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Glenn Hervieux

What if Finland's great teachers taught in U.S. schools? - 4 views

    "Finland's Pasi Sahlberg is one of the world's leading experts on school reform and the author of the best-selling "Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn About Educational Change in Finland?" In this piece he writes about whether the emphasis that American school reformers put on "teacher effectiveness" is really the best approach to improving student achievement." This article brings forth some challenges to some of the things we assume in the U.S. that make for success in our schools. With the CCSS, this discussion becomes even more relevant.
Glenn Hervieux

Mrs. Malespina (somslibrary) on Pinterest - Librarian - 6 views

    Example of how a school librarian is using Pinterest to share resources with students and teachers in her middle school. Teachers, school counselors, students, etc. could use it in a similar way.

Is technology killing school? Should it? | Jeremy Harmer's Blog - 2 views

    An Summary of critiques of mitra's 'hole in the wall' experiment giving kids computers, and his conclusion that we no longer need schools.

Schools are doing Education 1.0; talking about doing Education 2.0; when they should be... - 0 views

    What the future of education can look like - schools are every where, teachers are every one.
Glenn Hervieux

Edu Change & Advocacy: Is High School Ready For A Major Makeover? Think 'Yes' In A Big Way - 2 views

    "As learners, we are sometimes challenged (not often enough fortunately) to think big.  We are able to ask the question 'what if' when looking at a challenge.  We are tasked with redesigning, recreating, reimagining or rethinking the entire thing.  Maybe these are more 22nd century ideas. Well, when it comes to our high school system and overall student experience, here are my suggestions:" (Get ready for some out of the box ideas)
Glenn Hervieux

Technology SAMR Model for Administrators - Part 1: Staff Presentations | Edutopia - 2 views

    "Throughout this series, I will focus on the Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR) model highlighting different tasks that school-based administrators may face during the school year. These tasks will be broken down and explained using the SAMR model in the following order: Part 1: Staff Presentations Part 2: Community Interaction Part 3: File Management Part 4: Classroom Evaluations Part 5: Staff Input"
Jon Bunch

A Synthesis of Scholarship in Multicultural Education - 0 views

    When planning for multicultural education in school programs, it is important to allow different conceptions of multicultural education to be expressed in the school decisionmaking process rather than to insist on one definition. Conceptions of multicultural education contain value beliefs and reflect the varying levels of understanding among people involved in the school decisionmaking process.
Glenn Hervieux

Mr. Robb's Math - Hundreds of Math Videos (High School Math) - 1 views

    "Mr. Robb's Math is a YouTube channel containing 555 videos produced by high school mathematics teacher Bradley Robb. Mr. Robb's videos explain and demonstrate solving problems in Algebra I, Algebra II, and Calculus. Most of the videos are recorded while Mr. Robb is teaching. You can find the videos on the Mr. Robb's Math YouTube channel or visit Mr. Robb's website WowMath to find the videos organized in sequence with accompanying screenshots."
Sheri Edwards

Innovation Design In Education - ASIDE: Haven't We Gone Too Far With Data - A High Scho... - 0 views

    Haven't We Gone Too Far With Data - A High School Senior's View Of The Common Core
Glenn Hervieux

For Each to Excel: Preparing Students to Learn Without Us - 2 views

  • In this era of access, personalizing learning means allowing students to choose their own paths through the curriculum. For schools and teachers, it means connecting our expectations to students' passions and interests as learners.
    Will Richardson explores this idea: "By pairing personalized learning and technology, a teacher can help students learn what they need to learn through the topics that interest them most." How does "personal learning" fit into the structures we have in school learning environments? 
Glenn Hervieux

Learn Touch Typing Free - TypingClub - 2 views

    "This online program will assist you with learning and improving your typing speed!" - check out this program for your class/school. Free and inexpensive paid versions.
    "This online program will assist you with learning and improving your typing speed!" - check out this program for your class/school. Free and inexpensive paid versions.

Open Source Life: How the open movement will change everything - Lifehack - 6 views

    Lifehack article on how "open source" idea could change lots of things beyond software, including schools, governments, corporations, and more.
Glenn Hervieux

TC Reading and Writing Project's Videos on Vimeo - 0 views

    39 Instructional videos on K-8 pathways to the CC Standards. What do you think of the approach these teachers are taking? How can they help you in your transition to the CCore? Some practices here are applicable to high school, as well. 
Glenn Hervieux

CUE Conference Keynote: Common Core - Transforming Teaching & Learning | Catlin Tucker,... - 1 views

    Katlin Tucker, a dynamic high school teacher presents her approach-pedagogy-instructional strategies to transform teaching and learning. She demonstrates ways she helps engage students and grow skills in several areas, including communication, comprehension & critique, collaboration, content knowledge, etc. A couple of her main tools include Collaborize Classroom and Google Docs. 
Glenn Hervieux

Alice in WonderTech: How Common Core Will Propel Schools into the 21st Century - 1 views

    An award-winning English teacher and tech. coach/trainer, Alice shows how the CCSS recognizes the importance of technology in the classroom and gives specific ideas for meeting a number of standards. Definitely worth checking out!
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