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Glenn Hervieux

Five Characteristics of Learner-Centered Teaching | Faculty Focus - 4 views

    On the Teaching Professor blog, the author starts with: "In May I finished a second edition of my Learner-Centered Teaching book. Revising it gave me the chance to revisit my thinking about the topic and look at work done since publication of the first edition ten years ago. It is a subject about which there is still considerable interest." And that it is. Check out the five characteristics of Learner-Centered Teaching helped me to think about my own thoughts of Learner-Centered engagement as a Tech. Coordinator who loves teachers and teaching.

COOL FISh… - 1 views

  • We are experimenting with an alternative learning design to engage learners who are perhaps not networked learners yet. We would like to utilise their curiosity to learn through creating opportunities for contextualised collaborative enquiries.
    So well said ! "We are experimenting with an alternative learning design to engage learners who are perhaps not networked learners yet. We would like to utilise their curiosity to learn through creating opportunities for contextualised collaborative enquiries. "
Glenn Hervieux

The Basics of Self-Directed Learning for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile L... - 4 views

    Concise definition of self-directed learning, six bullet points, and a nice infographic of self-directed learning. An important point mentioned: "One of the misconception about self-directed learning is that learners learn in complete isolation from others while in fact the core idea behind SDL is that learning is driven by intrinsic motivational factors  stemming from the learners own desire to learn and drive his/her learning experience beginning with recognizing a need to learn."
Glenn Hervieux

Class Evaluations: Ask Your Students How You're Doing by @CTuckerEnglish - TeacherCast ... - 4 views

    Nice example of how to use Google Forms to capture information by students on how they perceive different aspects of your courses. Class evaluations shouldn't be something to fear, but welcomed as a lifelong learner. Give students a voice into your reflection process.
Glenn Hervieux

How to Get Hesitant Teachers to Use Technology - 8 views

    Some great points at how to view engaging teachers who may be hesitant learners/implementers of technology. It may help you get into their thought processes and understand their unique needs in a respectful way. 
Glenn Hervieux

7 Tips to Increase Your Blog Comments | Social Media Examiner - 2 views

    Practical tips on how to increase blog comments & the interaction you are looking for as a learner.
    Quad blogging is also another way to ensure an audience for your blog. We have had great success organizing ourselves into quads over at #edcmooc. I mentioned it in #etmooc, but no takers yet.

The Challenges to Connectivist Learning on Open Online Networks: Learning Experiences d... - 1 views

    Self-directed learning on open online networks is now a possibility as communication and resources can be combined to create learning environments. But is it really? There are some challenges that might prevent learners from having a quality learning experience. This paper raises questions on levels of learner autonomy, presence, and critical literacies required in active connectivist learning.

A MOOC Delusion: Why Visions to Educate the World Are Absurd - 0 views

    ...scholars of international education have always warned against "a one-way transfer of educational materials from the rich north to the poor south will amount to a wave of 'intellectual neo-colonialism.'" But, again, because the MOOC movement is dominated by providers eyeing the world "market" for education, whatever they proclaim to be their motive, their attempts to make MOOCs "accessible" to international learners goes to show that they are either ignorant or unwilling to acknowledge geopolitical dynamics that shape learning experience on a global scale.
Glenn Hervieux

Content, Collaboration and Curation… - 5 views

    Kirsten Wilson (@teachwiki) shares how social media has provided the platform for educators (& others) to share, collaborate, & communicate, moving us from just being social to a community of learners. Curation is an important part of that process. She shares apps she uses to collect and share with others. I like how she includes several good questions to consider in the process.
Sheri Edwards

MOOCifying K-12: Relationships, Collaboration, Risk-Taking | Open Education | HYBRID PE... - 0 views

  • Over the last year, high school learners (in the K-12 MOOCs I've designed) have identified that credit, content, and marks are not the only ways to learn. Instead, a networked, collaborative community that emphasizes learner choice and digital identity is essential to high school student engagement. The experiences of participants demonstrates that the pedagogy and the learning architecture is key in promoting open learning.
Glenn Hervieux

The Research Process - 4 views

    Does your research teaching embrace the 21st century learner? This blog post has great information/lessons on strategies for helping students curate (finding/evaluating/managing) information.
Glenn Hervieux

Edu Change & Advocacy: Is High School Ready For A Major Makeover? Think 'Yes' In A Big Way - 2 views

    "As learners, we are sometimes challenged (not often enough fortunately) to think big.  We are able to ask the question 'what if' when looking at a challenge.  We are tasked with redesigning, recreating, reimagining or rethinking the entire thing.  Maybe these are more 22nd century ideas. Well, when it comes to our high school system and overall student experience, here are my suggestions:" (Get ready for some out of the box ideas)
Glenn Hervieux

Using Pre-Needs Assessment for Effective PD | Edutopia - 2 views

    "I've had the pleasure to deliver and be part of countless sessions and workshops, and I can tell you from first-hand experience that there is nothing worse than a presenter who doesn't know his or her audience. Adult learners carry with them a very diverse set of skills and needs. To prepare a one-size-fits-all (or most) session does everyone a disservice. Whether you work in a district as an instructional support staff or you provide ancillary development as a contractor, the three tools and tactics featured in this post will provide an effective means to gauge the needs of your audience and chart your course to effectively support them."
Jon Bunch

Multicultural Affairs - 0 views

    The Office of Multicultural Affairs is committed to enabling all students, both at CCS and in the greater Detroit community, to be successful in the arts through the promotion of inclusion, diversity, and support. Multicultural Affairs helps to create a culturally rich learning environment where students can excel as active learners and artists.
Glenn Hervieux

For Each to Excel: Preparing Students to Learn Without Us - 2 views

  • In this era of access, personalizing learning means allowing students to choose their own paths through the curriculum. For schools and teachers, it means connecting our expectations to students' passions and interests as learners.
    Will Richardson explores this idea: "By pairing personalized learning and technology, a teacher can help students learn what they need to learn through the topics that interest them most." How does "personal learning" fit into the structures we have in school learning environments? 
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