem that everyone can understand is that all of your personal information is being opened up and placed into the hands of someone who should not have the information. The other problem that this "HeartBleed" has is that the attackers will also get to see how the site that is taking your data indentifies. Not only can they see recent transactions but they can look back at old transactions that have already happened. The worst part about all of this is that none of the attackers leave a trace.Since they leave no trace, it is hard to tell how many websites and people have already been effected by the "HeartBleed". While sites try to fix up the problems it is recommended to change all of your passwords and to keep a close eye on your credit card statement. This bug is a huge problem for our society because absolutely no one is safe because there is no way to know if you've been attacked. The article says that Google, Amazon, and Microsoft hasn't been infected yet so that is at least good. I think that everyone should always be careful with their personal information
Serena Zaccagnini

Twitter Doesn't Give a Damn Who You Are - 0 views

    Though Twitter, Google+, and Facebook are all relatively the same (in that they are social networking sites), they are radically different. Facebook and Google+ take into account your identity, but Twitter doesn't. Both Facebook and Google+ tell you specifically who all users are, but with Twitter you can remain anonymous, use a pseudonym, or create a fake account based on someone else, so long as its indicated. Essentially, all social networking sites are different, and the user can choose which one to join based on personal preferences.
Julia Fracassi

Google Reader Getting Overhauled, Removing Your Friends | TechCrunch - 0 views

    Google Reader is a useful tool to help keep readers updated on current news. Google is updating this "long-ignored RSS app", giving it a new, modern design but removing the social features of this site. The problem? The social aspect of this site is not as in-your-face like Facebook, but instead enables your friends to keep you updated on things that you may not be subscribed to in Google Reader. The writer of this article even accuses Google of taking away the social features on Google Reader to drive people to Google +, which sadly, I can see them doing. Haha, nice try Google.
Joshua Soosaithasan

Google Chrome Is Blocking a Bunch of Major Sites for Malware, Even YouTube - 0 views

    This article is about Google Chrome blocking major websites, such as YouTube, for having malware. This could have been a problem with Google Chrome, but this brings up something that we take for granted. We go on to websites not knowing what kind of virus' and malware could be on it. Even the biggest websites could have malware, and they could be found on the ads you find on all big websites. To prevent yourself from get malware on your computer, you could download Ad Block on Google Chrome so no ads are shown on webpages. Privacy and Security is something to be concerned about because anyone can access your computer with virus', and you want to protect not only yourself, but everyone in your household.
Jillian Rago

Twitter Sues Five Spamming Sites - 0 views

    As the title says, Twitter is suing several spamming sites that make it easier for people to spam on Twitter. These sites are in violation of "The Twitter Rules" and are being charged for doing so. While I, myself, do not use Twitter, I still understand the actions that are being put here. Spamming is definitely an annoying thing but when it comes to happening constantly, like what Twitter is facing, I find it understandable that they are taking action here.
    I think it is important that Twitter puts a stop to spammers. Spam clutters the user's  timeline and ultimately slows it down. Since Twitter is becoming increasingly popular, it is essential that it controls and persecutes spammers who try to bring it down. Twitter shows that it is serious about maintaining an efficient and updated social network by punishing the spammers with lawsuits. Twitter takes action towards spammers and other potential threats and proves to its users and potential users that it is in control and will do whatever it takes to stay on top. 
Kadeesha P

Google+ Aims to Attract Young Users, Just Like Facebook | Epicenter | - 0 views

    This article is very interesting because i think that teens would love to join a new site where they can share content with other teens the only down fall is that you need to be 18 and up, i think most teens my age would love to join but cannot due to our age.
Jillian Rago

Twitter Co-Founder: Spending Too Much Time On the Site is 'Unhealthy' - 0 views

    This article explains how the co founder of twitter believes spending too much time on the site will is "unhealthy." I agree that spending unreasonable amounts of time on the computer is unhealthy in general. I think the purpose of twitter is too update people on issues that interest them or express random ideas or thoughts on their mind. however, it is important that we limit the time we spend on twitter and other social networks in order to keep up with real life social activites. 
Julia Fracassi

Facebook, the New AOL - 4 views

    Facebook is not the most secure site for your private information, and it's about to get a whole lot worse. At F8, the event in which Facebook makes announcements about upcoming improvements to the site, it was announced that the company wants to "extend the site". This means integrating this social network into just about everything you do online, which was once done by AOL, and we can see how popular that service is today.
Joey Ma

Teen Behind Kidnapping Hoax Tweet Returns Home - 0 views

    A 16 year old teenage girl attracts the attention of her followers after her tweet claiming that there was someone in her house. The girl was supposedly kidnapped by the stranger in the house when she disappeared; however, after the investigation, the police confirmed that she left voluntarily. Within two days of searching for the lost teen, the police found her walking at the side of a highway. The police finalized that the teen faked her kidnapping.  After the teenage girl tweeted that there was someone in her house, more than 30,000 people retweeted and the local police department received over 6,000 calls about her frightening situation. This event shows how fast news travels through social networking sites and how messy the issue could become if what you post is untrue. The teen that was once known as the young lady who was kidnapped by an intruder, is now someone who has made poor choices and worried many people for reasons unknown.  
ecaterina smirnov

1 | Haitian Villagers Are Sure Sorry to Hear About Your #firstworldproblems | Co.Create... - 0 views

    This article talks about our famous #firstworld problems jokes on Twitter and other Social Networking sites. They may seem funny to you, but DDB New York sees them as creating an online atmosphere of neither sensitivity nor awareness to deal with real social and worldwide problems. So DDB decided to team up with the non-profit organization called WATERisLIFE. Together they traveled to Haiti to film locals reading aloud a series of these "problems" to show how ridiculous they are in comparison to real problems that people face in third-world countries like Haiti. In addition to the video they tweeted some of the original authors of the #firstworld problems saying things like "I'm sorry you were awoken by your cleaning lady. I hope today is better" as well as a call to action to donate money to WATERisLIFE which helps create water solutions and rebuilding communities.  This article relates to eLifestyle and how those posts may be funny to us they can also be insensitive to real problems world-wide even though we don't always intend to be hurtful. This also relates because it shows how the internet can be such a positive or negative thing worldwide. In this case out of an insensitive tweet people were inspired to create awareness for bigger issues and a way to help through a video and a few tweets online.  I think this shows a positive side of the internet where people can take something and turn it into a way of helping people world-wide and getting word out faster and to more people all with the power of the internet.
ecaterina smirnov

A Facebook App That Aims to Keep Private Photos Private - - 0 views

    This post is about a new app made by McAfee which is meant to be an extra security for people's photos on Facebook. We know that even if we put our privacy settings on "only friends" there are ways through comments, likes and mutual friends that people you do not know can come across your pictures and download, print or upload them on a different site. This app helps protect by asking users to list who will get to view their photos. Only those people on the list will get to see the photo no matter who is friends with who, or who likes or comments on it. People not on the exact list will only see the photo blurry and barely visible. In addition to that nobody will be able to grab, print or download the photos even if they are on the list of people who can see the photos. This app is only in its development or "beta" phase, but it is already free to download and use on Internet Explorer and Firefox. The company is still working on versions for Chrome and mobile devices. Before concluding they did mention that there are still ways to photograph the photo with your phone, if you have a clear picture. I believe this app is a big step to having online security. This app can help stop the spread of your photos before it starts. People may not think about their internet security very often but it is important to know that once it's on the internet it's on there forever. With internet popularity growing and growing we must also know the dangers of posting photos and protect ourselves. Facebook allows so much public information to be revealed this app can ensure you have a more private account. In my opinion this is a great app and considering that it is free while it is being developed I think people should try it out. Although it's only available on Firefox and Internet Explorer it is already a leap in the right direction. However, as it was mentioned earlier you can still have people take photos from their phones. Nevertheless, if you chose the correct people on your list
Nicked -

Free Speech in the Age of YouTube - - 0 views

    This article, by Somnini Sengupta on the New York Times, is an in-depth look on free speech on the internet, and drawing the line between free expression and hate speech. An anti-Islamic video recently posted on YouTube has brought up the debate over where internet companies decide to draw that line. After the killing of a US ambassador and three other Americans, Google has restricted access to the video in Egypt and Lybia. Google continued to restrict the video in five other countries where it violated local laws. The question about free speech proves to be a problem where it can lead to hate speech. There are continual debates over whether hate speech includes speech that can lead to violence, or demeans a group by race or religion. Politically unstable countries, such as Pakistan, have blocked YouTube altogether. Many internet companies such as Facebook and Twitter, receive the same problems on content as well. Social networks of communication and freedom of expression can also become outlets and channels of hateful and demeaning speech. However, it is also difficult to screen such large amounts of user uploaded content at a time. Although these social networking sites may not condone the views expressed by their users, they can do little to prevent the upload and viewing by hundreds of millions of daily active users. As represented by the anti-Islamic video, these views can affect events, actions, and the lives of people the world over. This can relate to us as students because we can see how widespread the internet is, and how much larger it will become. Everything we post online is recorded and forever preserved; once it's out there, it's out there. Whether what we post reach the desired recipient or a nation, words, coupled with the internet, have immense power, and should be treated with respect. This reflects on smaller scale issues such as cyber bullying, where what we post may intentionally or unintentionally harm our peers. Yes, I believe that free spee
Joey Ma

When Parents Take Back Facebook - 0 views

    What started out as a minor distraction is now an issue that parents are beginning to take notice of. Popular electronics are becoming more than just a form of entertainment, it is also believed to negatively affect a child's mental development. Since kids these days are relatively less active due to technology, this problem also affects the kids social skills, education, and physical health. Social networking sites such as Facebook are also a problem because parents worry that their kids may be too young to have an account on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and therefore, post inappropriate pictures or see posts that others post that is not suitable for kids.  Jim Steyer, the Common Sense Media founder, help parents better understand the new media by providing a review of video games, movies etc. This way, parents can gain insight  on the newest and popular video games, movies etc. The Common Sense Media website also provides suggestions on how to deal with children and teenagers when it comes to being too addicted to mobile technology. There is another popular method that is simple: ban you kid from using Facebook.
Nicked -

Anonymous Targets Israel by Taking Down Hundreds of Websites and Leaking Emails and Pas... - 0 views

    Many of us remember the PSN outage of April 2011. Sony blamed 'Anonymous,' a collective hacktivist group formed in 2003 on 4chan, after they found the Anonymous calling card 'We Are Legion' in their system. Anonymous is composed of individuals with the ideals of: 1. Freedom of Information 2. Freedom of Speech 3. Unregulated Internet Anonymous will only attack databases and websites only if provoked, and will not do so for monetary gain. The group has recently engaged in multiple attacks on international government databases. The article, by Casey Chan, is about the Anonymous digital attack on Israel, in retaliation after the Israeli government threatened to shut down Internet access and other telecommunications to the Palestinian people in the Gaza and "Occupied Territories. " The group attacked the Israel Foreign Affairs database and Bank of Jerusalem database, as well as DDos attacks on over 600 sites and theft of over 2000 email addresses and passwords. This attack has generated some controversy. Since the beginning of November, Israel has also received over 150 missile attacks from the Palestinians as well. Anonymous aids the Palestinians by sharing a 'Care Package,' instructions on what to do in the event Israel does sever the Internet connection. Anonymous has become quite influential on the Internet. This illustrates how important the Internet has become. The internet is not only a commodity, but a right to have. It has replaced forms of communication, entertainment, transactions, and more. A group of 'anonymous' users has been formed for the sole purpose of protecting it, with the will and capabilities to punish any party that wishes to disrupt it. As with every conflict, there are sides. Anonymous, in protection of Internet freedoms; and the Israeli government, that has been fighting a war for as long as anyone can remember. Who's side are you on?
Justin Hernandez

Should Students Use Wikipedia? | Wired Science | - 0 views

    Many of our teachers tell us clearly when we have a project or an assignment that involves research, we should try to avoid Wikipedia as a source. I think it's because of the fact that Wikipedia makes it easy to find information and that most of the information is starting to be more accurate instead of being fake information. In my opinion, most information that's on Wikipedia is almost no difference from the information found in textbooks. This article explains that Wikipedia should be used if the assignment is to find information and summarize it to something simple because Wikipedia simply shows you a summary that can be referenced in classes. This is related to being legal because mainly, copying information from something site like Wikipedia would be plagiarism. Although in my opinion using Wikipedia as a way to gather any information and constrict it into a small summary of that information, then it should be used.
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