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Anthony Mirabile

Twitter Boosts Class Participation and Writing Skills Among Students : Counsel & Heal - 1 views

    As a social generation, we use various online 'social networks' to connect with others and share information (e.g. photos, text, videos.) But has anyone ever considered integrating one of these networks into a scholastic environment? This is exactly what Assistant professor of education at Michigan State University, Christina Greenhow has found in a recent study. While most say that social networks like Twitter are poisoning the minds of our youth, destroying their grammar and face-to-face skills, Greenhow finds that using Twitter in her class has allowed for more engaged students proven to attain higher grades. By integrating Twitter into some of the class' exercises, Greenhow was able to contextualize the material into something the students could relate to, "The students get more engaged because they feel it is connected to something real, that it's not just learning for the sake of learning." Twitter; something bored students would initially hide from teachers in class is now seeing some valid and practical applications in the classroom. This article relates to the tag "eLifestyle" because teachers are constantly trying to integrate web-based teaching into their classrooms in this constantly evolving technological age. This relates to ICS20 because we are one of the classes in the school on the forefront of technology, integrating web services such as Codeacademy, Diigo and even Twitter to enhance our learning experience. This article is not meant to give students excuses to wander off to Twitter during class, but to show teachers the validity in using a web-based social network to improve their teaching methods in the classroom.
    Love this post. I've been thinking about this stuff for a while, as in - how do I work twitter into class activity? Any ideas?
Nicked -

NoHomophobes Site Exposes Homophobic Tweets in Real-Time - 2 views

    Homophobic words have become increasingly integrated into casual speech, more than one would like to admit. This problem has been amplified substantially with the use of social networking sites, in particular, Twitter. The University of Alberta's Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services launched the website on September 26, 2012, and has been tracking tweets containing the words 'faggot,' 'so gay,' 'no homo,' and 'dyke' since July. The site displays the numbers in current, weekly, and all-time charts, and updates in real time. A live feed lists the tweets containing the phrases as well.  As of 1:23pm on October 22, 2012, the number of tweets with the word 'faggot' broke 10,000. It is disheartening to see how such a hurtful word could be used so nonchalantly during the day. Since July 5, 2012, there have been about 3.27 million 'faggot' tweets, 1.16 million 'so gay' and 'no homo' tweets, and over 450,000 'dyke' tweets. As the site header reads, "Homophobic language isn't always meant to be hurtful, but how often do we use it without thinking?" This article is tagged under eLifestyle because our generation uses social networking sites daily. Although people may use these phrases without harmful intentions, they are still there for everyone to see on the internet. It is a real eye-opener to watch the numbers rise so quickly, from just one social network. As students and future leaders, we must give extra thought to what we post, and who it might harm when we use these social networks.
jose valenzuela

Email Is More Popular Than Social Media [STUDY] - 0 views

    this article is about how email after the years is still popular, and is more popular then social media. It also shows the percent of how much internet one country uses. it also talks about how Google and Facebook want to replace the email system, and are trying to make the next evolution of email
Jason Strassler

Computer outperforms humans at detecting lies, by watching the speaker's eyes - 0 views

    This article explains how a program created by scientists from the University at Buffalo, can allow a computer to determine whether or not a person is telling the truth in a conversation, strictly by accessing the speaker's eye movements. I found this invention extremely interesting and as I kept reading, it turns out a computer with this program was able to correctly spot various lies with 82.5% accuracy, but a trained human interrogator only manages a success rate of about 65%. Somebody who dedicated their entire life to studying human psychology and has done years of hard work and training in this subject was outsmarted by a computer who can do the same effort and work but in a better performance. These scientists really put the time and effort into creating this software to work as efficiently and be most successful as possible so just by the computer looking at your eyes, more specifically the movement pattern and the rate of your blinking, it can identify if you are telling the truth or not. This is a prime example of how technology is evolving all around us and how we are using our knowledge to further programs and devices to help and assist us perform tasks, be successful, and happy living our everyday lives. 
Adrian Galope

The HTML5 Time Element Is Back and Better Than Ever | Webmonkey | - 1 views

    This article talks about HTML5. The HTML5 time element disappeared last year because HTML5 editor lan Hickson deleted it from the specification but the W3C,the group that oversees HTML5, added it back. The W3C didn't just add time back but they also improve it considerably. This article is related to our course because it is all about HTML that we are studying.

Online Courses And Advancing Your Career - Business Insider - 0 views

    Online courses are now being used by students in university. This allows them to study and complete work from their own home, but the question asked by most is if the online course investment is worth it, in terms of careers. Lou Adler, (a self proclaimed hiring expert) believes not so, because when you take an online course,classes require you presenting your skills to your employer. An online course is not the same as a sit down university course, because it does not provide you with the practical skills necessary. Someone taking an online course can still have an advantage over people who commute to university. e.g. submitting a project you did using your computer, easily, and using it in a job application. You can distinguish yourself from others, using computer generated projects, etc. Depending on what field you want to get into, online courses can be harmful or helpful.
Winnie Huang

Emoticons Are Reshaping Our Brains, We Now Process :-) As A Human Face - 0 views

    Because of social media and texting 24/7, our minds have become accustomed to emoticons and what they represent. For example, our brains now register the colon - dash - close - bracket as a real smiling face. This phenomenon has been studied by scientists and this break through is not only interesting but also dawns upon the fact of how people right now are beginning to be taken over by technology. If just seeing a few markings of type makes one remember a face, then what more weird things will we be able to connect with text to in the future? It's not just smiley faced emoticons people register as well - there are thousands of emoticons that people now understand are pictures that are smaller versions of a bigger idea such as, OTL representing a person kneeling in failure and even, (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻, to represent the action of flipping a table.
Alexandra Fank

HowStuffWorks "What is Computer Animation?" - 0 views

    There are two kinds of computer animation. There is computer-assisted and computer-generated animation. Computer-assisted animation is 2-D and can be done my hand. Computer-generated animation is 3D and cannot be done my hand. Using mathematical algorithms to make objects follow physical laws like gravity. Computer animation began in the 1960s and improved greatly from there. Examples of early computer animated movie would be Westworld(1973) And Tron(1982). I find this field very interesting and is something I would be interested in studying.Computer animators are the ones who use computer animation and put all the things together to make something very special. Computer animation is something we are looking at constantly in the movies, shows and video games we see everyday. 
Winnie Huang

Disruptions: Using Addictive Games to Build Better Brains - - 0 views

    Many people, especially children my age are addicted to simple games that are frustratingly amusing which makes them even more determined to play it over and over and over again. For example, Flappy Bird. I see so many people investing x amount of precious time into it, just to get a pixelated bird through the most tubes as possible. This usually results in a) anger and humiliation for not getting pass at least 1 tube b) zero attention payed during important class lectures c) less study time and failing courses. However to at least stop more people from failure, neurologists are trying to develop another addictive game for people to play which secretly builds up your brain via subliminal messaging. By knowing the foundation of the addictive power of a game and manipulating it, researchers aim to keep people interested while subconsciously giving them a stronger and healthier brain. This is something that can be really amazing because the mass majority who wastes time on silly games like Flappy Bird might actually be receivers of benefit - gaining knowledge and useful skills without even realizing it.

South Korean schools are remotely disabling students' smartphones | The Verge - 0 views

    Admit it, if you have a smartphone, you're probably glued to it. It goes everywhere with you, and you use it all the time, even in school, where it's a big distraction. In South Korea, the most wired country in the world, some schools are remotely disabling students smartphones in school via an app called iSmartKeeper. With the app, teachers can lock all the phones in the school, only allow emergency calls, only allow texts and calls, disable specific apps, and unlock the phone during breaks. The app also uses geofencing that puts the restrictions on the phones when the students enter the school premises. Parents are also provided with a management app that allows these restrictions to be put in place when their teens are doing their homework. In Seoul, the app has been trialed in 11 schools, and the results were mixed. Many students rooted their phones to avoid the restrictions, and the geofencing sometimes didn't leaving the phones to be locked after the students left school. This app is for Android only due to the popularity of local brands like Samsung, however, iOS users should beware, as an iOS version is coming next month.. I think some advantages are it minimizes distractions and encourages students to be more focused on their studies. However, it may anger many students initially. No word yet if the app will be available outside South Korea.
Robert Augustynowicz

Sun News : Smartphones causing havoc with the sleep of UK teenagers - 0 views

    A survey reviled that more than nine out of ten teenagers lose sleep because of their smartphones. They lose a few house checking their phone, texting, or watching videos. I find that these kinds of reports are really saddening. These kinds of diversions from everyday life and sleep can be devastating. Another study proved that about one out of ten people had a present sleep after using their electronics before going to sleep. This will probably cause a drop in grade averages and destroy the future of great nations. I myself had been doing this last year and found myself almost missing the bus and my grades slipping. Although technology is good like everything it must be used in moderation so we don't harm ourselves.
Pinhopes Job Site

Multitasking | Why it is not effective | Pinhopes - 0 views

    Multitasking often gives us the feeling of being productive, doing numerous things at once. But does it really works? Studies revealed multitasking can actually result in losing 20-30% of your productive time.
Andrew Lieou

10 Things Parents Should Know About Dredd | GeekDad | - 0 views

    This website article is for those who do not know what the movie Dredd is about, especially parents.  So here's the summary.  Dredd originated from the hand of John Wagner and his artist Carlos Ezquerra.  It's set in the future where nuclear fallout limits the population to live in Mega Cities.  The police in these cities are called Judges so that they are Judge, Jury and Executioner to save the hassle.  Parents would like this movie.  This movie is rated R/18 because of swearing, murder, drug use, sexual situations and blood.  The cast is amazing because they stay true to their roles.  The effects give you a very immerse experience.  The 3-D isn't really necessary but it absolutely mesmerizes you at certain points in the film.  This website article will answer most of your questions about the movie Dredd and if you still have questions then google it.
    Glad you have your first post out of the way. Now, have you seen the movie? I'm interested in your opinion. Furthermore, what are we tagging this under? What's the connection to what we study as a class?
vahanos needsnolastname

ABI: With 58% Market Share, Android Will Top iOS In Smartphone App Downloads This Year,... - 0 views

  • There are a number of ways to measure a mobile platform’s relative success, but if you’re looking at the number of mobile app downloads as the metric of choice, then the analysts at ABI Research have just predicted that Android will win it in 2013. According to the firm’s latest forecasts, 58 percent of smartphone app downloads this year will be Android apps, while iOS will come in at just 33 percent. But those numbers look very different when you include tablet app downloads in the forecast. ABI says that smartphone apps will be downloaded 56 billion times in 2013, and the majority of these will be either iOS or Android-based, reflecting the duopoly that still has the majority of smartphone market share worldwide. Earlier this year, ABI said that Google’s Android platform would take a 57 percent share of the global smartphone market this year, with iOS grabbing just around 21 percent. Combined, that 78 percent chunk was notably down from the 92 percent figure that competitor Strategy Analytics’ pegged in Q4 2012, though, hinting that there may be a little room for second-tier players. Though the numbers from rival houses tend to vary, what the firms can seem to agree on in general terms is that Android has a bigger piece of the overall smartphone market worldwide, and they’re expecting that trend to continue this year. Realistically, it’s probably too soon to call the numbers for 2013, given that China is still very much in play this year, as smartphone adoption is now surging in that country. Just this February, for example, China passed the U.S. to become the world’s top country for active Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. And Apple is certainly not ignoring China either, with CEO Tim Cook stating that China would become Apple’s most important market. There have been ongoing rumors of differently priced devices for China’s newest smartphone customers, and Apple recently added options that allow Chinese customers to buy Apple devices on credit. That being said, Android’s traction in the low-cost smartphone space can’t be discounted, either. However, ABI also predicts that Android’s gains will encourage more developers to go the Android-first route this year, and that’s not as likely a conclusion. Though Android may see more raw downloads due to its market share figures, studies show that Apple is still the revenue leader when it comes to how developers are monetizing their applications both as paid apps, as well as through in-app purchases, upgrades and virtual goods. It’s hard for new developers to make money as it is, so they’re still gravitating towards the Apple App Store when it comes to their revenue-generation efforts. ABI also says today that iOS has the lead in tablet app downloads – another reason why the Android-first predication seems a little shaky. Of the around 14 billion tablet apps it’s expecting in 2013, 75 percent will be for the iPad, with Android (excluding the Kindle Fire) accounting for just 17 percent. Amazon will see around 4 percent market share here, and Windows tablets will barely eke out 2 percent, the firm claims.
    andriod bets apple in the # of downloads that will happen this year. Almost 58 percent of downloads will be from andriod , and only 33 percent will be from apple. There are more peope downloading apps from andriod mainly because most of tier apps are free and thee apps that are the app store that usually cost mony are free on the andriod google store. China has the most andriod and apple users and most of the apps are downloaded from china. ABI says that apps will be downloaded 56 billion times in 2013. 2013 may be the yea forr apps as there are more andriod and apple user tosay to have the app store and play store open to them in the palm of ther hand.
Jillian Rago

Tablet Sales Expected to Reach 120 Million This Year [STUDY] - 0 views

    This article explains how the tablet is becoming increasingly popular and the sales have nearly doubled from last year. The tablet offers quite a lot of features and the design of it appeals to many people. If i had the money to get one, I would definitely buy a tablet. It is no doubt that Apple dominates with the sales of the tablet. The portablilty and the uniqueness of the tablet results in high sales. As more features begin to be added to the newer versions of the tablet the sales will also increase too
Rom Perez

Tablet Sales Expected to Reach 120 Million This Year [STUDY] - 0 views

    Approximately 119mill tablets will reach consumers around the world this year and last year up to 60 million. 73 million will be iPads 
jonathan molloy

2.5 Million Laptops Later, One Laptop Per Child Doesn't Improve Test Scores - 0 views

    This article is about a group called One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) who donated two million five hundred thousand laptops to schools in Africa. They found out that laptops does not help improve test results in math and english for these children. Even though the laptops were stored with two-hundred books and reading/writing lessons, the kids did not score more then others on tests. this relates to our class because we use laptops for our classes.
    This is extremely interesting to me because it shows that although technology is a great thing, it does not do the work for you.  it shows that 2.5million computers where given to people in Africa and their test scores did not improve that drastically.  this shows that if people want to learn they will, if they dont, they will not.  this relates to our class because we use computers daily
Jihae Jeon

Facebook Timeline Provides 46% Lift in Brand Page Engagement [STUDY] - 0 views

    This article talks about new program in Facebook called time line. Timeline is becoming famous among many people. However, some people are against this changes. this caused some marketers to wonder if migrating their brand to Facebook Timeline was worth the effort. there is a report that brands are getting an average of 46% more engagement with Timeline. Average Engagement per post and Fan Engagement Rate increased about 60% in total.   Most of the brands and their engagement post changed a lot after the timeline therefore it was worth for them to market their brands. This relates to our course because it talks about how our culture, store and even their marketing strategies are affected by the internet. 
Mary lou Paningbatan

Are Cellphones Officially Safe to Use or What? - 1 views

    You may think cellphones are harmless, but think again. Cellphones do emit radio frequency energy. The National Cancer Institute explains points on how to avoid this. You could use a hands-free kit and don't spend a long period of time on your phone near your head. This is especially for the people who spend a long time talking to someone on the phone. This has no link between having a cellphone and tumours in the brain or nervous system. Therefore, people who own phones should not take a long time when talking to somebody and when driving, use a bluetooth or put your phone on speaker. 
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