The First Gorgeous OLED TV Will Cost $8,000 - 0 views
Gizmodo Top Stories Please confirm your birth date: Please enter a valid date Please enter your full birth year This content is restricted. .toppic .post-body img.image_0 { display: none; } Full size tv oled lg hdtv By Sam Biddle View Profile Email Facebook Twitter Google Plus Rss Mar 27, 2012 10:31 AM 9,590 25 Share Share this post × Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Instapaper #share
LG made the first 55-inch OLED TV which , and it will cost $8,000. The timing jibes with what we heard at CES, but it's the first solid word we've heard as to what the future of beautiful television is going to cost us. Eight thousand. That's a lot of money-more money than most people have to spend on a TV, by a longshot. But it could've been a lot worse! Samsung's current top of the line 55-inch LCD TV runs around half that-and it's using old, old technology. OLED will be out of reach for almost everyone, but, like everything else, it'll slide cheaper, and cheaper in a (relative) hurry. Especially when LG, Samsung, and the rest realize nobody can afford this. It realtes to the course because its technology.