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Joseph Stalletti

Twitter Simplifies search for Android, IOS and mobile web users - 0 views

    Earlier today, Twitter announced  a brand new update for it's searching features for the web and smartphones including Android and IOS. This new update adds a search button to the Iphone making it up to speed with Androids and any form of a tablet. Also, this update improves search results for photos, tweets and twitter accounts. Secondly, the connect tab automatically defaults to interactions which will display new followers, mentions as well as re tweets. Lastly, which is probably the most favourite new addition, is a change in Twitters mobile implementations handle links. Meaning, you can now click a URL directly from your twitter timeline without having to open a related tweet. This is the new twitter search update that was released earlier today. Make sure to install this update and the mobile site is already sporting the latest updates, but you will need to update your IOS or Android smartphone at their respective store.
Nicole Trezzi

Microsoft: Windows Phone 8.1 will come with more hardware support and is backwards-comp... - 0 views

    On February the 23rd, Microsoft made a few announcements on their Windows Phone. The new update 8.1 will have more flexible support for hardware and the phone will be able to use dual-SIM, apps on microSD and virtual softkeys instead of the original capacitive keys. The Windows phones will also not be required to have a hardware camera shutter key which people are excited for. The new update is refreshing and the updated hardware opens up more ability for the market to grow. I personally think this is a great move for Windows because it adds the options that their customers have been asking for. It has also been said on a similar article that the new update will allow Windows hardware to work on other phone companies such as Android. This might not be a good idea because people might not find the need to use the hardware if they already have one on their phone. Personally, if I wanted to use the Windows hardware, I would just buy a Windows Phone instead of downloading it on my existing one.
Adrian Galope

PlayStation Vita 1.66 firmware update rolling out now, minor UI tweaks in tow -- Engadget - 0 views

    This is all about the followup release of PS Vita's v1.65 firmware update. This new Version 1.66 brings with it a few UI tweaks, including tidbits such as the addition of a progress bar during app installs, notification alerts now only popping up for three seconds, plus the option to tap Retry / Cancel when running into troubles during location search. Games like Unit 13 and Gravity daze will also see "functional improvements", while the near apps is getting a direct link to the  PlayStation Store to make it easier and faster to update or to download.
Adrian Galope

PS Vita gets (another) firmware update, free-to-play Montezuma Blitz available now -- E... - 0 views

    This article is all about the new firmware version update for PS Vita. It's been a week since the last one, but Sony's now begun rolling out firmware version 1.67. In this update there's no detail about the changes but you can pick up the PS Vita's latest free game, Montezuma Blitz, a Bejewelled-style puzzle game. However, it's not the first game to be offered up free on the Vita and some pesky in-game purchases taint that freebie status a little. 
Adrian Galope

Facebook for PS Vita adds photo uploading, support for all system languages -- Engadget - 0 views

    This article talks about facebook for PS VIta update. The new version 1.01 has some new decent new functionality such as uploading images to your news feed, you can also tag images and enjoy any of the system languages of the device while you do so. This new update is useful because PS Vita camera is like useless when you can't upload your pics from your PS vita to facebook. I was disappointed with the facebook app for the vita because it sucks and it is pain to use but I think this will be the start to change the system of the facebook app in PS Vita. 
Jason Strassler

Google Claims Latest Chrome is Speedier | PCWorld - 0 views

    This article notifies readers that Google has boosted the speed and their browser's hardware acceleration with the launch of Google Chrome, version 18. Google paid more than $210,000 to outside researchers to identify and prevent a number of bugs, flaws, and hacking challenges from this past year so these same problems wouldn't be involved in this new update. This interests me because I am a Google Chrome user both at home and school and when I hear that another version is offered that speeds up Web applications, various software's such as Adobe Flash Player, games, internet, etc, I am more than pleased to get on my computer to update my browser to overall experience a better and more efficient use while on my computer that Google has to offer. But in my opinion, the most intriguing part of this article is how even with Google constantly updating and improving their web browser, Google Chrome, in the month of February, Google's browser is only third with 18.9% of users, next to Firefox with 20.9% of users, and in first, Microsoft Internet Explorer with more than half of users at 52.8%. People are least invested in Google's web browser and this largely adds to the reason to why they are constantly changing their Google Chrome design to attract but also to maintain their users. My thoughts are how I think it be interesting to see what Google has next up their sleeve because they have the money, technology, and resources to develop a browser that has enough features and limited problems to double and almost triple their amount of web users in hopefully the near future. 
Julia Fracassi

Google Reader Getting Overhauled, Removing Your Friends | TechCrunch - 0 views

    Google Reader is a useful tool to help keep readers updated on current news. Google is updating this "long-ignored RSS app", giving it a new, modern design but removing the social features of this site. The problem? The social aspect of this site is not as in-your-face like Facebook, but instead enables your friends to keep you updated on things that you may not be subscribed to in Google Reader. The writer of this article even accuses Google of taking away the social features on Google Reader to drive people to Google +, which sadly, I can see them doing. Haha, nice try Google.
Johnny Rob Ford

Microsoft's Cortana Could Combine the Best Parts of Siri and Google Now - 1 views

    In response to Google Now and Apple's Siri, Microsoft has announced its own voice-control companion for Windows Phone. Cortana will be available in the release of the next update. I found this interesting being a Windows Phone user and a fan of the Halo series. Cortana appears as Master Chief's A.I. companion in the series and will now be a companion to any windows phone user as well. I think this is really helpful to what the phone can do because right now voice control can only do a limited amount of tasks, such as open an app, make a note, or text someone. With this next update I will be able to perform tasks similar to what Siri can do, as well as feel a heightened sense of joy every time i talk to Cortana. It's like having Super Mario or Thomas the Tank as a personal companion.
Elezabeth Lee

Man Assaults Wife for Not "Liking" His Facebook Update - 0 views

    Kind of funny from this perspective, here's the story: it all went down in Texas. 36-year-old Benito Apolinar posts an update, on Facebook, about the anniversary of his mother's death. Tragic enough for one day, right? Wrong. His wife of 15 years made no comment on the post. So what? Well, he allegedly beat her for it. Facebook, do you see what you do to people? And alcohol, as well?
    Two days ago it has been reported that a 36 year old Texas man attacked his wife for not 'liking' his status on Facebook. Benito made a status update about the anniversary of his mother's death. Angry that his wife made no response he punched her in the cheek and pulled her hair under the influence of alcohol. He was later arrested and is scheduled to appear in court soon. Just how much is Facebook impacting our lives?!
Melissa Yu

The 10 Types of Social Media Addicts [INFOGRAPHIC] - 0 views

    Social media has exploded over the years and become a huge part of all of our lives. From facebook to twitter, from instagram to tumblr, everywhere we look there's some kind of social media being thrust in front of us. It has appeared so often that we have grown used to it. It's not unusual when someone stops to update their twitter or upload a picture of their lunch to instagram. There's that sense of excitement when your phone buzzes to tell you that you've been retweeted or your post has been liked. Social media has become part of our lifestyle and it's a great benefit to have. It allows you to keep in contact with relatives and friends and stay updated on the lives of those around you, but have we started to become too reliant on this advantage. This article had provided a look at various social media addicts, like 'the liker' and 'the constant checker' and despite the humorous aspect to it, you can still see a slightly more serious question behind it. This article brings to light an issue that we all knew existed, but never really paid much attention to. It had referred to the different types of reliance's on social media as addictions. It's a strong word to describe what most might usually think of as just small habits or pastimes, but maybe addiction is the right word to use. This post not only highlights the different types of social media addicts, but it also tells us the 'symptoms' and downfalls that can come out of each one and it raises some fair points. It draws attention to the fact that the addiction to social media can not only annoy those around us, but also hurt yourself and waste your valuable time. I mean, it becomes very hard to concentrate on the work at hand as soon as your phone or computer buzzes to tell you that someone has mentioned you in their tweet. Social media makes procrastinating so much easier, not that we wouldn't find our ways to without it. This article is just proof that the world around usis growing, especially the cyber world
Daniel Dmitrievich Prilipko

Google Reader to shut down July 1st | The Verge - 0 views

    My article is on Google's recent announcement that they will discontinue Google Reader, among other services. There was a strong response to this because there are many people who use it on a daily basis.  Google Reader is a RSS feed, or Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. Basically it is a technology that tracks websites for updates. Imagine you love to get your news from the Internet, and you like to go on The Verge, Wired, Lifehacker and Gawker. You visit all of those sites daily to get the news. But when you frequent a lot of websites, going to them all separately may start to take a lot of time. So here comes Google Reader, where you subscribe to all the various sites and get direct updates sent to just this one place, making it easier to absorb information. There are several different RSS feeds, but Google Reader is one of the more popular ones, and thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people use this service daily. Google stated that over the years Google Reader's usage has declined, but that still means there are many people who rely on it go get all their information.  When Google announced its plan to discontinue the service, many people were lost as to why they would stop such a seemingly successful service and this has now lost the trust of Google by many people.  Regardless, it is clear that many people will have to find a new RSS feed or go back to visiting every website manually.

How important is social media in political campaigns? - Edmonton | - 0 views

    Social media has been playing a huge role in our everyday live so its no surprise that it also plays a big part in campaigning. I read this article about the importance of social media in political campaigns I now understand the impact. In the article Patricia Misutka was saying that it is very difficult to win a campaign without social media. The social media tool is very important because it allows you to reach out to the people and get immediate responses. Now rather than going from house to house and calling and polling people you can see responses to things like platform and policy ideas much quicker and with more accuracy. Another very important reason for campaigning with social media is important for reaching younger people who may not watch the news or read newspapers. Social media is a necessary tool in campaigning but it is not sufficient and will never replace face-to-face interactions with voters.
    This article is about how social media has become a very big part of our lives and how it is important for government candidates to have social media because so many people are already on it. The article uses Edmonton as example. The most famous candidates in Edmonton has social media accounts but the least famous ones don't. The article talks about how candidates need social media accounts and you need to be constantly updating since so many people have it. Having social media even when you are in politics are very important. Many people can connect with you if you are on social media. They would know you better and become more well know if you are on social media. Election campaigns are more effective if you have a social media account because people who followed you would constantly get campaign updates and would re-tweet it. That means more people would know you and you would have a higher chance of winning the election.
Matt Visitacion

Twitter Rolls Out New Profiles, Taking Another Page From Facebook - ReadWrite - 0 views

    This article talks about the new twitter update which includes a new twitter profile page. But many people question this update because Twitter has made profile pages look much a like Facebook profile pages. The new larger profile picture, and the different header placement is very similar to the Facebook profile picture and timeline picture. Another change in Twitter is the variety of font sizes for tweets that have more importance than others on your profile. Also, when tweeting photos, it will no longer show a link but a small picture card in your feed. This is very similar to the Facebook style of posting photos on your Wall. Twitter is becoming a lot more like Facebook and this may cause the number of people that use Facebook to switch to the more popular Twitter since many of the features are now similar.
Serena Zaccagnini

New Social Network Combines Twitter, Blogging and Reddit - 0 views

    Meet, the web's latest social network. It immediately seems appealing to people, but that's probably because it seems familiar. combines the sharing quality of Twitter and the blogging of Reddit. It's kind of like a hybrid super-social network. It also has a little bit of Facebook in its parentage too - it has something similar to status updates - "chimes," which are a combination of status updates and blog posts. The character limit? 4000. But the big thing is, users have control over their profiles, including the advertising and sponsors that show up on their pages, while also being able to put up their own ads and keep 100% of the revenue. I personally would like to see how this plays out in our vast and quickly changing world of technology.
James Harris

iPhone App Contains Secret Game Boy Advance Emulator, Get It Before It's Gone [Update: ... - 0 views

    Early in the afternoon today, a clever developer managed to sneak a Game Boy Advance emulator into an innocent looking app named "Awesome Baby Names". The secret emulator is activated by a series of taps on the touchscreen inside of the app. Once it is activated you can play your classic gba games just like you did in 2005. Apple was quick to catch this security breach as it was only in the App Store for twenty something minutes, but in that time many people including myself managed to download the app. This kind of sneaky activity from developers happens very seldom, but when something is smuggled into the App Store, it is usually very important. As stated in the article, it is a very easy process to unlock the emulator from the app, but getting the games and the BIOS onto the iPhone is the hard part. You must first download a program that lets you access the phone's file directory, then you must find the app's directory and drop the relevant BIOS and game files there. I chose the portable computing tag for this article because it deals with mobile technology and exploiting it to run handheld gaming software. This idea is not knew and has been around for a long time, but the idea of hiding the identity of apps and smuggling them into the App Store is a new idea. Apple is updating their security daily, but clearly couldn't spot this "child naming app" and make it out for the emulator that it was. I chose the privacy and security tag because Apple has a high priority for the security of their ecosystem and operating system, but clever people can still find ways to bypass this and get unidentified files into the operating system. I believe that Apple must keep a close eye on how they approve future apps into the app store because one day we may see cydia disguised as a senseless app make its way into the app store. If this happens, Apple with really have some explaining to do!    
Dragos Penelea

Facebook: $7 To Promote My Status Update??? - 0 views

    This post is about an idea that Facebook is testing slowly in more and more countries as time goes by. Facebook is considering introducing "Promotions" to personal posts. What this means is basically that you can pay $7 to move your posts on facebook higher up in the news feed. This increases the chance of your friends seeing your post as it will be higher up in the news feed for a longer period of time. This is a test that is being used on facebook users with less than 5000 friends in the U.S. I find this strange, wouldn't it make more sense for facebook to test this feature on people with a higher number of friends? Moreover, I think that this is a bad idea coming from Facebook, because $7 dollars is likely more than the average annual revenue per individual user. For a multi-billion dollar company such as facebook, I think this is a greedy and unnecessary move on their behalf. They have more money than they could ever need, yet they want to charge $7 dollars to promote a post...This could work for business posts, however, to me it seems absurd for an individual to pay $7 dollars  to promote their post on facebook, which will likely only last near the top of the news feed for a couple of hours maximum.
Anthony Mirabile

Twitter to Add Photo Filters to Compete With Instagram - - 0 views

    This article mentions the fact that Twitter now plans to update its mobile applications to introduce filters for photos allowing people to share altered images without having to use another source such as Instagram. Since most phones come with high-resolution cameras and many of the Twitter users use their phones this will be an easy way for people to edit and upload their photos. Especially with people or famous celebrities that use Instagram then share them on Twitter where more people follow them it will be easier and faster to just use Twitter for it all. This new idea has been hastened when Facebook bought Instagram. Twitter was thinking of buying a different photo service or application but when weighing out the cost they decided to just build their own filters. Twitter is also exploring the ability to upload and edit videos without using a third-party application like YouTube. This article has a lot to do with economics and the battle between two companies trying to get people to use their site and apps and not the other. In this case Twitter is really trying to become the most popular and important social networking site where people will be able to do anything on and it will be instant. They are changing what they once were to try to morph into Facebook because of the increasing popularity of Instagram and the fact that Facebook bought it.  I think personally that Twitter is making a good decision about the filter but i don't think twitter should add their own video player because it would change twitter and its purpose of being instant statements and pictures. YouTube is good at what they do and twitter should stay out of it. However with the whole idea of adding filters to Twitter you get the benefits of Instagram with the benefits of Twitter which might just keep them on top of Instagram.
    Following Facebook's purchase of Instagram for almost $1 Billion in April 2012, it seems appropriate that Twitter would integrate something similar into their users' experience. 'Inside sources' say that Twitter is working on a photo-filter system that will be integrated directly in the site and mobile apps that hopes to bypass third-party services (such as Instagram.) While Instagram is a social network that focuses on social images with limited text, Twitter is renowned for its 140 character text-based updates with occasional images. An advantage of Twitter's supposed photo filtering system would be that there would most likely be a website equivalent to the mobile app, a problem that has plagued Instagram users who want a PC experience. As of now, there have been no official confirmations by Twitter, but the idea of a Twitter-exclusive photo sharing system seems interesting; although the market is currently saturated by Instagram, which can export images to other social networks, including Twitter. Legally, Facebook and Instagram may be able to take action against Twitter, depending on how similar their filtering system will be. This relates to eLifestyle and ICS20 because as social network users, we are always searching for ways to monetize our networks to one cohesive experience; another photo-sharing application seems arbitrary when there is already a capable system (Instagram.)
Brian Agas

Google TV Facebook page teases new announcement (Update: It's a new YouTube app) -- Eng... - 1 views

    I like this article because it shows how our cultures and technology is evolving. It shows how they made new tv's that can act as computers. On this new tv it has apps. You can access the internet on it. You can access social networks such as facebook, and you can check friends profiles, update your profile and many more. You can also watch videos on youtube on the youtube app that will be out in a few days. It will be easier than going to a desktop or a laptop.
Paul Constas

[Updated] NBA 2K13: What the Latest Reviews Are Saying | Bleacher Report - 0 views

    On October 2nd a new gaming experience was released. NBA 2k13 hit the shelves after its long awaited anticipation, but what separates this NBA game from all the others? simply everything has been improved. For example the soundtrack on NBA is produced by one of the greatest and richest rappers ever Jay-Z. Gaming wise it has improved the controls a lot by making it more realistic. They have also added lots of retro characters that were not there from before. It has included lots of historic teams and most importantly they have even improved the graphics form before. Overall this game has achieved high rating from Gamespot, Metacritic and many more. This game has lived up to all the hype and big expectations and i recommend that everybody gets this game because it is so BLESSED.
Stephanie Bortolin

YouTube Ranks Videos by Time-Watched - 0 views

    This article is about the ranks on YouTube videos. The Google-owned video-streaming platform is changing the way it ranks the results when you search something that you want to watch. It is looking to reward videos that receive the most watched time. Recently, YouTube added ''Time Watched'', so if you like to create videos, you can better evaluate the performance of your videos and channel. YouTube was already making moves in this direction, and back in August, it announced that it was updating it's discovery features with a view towards surfacing videos with the most time-spent on them, rather than the most clicks. The results is leading to bigger change, as it looks to keep people on it's videos for longer. This article can relate to many people because a lot of people upload videos to YouTube and even more watch videos on Youtube.
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