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Glenn Hervieux

Establishing A Growth Mindset As A Teacher: 9 Affirming Statements - 3 views

    Terry Heick, Curriculum Director, etc. wrote this short blog post with a nice graphic aimed at helping us look at self-talk that encourages a "Growth Mindset." I like this statement in the post: "While teachers are constantly admonished to change, there is very little dialogue as to what that kind of change looks like, exactly how to go about making that sort of change in the face of local expectations, and maybe most critically, what kind of "internal coaching" a teacher might start with to establish the kind of thinking position of mindset that promotes fluid change."
Ian Guest

Digital Resilience in Higher Education - 4 views

    "Higher education institutions face a number of opportunities and challenges as the result of the digital revolution. The institutions perform a number of scholarship functions which can be affected by new technologies, and the desire is to retain these functions where appropriate, whilst the form they take may change. Much of the reaction to technological change comes from those with a vested interest in either wholesale change or maintaining the status quo. "

Open Source Life: How the open movement will change everything - Lifehack - 6 views

    Lifehack article on how "open source" idea could change lots of things beyond software, including schools, governments, corporations, and more.

Designing MOOCs | Learning in the workplace - 6 views

    A blog post talking about a research study of self-regulated learning in the Change11 cMOOC, and linking to earlier post with initial findings from the study (no final results yet).

The Questions that Won't Go Away | Connected Principals - 1 views

Glenn Hervieux

What if Finland's great teachers taught in U.S. schools? - 4 views

    "Finland's Pasi Sahlberg is one of the world's leading experts on school reform and the author of the best-selling "Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn About Educational Change in Finland?" In this piece he writes about whether the emphasis that American school reformers put on "teacher effectiveness" is really the best approach to improving student achievement." This article brings forth some challenges to some of the things we assume in the U.S. that make for success in our schools. With the CCSS, this discussion becomes even more relevant.
Alec Couros

How Twitter Changed Everything | The Learning Principal - 4 views

    Good piece on the importance of Twitter on ProD for admin
Glenn Hervieux

Poetica - Edit Documents Online as if You Were Writing on Paper - 1 views

    "Poetica is a neat new service for collaborative editing of documents. The best feature of Poetica is its similarity to writing on a paper document. While reading a document you can click on any word or space between words to insert a line drawn to the margin where you write your comment. Clicking on a word or space also allows you to simply insert a suggested word above the line. If you want to suggest a change for an entire sentence you can highlight it and insert a drawn line to the margins where you can write your suggestions. Your suggestions are written in blue while your corrections are written in red." Supports imports of .docs, .pdfs, .rtf files.- definitely want to use this as a tool with Chromebooks
christopher ciechoski

Why a knowledge of how to analyse data is essential in the curriculum « Malco... - 3 views

  • My point is to agree with Arthur Benjamin that we now live in a world where there is a mass of available data. We are bombarded with statistics all the time.
  • More importantly the ability to read data and use data has become an essential part of everybody’s lives.
  • This all seems to me to point to the fact that we must teach data collection, presentation and most importantly interpretation to children as a key part of their mathematical education. Data is about real world problems and that is the things that we should be presenting to our children if they are to make sense of their ever changing digital world.
    Great read and video for that Wednesday Slump in Data!
Alec Couros

The Cynefin Framework - YouTube - 1 views

    Explanation of the Cynefin framework  by Dave Snowden.

Stop polarising the MOOCs debate - University World News - 3 views

  • And thus – for MOOC lovers and MOOCs haters alike – an important rhetorical point we should all be emphasising, in every conversation: in the complex, changing world in which we live, advanced learning is necessary. Not a luxury. It deserves the public support of other necessities. Advanced education is far too important to price out of the market for all but the global 1%.
  • If the question is, "is higher education worth it?" we know from the massive enrolment in online courses that the answer is a resounding "yes". It is also significant that world history courses are enrolling as many students as Python's open source software. People want higher learning.
    The academic conversation on MOOCs is starting to polarise in exactly the talking-past-one-another way that so many complex conversations evolve: with very smart points on either side, but not a lot of recognition that the validity of certain key points on one side does not undermine the validity of certain key points on the other. I regret this flattening of online learning into a simple binary of 'politically and financially motivated greed' on the one hand and 'an opportunity to find out more about learning' on the other. Some of both in different situations can be true.
wayupnorth - 1 views

  • The right to own one’s personal data and intellectual property Students also have the right to create and own intellectual property and data associated with their participation in online courses.
    • wayupnorth
      A lot of my data - chats and forum postings have passed beyond my reach after an online course closed. What are some things I can start doing while Institutions are still not willing to change access policies? How much of another's forum posting is legitimate for me to copy to my own space so I have the context?
    • carol yeager
      One school in Maryland has decided it owns ALL student work; faculty work, as well. In what ways can we make sure this concept does not spread? What is the difference of ownership when state or federal funds are involved? when private funding is primary? Does public funding create the potential for open resources and sharing of personal date in the eyes of the institution; in the yes of others? in the eyes of the creator of the materials? How can we take ownership of our data. In days gone by, another "hard copy" placed in a personal "folder" was the answer. Today, our computer "folders" are no longer personal and may be accessed by companies, government agencies and hackers. Do we really have the rights to our own digital identity and intellectual property in the digital age? If so, what are some of the ways we can protect these elements? Long post with no concrete answers ... thanks for jump starting the thought processes!
Alec Couros

$1.99 iPhone app saved Oscars film - Video - Technology - 2 views

    Interesting article how a $1.99 app was used to finish an Oscar-nominated film.
Glenn Hervieux

Edu Change & Advocacy: Let's Transform Education By Focusing on Tranformation - 0 views

    "What Is Transformational In Your Educational Vision?      Part of the challenge in educational reform is that not everyone defines learning or education the same way.  Sure, we all refer to things such as literacy, college and career ready, 21st century skills, etc.        However, what is the core purpose of one's education?  Beyond specifics related to employment skills, literacy skills and standards mastery, I offer up this idea: Education is meant to transform one's life.  In other words, education has to dramatically, or even radically, transform the person into a new, improved person that is more emotionally, socially, and intellectually ready for any challenge the world has to offer."
Glenn Hervieux

Edu Change & Advocacy: Is High School Ready For A Major Makeover? Think 'Yes' In A Big Way - 2 views

    "As learners, we are sometimes challenged (not often enough fortunately) to think big.  We are able to ask the question 'what if' when looking at a challenge.  We are tasked with redesigning, recreating, reimagining or rethinking the entire thing.  Maybe these are more 22nd century ideas. Well, when it comes to our high school system and overall student experience, here are my suggestions:" (Get ready for some out of the box ideas)
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