How Social Media Is Changing Politics, From Wendy Davis To Anthony Weiner - 0 views
Nicole Trezzi on 02 Mar 14Social media has slowly become part of everyone's daily lives. Whether twitter or facebook, social media has shaped our society and has formed a strong bond between people from all over the world. Social media is so powerful that it has also affected politics in nations. The public has a new way of sharing their voice and opinion to the world in political processes. Thanks to social media, Wendy Davis was able to hold a filibuster for 12 hours voting against abortion clinics. Online viewers of the live stream were able to see when the session ended and when the vote was cast. Clay Shirky, a social media theorist, explained that the idea of the live stream played a role in the legislative process and that this phenomenon is not restricted to just the USA. Other political movements, such as the Arab Spring, and the protests in Turkey have also been influenced by social media. I personally think that social media playing a role in politics is a great idea. It allows people who believe they don't have a voice speak their mind and be heard by other supporters of the cause. Social media is everywhere so it was bound at one point to have an influence on things such as politics.