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christopher ciechoski

Why a knowledge of how to analyse data is essential in the curriculum « Malco... - 3 views

  • My point is to agree with Arthur Benjamin that we now live in a world where there is a mass of available data. We are bombarded with statistics all the time.
  • More importantly the ability to read data and use data has become an essential part of everybody’s lives.
  • This all seems to me to point to the fact that we must teach data collection, presentation and most importantly interpretation to children as a key part of their mathematical education. Data is about real world problems and that is the things that we should be presenting to our children if they are to make sense of their ever changing digital world.
    Great read and video for that Wednesday Slump in Data!
Glenn Hervieux

What's the Big Idea? | Teaching Philosophy through feature film clips - 0 views

    Whether or not you realize it, you probably have philosophical discussions with your students. But if you use the term "Philosophy", it would probably be met with blank stares. This website, developed by a college philosophy professor, provides an easy to understand, engaging introduction to philosophy for middle schoolers using FILM. I think it could also be used with high school students and used as a tool for how students could engage each other in a variety of discussions across the curriculum.
Glenn Hervieux

Maker Studio - STEM Curriculum Resources by Dr. Wesley Fryer - 1 views

    Includes a great section on Green Screen movie making, along with other great STEM curriculum resources.

Project Look Sharp :: K-12 & Higher Ed. Media Literacy Lesson Plans :: Ithaca College - 0 views

    We used Project Look Sharp resources to develop our K-8 media literacy/digital literacy/digital citzenship curriculum.
Glenn Hervieux

Lesson | Who Are You Online? Considering Issues of Web Identity - - 8 views

    "NY Times writers collaborated with the Common Sense Media writer Kelly Schryver to focus on the increasingly important and nuanced question "Who Are You Online?" Times and Learning Network content as well as offerings from Common Sense Media's K-12 Digital Literacy and Citizenship curriculum for teaching and learning about this complex issue." Lots of avenues to take this material in working with students.
Glenn Hervieux

Blended Learning - Denver Public Schools - 2 views

    Innovative use of blended learning, using a  rotating centers approach: Teacher instruction, Group work, Technology group. They are able to do more differentiated instruction within this model and looks like they're using some digital curriculum or an LMS. 
Glenn Hervieux

The California Open Campus Initiative :: CUE Video Collection - 0 views

    Great presentation on the place/value of blended/online learning & the CA Open Campus Initiative. The Initiative was Federally-funded to develop the curriculum which is shared to schools that want to use it. Embedded in the HaikuLMS. 
Glenn Hervieux

Establishing A Growth Mindset As A Teacher: 9 Affirming Statements - 3 views

    Terry Heick, Curriculum Director, etc. wrote this short blog post with a nice graphic aimed at helping us look at self-talk that encourages a "Growth Mindset." I like this statement in the post: "While teachers are constantly admonished to change, there is very little dialogue as to what that kind of change looks like, exactly how to go about making that sort of change in the face of local expectations, and maybe most critically, what kind of "internal coaching" a teacher might start with to establish the kind of thinking position of mindset that promotes fluid change."
Jon Bunch


    This site shows the many benefits of multicultural education and how this is essential for our culture and society. Microcultures are discussed as well as a conceptual framework of a global perspective on multicultural education. One of major themes in this site is the need for curriculum updates to better educate today's and future students. Goals such as increasing awareness, combating prejudices, and instilling core values are elaborated upon in great detail as well.
Glenn Hervieux

For Each to Excel: Preparing Students to Learn Without Us - 2 views

  • In this era of access, personalizing learning means allowing students to choose their own paths through the curriculum. For schools and teachers, it means connecting our expectations to students' passions and interests as learners.
    Will Richardson explores this idea: "By pairing personalized learning and technology, a teacher can help students learn what they need to learn through the topics that interest them most." How does "personal learning" fit into the structures we have in school learning environments? 
Glenn Hervieux

After 12 Years of Teaching Writing…an Epiphany! | Catlin Tucker, Honors Engli... - 3 views

    "I've been teaching students how to write for 12 years, but this week I had a realization that made me question the purpose of writing in school." Catlin Tucker brings up some important points to consider in the writing process and her own process as a teacher.
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